Learn Lajin in One Minute — Safe and Effective DIY Lajin Methods
1. Lajin in reclining position
This position is by far the safest and provides the most comprehensive efficacies. A customized Lajin bench is recommended, but chairs can be used as an alternative. You are advised to coordinate your breathing and stretch your arms as much as you can. This is particularly effective for sagging breasts and overweight females.

This position is by far the safest and provides the most comprehensive efficacies. A customized Lajin bench is recommended, but chairs can be used as an alternative. You are advised to coordinate your breathing and stretch your arms as much as you can. This is particularly effective for sagging breasts and overweight females.
(Using a Lajin bench) (Using chairs as an alternative)
[Lajin Method]
🔹If you are using chairs, place two chairs side by side, with the side of one chair against the wall. (see picture above↗)
◆ Lie down on your back, put the arms straight behind your head and keep them flat on the bench.
🔹If you are using chairs, place two chairs side by side, with the side of one chair against the wall. (see picture above↗)
◆ Lie down on your back, put the arms straight behind your head and keep them flat on the bench.
◆Place the right leg up against the pole, while the left leg bends down as much as possible to touch
the ground.
◆ Press your buttock against the pole and keep the raised leg flat agains t the pole.
◆ Avoid legs moving outward. Move the inner thighs closer together to increas e intensity.
◆ Maintain this position for 10-40 minutes, and then switch your legs.
☆For best efficacy, practice it daily.
2. Lajin in standing position
This can be easily done at home or in the office. It is known to greatly alleviate frozen shoulder and chronic neck and shoulder pain for those who spend long hours deskbound and hunched.
[Lajin Method]

◆Stand in a doorframe, raise both arms to hold the doorframe on both sides, and stretch your arms as much as possible.
◆Place one foot forward to do a bow step, and place the other foot behind to straighten it as much as possible.
◆Keep your upper body parallel to the
doorframe, raise your head and keep your eyes looking straight ahead.
◆ Maintain this position for 5-8 minutes, and then switch your legs.
☆For best efficacy, practice it daily.
3. Lajin in horizontal position
This is a supplementary method to Lajin in reclining position. You can either do it on your own, or, for greater intensity and efficacy, ask someone to press one leg and move the other sideways till you can no longer tolerate the pain. Stay for some time, and then switch your legs.

1. (On the ground) ..... 2. (On a bed)
[Lajin Methods]
1. Lie in a bed or on the ground, and stretch both legs sideways in opposite directions. Maintain this position for 10 minutes or more.
2. Or, place a bed against a wall and lie in the bed. Raise and press both legs against the wall. Place the buttocks against the wall and stretch both legs sideways in opposite directions, like a “Y”.
☆For best efficacy, practice it daily.
4. Neck Lajin position
This method is suitable for self healing neck, shoulder and back pains.

◆ Press your buttock against the pole and keep the raised leg flat agains t the pole.
◆ Avoid legs moving outward. Move the inner thighs closer together to increas e intensity.
◆ Maintain this position for 10-40 minutes, and then switch your legs.
☆For best efficacy, practice it daily.
2. Lajin in standing position
This can be easily done at home or in the office. It is known to greatly alleviate frozen shoulder and chronic neck and shoulder pain for those who spend long hours deskbound and hunched.
[Lajin Method]
◆Stand in a doorframe, raise both arms to hold the doorframe on both sides, and stretch your arms as much as possible.
◆Place one foot forward to do a bow step, and place the other foot behind to straighten it as much as possible.
◆Keep your upper body parallel to the
doorframe, raise your head and keep your eyes looking straight ahead.
◆ Maintain this position for 5-8 minutes, and then switch your legs.
☆For best efficacy, practice it daily.
3. Lajin in horizontal position
This is a supplementary method to Lajin in reclining position. You can either do it on your own, or, for greater intensity and efficacy, ask someone to press one leg and move the other sideways till you can no longer tolerate the pain. Stay for some time, and then switch your legs.
1. (On the ground) ..... 2. (On a bed)
[Lajin Methods]
1. Lie in a bed or on the ground, and stretch both legs sideways in opposite directions. Maintain this position for 10 minutes or more.
2. Or, place a bed against a wall and lie in the bed. Raise and press both legs against the wall. Place the buttocks against the wall and stretch both legs sideways in opposite directions, like a “Y”.
☆For best efficacy, practice it daily.
4. Neck Lajin position
This method is suitable for self healing neck, shoulder and back pains.
1. (On chairs or a Lajin bench)
2.(On a bed)
[Lajin Methods]
1. Lie face up on a bed, a Lajin bench or chairs, move your head off the edge and let it hang down naturally, put your arms behind your head and stretch as much as possible. Maintain this position for three minutes or more.
2. Remove pillow when you sleep, whether you sleep on your back or on your side. Initially it may make you feel uncomfortable, keep it for a few days and you will get more accustomed to it.
☆For best efficacy, practice it daily.
5. Lajin in squatting position
This is by far the oldest Lajin method. Simply squat down in a posture similar to when you’re using a squat toilet.
For some people, this could be quite a challenge in the beginning. Regular practice will eventually help these people squat down with their feet firmly on the ground.

2.(On a bed)
[Lajin Methods]
1. Lie face up on a bed, a Lajin bench or chairs, move your head off the edge and let it hang down naturally, put your arms behind your head and stretch as much as possible. Maintain this position for three minutes or more.
2. Remove pillow when you sleep, whether you sleep on your back or on your side. Initially it may make you feel uncomfortable, keep it for a few days and you will get more accustomed to it.
☆For best efficacy, practice it daily.
5. Lajin in squatting position
This is by far the oldest Lajin method. Simply squat down in a posture similar to when you’re using a squat toilet.
For some people, this could be quite a challenge in the beginning. Regular practice will eventually help these people squat down with their feet firmly on the ground.
[Lajin Method]
◆Squat down, and keep the soles of your feet flat on the ground. If you are unable to squat all the way down, go as far down as possible.
◆Keep your legs together, hug your legs with your arms, and lower your head (Taoists call it “baby hugging”, a posture resembling a baby in the womb).
☆For best efficacy, practice it daily.
◆Squat down, and keep the soles of your feet flat on the ground. If you are unable to squat all the way down, go as far down as possible.
◆Keep your legs together, hug your legs with your arms, and lower your head (Taoists call it “baby hugging”, a posture resembling a baby in the womb).
☆For best efficacy, practice it daily.
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