CHAPTER 7: Water for Healing, for Health, for Life
From the vantage point of the new medical science, the following conditions should be considered labels placed on the physiological processes in the body that denote a form of rationing and resource management when there is a limited supply of free water and other primary elements in the body:
1. Asthma
2. Allergies
3. Hypertension, or high blood pressure
4. Type II diabetes
5. Constipation
6. Autoimmune diseases
If you don't drink water regularly every day of your life, and don't understand the significance of pain, shortness of breath, and allergies as signs of dehydration, you will force your body into a disease state. Any of the above conditions will herald the
beginnings of body decay produced by local or general water shortage and the associated chemical environmental changes.
Reversal of autoimmune conditions is not easy and not always possible. To reverse them requires an in-depth understanding of the importance of the acid-alkaline balance and the metabolic aspects associated with dehydration, such as the loss of a range of amino acids, insufficient absorption or loss of vital minerals like zinc and magnesium, and the absolute need for essential vitamins and fatty
What is asthma? It is said people have asthma when they become short of breath, without any warning, to the point of nearly suffocating. Several thousand people die from suffocation due to asthma every year. Sometimes the onset of asthma is associated with repeated dry coughs with each breath. There is always an
associated wheezing when exhaling, without an apparent infection in the lungs. Asthma affects more than seventeen million Americans, mostly children. I believe that asthma and allergies are the body's crisis calls for water. They denote a state of dehydration in the human body. They herald continuing degeneration of the body until other complications of dehydration get established and can cause early death.
My experience and research tell me that the body possesses a number of highly sophisticated emergency thirst signals. We need to be aware of these newly identified indicators of water shortage in our body. All you may need to do to cure some of your health problems is drink water instead of other fluids.
Question: What has all this got to do with asthma?
Answer: Asthma and allergy—conditions mainly treated with different kinds of antihistamine medications—are important indicators of dehydration in the body. Histamine is an important neurotransmitter that primarily regulates the thirst mechanism, for increased water intake. It also establishes a system of rationing for the available water in the drought-stricken body. Histamine is a most noble element employed in drought management of the body. It is not the villain that we have been led to believe due to our limitation of knowledge about the human body.
In dehydration, histamine production and its activity increase greatly, and this generates the emergency thirst signals and indicators of the water-rationing program that is taking place. Increased histamine release in the lungs causes spasms of the bronchioles, making them constrict. This natural spasmodic action of histamine on the bronchial tubes is part of the design of
the body to conserve water that normally evaporates during breathing— the winter “steam.”
In dehydration, lung tissue becomes very vulnerable. The air sacs in the lungs have very thin walls and need water to keep them moist at all times. The constant flow of air through these sacs also evaporates the available water in their lining. Dehydration automatically reduces the amount of available water in these tissues and causes damage, unless the rate of airflow is reduced. In
essence, this is the rationale behind the blockage of airflow through the lungs in asthmatics. Histamine is responsible for cutting down the rate of airflow through the lungs. It causes constriction of the bronchioles that are attached to the air sacs. Histamine also stimulates the production of added amounts of thick and viscous mucus that partially plug the bronchioles and protect the lining of the bronchioles themselves. All these actions of histamine in dehydration are carried out to protect the delicate passageways of the body that are in direct contact with the outside air and could easily become dried up and parched if not protected.

Histamine will be further discussed in the section on neurotransmitters in chapter 10.
When we become dehydrated, histamine sees to it that the available water in the
body is well preserved and distributed according to a priority of function. The rate
of histamine production in the body increases exponentially when the body be-
comes more and more dehydrated.
Supplying the body with water causes a disappearance of histamine from areas
where it should not be present. With adequate water supply, histamine production,
and its excess release, is inhibited proportionately. This relationship of water to
histamine has been demonstrated in several animal experiments. It is now physio-
logically apparent that water by itself has very strong natural antihistaminic properties.
Immune System Suppression
There are certain white cells that are sensitive to histamine and that strongly inhibit
the activity of the immune system in the bone marrow. There are twice as many of these white cells as there are cells that stimulate the immune system. Thus, dehydration that can cause the production and release of more than a certain amount of histamine may, in the long run, suppress the immune systems of the body at its central command station, the bone marrow.
Since there is a greater-than-normal rate of histamine production and storage in prolonged dehydration, a stimulus for the release of histamine from its immune system side of activity will produce a greater quantity of its release into the tissues. At the same time, antibody production and efficiency, which have already been
suppressed because of dehydration, will be inadequate to deal with foreign agents such as pollen and other antigens. The enormity of this problem becomes apparent during the pollen season when the eyes get invaded with these foreign agents. The tear-producing glands need to wash the offending pollen away from the delicate membrane of the eye— the conjunctiva—since antibodies are not adequately available to neutralize the pollen. This is the reason why histamine activity for secretion of water onto the delicate membranes covering the eyes and the nasal passages becomes exaggerated. It is a naturally installed need-driven response. “Water wash” is the only way of getting rid of the offending pollen types that are not neutralized by antibodies. This is how allergy to pollen occurs.
If you were to ask me: “Do you mean to say I can prevent asthma and allergies by drinking more water?” my answer would be yes, yes, and yes again. You can do it naturally, with no medication and at no cost. Water will do it because of the primary role of histamine in water regulation and drought management of the body.
It is now clear that chronic dehydration is the primary cause of allergies and asthma in the human body. Increased water intake—on a habit-forming, regular basis—should become the treatment of choice. In those who have attacks of asthma or allergic reactions to different pollens or foods, strict attention to adequate daily water intake, with the addition of some salt, should become a preventive measure. People who suffer from allergies and asthma will also have other indicators of dehydration. They will definitely develop other very serious health problems if they do not take their bodies' need for regular intake of water seriously. If you have any doubts about this information, read Andrew Bauman's letter, which follows.
If you suffer from allergies and asthma, you must begin by drinking water on a regular basis. You should stop taking caffeine and alcohol until your condition becomes normal. Those with normal heart and kidney functions should begin drinking two glasses of water a half hour before each meal, and one glass of water two
and a half hours after the meal. When you increase your water intake, you also need to increase your salt intake to make up for the salt lost during increased urine production. Read more about salt in chapter 13. (click here for chapter 13)
Andrew Bauman suffered from different aspects of dehydration that emerged one after another, until he was told nothing could be done for him. His doctor advised him to put his affairs in order before his anticipated early death. Fortunately for him, he discovered the medicinal effects of water and is still alive. He has reversed the variety of problems produced by dehydration, save one condition that is gradually improving. Mr. Bauman's case history highlights the serious implications of allergies during childhood, which can lead to the development of serious diseases later in life if steps are not taken to hydrate the body adequately. For more information on asthma and allergies, and to read an abundance of testimonials from people who got rid of their problems, refer to my book ABC of Asthma, Allergies and Lupus. (click here)
November 13, 1998
Dear Dr. Batmanghelidj:
My name is Andrew J. Bauman IV, and I am 42 years young, yet at age 34 I felt and looked like I was at least 44! Most of my life has been spent battling illness and disease, whereas now I celebrate each moment of each day with a renewed vigor and vitality. I used to be chronically dehydrated and now I know better.
I was born on October 29, 1956, in Taylor, Pennsylvania. My parents lovingly cared for me— including having me vaccinated. I was reared on infant formula and later cereal, juices, and a small amount of water when I would cry from colic. After my first polio vaccine, I became mysteriously paralyzed from the waist down.
Specialists were puzzled yet diagnosed “aborted polio.” It left as suddenly as it appeared. When I received a booster dose of the vaccine at around age 5 in first grade, the paralysis returned. Months of hospitalization and bed rest resulted in my gaining weight. I mostly ate my meals and had visitors, drank soda and some water now and then—and once again the paralyzation disappeared.
When I began third grade—around eight years old—my allergic afflictions and symptoms had begun. I had problems with frequent dry coughs. I began experiencing some difficulties with breathing, itchy and watery eyes, and fatigue when I was around fresh-cut lawns from springtime until autumn. When I was a junior in high school, I experienced blackouts from allergies. Sometime around
1979, I saw a specialist who did testing and diagnosed me with allergies and asthma. I was treated with allergy shots and inhalers. The treatments just seemed to make things worse. My lips were always dry and cracked. At that time of my life I was drinking about 2 to 4 cups of coffee per day along with a few glasses of soda and some tea and alcohol. I would have an occasional glass of water during the day. The allergies and asthma stayed with me until 1996 when my water intake was up to about two to three quarts a day. I no longer struggle with allergies or asthma.
My problems with diabetes began at age 14. I was diagnosed as an insulin-dependent or “juvenile diabetic.” It was then that I began drinking diet beverages, including those with caffeine. My water intake at that time was still only around 2 to 4 glasses a day and I was drinking tea and started drinking coffee. The diabetes
resulted in many hospitalizations over the years. By the mid-1980s I had problems with diabetic neuropathy, which was causing my legs to swell. I was scheduled to have dye injected into my legs to perform a diagnostic scan after a Doppler radar study showed some apparent blockages in the veins in my legs. The dye injections
caused my veins to burst, which made the swelling get worse. I was then diagnosed with “venous insufficiency.” In 1994, I was told that my legs would probably have to be removed within a year or so.
While attempting to get on a diabetic insulin supply trial, the initial examination revealed that the retinas in my eyes had grown blood vessels that were bleeding (diabetic retinopathy). I began receiving a series of laser surgeries over the next 15 years to attempt to seal the leaky vessels and to attempt to prevent any new vessel growth. This reduced my peripheral and night vision. In 1992, I devel-
oped an enlarged yet benign prostate gland and my kidneys began showing signs of deterioration. In 1993, I began experiencing some potency difficulties. In 1994, I began seeing a natural or homeopathic physician who, besides treating me with alternative medicine, advised me to increase my water intake. My intake of insulin was around 95 units of insulin daily.
In 1976, many immune system problems began developing. I developed infectious mononucleosis. In 1979, during one of my then frequent hospital stays, I was diagnosed with “mono” again! The doctors insisted that I shouldn't have “mono” again and began consulting with specialists. I received an influenza vac-
cine and was discharged—only to be readmitted a day later with a fever of 106 degrees Fahrenheit (about 41.1 degrees of Celsius). I was undergoing many tests, however nothing much was showing up at that time. After many tests for severe abdominal pain, I was told that I grew a second spleen that was attached to my spleen and that the second one was also functioning. That year I was visiting someone and drank unpasteurized milk and ended up in the hospital again with a bacterial infection of the intestinal tract. “Brucellosis and Proteus OX-19” was the diagnosis and I was on yet more antibiotics.
During 1980 or 1981, I developed another case of “mono” and was admitted to the hospital again; diabetic control problems were a constant battle for me. An infectious disease specialist discovered that a number of special antibodies against foreign agents were also affected, which the doctors suggested were related to the
problems with my allergies and asthma, as well as my frequent infections.
The 1980s were filled with many hospitalizations, illnesses, job losses, and stress-related problems. It was then that I was diagnosed with allergies to penicillin and tetracycline, began developing hypertension, was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, lymphoid hyperplasia (overstressed immune system), arthritis,
bursitis, fibromyalgia, acid reflux problems, and bowel problems. I also developed a benign tumor on the left flank of my back. I developed a nodule on my thyroid area and was diagnosed with lead, cadmium, and aluminum poisoning, which were also found in a landfill I lived near. I was overweight and developed sleep
apnea. Tests showed that I stopped breathing over 300 times in a six-hour period and had “narcolepsy.” I could fall asleep in a short period of time. I had surgery to attempt to correct the sleep apnea, and I wore a tracheostomy tube in my neck to help me breathe at night, and slept with a breathing machine to keep my airway
open. During the '80s I still only drank a few glasses of water daily, yet consumed large amounts of coffee, saccharine, and eventually NutraSweet. In 1987, I was declared “disabled.”
In 1992, at 36 years old, I looked and felt like I was in my late forties and felt worse than I looked. I began using natural supplements with vitamins, herbs, and other natural medical techniques. The natural doctor's advice was to increase my
water consumption and decrease my caffeine intake as well. I had lost the feeling in my feet, was always tired and achy, depressed, and had little hope.
I began to drink more water and reduced my caffeine intake somewhat, and by 1995 I began to feel and look much better. Yet I was still only consuming a quart to a quart and a half daily, and not flushing all the caffeine out of my system, nor was I using sea salt.
In September of 1995, the lump on my left flank turned red, began itching and enlarging. My family physician removed it and sent it away for study. In October, I was diagnosed with cutaneous B cell lymphoma. Twenty-six new tumors had grown on my back where there was one, and I was sent to a major hospital where I was told that lymphatic cancer on the skin surface was rare and that not much research was done yet on it. I went for a gallium scan and it revealed that my entire body surface glowed positive for cancer cells. The flank of my back was brighter white or “hyperpositive,” as was the middle of my chest where two melanomas were previously removed. I was advised to receive localized radiation, and “as tumors appeared we would radiate them, too,” or I could travel to Philadelphia and have my entire body surface radiated. They began to radiate my back, which began giving me third-degree burns. I refused total body radiation and, mid-way through my radiation, my homeopathic physician began using a natural cleansing therapy. The cancer specialist had advised me to try anything and to “pull out all the stops” as well as “to get my affairs in order.” I increased my water consumption and took supplements and natural treatments.
In November of 1995, while traveling in search of an answer, I was introduced to a man who exposed me to your Water Cure program and advised me to stick to it very seriously to get cured. I now began to seriously increase my water intake, but was still leery of increasing salt intake due to the traditional medical contraindications for its perceived high blood pressure problems. Later I learned of the error of that thinking and began to increase my salt intake, too.
In March of 1996, I went for another gallium scan, which revealed that there was not a single sign of cancer glowing positive on my entire body. Doctors thought there was an error in the gallium scan, but my homeopath and I knew that I was healing. Drinking more water, reducing caffeine, a change in dietary habits, natural medicine, and faith had brought me home.
Since then, I've been constantly improving in my health. I no longer have two spleens, but one that is normal in size and function. Now I lick sea salt off my palm in the morning before my first glass of water and use salt liberally. I drink about 1.5 gallons of water a day and take some supplements as well as eating a lot of whole grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables. My waist used to be a size 43 and now is a size 36. I weighed 249 pounds; now I weigh 210 and have solid muscle mass. My complexion and appearance are those of a man in his early thirties and my potency of a man in his twenties. My ankles are no longer swollen and new pulses, yes, new pulses, have developed where once they were dead. I no longer take any medications for all those problems, whereas I used to be on at least 15 prescriptions at a time. My insulin needs are down from 95 units a day to 35-45 units a day. I no longer suffer with “chronic infections” or fatigue—I sleep 6-8 hours a day instead of 12-14. It is rare for me to take an antibiotic, whereas I seemed to be constantly taking them before. I don't have allergies or asthma or gastroporesis (acid reflux) anymore. I no longer suffer from arthritis, bursitis, or bowel problems. At the time of my last stress test, my doctor, who is younger than I am, told me that I was in better shape than he was. The high blood pressure is constantly improving. No more thyroid nodule, I sleep better, and no more heavy metal toxicity. I have a new lease on life.
My prayers have been answered. God led me to a natural way to heal my body, my mind, and my spirit. I am living a new life now with a balance of water, salt, minerals, supplements, good nutrition, and continued improvements in my quality of life. I am truly blessed.
Andrew J. Bauman IV

Michael P. is in his fifties. He suffered from allergies and eventually asthma since childhood. Later in life he became overweight and developed high blood pressure. His allergies were so bad that he had to pay attention to the daily pollen count before he could step out of the house. Several years ago he became aware of the curative properties of water in asthma and allergy. He started regulating his daily water intake and stopped drinking tea and coffee. When everyone in the office took coffee, he would drink hot water. Since then Michael has not had any asthma attacks. His allergy has become much less troublesome, almost to the point of being nonexistent. He no longer bothers with the pollen count. He has been free of allergy and asthma attacks since he started regulating his daily water intake. He considers himself cured of his health problems, including hypertension.
Question: Why is my doctor not aware of the information on water and asthma?
Answer: What I have shared with you so far is new knowledge. It has taken me more than twenty years of research and study to highlight this information. It is not yet common knowledge and is not yet taught at medical schools. Doctors recommend “fluid” intake and assume that any fluid you take will act like water. This is what doctors have been taught at medical school. They are not well informed about the intricate functions of water in the human body and do not yet understand chronic dehydration. They do not realize that not all fluids are suited to the normal physiological functions of the human body.
Furthermore, fluids that contain caffeine and alcohol dehydrate us and cannot replace the water needs of the human body. Caffeine and alcohol force the kidneys to flush some of the water reserves of the body.
Nathaniel C. is a young man in his twenties. He suffered from asthma since childhood. On several occasions, he developed attacks that needed immediate attention at the emergency department of the nearest hospital. One of these attacks was so severe that he needed to be hospitalized. Consequently, in constant fear of a repeat of these attacks, his inhaler was always with him and used frequently, possibly more often than prescribed. A good morning to him would mean a few puffs from his inhaler. He could not endure smoky rooms. He could not go through a business meeting without the support of his inhaler, nor could he exercise with the same abandon and pleasure as his friends. For Nathaniel, fear and the constant
threat of another attack preoccupied his mind and punctuated the day's activity.
When he became aware of the topic of my research— chronic dehydration—he wanted to know if his asthma could be helped with water. He was surprised when I informed him that asthma was caused mainly by chronic dehydration. After adjusting his daily water intake and reducing his coffee intake, his breathing became
more comfortable. He could go longer hours without needing his puffs of medication. He was able to reduce and eventually do away with his inhaler. He has been virtually free of his asthma and its associated fears for the past few years.
J. R., a physician, had developed adult-onset allergies and asthma when he was in college. At times he would get such severe attacks that he would need hospitalization for his suffocation and shocked state. He was allergic to cats more severely than other things. He would never step into a house where there was a cat. Before
accepting an invitation, he would ask if they kept a cat. Such was the state of his body sensitivity to some allergens.
One day while he was talking to me on the telephone, I noticed his repeated dry and gasping coughs. This was how I learned about his asthma. I asked him to drink a glass of water and put a pinch of salt on his tongue. His words: “As you recall, I was having a coughing spell that interrupted my work and, as you directed, the putting of some granules of salt on my tongue not only calmed my coughing
but took it away: My nurses commented on my not coughing some five minutes later.” For the past seven years he has been free of asthma and allergies. He seems not to fear cats anymore. He visits friends who have cats in their homes. He now treats his asthmatic patients with water and some added salt intake.
Asthma, in my opinion, is not a disease; it is a crisis complication of water shortage in the body. Anytime asthmatics do not drink enough water, their predisposition to asthma attacks will come back. You cannot be lazy about drinking water and expect asthma to stay away. Many people who get well and think the problem
is over get a rude shock when shortness of breath begins again once they slack off from the routine. We now know the cause of asthma—dehydration. If we can get this simple understanding of asthma into the minds of the American public, I believe we can easily eradicate asthma from the list of health concerns in this country, and the rest of the world, in less than five years.
Let me share with you a story that happened recently. I was discussing the various complications of dehydration during an interview on a popular local radio show. A lady called to thank a friend of mine for having disseminated information about asthma and dehydration in that part of the world.
The listener then told me she has two small children in her family, three and four years old. Two winters ago both youngsters suffered from severe asthma, which caused their family great concern. At the beginning of last year she increased their water intake. The result: These children no longer suffer from asthma— not
even one episode the whole of last winter. She also told us how her husband's insulin-dependent diabetes has started improving since he has increased his water intake. He now needs much less insulin to manage his daily life. Her daughter also suffered from severe back pain and was diagnosed with lumbar disc degeneration
and atrophy. She, too, went on The Water Cure and is now pain-free.
From one person in this family taking the information on chronic dehydration seriously and acting on The Water Cure recommendations, four of her family members are no longer in serious danger from the complications of dehydration. An important aspect of their discovery about water is their freedom from medical ignorance that would have treated their health problems with chemical products or invasive procedures that would have drastically compromised their health and financial resources.
Increased food intake, when not accompanied by increased water intake, will also produce susceptibility to allergies. If you remember, food-laden, concentrated blood has to circulate through the lungs and further give up some of its water through evaporation. People with allergies and asthma should make it a habit to drink water before eating their food—at least a few minutes before beginning. At no time should they allow food intake to concentrate their body fluids to the extent that high levels of histamine generation become a permanent situation.
Question: What is wrong with waiting until you feel thirsty to drink water?
Answer: The body is already thirsty before we feel the thirst sensation. Dry mouth is not an accurate sign of water shortage in our body. There is a mechanism by which, even when we are comparatively dehydrated, saliva production is not affected. The reason is that we must be able to lubricate food during the process of chewing and swallowing. The misconception about dry mouth as an accurate indicator of body-water shortage has steered the trends in medical research off course, so that, even today, it is not generally known at what stage the body is thirsty and becoming pathologically dehydrated. It is not fully appreciated what devastating damage is caused by a slowly establishing dehydration in the body.
If children are not able to regulate their water intake properly, histamine activity in the lungs may become a dominant trend. One of the consequences of overactivity of histamine in the lungs may be the occurrence of an inflammatory process at a time when the development of lung tissue has to keep up with the physical
growth of the body. Excessive fibrous tissue formation and the creation of cysts where alveoli have to be formed may be the consequence of dehydration in children who are growing. It seems that cystic fibrosis of the lungs may not be an entirely genetic disorder, but may have dehydration as a common basic problem to
both the DNA assembly system and lung tissue formation. Dehydration is also responsible for the production of excess thick mucus in the bronchioles—a problem in cystic fibrosis of the lungs. Water and salt should help loosen the mucus.
Children need water for cell growth. During growth, 75 percent of the cell volume has to be filled with water. This is the reason why children develop asthma and allergies during the growing phase of their physical development.
As we grow older, we lose our thirst sensation and do not recognize that our body is thirsty. Chronic dehydration in the elderly can cause heart and kidney damage, coupled with shortness of breath. At this stage, the shortness of breath is called cardiac asthma. Those with heart problems and kidney disease should increase their water intake slowly and, if possible, under the supervision of their physicians. They need to make sure their urine production increases with the additional water. If within two full days there is no indication of more urine being produced, a physician should be consulted. The color of urine in a dehydrated person (not taking vitamins that could color the urine) will be dark yellow to orange. In a better-hydrated person, the urine is lighter in color.
Children and adults who get asthma attacks with exercise and strenuous effort should always remember to drink water before they begin exercising and to stop drinking caffeine-containing sodas. They should reduce their orange juice intake (if more than two glasses). Because of its high potassium content, too much orange juice can predispose a person to asthma attacks. The water needs of the body cannot be fully replaced by juices or even milk.
On no account should you abruptly cut off the use of your medications. You should begin by taking more water with your medications, until your need for medication decreases. Keep the doctor in charge of your treatment informed. You will then be able to work with your doctor to gradually reduce the use of the normally prescribed inhalant or antihistamine medications until you no longer need them. In obstinate and truly drug-dependent cases of asthma and allergies, increased water intake will improve the patient's response to the medications being prescribed until the body gets back to its normal rhythm.
The choice of water should not become a limiting factor to drinking it. So long as tap water contains no lead, mercury, pesticides, insecticides, or other dangerous chemicals or bacteria, it should become your fluid of choice. It is available to you everywhere you go. You should not worry about its hardness. Any calcium that is dissolved in water may even serve a useful purpose, as it might help your body's need for calcium. If the smell of chlorine is too much, fill an open-top jug and leave it exposed to air. The chlorine will evaporate in less than a half hour, and the water will be sweet and ready to drink.
It is becoming fashionable to advocate drinking distilled water. This claim may prove to be based on the commercial aims of its manufacturers. I have found no reason to drink distilled water over regular tap water that does not contain toxic substances. If you are unsure of your local water, it would be a good idea to install a solid carbon filter on your kitchen faucet or water tap.
With increased water intake, which will cause increased urine production, there may be an associated loss of salt, as well as other minerals and water-soluble vitamins. Supplementing your daily vitamin intake is necessary. If you develop cramps, you should assume that the salt in your diet is not sufficient for your body's needs. You should add salt to your diet—as long as you stick to taking more water. In asthma and allergy sufferers, salt intake becomes a vital part of the treatment. Salt unplugs the thick mucus secretions in the lungs and stops the overflow of nasal secretion, when water is plentiful. Salt breaks up mucus, rendering it watery and stringy, and suitable for expulsion with the flow of sputum, when water is also available.
I recommend to asthmatics who are about to get an attack, or are in the middle of an asthma attack, to drink two or three glasses of water, and then put a pinch of salt on their tongue. Water and salt will tell the brain that the missing components in a dehydrated body—in asthmatics in particular—have entered the system. The brain will immediately instruct the bronchioles to relax, and breathing will become much easier. When the salt reaches the lungs, salt pumps secrete it in the bronchioles to loosen the mucus plugs and prepare them to be carried away— only when water is available. Too much salt and not enough water may do the opposite. It might cause constriction of the bronchioles.
This is why phlegm always tastes salty. Salt is essential to keep the airways of the body clear—including the nasal passageways when you have a cold. Salt also unplugs mucus in the nose and the sinuses and stops runny nose in allergic reactions.
From the vantage point of the new medical science, the following conditions should be considered labels placed on the physiological processes in the body that denote a form of rationing and resource management when there is a limited supply of free water and other primary elements in the body:
1. Asthma
2. Allergies
3. Hypertension, or high blood pressure
4. Type II diabetes
5. Constipation
6. Autoimmune diseases
If you don't drink water regularly every day of your life, and don't understand the significance of pain, shortness of breath, and allergies as signs of dehydration, you will force your body into a disease state. Any of the above conditions will herald the
beginnings of body decay produced by local or general water shortage and the associated chemical environmental changes.
Reversal of autoimmune conditions is not easy and not always possible. To reverse them requires an in-depth understanding of the importance of the acid-alkaline balance and the metabolic aspects associated with dehydration, such as the loss of a range of amino acids, insufficient absorption or loss of vital minerals like zinc and magnesium, and the absolute need for essential vitamins and fatty
What is asthma? It is said people have asthma when they become short of breath, without any warning, to the point of nearly suffocating. Several thousand people die from suffocation due to asthma every year. Sometimes the onset of asthma is associated with repeated dry coughs with each breath. There is always an
associated wheezing when exhaling, without an apparent infection in the lungs. Asthma affects more than seventeen million Americans, mostly children. I believe that asthma and allergies are the body's crisis calls for water. They denote a state of dehydration in the human body. They herald continuing degeneration of the body until other complications of dehydration get established and can cause early death.
My experience and research tell me that the body possesses a number of highly sophisticated emergency thirst signals. We need to be aware of these newly identified indicators of water shortage in our body. All you may need to do to cure some of your health problems is drink water instead of other fluids.
Question: What has all this got to do with asthma?
Answer: Asthma and allergy—conditions mainly treated with different kinds of antihistamine medications—are important indicators of dehydration in the body. Histamine is an important neurotransmitter that primarily regulates the thirst mechanism, for increased water intake. It also establishes a system of rationing for the available water in the drought-stricken body. Histamine is a most noble element employed in drought management of the body. It is not the villain that we have been led to believe due to our limitation of knowledge about the human body.
In dehydration, histamine production and its activity increase greatly, and this generates the emergency thirst signals and indicators of the water-rationing program that is taking place. Increased histamine release in the lungs causes spasms of the bronchioles, making them constrict. This natural spasmodic action of histamine on the bronchial tubes is part of the design of
the body to conserve water that normally evaporates during breathing— the winter “steam.”
In dehydration, lung tissue becomes very vulnerable. The air sacs in the lungs have very thin walls and need water to keep them moist at all times. The constant flow of air through these sacs also evaporates the available water in their lining. Dehydration automatically reduces the amount of available water in these tissues and causes damage, unless the rate of airflow is reduced. In
essence, this is the rationale behind the blockage of airflow through the lungs in asthmatics. Histamine is responsible for cutting down the rate of airflow through the lungs. It causes constriction of the bronchioles that are attached to the air sacs. Histamine also stimulates the production of added amounts of thick and viscous mucus that partially plug the bronchioles and protect the lining of the bronchioles themselves. All these actions of histamine in dehydration are carried out to protect the delicate passageways of the body that are in direct contact with the outside air and could easily become dried up and parched if not protected.

Histamine will be further discussed in the section on neurotransmitters in chapter 10.
When we become dehydrated, histamine sees to it that the available water in the
body is well preserved and distributed according to a priority of function. The rate
of histamine production in the body increases exponentially when the body be-
comes more and more dehydrated.
Supplying the body with water causes a disappearance of histamine from areas
where it should not be present. With adequate water supply, histamine production,
and its excess release, is inhibited proportionately. This relationship of water to
histamine has been demonstrated in several animal experiments. It is now physio-
logically apparent that water by itself has very strong natural antihistaminic properties.
Immune System Suppression
There are certain white cells that are sensitive to histamine and that strongly inhibit
the activity of the immune system in the bone marrow. There are twice as many of these white cells as there are cells that stimulate the immune system. Thus, dehydration that can cause the production and release of more than a certain amount of histamine may, in the long run, suppress the immune systems of the body at its central command station, the bone marrow.
Since there is a greater-than-normal rate of histamine production and storage in prolonged dehydration, a stimulus for the release of histamine from its immune system side of activity will produce a greater quantity of its release into the tissues. At the same time, antibody production and efficiency, which have already been
suppressed because of dehydration, will be inadequate to deal with foreign agents such as pollen and other antigens. The enormity of this problem becomes apparent during the pollen season when the eyes get invaded with these foreign agents. The tear-producing glands need to wash the offending pollen away from the delicate membrane of the eye— the conjunctiva—since antibodies are not adequately available to neutralize the pollen. This is the reason why histamine activity for secretion of water onto the delicate membranes covering the eyes and the nasal passages becomes exaggerated. It is a naturally installed need-driven response. “Water wash” is the only way of getting rid of the offending pollen types that are not neutralized by antibodies. This is how allergy to pollen occurs.
If you were to ask me: “Do you mean to say I can prevent asthma and allergies by drinking more water?” my answer would be yes, yes, and yes again. You can do it naturally, with no medication and at no cost. Water will do it because of the primary role of histamine in water regulation and drought management of the body.
It is now clear that chronic dehydration is the primary cause of allergies and asthma in the human body. Increased water intake—on a habit-forming, regular basis—should become the treatment of choice. In those who have attacks of asthma or allergic reactions to different pollens or foods, strict attention to adequate daily water intake, with the addition of some salt, should become a preventive measure. People who suffer from allergies and asthma will also have other indicators of dehydration. They will definitely develop other very serious health problems if they do not take their bodies' need for regular intake of water seriously. If you have any doubts about this information, read Andrew Bauman's letter, which follows.
If you suffer from allergies and asthma, you must begin by drinking water on a regular basis. You should stop taking caffeine and alcohol until your condition becomes normal. Those with normal heart and kidney functions should begin drinking two glasses of water a half hour before each meal, and one glass of water two
and a half hours after the meal. When you increase your water intake, you also need to increase your salt intake to make up for the salt lost during increased urine production. Read more about salt in chapter 13. (click here for chapter 13)
Andrew Bauman suffered from different aspects of dehydration that emerged one after another, until he was told nothing could be done for him. His doctor advised him to put his affairs in order before his anticipated early death. Fortunately for him, he discovered the medicinal effects of water and is still alive. He has reversed the variety of problems produced by dehydration, save one condition that is gradually improving. Mr. Bauman's case history highlights the serious implications of allergies during childhood, which can lead to the development of serious diseases later in life if steps are not taken to hydrate the body adequately. For more information on asthma and allergies, and to read an abundance of testimonials from people who got rid of their problems, refer to my book ABC of Asthma, Allergies and Lupus. (click here)
November 13, 1998
Dear Dr. Batmanghelidj:
My name is Andrew J. Bauman IV, and I am 42 years young, yet at age 34 I felt and looked like I was at least 44! Most of my life has been spent battling illness and disease, whereas now I celebrate each moment of each day with a renewed vigor and vitality. I used to be chronically dehydrated and now I know better.
I was born on October 29, 1956, in Taylor, Pennsylvania. My parents lovingly cared for me— including having me vaccinated. I was reared on infant formula and later cereal, juices, and a small amount of water when I would cry from colic. After my first polio vaccine, I became mysteriously paralyzed from the waist down.
Specialists were puzzled yet diagnosed “aborted polio.” It left as suddenly as it appeared. When I received a booster dose of the vaccine at around age 5 in first grade, the paralysis returned. Months of hospitalization and bed rest resulted in my gaining weight. I mostly ate my meals and had visitors, drank soda and some water now and then—and once again the paralyzation disappeared.
When I began third grade—around eight years old—my allergic afflictions and symptoms had begun. I had problems with frequent dry coughs. I began experiencing some difficulties with breathing, itchy and watery eyes, and fatigue when I was around fresh-cut lawns from springtime until autumn. When I was a junior in high school, I experienced blackouts from allergies. Sometime around
1979, I saw a specialist who did testing and diagnosed me with allergies and asthma. I was treated with allergy shots and inhalers. The treatments just seemed to make things worse. My lips were always dry and cracked. At that time of my life I was drinking about 2 to 4 cups of coffee per day along with a few glasses of soda and some tea and alcohol. I would have an occasional glass of water during the day. The allergies and asthma stayed with me until 1996 when my water intake was up to about two to three quarts a day. I no longer struggle with allergies or asthma.
My problems with diabetes began at age 14. I was diagnosed as an insulin-dependent or “juvenile diabetic.” It was then that I began drinking diet beverages, including those with caffeine. My water intake at that time was still only around 2 to 4 glasses a day and I was drinking tea and started drinking coffee. The diabetes
resulted in many hospitalizations over the years. By the mid-1980s I had problems with diabetic neuropathy, which was causing my legs to swell. I was scheduled to have dye injected into my legs to perform a diagnostic scan after a Doppler radar study showed some apparent blockages in the veins in my legs. The dye injections
caused my veins to burst, which made the swelling get worse. I was then diagnosed with “venous insufficiency.” In 1994, I was told that my legs would probably have to be removed within a year or so.
While attempting to get on a diabetic insulin supply trial, the initial examination revealed that the retinas in my eyes had grown blood vessels that were bleeding (diabetic retinopathy). I began receiving a series of laser surgeries over the next 15 years to attempt to seal the leaky vessels and to attempt to prevent any new vessel growth. This reduced my peripheral and night vision. In 1992, I devel-
oped an enlarged yet benign prostate gland and my kidneys began showing signs of deterioration. In 1993, I began experiencing some potency difficulties. In 1994, I began seeing a natural or homeopathic physician who, besides treating me with alternative medicine, advised me to increase my water intake. My intake of insulin was around 95 units of insulin daily.
In 1976, many immune system problems began developing. I developed infectious mononucleosis. In 1979, during one of my then frequent hospital stays, I was diagnosed with “mono” again! The doctors insisted that I shouldn't have “mono” again and began consulting with specialists. I received an influenza vac-
cine and was discharged—only to be readmitted a day later with a fever of 106 degrees Fahrenheit (about 41.1 degrees of Celsius). I was undergoing many tests, however nothing much was showing up at that time. After many tests for severe abdominal pain, I was told that I grew a second spleen that was attached to my spleen and that the second one was also functioning. That year I was visiting someone and drank unpasteurized milk and ended up in the hospital again with a bacterial infection of the intestinal tract. “Brucellosis and Proteus OX-19” was the diagnosis and I was on yet more antibiotics.
During 1980 or 1981, I developed another case of “mono” and was admitted to the hospital again; diabetic control problems were a constant battle for me. An infectious disease specialist discovered that a number of special antibodies against foreign agents were also affected, which the doctors suggested were related to the
problems with my allergies and asthma, as well as my frequent infections.
The 1980s were filled with many hospitalizations, illnesses, job losses, and stress-related problems. It was then that I was diagnosed with allergies to penicillin and tetracycline, began developing hypertension, was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, lymphoid hyperplasia (overstressed immune system), arthritis,
bursitis, fibromyalgia, acid reflux problems, and bowel problems. I also developed a benign tumor on the left flank of my back. I developed a nodule on my thyroid area and was diagnosed with lead, cadmium, and aluminum poisoning, which were also found in a landfill I lived near. I was overweight and developed sleep
apnea. Tests showed that I stopped breathing over 300 times in a six-hour period and had “narcolepsy.” I could fall asleep in a short period of time. I had surgery to attempt to correct the sleep apnea, and I wore a tracheostomy tube in my neck to help me breathe at night, and slept with a breathing machine to keep my airway
open. During the '80s I still only drank a few glasses of water daily, yet consumed large amounts of coffee, saccharine, and eventually NutraSweet. In 1987, I was declared “disabled.”
In 1992, at 36 years old, I looked and felt like I was in my late forties and felt worse than I looked. I began using natural supplements with vitamins, herbs, and other natural medical techniques. The natural doctor's advice was to increase my
water consumption and decrease my caffeine intake as well. I had lost the feeling in my feet, was always tired and achy, depressed, and had little hope.
I began to drink more water and reduced my caffeine intake somewhat, and by 1995 I began to feel and look much better. Yet I was still only consuming a quart to a quart and a half daily, and not flushing all the caffeine out of my system, nor was I using sea salt.
In September of 1995, the lump on my left flank turned red, began itching and enlarging. My family physician removed it and sent it away for study. In October, I was diagnosed with cutaneous B cell lymphoma. Twenty-six new tumors had grown on my back where there was one, and I was sent to a major hospital where I was told that lymphatic cancer on the skin surface was rare and that not much research was done yet on it. I went for a gallium scan and it revealed that my entire body surface glowed positive for cancer cells. The flank of my back was brighter white or “hyperpositive,” as was the middle of my chest where two melanomas were previously removed. I was advised to receive localized radiation, and “as tumors appeared we would radiate them, too,” or I could travel to Philadelphia and have my entire body surface radiated. They began to radiate my back, which began giving me third-degree burns. I refused total body radiation and, mid-way through my radiation, my homeopathic physician began using a natural cleansing therapy. The cancer specialist had advised me to try anything and to “pull out all the stops” as well as “to get my affairs in order.” I increased my water consumption and took supplements and natural treatments.
In November of 1995, while traveling in search of an answer, I was introduced to a man who exposed me to your Water Cure program and advised me to stick to it very seriously to get cured. I now began to seriously increase my water intake, but was still leery of increasing salt intake due to the traditional medical contraindications for its perceived high blood pressure problems. Later I learned of the error of that thinking and began to increase my salt intake, too.
In March of 1996, I went for another gallium scan, which revealed that there was not a single sign of cancer glowing positive on my entire body. Doctors thought there was an error in the gallium scan, but my homeopath and I knew that I was healing. Drinking more water, reducing caffeine, a change in dietary habits, natural medicine, and faith had brought me home.
Since then, I've been constantly improving in my health. I no longer have two spleens, but one that is normal in size and function. Now I lick sea salt off my palm in the morning before my first glass of water and use salt liberally. I drink about 1.5 gallons of water a day and take some supplements as well as eating a lot of whole grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables. My waist used to be a size 43 and now is a size 36. I weighed 249 pounds; now I weigh 210 and have solid muscle mass. My complexion and appearance are those of a man in his early thirties and my potency of a man in his twenties. My ankles are no longer swollen and new pulses, yes, new pulses, have developed where once they were dead. I no longer take any medications for all those problems, whereas I used to be on at least 15 prescriptions at a time. My insulin needs are down from 95 units a day to 35-45 units a day. I no longer suffer with “chronic infections” or fatigue—I sleep 6-8 hours a day instead of 12-14. It is rare for me to take an antibiotic, whereas I seemed to be constantly taking them before. I don't have allergies or asthma or gastroporesis (acid reflux) anymore. I no longer suffer from arthritis, bursitis, or bowel problems. At the time of my last stress test, my doctor, who is younger than I am, told me that I was in better shape than he was. The high blood pressure is constantly improving. No more thyroid nodule, I sleep better, and no more heavy metal toxicity. I have a new lease on life.
My prayers have been answered. God led me to a natural way to heal my body, my mind, and my spirit. I am living a new life now with a balance of water, salt, minerals, supplements, good nutrition, and continued improvements in my quality of life. I am truly blessed.
Andrew J. Bauman IV

Michael P. is in his fifties. He suffered from allergies and eventually asthma since childhood. Later in life he became overweight and developed high blood pressure. His allergies were so bad that he had to pay attention to the daily pollen count before he could step out of the house. Several years ago he became aware of the curative properties of water in asthma and allergy. He started regulating his daily water intake and stopped drinking tea and coffee. When everyone in the office took coffee, he would drink hot water. Since then Michael has not had any asthma attacks. His allergy has become much less troublesome, almost to the point of being nonexistent. He no longer bothers with the pollen count. He has been free of allergy and asthma attacks since he started regulating his daily water intake. He considers himself cured of his health problems, including hypertension.
Question: Why is my doctor not aware of the information on water and asthma?
Answer: What I have shared with you so far is new knowledge. It has taken me more than twenty years of research and study to highlight this information. It is not yet common knowledge and is not yet taught at medical schools. Doctors recommend “fluid” intake and assume that any fluid you take will act like water. This is what doctors have been taught at medical school. They are not well informed about the intricate functions of water in the human body and do not yet understand chronic dehydration. They do not realize that not all fluids are suited to the normal physiological functions of the human body.
Furthermore, fluids that contain caffeine and alcohol dehydrate us and cannot replace the water needs of the human body. Caffeine and alcohol force the kidneys to flush some of the water reserves of the body.
Nathaniel C. is a young man in his twenties. He suffered from asthma since childhood. On several occasions, he developed attacks that needed immediate attention at the emergency department of the nearest hospital. One of these attacks was so severe that he needed to be hospitalized. Consequently, in constant fear of a repeat of these attacks, his inhaler was always with him and used frequently, possibly more often than prescribed. A good morning to him would mean a few puffs from his inhaler. He could not endure smoky rooms. He could not go through a business meeting without the support of his inhaler, nor could he exercise with the same abandon and pleasure as his friends. For Nathaniel, fear and the constant
threat of another attack preoccupied his mind and punctuated the day's activity.
When he became aware of the topic of my research— chronic dehydration—he wanted to know if his asthma could be helped with water. He was surprised when I informed him that asthma was caused mainly by chronic dehydration. After adjusting his daily water intake and reducing his coffee intake, his breathing became
more comfortable. He could go longer hours without needing his puffs of medication. He was able to reduce and eventually do away with his inhaler. He has been virtually free of his asthma and its associated fears for the past few years.
J. R., a physician, had developed adult-onset allergies and asthma when he was in college. At times he would get such severe attacks that he would need hospitalization for his suffocation and shocked state. He was allergic to cats more severely than other things. He would never step into a house where there was a cat. Before
accepting an invitation, he would ask if they kept a cat. Such was the state of his body sensitivity to some allergens.
One day while he was talking to me on the telephone, I noticed his repeated dry and gasping coughs. This was how I learned about his asthma. I asked him to drink a glass of water and put a pinch of salt on his tongue. His words: “As you recall, I was having a coughing spell that interrupted my work and, as you directed, the putting of some granules of salt on my tongue not only calmed my coughing
but took it away: My nurses commented on my not coughing some five minutes later.” For the past seven years he has been free of asthma and allergies. He seems not to fear cats anymore. He visits friends who have cats in their homes. He now treats his asthmatic patients with water and some added salt intake.
Asthma, in my opinion, is not a disease; it is a crisis complication of water shortage in the body. Anytime asthmatics do not drink enough water, their predisposition to asthma attacks will come back. You cannot be lazy about drinking water and expect asthma to stay away. Many people who get well and think the problem
is over get a rude shock when shortness of breath begins again once they slack off from the routine. We now know the cause of asthma—dehydration. If we can get this simple understanding of asthma into the minds of the American public, I believe we can easily eradicate asthma from the list of health concerns in this country, and the rest of the world, in less than five years.
Let me share with you a story that happened recently. I was discussing the various complications of dehydration during an interview on a popular local radio show. A lady called to thank a friend of mine for having disseminated information about asthma and dehydration in that part of the world.
The listener then told me she has two small children in her family, three and four years old. Two winters ago both youngsters suffered from severe asthma, which caused their family great concern. At the beginning of last year she increased their water intake. The result: These children no longer suffer from asthma— not
even one episode the whole of last winter. She also told us how her husband's insulin-dependent diabetes has started improving since he has increased his water intake. He now needs much less insulin to manage his daily life. Her daughter also suffered from severe back pain and was diagnosed with lumbar disc degeneration
and atrophy. She, too, went on The Water Cure and is now pain-free.
From one person in this family taking the information on chronic dehydration seriously and acting on The Water Cure recommendations, four of her family members are no longer in serious danger from the complications of dehydration. An important aspect of their discovery about water is their freedom from medical ignorance that would have treated their health problems with chemical products or invasive procedures that would have drastically compromised their health and financial resources.
Increased food intake, when not accompanied by increased water intake, will also produce susceptibility to allergies. If you remember, food-laden, concentrated blood has to circulate through the lungs and further give up some of its water through evaporation. People with allergies and asthma should make it a habit to drink water before eating their food—at least a few minutes before beginning. At no time should they allow food intake to concentrate their body fluids to the extent that high levels of histamine generation become a permanent situation.
Question: What is wrong with waiting until you feel thirsty to drink water?
Answer: The body is already thirsty before we feel the thirst sensation. Dry mouth is not an accurate sign of water shortage in our body. There is a mechanism by which, even when we are comparatively dehydrated, saliva production is not affected. The reason is that we must be able to lubricate food during the process of chewing and swallowing. The misconception about dry mouth as an accurate indicator of body-water shortage has steered the trends in medical research off course, so that, even today, it is not generally known at what stage the body is thirsty and becoming pathologically dehydrated. It is not fully appreciated what devastating damage is caused by a slowly establishing dehydration in the body.
If children are not able to regulate their water intake properly, histamine activity in the lungs may become a dominant trend. One of the consequences of overactivity of histamine in the lungs may be the occurrence of an inflammatory process at a time when the development of lung tissue has to keep up with the physical
growth of the body. Excessive fibrous tissue formation and the creation of cysts where alveoli have to be formed may be the consequence of dehydration in children who are growing. It seems that cystic fibrosis of the lungs may not be an entirely genetic disorder, but may have dehydration as a common basic problem to
both the DNA assembly system and lung tissue formation. Dehydration is also responsible for the production of excess thick mucus in the bronchioles—a problem in cystic fibrosis of the lungs. Water and salt should help loosen the mucus.
Children need water for cell growth. During growth, 75 percent of the cell volume has to be filled with water. This is the reason why children develop asthma and allergies during the growing phase of their physical development.
As we grow older, we lose our thirst sensation and do not recognize that our body is thirsty. Chronic dehydration in the elderly can cause heart and kidney damage, coupled with shortness of breath. At this stage, the shortness of breath is called cardiac asthma. Those with heart problems and kidney disease should increase their water intake slowly and, if possible, under the supervision of their physicians. They need to make sure their urine production increases with the additional water. If within two full days there is no indication of more urine being produced, a physician should be consulted. The color of urine in a dehydrated person (not taking vitamins that could color the urine) will be dark yellow to orange. In a better-hydrated person, the urine is lighter in color.
Children and adults who get asthma attacks with exercise and strenuous effort should always remember to drink water before they begin exercising and to stop drinking caffeine-containing sodas. They should reduce their orange juice intake (if more than two glasses). Because of its high potassium content, too much orange juice can predispose a person to asthma attacks. The water needs of the body cannot be fully replaced by juices or even milk.
On no account should you abruptly cut off the use of your medications. You should begin by taking more water with your medications, until your need for medication decreases. Keep the doctor in charge of your treatment informed. You will then be able to work with your doctor to gradually reduce the use of the normally prescribed inhalant or antihistamine medications until you no longer need them. In obstinate and truly drug-dependent cases of asthma and allergies, increased water intake will improve the patient's response to the medications being prescribed until the body gets back to its normal rhythm.
The choice of water should not become a limiting factor to drinking it. So long as tap water contains no lead, mercury, pesticides, insecticides, or other dangerous chemicals or bacteria, it should become your fluid of choice. It is available to you everywhere you go. You should not worry about its hardness. Any calcium that is dissolved in water may even serve a useful purpose, as it might help your body's need for calcium. If the smell of chlorine is too much, fill an open-top jug and leave it exposed to air. The chlorine will evaporate in less than a half hour, and the water will be sweet and ready to drink.
It is becoming fashionable to advocate drinking distilled water. This claim may prove to be based on the commercial aims of its manufacturers. I have found no reason to drink distilled water over regular tap water that does not contain toxic substances. If you are unsure of your local water, it would be a good idea to install a solid carbon filter on your kitchen faucet or water tap.
With increased water intake, which will cause increased urine production, there may be an associated loss of salt, as well as other minerals and water-soluble vitamins. Supplementing your daily vitamin intake is necessary. If you develop cramps, you should assume that the salt in your diet is not sufficient for your body's needs. You should add salt to your diet—as long as you stick to taking more water. In asthma and allergy sufferers, salt intake becomes a vital part of the treatment. Salt unplugs the thick mucus secretions in the lungs and stops the overflow of nasal secretion, when water is plentiful. Salt breaks up mucus, rendering it watery and stringy, and suitable for expulsion with the flow of sputum, when water is also available.
I recommend to asthmatics who are about to get an attack, or are in the middle of an asthma attack, to drink two or three glasses of water, and then put a pinch of salt on their tongue. Water and salt will tell the brain that the missing components in a dehydrated body—in asthmatics in particular—have entered the system. The brain will immediately instruct the bronchioles to relax, and breathing will become much easier. When the salt reaches the lungs, salt pumps secrete it in the bronchioles to loosen the mucus plugs and prepare them to be carried away— only when water is available. Too much salt and not enough water may do the opposite. It might cause constriction of the bronchioles.
This is why phlegm always tastes salty. Salt is essential to keep the airways of the body clear—including the nasal passageways when you have a cold. Salt also unplugs mucus in the nose and the sinuses and stops runny nose in allergic reactions.
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