About the Author
Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj ( "Batman-ge-lij" ー who did not wish to be licensed for "practice of pharmaceutically oriented and invasive medicine in the U.S.") received formal medical training at St. mary'd Hospital Medical School (London University). He research into the phenomenon of pain and water metabolism of the human body has dictated a paradigm change in the basic understanding of science applied to the practice of medicine. His views are published in scientific journals. The underlying principles of the recommendations in his treatment procedures are the most current knowledge of anatomy and the science of physiology.
Since a highly significant and basic paradigm change is the practice of medicine, in the face of very stiff commercial and professional resistance, will be difficult to institute unless there is a concurrent public educational program to force the change, it has become necessary to begin a highly coordinated public awareness program. The author believes: " To end major diseases in earth within two decades is now a possibility. A paradigm change in the science of medicine will do it, but the public must demand the change. the time to act is now." - 1991, F. Batmanghelidj.
For production of educational materials for public, under legal advisement, it became necessary to establish Global Health Solutions Inc.*, a legally independent enterprise. This self-treatment manual, How to Deal Simply with Back Pain & Rheumatoid Joint Pain, and the videotape How to Deal with Back Pain are the first of these educational products.
*NOTE: About Us: Global Health Solutions
Global Health Solutions, GHS, a worldwide publishing house, founded and developed by F. Batmagnhelidj, M.D., the world's foremost medical researcher on the medical properties of water, is a center of education for those who prefer to adhere to the logic of the natural and the simple in medicine.
GHS is dedicated to spreading the information of new science in medicine and promoting the public awareness of the hidden wonders of natural, simple, pure water in improving the public health and well-being.
GHS publishes Dr. F. Batmanghelidj¡'s pioneering work on dehydration that identifies different health problems caused by persistent dehydration of the human body - a totally different perspective to the cause and cure of many human diseases until now thought to be incurable.
Dr. B's two decades of research revealed a simple truth that unintentional chronic dehydration can cause diseases; it also demonstrated that many of the chronic degenerative diseases are preventable, and some of them can even be cured by increasing daily water intake. Dr. B's groundbreaking work provides new knowledge and new possibilities for improving and maintaining good health that the public need and deserve to know.
GHS is proud to be the publisher of all of Dr. B's six books in the series of You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty, as well as some of his most informative and inspiring public lectures and seminars in audio-visual formats.
GHS is committed to fulfilling Dr. B's mission - a mission to educate the public about the truth of dehydration so that we will not become unnecessarily over-drugged; to promote the public awareness of the healing powers of water so that we can become healers of our own bodies; to transform the expensive sick-care system so that we can have a more nature-friendly, people-friendly health care system.
How to Deal with Back Pain and Rheumatoid Joint Pain is a practical manual based on the author's many years of research and numerous clinical observations. The book introduces a new medical technology to treat and prevent back pain and rheumatoid joint pain.
* Learn the vital information on the mechanics behind your spinal column, the role of the disc and its needs for water.
* Learn the simple body movement that will promote fluid circulation in the disc spaces that will result in relief of the back pain and sciatic pain.
* It is simple, safe and inexpensive.
Don't hate yourself for missing out on this information.
The Cell
Let us take a look at the most basic life-generating element in the human body, the cell. The cell is surrounded by a very thin outer "skin" or membrane that protects it from being flooded by unregulated entry of water, salt, sugar, fats and many other elements that constitute the serum solution that is outside the cell wall.
Since the cell is constantly bathed in serum solution, it regulates its intake and output by means of many, many small pumping units. Fluid inside the cells should be neutral, neither too acidic nor too alkaline; it has a pH of 7.4 under normal circumstance. The way this neutral pH maintained is very simple : the cation (cat-i-on) pumps constantly pump out hydrogen ion, which is the acid substance not used by the cell. The entire human body ー nerve tissue, bone, cartilage, ligament, muscle, blood, brain, you name it ー is made up of these tiny cells, each performing this regulation of intake and output of elements to maintain function. Each cell is just like an underwater city, with canal systems and waterways; outside of it, arteries and veins are its highways.
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