What materials are conductive? It’s a good question to ask if you want to know how to practice earthing besides walking around outside in your bare feet. Take a look below at a list of both conductive and non-conductive materials to help you better plan how you will maximize your grounding time. It is our hope that after reviewing this list, you will better know what to wear, what to touch and where to stand to help you practice earthing throughout your day.
YES Conductive!
Leather is conductive so it is good to wear leather soled shoes. It is even more conductive when moist so if your feet sweat a little in your shoes, it’s a good thing. Leather shoes allow grounding after they have been worn long enough to absorb moisture from the environment. Conductivity of the leather increases with wear, as the shoes absorb more moisture over time.
Copper is conductive which is why some earthing shoes have copper dots or plates, in the soles, to allow you to connect to the earth while wearing them.
Skin is especially conductive, right in the middle of the ball of your foot, as it connects to your whole body. This is why earthing is most effective by electron transfer through your feet.
Metal materials will allow electron transfer to flow. Earthing devices often use silver or carbon as a conductive agent because they are strong and last over time.
Concrete is moist and if poured directly onto the earth, can be used as a reasonable substitute to walking directly on the earth.
Beaches are great for conductivity because everyone walks barefoot on the beach!
Water is conductive and works quite well as our bodies are made up primarily of water, so it makes for a good connection.
Clothing made of cotton, wool or any natural fibre is conductive. Make sure it’s not too thick and your skin will still be able to connect to the earth.
Socks are conductive as feet naturally sweat. Silver lined socks are especially great for connectivity.
Blankets made of cotton, wool or any natural fibre will also allow earthing to take place.
Trees are living and connected to the earth so if you are touching a tree grounding can occur.
Vehicles can be considered conductive because they are made of metal so by using a conductive auto pad you can achieve earthing while driving.
Grass is especially conductive when it’s moist.
Dirt is of course conductive as it is the earth! So go on and get dirty! Play in the mud, work in the garden. The messier the better!
NO Not Conductive!
Pavement is not conductive so if you live in the city you’ve got to get to a nearby park!
Wood, once cut from the living tree, is no longer conductive so living in a stick frame house doesn’t allow you to practice earthing.
Plastic is also not a suitable substance for earthing so flip flops, most deck furniture and many other items are not conductive.
Rubber boots or soled shoes do not allow electrons to permeate through. There are specially made earthing shoes such as Pluggz that have black carbon and rubber targeted centre which are actually made to be conductive.
Sealer or painted concrete are non-conductive as the electrons don’t pass through the sealer or paint very well.
Synthetic Materials
Any synthetic material will not be conductive which rules out most common footwear such as running shoes, dress shoes, work boots etc.
Insulated Materials
Any insulated materials such as foam, glass, porcelain work the complete opposite as conductors.
With a better idea of what materials are conductive, you can begin to practice earthing on purpose today. Start with a pair of Pluggz shoes or natural earthing moccasins. If you cannot change your footwear try grounding pads, blanket or earthing bedding. The Earthing Store has a complete line of copper dot plated footwear as well as leather soled moccasins that are designed with earthing in mind. We have sandals and shoes for men, women and children so visit one of our product pages today for a great deal on some earthing footwear. You won’t be disappointed as we have great selection, remarkable prices, friendly service and fast shipping.
• Koniver, Laura MD. The Top 3 Earthing FAQ’s. Intuition Physician, 15 Oct. 2012. Web. 29 Sept. 2014. http://www.intuition-physician.com/grounding-faqs/.
• Mercola, Joseph MD. Caution: Wearing These Can Sabotage Your Health. Mercola.com Take Control of Your Health. 29 Apr. 2012. Web. 29 Sept. 2014.
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/04/29/james-oschman-on-earthing.aspx. Ober, Clint. Earthing FAQs. Unikey • Heatlh Quality Nutritional Supplements. Web. 29 Sept. 2014. http://www.unikeyhealth.com/Earthing_FAQs.
• Ober, Clint, Stephen T. Sinatra and Martin Zucker. Earthing. The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? Laguna Beach: Basic Health Publications, Inc., 2010. Print.
For a more traditional Earthing shoes, some choose to wear real leather moccasins as a way of avoiding wearing something with a carbon sole or plug. Want to learn more about how leather sole moccasins can work as Earthing shoes? More specifically, read on to find out how oil tan leather works ideally as a sole for an outdoor Grounding shoe.

When you wear natural leather sole shoes the moisture surrounding the leather from the ground and your feet makes the material conductive. This conductivity allows the Earth's electrons to flow through to your feet and neutralize the free radicals within your body. This phenomenon is known as Earthing. Most moccasins have a synthetic insole which prevents this transfer from occurring. However, genuine leather moccasins feature no synthetic materials, only real leather soles. Therefore natural moccasins are conductive and make the perfect, most comfortable Earthing shoes when walking on the Earth's surface.
Authentic, Grounding moccasins in particular, have an extremely thick, durable and tough, oil tan, chromexcel sole, which makes them more durable than most soft sole moccasin style slippers. Moccasins with an oil tan sole have been custom manufactured specifically for those feet that would like to practice Earthing and also benefit from real leather moccasins that will last a long time. All of our oil tan, Earthing moccasin shoes are made with two layers of leather, the outer layer being the thick and heavy grade, oil tan leather making them extra durable and perfect for enjoying Grounding outdoors. If ever our real leather moccasins seem a little stiff when you first wear them, the leather will soften and become more flexible and mould to your feet as you break them in.
We have a couple styles of oil tan Earthing moccasins for both men and women hand sewn by Canada's top moccasin vendors, Bastien Industries and Laurentian Chief. We carry only the best in Earthing footwear so we aim to offer you the best customer service with an overall exceptional online shopping experience. We have a safe and secure checkout with competitive pricing. Enjoy free shipping this summer on orders over $100. We care about helping you practice Grounding this summer so don't hesitate to try a pair of high quality, naturally oil tan leather moccasins, today.

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