(Rheumatoid Arthritis)
When any of your joints ー the vertebral joints, the joints of the fingers and the hand, or even the knee and the ankle joints ー begin to signal aching pains that come and go, and every time these pains stay longer, the first thought that should occur to you is: "My body is severely short of water." This initial assumption is a "cardinal must." My published clinical and scientific research show that chronic pains of the body are indicators of chronic dehydration.
We lose our thirst sensation at a steady rate from the age of 20 onward. As a result, our bodies becomes chronically dehydrated without being able to recognize the gradually increasing water shortage.
The human body has no water storage system to draw on in times of need. If the body needs to shift water for a particular function, initially it draws the water volume that is inside the cells. Any pure water that you drink will also try to get into the cells. That is to say, it leaves the blood circulation and gradually works its way into the cells.
There is a predetermined pattern for priority distribution of the available water to the essential organs of the body.
1.The liver takes priority; all the food and water intake of the human body's is initially processed through the liver. ⬃

2.The brain ⇩, which is more or less 1/50th of the human body weight in an average-sized person, receives between 18 and 20 percent of the total circulation that is fully oxygenated.
3. The lungs receive 100 percent of the unoxygenated blood that also contains 100 percent of the concentrated of the food and water supply that has passed through the liver. When the body is short of water, the blood that goes through the lungs is highly concentrated.
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