Tuesday, December 31, 2024

in a spiritual haven




← Faithful Voices and Prayer

Dear beloved pilgrim, Welcome to our sanctuary where prayer is the heart of our journey. Here  you are invited to join pilgrims in this sacred space. Our spirit in a spiritual haven where prayer transforms and connects us with the Divine. We offer varied prayer experiences, from quiet reflections to powerful group prayers, designed to uplift and inspire.

Are you beginning your prayer journey or looking to deepen it? We are your spiritual companions. We invite you to join our prayerful community. Be part of our journey as we share hope, faith, and unity through prayer. Let's connect our spirits and hearts in this divine conversation. Believe now, and let's create a home for your spirit, a place where every prayer matters. Welcome aboard!






A LOT HAS CHANGED IN THE WAY THE MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT views cholesterol and heart disease since we first came together almost a decade ago to write the original version of The Great Cholesterol Myth — and most of those  changes have been for the better.

   We now have technology that allows us to clearly identify at least thirteen different subtypes of cholesterol, many of which behave in unique ways in the body: Being able to measure cholesterol with much greater specificity than ever before is good news indeed, because it gives us much more information and far greater accuracy when it comes to predicting future  cardiovascular events.

   The sad news is doctors are mostly still measuring it the old way. Which is equivalent to using a pad and pencil in the age of the smartphone. We'll return to this point throughout the book.

   We now have sophisticated lab tests to tease out risk factors that have been hiding in plain sight for decades factors we now understand are directly and profoundly connected to heart disease.

   So the good news is that we have all kinds of cool ways of measuring sophisticated risk factors that most people never heard of a decade or two ago. Ten years ago, for example, few people even knew about (much less understood) the microbiome -- a whole  ecological system of microbes that lives in our gut and profoundly affects so many areas of our health. Even genetic testing, still in its infancy, is nonetheless light-years ahead of where it was in the early days of 23 and Me.

There are now at least a dozen cardiac markers that we can test that influence the likelihood of you getting heart disease. And best of all, many of these risk factors can be strongly modified by our own life choices.

   Every year we meet more and more   physicians at conferences who are realizing the importance of inflammation and oxidation in making arteries vulnerable to plaque. Every year we meet more and more physicians who have come around to the notion that nutrition and diet - the redheaded stepsister of traditional medical education - can be powerful allies in the fight against heart disease (and not as previously believed,  by sticking to a low-fat diet!). 

   In fact, the connection between diabetes and heart disease - sugar, anyone?- is the central thesis of this book. Insulin resistance is something that nearly always precedes type-2 diabetes, and, as we will argue, is an early warning sign of heart disease

   Understanding insulin resistance -and   how to prevent, treat, and even reverse it - is one of the most important things you can do if you want to prevent heart disease. We've all heard of pre-diabetes, but we suggest that "pre-heart disease" is just as real a phenomenon, and that phenomenon is called diabetes. We will argue that if you catch the signs of diabetes early enough, you can prevent heart disease for many, if not most,people. By the end of chapter 12 we hope you will agree with us.

  And now for the bad news. Most doctors don't know this. Even worse, most are still prescribing powerful drugs for a condition known as "high cholesterol" that is a lab test, not a disease, and- to add insult to injury--is being measured in an antiquated way.

   Unfortunately for all of us a very high percentage of doctors practicing conventional medicine in the United States still think an LDL cholesterol reading of more than 100 is a big problem. They will reach for their  prescription pad the moment it creeps north of 129. A very high percentage of doctors practicing conventional medicine in this country also continue to believe that fat and cholesterol clog your arteries, that obesity is caused by eating too much fat, that low-fat diets are generally effective, and that cholesterol causes heart disease.

    All of which tells us we've got a heck of a lot more work to do. Many doctors continue to cling to the old technology, an antiquated method of classifying cholesterol into large gross categories of "good" and "bad." Worse, these same doctors are prescribing powerful drugs--statins--based almost entirely on the readout from a test that should have been dumped in the dustbin of out-of-date medical ideas a long time ago.


The promise of this book is that we are  going to set you straight on the subject of cholesterol and heart disease. We're probably going to anger a lot of the conventional medicine crowd, but we hope we're also going to win over a few converts. Like politics, nutrition and medicine are very polarized. But unlike politics, there is a large group of  "independent voters" in the fields of nutrition and medicine, doctors and patients alike, who look for the truth wherever it's to be  found and don't cling stubbornly to official talking points. It's those independents that we hope we can win over with our message that it's time to move beyond - way beyond  conventional cholesterol testing and conventional dietary prescriptions for heart disease.

   Which, if you haven't already noticed, don't work very well.

   We feel the message of this book is so   important - and so potentially life-saving   - we want you to hear it right now, on the first few pages. Maybe it will prompt a conversation with your doctor, or even  motivate you to consider a different approach to the prevention of your own heart disease. If our book has some small part in accomplishing that, we will consider our mission accomplished. Here's what you need to know:

• Cholesterol does not cause heart disease. Cholesterol is involved in heart disease, but not in the way most people think it is. Cholesterol levels - as currently measured - do not even predict heart disease (let alone cause it).

• The cholesterol test your doctor currently gives you--the one for "good" and "bad" "cholesterol"--is obsolete. There are at least thirteen identified subtypes of cholesterol-not two--making it all the more mystifying that doctors continue to stick to measuring two.

• Lowering cholesterol does not save lives and this has been shown in study after study.

• Problematic blood measurements, such as high blood sugar, are actually markers of dysfunction that show up fairly late in the game. By the time these traditional red flags show up on your annual blood test, you could already be well on the road to pre-diabetes. And remember, pre-diabetes is diabetes; it's just not official yet. And diabetes is pre-heart disease. You cannot ignore the early warning signs of diabetes, and unfortunately, most doctors only look for the ones that show up after the damage has already started.

   Fully one-third of those with full-blown  diabetes don't know they have it, and the vast majority of those with early signs of diabetes are utterly clueless about their condition and the disaster that may await them further down the path. We'll explain the relationship between diabetes and heart disease throughout the book, but for now just keep in mind that more than 80 percent of diabetics  die of cardiovascular disease. Do the math.

   Insulin resistance is diabetes' first  metabolic footprint, the clue that shows up well before things go deeply south.[The use of south as in the phrase go south stems from the 1920s (from the Oxford English Dictionary):colloq. (orig. Stock Market). Downward or lower in value, price, or quality; in or into a worse condition or position. Esp. in to head (also go) south .  Go deeply south can be substituted for harsher language with words like "terrible," "dire," or "catastrophic."]  Insulin resistance syndrome more than doubles the risk of diabetes, which in turn more than doubles the risk of dying of heart disease or stroke. The good news: Insulin resistance itself can be detected many years before an official diagnosis of diabetes or heart disease, which means you can interrupt the path of  heart disease for a double-digit percentage of the population.

If this book has one single, actionable   takeaway, it's this: Get tested for insulin   resistance. There are many ways to test for insulin resistance - we'll discuss them all in chapter 9 - but test for it you must. It can reveal problems years, or even decades, before you get a diagnosis of either diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

   The best news is that you can stop insulin resistance - and most often reverse it - with diet. Really. You won't need a single pharmaceutical drug to reverse insulin resistance if you get it early enough and insulin resistance -we'll discuss them all in chapter 9- but test for it you must. It can reveal problems years, or even decades, before you get a diagnosis of either diabetes or   cardiovascular disease.

   The best news is that you can stop insulin resistance-and most often reverse it- with diet. Really. You won't need a single pharmaceutical drug to reverse insulin resistance if you get it early enough and make the right dietary changes. And if you do identify insulin resistance early, you can probably prevent it from morphing into a heart attack down the road. Researchers   writing in the medical journal Diabetes Care said it eloquently: "Insulin resistance is likely the most important single cause of coronary artery disease," adding that in young adults preventing insulin resistance would prevent  approximately 42 percent of heart attacks!


Are you on a statin drug?

   If you are, it's almost certainly because your doctor was worried about your LDL cholesterol number being too high. And if you aren't on a statin drug, it's probably because your doctor thought your LDL cholesterol number was just fine, hence no need for  preventive treatment. 

   In both cases, there's an excellent chance that your doctor was dead wrong. This book will explain why. 

   Remember, the only real importance of  the HDL-LDL cholesterol test is to predict an outcome - in this case heart disease. And if the HDL-LDL cholesterol test did in fact predict whether a given patient is likely to get heart disease, there'd be no reason for this discussion.

   But it doesn't. 

   Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the test--which, back in the 1960s, was considered state-of-the-art-has become obsolete. Given the far more accurate measures we now have at our disposal, the old-fashioned HDL-LDL test is long past its expiration date. The prescription you got from your doctor to prevent heart disease was very likely based on a test that's just about as  useful as a horoscope from People magazine.

   How do we know this? Because when you plug in the other, far more accurate predictors of heart disease-- which we'll talk about  throughout this book--it turns out many people with "high LDL" actually have very low risk for heart disease. Conversely, many people with "low LDL" can have a very high risk for a cardiovascular event. (This was true for one of the authors.)

   The danger of continuing to rely on this  obsolete test cuts both ways-many people who have "high LDL" but are actually at low risk are being overtreated with powerful  medications that come with a long list of side effects (see chapter 8). Meanwhile, many people who have "low LDL,' but actually have a high risk for an event, are walking around  untreated, thinking everything's just fine.  And that's tragic.

  Think of it this way: Knowing someone's HDL and LDL is like knowing their political party. But political party does not always predict the way someone is going to vote. In fact, on many important issues, if you want to make an accurate prediction on how someone is going to vote, it's far more important to know their age, sex, and whether or not they're married than it is to know whether they're a Republican or a Democrat.

   And it's the same thing with heart  disease. Except it's far more serious that your predictions be accurate. Make a mistake predicting how someone's going to vote and it's not really a big deal. Make a mistake about whether someone is at risk for heart disease and, well, it's a very big deal--especially if that someone is you or a member of your family.

   That is exactly why we want to see the   "HDL-LDL" test retired forever, replaced  by the far more sophisticated and accurate measures of cardiovascular risk that we now have available. These measures include ApoB, total particle number, and insulin resistance all of which we will go over during the course of this book.

Chapter 3 - Cholesterol, an Essential Nutrient: It Is Good for You!

 Chapter 3 - Cholesterol, an Essential Nutrient: It Is Good for You! 

What you need to know about cholesterol

Cholesterol is not the enemy. In fact, it is essential to good health and wellbeing. Every cell in the body needs cholesterol in its membrane, where it plays a critical role in cell communication. Without cholesterol, cell membranes are incomplete and, as a result, their functional role deteriorates. 

Cholesterol is also used in the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, and plays a vital role in cell energy production, not to mention its essential role in the brain structure and function. Cholesterol is the starting material of many essential chemicals including vitamin D, steroid hormones and bile acids for digestion. Do you see how important it is? Without adequate cholesterol and sunlight your body can't make vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is one of the major nutrient deficiencies in the Western world and is linked to many diseases and disorders, including type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, CVD and the process of inflammation.

Cholesterol is metabolised* into vital body steroids such as the steroid hormones, including: sex hormones, oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA, as well as the adrenal hormones aldosterone and cortisol.

[*to change (food) into a form that can be used by your body : to process and use (substances brought into your body) by metabolism. metabolizing nutrients. Food is metabolized by the body.]

 These are essential to your health and wellbeing and none of these can be made without cholesterol. Their production changes in relation to the levels of cholesterol in the blood.' Low levels of these hormones can have a significant impact on an individual's health and, in fact, low testosterone is associated with an elevated risk of all-cause mortality as well as other chronic illnesses including insulin resistance. 

What the drug companies don't want you to know


TWO HUNDRED YEARS AGO physicians routinely bled, purged, and plastered their patients. Bloodletting was the standard treatment for a host of diseases and had been so since the time of the philosopher-physician Galen almost 2,000 years before. The theory was that there were four humors: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. Blood was  dominant, requiring the most balancing for returning an ill patient to health.

Every doctor's kit was equipped with a variety of lancets, brutal-looking   scarificators, and, starting in the early   nineteenth century, leeches 🪱🪱. In fact, the latter were used so often that physicians were themselves commonly referred to as 'leeches'

Learned physicians conferred on the best veins to tap for given diseases and the optimal placement of leeches for the most therapeutic value, and countless protocols dictated the proper amount of blood to be let or number of leeches 🪱 to be applied. Doctors wrote lengthy papers describing their own bleeding   techniques and presented them at august medical conferences.

   The whole idea was nonsense, of course, and has been shown to be so in the early 1600s by William Harvey, the discoverer of how the circulatory system actually works. But the fact that the "scientific" basis for bloodletting was nonexistent didn't give pause to physicians 200 years ago, some of whom applied as many as fifty leeches to a single patient and, in the case of George Washington, relieved him of almost two quarts of blood in an effort to treat the throat infection that, coupled with the physician-caused anemia, ultimately killed him,

   We look back today and can only shake our heads. And be thankful we, ourselves, don't have to worry about getting bled by lancet or leech or that with today's modern, truly science-based medicine, we would ever be exposed to such nebulously grounded treatments. Surely with all the scientific   studies performed in great institutions the world over, today's doctors would never ignore the actual evidence and pursue  unnecessary and possibly even harmful treatments. Would they?

   Sadly, many doctors today have the same herd mentality as those doctors of yore. By the tens of thousands, they treat a nonexistent disease with drugs that are far from benign. And they do so based not on any hard scientific data, but because they, like their colleagues of 200 years ago, are firmly in the grip of group think. What is the nonexistent disease? Elevated cholesterol.

Cholesterol is an essential molecule without which there would be no life, so important that virtually every cell in the body is capable of synthesizing it

The vast majority of laypeople have been bombarded with so much misinformation about cholesterol that most take it as a given that cholesterol is a bad thing and that the less they have the better. The reality is that nothing could be further from the truth.

   Cholesterol is an essential molecule  without which there would be no life, so   important that virtually every cell in the body is capable of synthesizing it. Among its other duties, cholesterol is a major structural molecule, a framework on which other   critical substances are made. Were we able to somehow remove all its cholesterol, the body, would, in the words of Shakespeare, "melt, thaw and resolve itself into a dew." And that's not to mention that we wouldn't have bile acids, vitamin D, or steroid hormones (including sex hormones), all of which are cholesterol-based.

   Despite the essential nature of cholesterol,doctors the world over administer billions of dollars' worth of drugs to try to prevent

its natural synthesis. The fact that only a

tiny minority of patients actually extend

their lives by taking these drugs is lost on

the multitude prescribing them, but not,

of course, on the pharmaceutical industry

making and selling them. How did we come to

this sorry state?

Sixty years ago a researcher, little known

outside of academic circles, singlehandedly

set uS on this path of cholesterol paranoia:

Ancel Keys, Ph.D., a proponent of what has

become known as the lipid hypothesis,

concluded that excess cholesterol caused

heart disease. He started out thinking that dietary fat in general drove cholesterol levels up, but as the years went by, he came

to believe that saturated fat was the true cholesterol-raising villain. (This idea of   saturated fat as villain is so ingrained in the minds of health writers that the words "saturated fat" are almost never written alone but always as "artery-clogging saturated fat.") Which is more or less the basis for the lipid hypothesis: Saturated fat runs up cholesterol levels, and elevated cholesterol leads to heart disease. Nice and simple, but not true. It has never been proven, which is why it is still called the lipid hypothesis.

   Because of Keys's influence, researchers for the past five decades have been beavering away in labs the world over, desperate to find enough actual proof to convert the lipid hypothesis into the lipid fact. But so far, they've fallen way short. In the process,  however, they have vastly expanded our knowledge of the biochemistry and  physiology of the cholesterol molecule.  Thanks to their efforts, we now know that cholesterol is transported in the blood attached to carrier proteins, and that these protein-cholesterol complexes are called lipoproteins. Their densities now describe these lipoproteins: HDL (high-density lipoprotein), LDL (low-density lipoprotein), VLDL (very-low-density lipoprotein), and a number of others. Some of these lipoproteins are considered good (HDL) and others bad (LDL). And. of course, the drug companies have developed medications purported to increase the former while decreasing the latter.

   But they jumped the gun. Researchers have discovered a type of lipoprotein called small, dense (or type B) LDL that may actually end up being a true risk factor for heart disease. Problem is, this small, dense type B LDL is worsened by the very diet those promoting the lipid hypothesis have hailed for decades as the best diet to prevent heart disease: the low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet. Turns out that fat, especially saturated fat, decreases the amount of these small, dense LDL particles while the widely recommended low-fat diet increases  their number. The opposite of the small dense LDL are large fluffy LDL particles, which are not only not harmful but are actually healthful. But the LDL-lowering drugs lower those, too.

   Cracks should have appeared in the firm entrenchment of the lipid hypothesis (that now basically posits that elevated LDL causes heart disease) when a recent study showed that of almost 140,000 patients admitted to the hospital for heart disease, almost half of them had LDL levels under 100 mg/dL (100 mg/dL has been the therapeutic target for LDL for the past few years). Instead of stepping back, scratching their heads, and thinking, Hmmm, maybe we're on the wrong track here, the authors of this study concluded that maybe a    therapeutic level of 100 mg/dL for LDL is still too high and needs to be even lower. Such is their lipo-phobic herd mentality.

   Nutritionist Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., and   cardiologist Stephen Sinatra, M.D., have   teamed up in this book to slash through the tall thicket of misinformation surrounding cholesterol, lipoproteins, and the lipid hypothesis. They wrote their fact-based book using easy-to-understand terminology, and present a much more valid hypothesis of what  really causes heart disease and a host of other diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity, which will open your eyes to the emperor's state of undress. If you are worried about your cholesterol level or contemplating taking a cholesterol-lowering drug, we urge you to read this book! This book will put the  facts in your hands to make a more informed decision. And we're confident you will enjoy their book as much as we did. 

Michael R. Eades, M.D.

Mary Dan Eades, M.D

May 2012

Incline Village, Nevada, USA 🇺🇸 

deaths linked to Covid-19 vaccinated

 This article is hilariously self contradicting.

What's the vaccine status of the 78 seniors who died from Covid? 

Apparently all are vaccinated. If that is so, does the vaccine really work at all to prevent anything? 

Apparently when there is no unvax senior died from Covid, nothing will be mentioned.

Such news report is really substandard as it is guilty of selection bias in reporting. 

If the Vaccine didn't help to prevent deaths for those above 60s, do you think it will help for those 50s and younger? 

The truth is only 1 young chap who was unvax died from Covid basically because he has serious pre existing conditions which most probably made him to decide not to take the vaccine. 

These data 

Really shows that those Vax have more death as compared to those Unvax. There are about 5% totally unvax but only 1 out of 83 Covid deaths is Unvax! That's only 1.2%! 

These are the cold hard facts.

Singapore  🇸🇬 


Seniors account for 78 of 83 Covid-19 deaths in 2024; MOH urges them to get vaccinated .

The 83 deaths linked to Covid-19 so far in 2024 is much lower than the 317 deaths in 2023 and the 860 in 2022. 

reporter: Salma Khalik

4 of the people who died were in their 50s, and one person was 16 years or younger.

● they did not do a break down of vx vs non vax

● The claim that "only 1.2% of deaths were unvaccinated" is misleading because it ignores relative population sizes. If only 5% are unvaccinated but still represent 1 out of 83 deaths, this suggests that their risk of death is significantly higher.

Example (Hypothetical):

If 95 out of 100 seniors are vaccinated and 5 are not:

78 vaccinated deaths (out of 95) = 82% survival rate

1 unvaccinated death (out of 5) = 80% survival rate

This shows that unvaccinated seniors face greater mortality risk even if raw numbers seem small.

To assess vaccine effectiveness, the correct measure is the death rate per 100,000 people in each group, not the total count. This reveals that unvaccinated seniors die at a much higher rate.

● lol! no wonder PAP so screw up! They don't know statistics!

●  brain rot example of using statistics

Plucking numbers everywhere and using them to divide by something to get nonsensical percentages

● Journalistic quality, integrity and freedom aside, seem missing in the $900,000,000 tax funded media … why vax (more) if the vax is ineffective or cause side effects ?

● All 78 seniors who died from Covid are vaccinated

Government: urges all seniors to get vaccinated

🤡 JOKER 🃏 

● Waiting for pm to get his 9th booster shot

The Straits Times 

Seniors account for 78 of 83 Covid-19 deaths in 2024; MOH urges them to get vaccinated

The 83 deaths linked to Covid-19 so far in 2024 is much lower than the 317 deaths in 2023 and the 860 in 2022.


Reporter Salma Khalik

UPDATED Dec 30, 2024, 11:08 AM

SINGAPORE - Seniors aged 60 years and older, and those who are medically vulnerable, should get a booster vaccination against Covid-19 to protect themselves against serious illness and death.

This call from the Ministry of Health (MOH) comes in the light of the 83 people who have died from the infectious disease in 2024.

Of them, 78 were aged 60 and above, four were aged 50 to 59, and one was 16 years or younger.

MOH said all four adults in their 50s who died had other medical problems, and three had not received a booster shot within the past year.

The vaccination status of the fourth adult, a foreigner visiting Singapore, is not known.

The young person who died had other medical problems and had “no history of Covid-19 vaccination”.

The 83 deaths linked to Covid-19 so far in 2024 are much lower than the 317 deaths in 2023 and the 860 in 2022.

An MOH spokesman said that in general, the Covid-19 situation here has been stable, in spite of the year-end travel season. The peak of around 26,000 cases a week occurred in May, when there was a wave of cases caused by the KP.1/2 variant.

But he added: “Our concern continues to be with severe cases, which tend to be seniors.”

In the first 11 months of the year, 108 people needed intensive care for Covid-19 infection. Of them, 80 per cent were seniors aged 60 and above, he said.

The most prevalent Covid-19 strain circulating in Singapore today is the MV.1, which accounts for more than a third of cases that have been sequenced.

This strain is a descendent of JN.1 – the target of the current Covid-19 vaccine MOH rolled out on Oct 28. Given the relationship between the two strains, the vaccine is able to “provide protection against the MV.1 descendant”.

The spokesman said: “Based on international data, antibody levels against recent variants increased by more than tenfold with the updated JN.1 vaccine. Similar enhancement in the antibody levels is expected for the MV.1 strain, which is genetically related to the JN.1 variant.”

More than 35,000 people have received the latest vaccine, of whom 60 per cent are seniors. About 410,000 people have been vaccinated against Covid-19 in 2024. Prior to Oct 28, 2024, the vaccine given was targeted at the XBB.1.5 strain.

MOH said both the XBB.1.5 and the JN.1 vaccines can enhance protection against the MV.1 subvariant, but the JN.1 vaccine is likely to provide better protection. This is because recently circulating strains, such as MV.1, are more genetically related and similar to JN.1 than XBB.1.5.

The spokesman added: “Currently, there is no indication that the MV.1 is more transmissible or causes more severe disease compared with previously identified variants.”

2,102 people in S’pore have died from Covid-19 since start of pandemic to June 2024: MOH

Enough Paxlovid to treat Covid-19 in at-risk adults, but it is no longer free: MOH

The Covid-19 vaccine remains free and is available at polyclinics and about 500 general practitioner clinics.

Experts recommend that those who are vulnerable get the vaccine booster shot.

Professor Ooi Eng Eong, an expert in emerging diseases at the Duke-NUS Medical School, recommends revaccination “for the elderly and those with chronic diseases where any infection could tip the scale for the worse”.

Professor Dale Fisher, a senior infectious diseases consultant at the National University Hospital, said people might want to get a booster before travelling. He took a booster shot before a trip to Europe this winter.

He added: “I got vaccinated two weeks before I left to protect against my increased vulnerability as a traveller and to minimise the chances of wrecking my trip. No illness after two weeks on the road.”

Prime Minister Lawrence Wong tested positive for Covid-19 earlier in December, his first brush with the disease. While he was feeling fine, he self-isolated, which is what MOH recommends, to prevent the spread of the disease.

MOH says people with Covid-19 who need to go out should wear a mask and minimise social interactions.

Cantonese Vegetarian Wanton Soup








2-1:热锅倒油后,依次炒香菇碎、金针菇、胡萝卜、油 豆腐碎,倒入1烧生抽、撒点海盐和五香粉,再加入切碎 的上海青,根据菜的咸度调整是否需要补盐就行;


3-1:取馄饨皮,如果从冰箱冷冻取出来的,先解冻静置 一会;

3-2:按视频中的角度三个边缘涂抹一点水,馅料按1小 勺放在馄饨皮中央扣好; here


3-3:水开后入锅煮30-40秒左右(具体看馄饨皮已经变 透明即可捞出);


碗里加入适量紫菜、倒入1勺有机酱油、适量白胡椒粉、 几滴香油和些少许的海盐,把煮馄饨的汤底加入,以及 熟馄饨,撒上小香芹和烤过的白芝麻,就可以开吃啦!



Watch here 

Ingredients that need to be processed in advance

 1-1: Chop the tofu soak and carrots, wash the enoki mushrooms and cut them into small pieces;

 1-2: Soak the dried mushrooms and beat them into small dices with a food processor in advance;

 1-3: Shanghai green needs to be blanched in advance, and must be chopped after squeezing out the water;

 1-4: Cut Chaoshan parsley into small pieces and prepare in advance.

 2. [Stir-fried fillings]

 2-1: After pouring oil into the hot pan, fry the chopped shiitake mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, carrots, and fried tofu in sequence, pour in 1 roasted light soy sauce, sprinkle some sea salt and five-spice powder, then add chopped Shanghai greens, according to the saltiness of the dish Just adjust whether you need to add salt;


 3-1: Take the wonton wrappers. If they are taken out of the refrigerator, defrost them first and let them sit for a while;

 3-2: Apply a little water to the three edges of the angle in the video, put 1 teaspoon of the filling in the center of the wonton wrapper and buckle it;

 3-2: Fold the dumpling wrapper in half horizontally and close it as in the video; watch here 

 3-3: After the water boils, put it into the pot and cook for about 30-40 seconds (for details, take it out if the wonton wrapper has become transparent);

 4. [Wonton Soup Base]

 Add an appropriate amount of seaweed to the bowl, pour 1 tablespoon of organic soy sauce, an appropriate amount of white pepper, a few drops of sesame oil and a little sea salt, add the soup base for cooking the wontons, and cooked wontons, sprinkle with parsley and roasted white sesame seeds , you can start eating!

 Delicious vegetarian

 Vegetarian Fresh Soup Wonton

You know ....


你知道你恋爱了❤️😍💖❣️💕💘当你无法入睡时,因为你现在的现实终于比你的梦境美好得多。Nǐ zhīdào nǐ liàn'àile ❤️😍💖❣️💕💘dāng nǐ wúfǎ rùshuì shí, yīnwèi nǐ xiànzài de xiànshí zhōngyú bǐ nǐ de mèngjìng měihǎo dé duō.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Natural remedies for Kidney stones

Though it may be uncomfortable, it is possible to pass a kidney stone on your own. 
虽然可能不舒服,但可以自行排出肾结石。Without surgery. 无需手术。

Kidney Stones. 肾结石。
Home Remedies for Kidney Stones.肾结石的家庭疗法。
 Though it may be uncomfortable, it's possible to pass a kidney stone on your own. 虽然可能不舒服,但可以自行排出肾结石。

1. Drinking plenty of water is a vital part of passing kidney stones and preventing new stones from forming. 
1. 多喝水是排出肾结石和防止新结石形成的重要部分。

It helps flush out toxins and move stones and grit through your urinary tract. 它有助于排出毒素,并将结石和沙砾通过尿道。

2. But avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine, which may cause dehydration.但要避免饮酒和咖啡因,因为它们可能会导致脱水。 Talk with a health professional before drinking any of these home remedies. 在饮用任何这些家庭疗法之前,请咨询健康专家。 They can assess whether home treatment is right for you.他们可以评估家庭治疗是否适合您。 

● 8-10 glasses of water daily. 
每天 8-10 杯水。

● 🍋 Lemon juice diluted in water. 🍋 用水稀释的柠檬汁。

● Celery juice.  芹菜汁。

● Pomegranate juice.  石榴汁。

● Wheatgrass juice. 小麦草汁。

See a healthcare professional if you can't pass your stone within 6 weeks or you experience fever, chills, severe pain, bloody urine, nausea, or vomiting. 如果您在 6 周内无法排出结石,或者出现发烧、发冷、剧烈疼痛、血尿、恶心或呕吐等症状,请就医。

虽然可能不舒服,但可以自行排出肾结石。Suīrán kěnéng bú shūfú, dàn kěyǐ zì háng páichū shèn jiéshí. 
无需手术。Wúxū shǒushù.

肾结石。Shèn jiéshí.

肾结石的家庭疗法。Shèn jiéshí de jiātíng liáofǎ.  虽然可能不舒服,但可以自行排出肾结石。Suīrán kěnéng bú shūfú, dàn kěyǐ zì háng páichū shèn jiéshí.

1. 多喝水是排出肾结石和防止新结石形成的重要部分。
1. Duō hē shuǐ shì páichū shèn jiéshí hé fángzhǐ xīn jiéshí xíngchéng de zhòngyào bùfèn.

它有助于排出毒素,并将结石和沙砾通过尿道。Tā yǒu zhù yú páichū dúsù, bìng jiāng jiéshí hé shālì tōngguò niàodào.

2. 但要避免饮酒和咖啡因,因为它们可能会导致脱水 Dàn yào bìmiǎn yǐnjiǔ hé kāfēi yīn, yīnwèi tāmen kěnéng huì dǎozhì tuōshuǐ. 在饮用任何这些家庭疗法之前,请咨询健康专家。Zài yǐnyòng rènhé zhèxiē jiātíng liáofǎ zhīqián, qǐng zīxún jiànkāng zhuānjiā. 他们可以评估家庭治疗是否适合您。Tāmen kěyǐ pínggū jiātíng zhìliáo shìfǒu shìhé nín.

● 每天 8-10 杯水。Měitiān 8-10 bēi shuǐ.

● 🍋 用水稀释的柠檬汁。🍋 Yòngshuǐ xīshì de níngméng zhī.

● 芹菜汁。
Qíncài zhī.

● 石榴汁。
Shíliú zhī.

● 小麦草汁。
 Xiǎomài cǎo zhī.

 如果您在 6 周内无法排出结石,或者出现发烧、发冷、剧烈疼痛、血尿、恶心或呕吐等症状,请就医。
Rúguǒ nín zài 6 zhōu nèi wúfǎ páichū jiéshí, huòzhě chūxiàn fāshāo, fā lěng, jùliè téngtòng, xiěniào, ěxīn huò ǒutù děng zhèngzhuàng, qǐng jiùyī.

Kidney stones are a common health problem.

Passing these stones can be incredibly painful, and unfortunately, people who have experienced kidney stones are more likely to get them again. Because of dehydration lifestyle. Daily water deficits and over consumption of beverages and alcoholic products. 

However, there are a few things you can do to reduce this risk.

Here I explain what kidney stones are and outlines 8 dietary ways to fight them.

What are kidney stones?

Also known as renal stones or nephrolithiasis, kidney stones are composed of hard, solid waste materials that build up in the kidneys and form crystals.

Four main types exist, but about 80% of all stones are calcium oxalate stones. Less common forms include struvite, uric acid, and cysteine.

While smaller stones are usually not a problem, larger stones may cause a blockage in part of your urinary system as they leave your body.

This can lead to severe pain, vomiting, and bleeding.

Kidney stones are a common health problem. In fact, about 12% of men and 5% of women will develop a kidney stone during their lifetime.

What’s more, if you get a kidney stone once, studies suggest you are up to 50% more likely to form another stone within 5 to 10 years. Due to lifestyle constant prolonged dehydration of the body. Water 💧 deficits.  

Below are 8 natural ways you can reduce the risk of forming another kidney stone.

Kidney stones are firm lumps formed from crystallized waste products
in the kidneys.

1. Stay hydrated

When it comes to kidney stone prevention, drinking plenty of fluids is generally recommended.

Fluids dilute and increase the volume of the stone-forming substances in urine, which makes them less likely to crystallize .

However, not all fluids exert this effect equally. For example, a high intake of water is linked to a lower risk of kidney stone formation.

Beverages like coffee, tea, beer, wine, and orange juice have also been associated with a lower risk.

On the other hand, consuming a lot of soda may contribute to kidney stone formation. This is true for both sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened sodas.

Rule of thumb 👍: daily ensure that for every one kilogram of body weight, drink at least 32.53 ml of water. With pinch of sea salt / Himalayan pink salt on your tongue 👅 prior water intake.

Sugar-sweetened soft drinks contain fructose, which is known to increase the excretion of calcium, oxalate, and uric acid. These are important factors for kidney stone risk.

Some studies have also linked a high intake of sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened colas to an increased risk of kidney stones, due to their phosphoric acid contents .

Staying well-hydrated is important for preventing kidney stones. 

2. Increase your citric acid intake

Citric acid is an organic acid found in many fruits and vegetables, particularly citrus fruits. Lemons and limes are especially rich in this plant compound.

Citric acid may help prevent calcium oxalate kidney stones in two ways:

● Preventing stone formation:
It can bind with calcium in urine, reducing the risk of new stone

● Preventing stone enlargement:
It binds with existing calcium oxalate crystals, preventing them from
getting larger. It can help you pass these crystals before they turn into
larger stones.

An easy way to consume more citric acid is to eat more citrus fruits, such as grapefruit, oranges, lemons, or limes.

You can also try squeeze adding some lime juice or lemon juice to your water.

■ Citric acid is a plant compound that may help prevent kidney stones
from forming. Citrus fruits are great dietary sources.

3. Limit foods high in oxalates

Oxalate (oxalic acid) is an antinutrient found in many plant foods, including leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, and cocoa.

Also, your body produces considerable amounts of it.

A high oxalate intake may increase oxalate excretion in urine, which can be problematic for people who tend to form calcium oxalate crystals.

Oxalate can bind calcium and other minerals, forming crystals that can lead to stone formation.

However, foods high in oxalate also tend to be very healthy, so a strict low-oxalate diet is no longer recommended for all stone-forming individuals.

A low-oxalate diet is only suggested for people who have hyperoxaluria, a condition characterized by high levels of oxalate in the urine .

Before changing your diet, consult your healthcare provider or dietitian to find out whether you may benefit from limiting your intake of oxalate-rich foods.

Foods high in oxalate can be problematic for some people. 

4. Don’t take high doses of vitamin C

Studies indicate that vitamin C (ascorbic acid) supplements are associated with a higher risk of getting kidney stones .

A high intake of supplemental vitamin C may increase the excretion of oxalate in the urine, as some vitamin C can be converted into oxalate within the body .

One Swedish study among middle-aged and older men estimated that those who supplement with vitamin C may be twice as likely to develop kidney stones as those who don’t supplement with this vitamin.

However, note that vitamin C from food sources, such as lemons, is not associated with an increased stone risk.

■ There is some evidence that taking high doses of vitamin C supplements
may increase the risk of calcium oxalate kidney stones in men.

5. Get enough calcium

It’s a common misunderstanding that you need to decrease your calcium intake to reduce your risk of forming calcium-containing stones.

However, this is not the case. In fact, a diet high in calcium has been associated with a decreased risk of forming kidney stones.

One study placed men who had previously formed calcium-containing kidney stones on a diet containing 1,200 mg of calcium per day. The diet was also low in animal protein and salt .

The men had about a 50% lower risk of developing another kidney stone within 5 years than the control group, which followed a low-calcium diet of 400 mg per day.

Dietary calcium tends to bind with oxalate in the diet, which prevents it from being absorbed. The kidneys then don’t have to pass it through the urinary system.

Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are good dietary sources of calcium.

For most adults, the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for calcium is 1,000 mg per day. However, the RDA is 1,200 mg per day for women over the age of 50 and everyone over the age of 70.

Getting enough calcium may help prevent kidney stone formation in some
people. Calcium may bind to oxalate and prevent it from being absorbed.

6. Cut back on salt
A diet high in salt is linked to an increased risk of kidney stones in some people.

A high intake of sodium, a component of table salt, may increase calcium excretion through urine, which is one of the main risk factors for kidney stones .

That said, some studies in younger adults have failed to find an association.

Most dietary guidelines recommend that people limit sodium intake to 2,300 mg per day. However, most people consume a lot more than that amount.

One of the best ways to decrease your sodium intake is to cut back on packaged, processed foods.

◆ If you’re prone to forming kidney stones, restricting sodium may help.

Sodium may increase the amount of calcium you excrete in urine.

7. Increase your magnesium intake

Magnesium is an important mineral that many people don’t consume in sufficient amounts .

It’s involved in hundreds of metabolic reactions within your body, including energy production and muscle movements.

There is also some evidence that magnesium may help prevent calcium oxalate kidney stone formation .

More than 300 essential processes within your body rely on magnesium. It’s a heavy-hitter list that includes heart rhythm, muscle contractions, blood pressure control, bone health and creating energy.

Here are Taylor’s top picks (arranged by food type) to keep your magnesium levels in the optimal range:

Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds may be small in size, but they pack a nutritional punch with gobs of protein, fiber, healthy fats and minerals such as magnesium. Here are five options with their stellar magnesium resumes:

● Almonds (roasted): 1 ounce (oz) = 80 mg of magnesium.
● Cashews (roasted): 1 oz = 72 mg of magnesium.
● Flaxseed (whole): 1 tablespoon = 40 mg of magnesium.
● Peanuts (dry roasted): 1 oz = 49 mg of magnesium.
● Pumpkin seeds (hulled, roasted): 1 oz = 150 mg of magnesium.
● Chia seeds: 1 oz = 111 mg of magnesium.

Biologically speaking, a legume is a plant from the Fabaceae family. Nutritionally speaking, they’re a powerhouse on multiple levels — including magnesium content. Here are three to consider:

● Black beans (boiled): 1/2 cup = 60 mg of magnesium.
● Edamame (cooked, prepared): 1/2 cup = 50 mg of magnesium.
● Lima beans (cooked): 1/2 cup = 40 mg of magnesium.

Fiber-rich whole grains
Magnesium content is yet another reason to add whole grains to your diet.

● Quinoa (cooked): 1/2 cup = 60 mg of magnesium.
● Shredded wheat (plain, unfrosted): 1 cup = 56 mg of magnesium.

Low-fat dairy products

Dairy products get a lot of attention for calcium content, but they also can be a good source of magnesium. Consider it a two-for-one deal! 
Milk (nonfat): 1 cup = 24 to 27 mg of magnesium.
Yogurt (plain, low fat): 8 oz = 42 mg of magnesium.


Friday, December 27, 2024

For What It's Worth

 There's something happening here

But what it is ain't exactly clear

There's a man with a gun over there

Telling me I got to beware

I think it's time we stop

Children, what's that sound?

Everybody look, what's going down?

There's battle lines being drawn

Nobody's right if everybody's wrong

Young people speaking their minds

Getting so much resistance from behind

It's time we stop
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look, what's going down?

What a field day for the heat (Ooh ooh ooh)
A thousand people in the street (Ooh ooh ooh)
Singing songs and they carrying signs (Ooh ooh ooh)
Mostly say, "Hooray for our side" (Ooh ooh ooh)

It's time we stop
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look, what's going down?

Paranoia strikes deep

Into your life it will creep

It starts when you're always afraid

Step out of line, the men come and take you away

We better stop
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look, what's going down?

You better stop
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look, what's going down?

You better stop
Now, what's that sound?
Everybody look, what's going down?

You better stop
Children, what's that sound?
Everybody look, what's going down?