Dr. Charles F. Tully D. D. S. Talks About Using Rife’s Machine
at the First International Convention of the Rife Virus Microscope.
May 7th, 1960.
This talk was transcribed from the original recordings.
, www.rifevideos.com.
1. John Crane: Are you ready doctor? And now I think that we will bring Dr. Tully up to the stand. Dr. Tully has worked here in San Diego for many years. He used to have three offices here in town. He would travel from one to the other. He's been quite a research man himself. He has worked with quite a few patients in the medical profession. He is a dental surgeon and currently he has an office here in town on Logan Avenue. Ten years ago, Dr. Tully, helped us a great deal and we set up a laboratory in one of his homes over in Ocean Beach. At this time I would like to introduce our good friend and another one of our honorary members, Dr. Charles F. Tully.
2. Dr. Tully: Mr. Crane, those who are assembled, I am very happy to be here today and perhaps I might give you something as quickly as possible that would be interesting to you. So by way of explanation, I would like to say I took two years of medicine and at that time I had to discontinue in order to complete my course and receive my degree in dental surgery. I have followed that ever since, however, but as a medical man I have no quarrel with our medical profession. But I have sort of parted company with them a good many years ago for the simple reason that I have lost confidence in some of their procedures, owing to the fact that they are too quick on the gun. They used too big a shots and have made their patients "shot conscious" and when their patients come to them they expect a heroic shot and a heroic pill and a heroic treatment, for that's the order of the day. Their patients expect that, and if they don't get it they will start out looking for somebody who has got somebody who has a pretty big heavy shot to give them. I don't look down upon them for that at all, but I do believe that those heroic methods of treatment are not effective, well, they are effective in some cases but I do believe that the continued use of such medication not only tears down the ability of the body to resist that infection, but it also leaves the body in a depleted condition where it is difficult to build back up to a healthy state. So, I have no kick coming at medics but long ago I have believed in some of the procedures which you have nowadays amongst a great many of the laity and going to many of the old-fashioned remedies for instance.
The old bread and milk poultice which is very effective for a boil. And many, many medics will tell you today that it was entirely harmless and it was effective but they don't use it because it is a little old-fashioned. But ideas of that kind of dietetics and right living and getting away from the powerful dosages are the things that many of us have in our hearts a great longing for. And so that has driven me many years ago to the investigation of what you see here today. But I was a little afraid of that to begin with because I was afraid of the x-ray, it was dangerous. I bear in my left hand scars of the x-ray that nearly lost me my arm. So I gave my x-ray away to some of my Mexican friends in Tijuana who wanted one because I didn't need it anyway more. I get along without it very well. I didn't want it. I still don't want it. But I was a little afraid of this, it looks like an x-ray, but it isn't. So I didn't know what to think, but I intended to investigate first if it was any good and secondly if it was any harm. I found at first that it was neither of what I thought it to be. But the first thing I began to do was to begin to go into the laboratory to see what it was like. I am intimately acquainted with Dr. Yale and knew what he had done. I knew Dr. Couche back for years and knew what he was doing. I know some of the other men. I know what John Crane here has been doing for years. I'm familiar with all that, but I wanted to find something in my own life that would check up and I would know what I was doing. And so I went into the laboratory. I used Dr. Rife's microscope, I talked to him, I saw what he was doing, I saw what others were doing, and I began to experiment.
Now, if you folks will stand beside me while I am operating and see me take out 32 teeth, tear the gums back, take a rasp and saw off the bones and knock off the chips, you would say if he's a dental surgeon, I never saw one. But when I get through with that old jaw bone it looks more like the dogs have been chewing at it than a first-class surgeon. And then I have to get busy and repair the damage and bring the gums all back nicely and sew them so carefully that when after a while I take the mirror and say, "Well, now you can look at it," they think that maybe I wasn't such a bad surgeon after all. But I knew better because underneath those beautiful stitches I saw just a chewed up hamburger steak, that I felt sorry for. So what did I do?
Getting the hamburger idea, I went out to the butcher shop and I got me some hamburger. I took it home after the butcher had gotten through handling it. I took it in my own dirty hands, not clean washed up sterile hands. And I took some of that hamburger and I poked it down in a bottle, put a cork in it and sealed it up. Well, I said that is something like what I have left when I get through with my surgery. So, I took that bottle and I put it under the Ray (Rife Ray), not for one day, but for several days to see what would happen, but the next day after using that bottle I expected to see the hamburger all black and full of whiskers. It wasn't. The next day I gave it another jolt and another jolt and another jolt. In three or four days I set it away on the shelf. That was ten years ago. About a year after that I looked at the hamburger and it looked just like it did when I put it in the bottle. Two years after that it wasn’t so nice and pink, but it was sort of white, like the hamburger that comes out of the butcher shop two or three days old. But three years after it was sort of brown. Ten years after it was more brown. You can take that brown bottle of hamburger there, if you want, and pass it down the table. There is the hamburger in the bottle, no preservative, just as it came out of my dirty hands and the butcher's dirty hands and stuffed down in that bottle and corked up.
Then I tried another experiment and I got a few grapes. I went to the store and I found a box and down in the bottom of that box I found a few old slimy grapes. I picked those up and cut them up and put them in bottles, there, ten years ago and turned the Ray on them. You won't find any whiskers in those bottles either and they look just about as bad today as they did when I took them out of the box, but they aren't any worse. So you can pass those along for the folks to look at.
Now, I did another thing. These were practical experiments. I'm not going into the medical end of anything today because I don't have the time. I took a little jar, about that big around, a glass jar with a nice little cover on it. I didn't wash it out or clean it out particularly. It didn't have any dirt in it, but it wasn't sterile and I cracked an egg, put it in that little jar and put the lid on it. I sealed it and put it under the Ray. Well, you know what happens to an egg when you crack it. When it sits around a few days and it is not in the refrigerator or anything, you know what happens. Well, after a month or two I looked at the egg and it looked as though it had just come out of the shell. Two or three years after that, I notice though, that the same thing had happened here. The light coming through the glass and the yoke of that egg had begun to turn light colored. It had lost its yellow and it had begun to get sort of white, but it never did lose all of its color, but it was lighter colored. Instead of being sort of reddish it had become more yellow. That went on for four or five years.
After a while when some my friends were examining it and throwing it around, the yoke broke. I was sorry I said, "I wonder now if after all these years something has gone wrong with that. I'm going to take that apart and see what it smells like because you know after an egg has laid around for four or five years it hadn’t ought to smell very good, had it? Well, I broke the seal and I took it off. I looked in it and it just looked like scrambled eggs. I smelled it and it didn't smell like a spoiled egg. It smelled like something just ready for the frying pan. Well, I didn't fry it and I didn't eat it, but I'm sure if I had been hungry I could have. And I have been sorry ever since that I didn't do it because I believe that it would have just been scrambled eggs and would have been alright. It had no bad smell. You folks know a bad egg when you see it.
After I began to use the instrument in my office, I used it for everything under the sun from ingrown toenails to falling hair. I have proved to myself and have proved to my family and I have proved to my patients that it is not dangerous. But even if a person just sat and got under the effect of the Ray, they would go to bed that night and sleep better because there is a metabolistic uplift. When you have the flu or when you are sick we turn it on just for the fun and let it go. We all gather around it and it gives you a nice, pleasant feeling. It gets you just a little better after it.
One day I went into the office and I was so sick with the flu that I was just staggering. And I said, "Oh, I can't take care of business. I've got to go home. Just tell the girl to lock the door and get rid of all my people. I'm just dizzy." I went and laid down under the machine (Rife Machine) and turned her loose. And then I turned it off and I laid there a little while and I turned it on again. I had a temperature of 102° that morning. By noon I had a temperature of 100°. By the time I went home that night it was down to just a little bit over normal. I went home and had a good sleep and got up and went to work the next morning. That's what it does to me. There is nothing dangerous about it. I had no bad effects whatsoever. That is why everyone in our family uses it almost daily. And I use it on these extraction cases because I know what it did to the hamburger. I will be stepping out of my sphere to tell you some of the other things that I did with it. I treat everything and I have found it effective in a great many things. But I won't tell you that it is a sure cure for everything. There are certain things it will not touch. But I believe it is a great step forward and it is something that should be very beneficial to humanity. I thank you much.
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