Wednesday, December 25, 2024

6. Dr. Robert P. Stafford M.D. 1959 talk about using the 1950's version of the Rife Ray #5, called the AZ-58, machine on his patients

 Dr. Robert P. Stafford, M.D. Talks

About Using The Rife Machine On His Patients

This summary of Dr. Robert P. Stafford’s experiences using Dr. Rife’s machine was recorded by Dr. Stafford and sent to Dr. Rife, John Crane and John Marsh in the spring of 1959.

Transcribed from the original recordings by Copyright 2011.

(1). Dr. Stafford: Now today, I would like to summarize several of the cases that I have worked on here in Dayton during the past year and a half. Since my most fortuitous meeting with my old friend John Marsh, I believe that was around August 1957, at that time John came to the office with his wife who had some little illness. During and following the treatment of his wife, John told me that he was engaged in a very interesting work in California. He was kind enough to explain some of this work to me and of course the things that John Marsh had to say about the Rife equipment, was most phenomenal and at the time it seemed almost unbelievable. I have, fortunately, been able to observe several of the things that were mention to actually exist and therefore I feel bound to set forth these things as I have seen them by letter, by personal message and to carry on the work here in Dayton wherever I am able to do so, wherever the work would be applicable.

(2). Several months after my initial meeting with John Marsh I had the fortunate experience of applying the Royal R. Rife therapy to two of my patients with cancer who were at the time confined to College Hill Hospital. Both of these patients were in a terminal state. I discussed the situation with their husbands, respectively, and the husbands agreed to support the transfer of the Rife equipment to College Hill Hospital and in the fall around October 1957, the therapy was initiated. The first of these two cases was that of an eighty-year-old white, married woman who had been admitted to College Hill Hospital several weeks prior the initiation of Rife therapy. At this time Nellie Bias was suffering from extreme congestive heart failure and at the same time with extensive carcinomatosis with metastasis from a primary lesion in the left breast, to the right breast to the right axilla, to the cervical end of the neck. Mrs. Bias was given the supportive therapy that is customary for cardiac failure and she showed remarkable response to this.

Approximately 40 pounds of water was removed from her edematous body. This left Mrs. Bias in a terminal cachectic state in which she was unable to swallow, even small amounts of water or eat anything but the very minimal amount of soft non-residue food, when she would try to eat this food she would gag and cough and it would tend to go into the trachea. She would have severe paroxysm of coughing. Many of these paroxysms seemed to portend the very end for Mrs. Bias.

Now, following the 4th or 5th treatment, which was given, each treatment about an interval of about 72 hours prior, Mrs. Bias began to find that she could swallow a little better. The general nursing care was relieved. Her strength seemed to return slightly. Although in parentheses I would state that after each treatment she became quite lethargic, drowsy for a period of 24 to 36 hours and then would brighten up considerably until the time of the next treatment. A most remarkable change began to be observed in the extensive metastatic carcinoma, especially noted in the right breast. The extension of this carcinoma to the right breast had produced ulceration and secondary infection and the odor was characteristically foul of such a lesion.

Likewise Mrs. Bias’s right arm was nearly bound to her side by the extensive metastatic lesions in her axilla. Now these lesions were biopsied and sent to two laboratories to confirm the diagnosis of carcinomatosis metastatic from the breast. This was confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt. Pictures were taken of the right and left breast when we began to see an improvement. And these pictures are a matter of record in my files. Mrs. Bias’ general condition improved remarkably. She regained much of her strength; she no longer was bedfast, as she had been. She traveled by herself to the bathroom and out into the lobby of the hospital and her appetite increased and her ability to eat increased to the point where she insisted on her husband, the dear and tender man that he was, to bring her some extra food from outside for she was able to eat again and she had much to catch up on.

Another remarkable clinical demonstration of improvement occurred in her right arm in that she could now raise the arm and comb her hair and bring the elbow clear up to the level of the ear which was an impossible feat for her to perform prior to this therapy. Now Mrs. Bias was an irascible lady, God rest her soul, and though she was always very fine to the gentlemen, she seemed to have a tendency to dislike others of her own sexual characteristics and one day when she was about to get back into bed, and the kind nurse was trying to help her, she threw her arm back to push the nurse away saying, I can do it myself, and in that spinning motion and with her advanced years of 83, she spun to the side and fell. Unfortunately, and it so often occurs to folks in their eightieth years, a fall seems to bring on a shock-like state. This is not the same type of shock apparently that we see in blood loss or after an automobile accident but it seems to be a mental shock. This mental shock seems to pervade the entire organism and I have seen many older patients who have sustained a fall even without fracture, go downhill and die. That is exactly the case of Mrs. Bias.

Following this fall, she seemed to be in a dazed state and within a week she had developed severe pulmonary edema which of course we attributed to her failing heart. Despite medication and a slight rally she again lapsed into pulmonary edema and secondary bronchial pneumonia and died on the 15th of December, 1957 at 9 o'clock in the morning.

Autopsy was performed by Dr. Robert Zip and Dr. John Osborne at Miami Valley Hospital and the complete autopsy report is in our files. I shall not go into the complete detail of this report but suffice it to say that because of the interest in the cancer progress in this patient the tongue, esophagus and trachea, were removed from the neck along with the para-esophageal and tracheal nodes and the cervical nodes and a careful microscopic examination was performed on this structure as well as on the remaining part of the body, especially the breast and the axilla. These tissues were found to be normal. There was no sign of carcinoma in any area of the body with one exception. There was still remaining at the sight of the primary cancer in the left breast a mass of tissue showing adenocarcinoma which was described as probably primary in the breast. The pathologist stated quote, "the neoplasm cells showed hyperchromatism anaplasia and mitosis. Some of the cells are evacuated and there is moderate edema. There are bands of connective tissue between clumps of neoplasm cells. This shows no characteristic deterioration changes, or changes in the pathology of the cancer cell” unquote.

The summary of the pathology report at autopsy as quoted: "This 70 year old female (and that is wrong. It is 83 year old) died as result of the combined effects of severe arteriosclerotic cardiac ischemia and carcinoma of the breast with a terminal bronchial pneumonia. The pathological diagnosis was stated as bronchial pneumonia, bi- lateral, generalized arteriosclerosis, arterial nephrosclerosis, carcinoma, left breast with metastases locally, post radiation status." The last statement of status post-radiation is very interesting in that Mrs. Bias at no time received any X-ray or radioactive isotopic therapy. Therefore this diagnosis, of course, would have to be challenged.

(3). The second case that I wish to report is that of Dorthy Cartwright, aged 50 who had had a hysterectomy, followed by extensive X-ray therapy, for a carcinoma of the cervix. This operation had been done in December of 1956 and the patient, following the extensive radiation, had developed a rectal vaginal fistula. She had progress downhill. She had lost weight. She had developed fecal incontinence and the stools moving thought the vaginal tract. She had been having much pain in the pelvis and the back and when she was finally admitted to College Hill Hospital in the fall of 1957 she was having gross bloody stools and extensive pain that could not be relieved by oral medication alone.

She was given therapy every third day at the same time and in the same room, as a matter of fact as Mrs. Bias. Mrs. Cartwright’s mental apparatus was functioning much more clearly than Mrs. Bias. Of course she was almost half the age of the elder and she was a rather pleasant woman except that she was under great duress with this extensive pain which she had constantly and this very foul situation of the bowel movements passing through the vagina. Following the very first treatment with the Royal Rife apparatus the gross hematuria ceased. This was most spectacular and following the 6th or 7th treatment the pain of Mrs. Cartwright ordeal seemed to be diminishing. We were able to reduce the pain medication and Mrs. Cartwright began to eat better.

She was a very heavy smoker. We did not request her to change her habits in this regard but Mrs. Cartwright's progress seemed to be so good that in about 4 weeks I was prompted to call her surgeon, Dr. Robert Snyder, and request that he consider doing a colostomy to clean up this perennial difficulty. Dr. Snyder was very cooperative and was willing to transfer Mrs. Cartwright to Miami Valley Hospital again for a colostomy operation. I told Dr. Snyder at this time, that we were working with a very interesting procedure hoping that we could alleviate some of Mrs. Cartwright's difficulty and I challenged him to look carefully in the abdomen when he went in to do this procedure to see if he could find any evidence of metastatic carcinoma.

This he did and he was unable to find any evidence of an extension of carcinoma or any evidence of any carcinoma tissue intraperitoneal. This of course was encouraging but the note of caution was sounded, following his exploration, in that he noted extensive scarring involving the adnexa of the pelvis and incorporating the ureters approximate to the insertion of the bladder. This had actually produced a pyonephrosis of the right kidney and ureter and was producing a hydronephrosis on the left ureter. Dr. Snyder felt that this was an inevitable situation. That probably nothing further could be done surgically to alleviate this drainage problem.

Following surgery, Mrs. Cartwright regained much of her strength. She ate very well, she was much brighter and she was up and about and was sent home. Unfortunately, after she was home a short time she had finally a closure of the left ureter and developed a very rapid progressive uremia. The BUN rose to 90 and she had all of the clinical evidence of terminal uremia. Because of the anatomical picture and the probably end result we did not feel justified to do any further surgery, in an effort to relieve this cicatrix of the ureter. Mrs. Cartwright died in College Hill Hospital and an autopsy was performed on her case at the Miami Valley Hospital by Dr. Zip. The gross impression was that she died of confluent bilateral bronchial pneumonia, uremia hydronephrosis of the right kidney and bionephrosis of the left kidney. My report was inverted there on the kidney. Carcinoma of the uterus was only a clinical diagnosis in the there was no uterus there to examine. A pelvic mass was noted. Cicatrix from post eradiation and they mentioned that she had a post colon resection with proximal and distal colostomy and a post hysterectomy. No actual evidence was found in the autopsy of Dorothy Cartwright that there as any active carcinoma cells growing at the time of her death in her body. Following the observation of these two patients, in the fall of 1957 I was forced to believe that the Rife apparatus had some definite beneficial effect in alleviating symptomatology of cancer and in affecting the cancer tissue.

(4). Further work now had to be done to show what this effect was and how effective this might be on other cases. A tremendous challenge presented itself and we set about in a methodical way to develop a series of cases, minor cases and major cases, which we could eventually bind together to show what this form of energy was actually producing in the human and animal tissue. Along with John Marsh, I ran several cases through the office of minor complaints. These people were advised that this was a form of investigational therapy. That we made no claim as to the efficiency of this treatment, but we felt there would be no harmful effect since we had tested this for X-ray emanation and found it lacking in that respect. Fortunately we had tested it in several other ways in an attempt to find out what form of energy we were using. This form of energy seemed to center itself in the field of radio wave vibrations, high energy oscillations; and we felt that this form of energy, as far as we knew in the present had never had a effect detrimentally to human tissue; and therefore because of experimentation that Dr. Rife had carried on previously and some of the work that we had done, we felt that it was safe to try this form of therapy on several cases.

(5). One case, that of Harry L. Bim we used the machine on his case. He was suffering with diverticulitis and he was also having a great deal of urinary and bladder difficulty. We gave him 6 treatments and Mr. Bim has been one of our most enthusiastic supporters ever since. He felt that he had received untold benefit in his bladder difficulty. Mr. Bim had previously had resection of the prostate for carcinoma of the prostate, and he is convinced that his clinical symptomatology of urgency and frequency and hematuria were improved tremendously following this therapy. He has begged for repeat therapy but because of our overall program, we haven't had the opportunity to give him further treatment as yet. Interestingly enough, despite a high uric acid, correction, alkaline phosphatase and acid phosphatase level, Mr. Bim seemed to remain free from the signs of the signs of carcinomatosis, which might be suspected in the presents of such high acid and alkaline phosphatase levels.

(6). The 4th case that I would like to report on is that of Robert Clifford , 58 year old white man who at the Veterans Hospital 6 months previous to the therapy and since that time he had been bothered greatly by frequent, urgency and hematuria. Now, he was given so many of the conventional treatments including anti-spasmotics and urinary antiseptics, to no avail, and when advised that we would try this for him with making no claims to efficiency, he said anything would be very welcome that would have any chance of helping.

Now following his first treatment he noticed less burning, but no change in the frequency and urgency of urinating, but had only noticed blood once in three days since the first treatment. Following the 2nd treatment he was feeling much better. He had only a little burning and much less frequency but the urgency was the same. The stream was twice as large but there was no bleeding at all. Interestingly enough, he had a bronchitis which didn't seem to change in its characteristics during the entire therapy. After the 3rd treatment there was no blood and the burning was much less, and often no burning was noted at all. The urgency did not change, but nocturia which had been 4 or 5 times a night had reduced to once. He had less cough but he was still wheezing. Now, on following the next treatment he was feeling very well, his wife and his associates had noticed a big improvement in him.

And interestingly he stated that on "beggars night" when the children rang the bell, many times he was very much amused by their antics and he knew that if he hadn't been improved so dramatically, he would have been quite an old grouch with so much interruption on that night. And finally after his 6th treatment he had noted no bleeding and he was feeling very good and he still had the urgency. Now this sequela came to this report came several months later when he returned to the Veterans Hospital and they cystoscoped him again and interestingly he was found to have a calculus in the bladder. This calculus had apparently been there ever since the transurethral resection and probably had formed around the in dwelling catheter that had been used at that time. This calculus obviously was irritating the lining of the bladder, setting up this cystitis, and despite our therapy which relieved the infection, probably, and relieved some of the inflammation; the calculus was still in the bladder and was still producing this feeling of urgency. A side note at this point. All along I have learned and re-learned, and established one very necessary principle that this form of therapy, like any other form of therapy, will never replace careful diagnosis, careful evaluation of the patient and a continuing interest in doing everything within the medical field possible to improve the patient's condition. The Rife Machine, this is a little bit of philosophy that I have now worked out, the Rife Machine along with any other great form of therapy is no substitute for careful medical care.

(7). Now the next case I would like to discuss is that of James Garrison, 37 year old white man who had been to Montreal and had brain surgery at that point where they discovered that he had an astrocytoma in the left sylvianfossa. This surgery was done in 1952 and following that, several years later he had recurrent symptoms in the right arm and leg with weakness in these extremities, and unreliability in walking, and he had difficulty in saying the word "flagrant". Now after treatment, the first treatment, he stated that he felt very nervous in the evening following that treatment, and he took a hot bath and he noticed intense itching from the groin to the ankle along the inner side of the right leg; but following that he noticed less weakness in this leg.

Following his second treatment he stated that he was very confused following the second treatment. He’d become very confused and he felt like he might be getting another seizure. He had had some seizures and he had been controlled partly by phenobarbital and other anti- epileptic medication. Following the third treatment he noticed some hiccupping and this was relieved with thorazine. He had slight nausea but there was a decreased amount of stool. Interestingly enough, he was able to say "flagrant" at this time, and he was very happy about this. He felt that it was a sign of some improvement. Now, we continued our therapy for Mr. Garrison and following these treatments each time, he had noticed quite a dopiness and a drowsiness or a change in his mentality for about 24 hours. And then he would feel better and he’d feel stronger. He saw Dr. Fabein in Cincinnati after the 5th treatment, and Dr. Fabein said to Mr. Garrison "I never heard of such things," when he explained his symptoms. '

Now despite our therapy, Jim seemed to get weaker, and so in the spring of 1958 he went back to Montreal. There he was given intensive doses of radiation and the people in Montreal were very pleased with his progress. He has returned and at the present time, except for looking like Yul Bryner with his hair burned out with x-ray; he has been in very good condition. We do not know, of course, how much of this is due to the therapy we gave, or how much could be attributed to the radiation given in Montreal, but this much we can say, if it takes 2 forms of therapy to cure a man let’s give him two forms. Again, let’s not deprive anyone of anything that can make them well.

(8). Following the treatments in the office with some of the minor complaints, I sent a questionnaire to many of these patients. This questionnaire was sent 6 months after the cessation of therapy and interestingly enough I received 100% returns on these questionnaires. The general cooperation that I obtained was very encouraging. The patients who had been given this form of therapy, although not all had received definite benefits, all did seem very grateful that we had made an effort to help them. No one mentioned in any way any detrimental effect of this therapy, and so I want to read at this time a comment from one of these patients who had a poison ivy.

(9). This patient, Dorothy Johnson, came over for therapy at the suggestion of John Marsh. She was a friend of John's and I will read what she said, "Requested treatment for severe case of poison ivy involving lower extremities, bottoms of both feet heavily blistered for 4 days, the discomfort of itching was unbearable, treatment was given at end of 4th day. That night itching arrested and no further discomfort was felt. The processes of healing required about 2 weeks. No further spreading during this time was manifested. Only precaution used was frequent bathing with Fels Naptha soap and sterile bandaging of broken skin areas. There was no further infection. "As I have never had poison ivy before," she says, "just what value this treatment was in this case could best be judged by a medical practitioner and you Dr. Stafford can best answer this. Rest assured if I am ever again unfortunate enough to get mixed up with this weed, I shall not delay 4 days, a request for the same treatment.”

(10). This same experience was noted in my own family. My oldest daughter, Ann, who is now 12, had a severe case of poison ivy last summer. I keep a nice poison ivy weed bed out in the back yard for such experimentation (small laugh), and Ann came in and she has always been quite susceptible to this weed. She was very miserable. We treated her and very promptly as in the case of Dorothy Johnson, she noted relief of the itching and the lesions dried and disappeared. She is a true devotee of the Rife machine as a matter of fact all of my family are.

(11). My wife has experience a marked improvement in her general well-being, in her feeling, she had had lower abdominal cramping, some cramping with her menstrual periods and I gave her some treatments, imperially, and interesting enough, she has had much better health since that time. She feels better and I would hasten to say that she is even more beautiful. That's a testimony for the time I have spent on this project.

(12). Now, my other three children beside Ann have all had a crack at this form of therapy and have all benefited. Susan, my 10 year old girl had some very aggravating dermatosis of her feet, athlete's foot type thing, last fall around Christmas time and so did my youngest, Patty, and so I treated both of these girls and very promptly their itching cleared up; and shortly following that the lesions in the skin, the cracking and so on disappeared. The blisters also disappeared. I treated not only their feet but the shoes that they wear and this we had worked out in the fall on another case, which I will report later.

(13). Now my boy David also, 7 years old, has had several treatments with this machine. The most remarkable time was the time that my wife and I were about to go on a trip and David and the children were staying with the grandmothers. And David that morning awakened with a high fever and a sore throat and just a miserable upper respiratory infection. I gave him a treatment at 10 o'clock. We were prepared to delay our departure and possibly even postpone it and actually during the treatment the boy brightened up. He was being held by his grandmother and he just seemed to brighten up and he began to perspire and his temperature dropped, and believe me, it was almost unbelievable the difference in the boy after that treatment. Now, just what happened I can't say but we went on the trip and we called back and he just continued to improve and had no relapsed and it was all cleared up. This was in the spring of 1958.

(14). Another very interesting episode was with my little girl, 5 years old Patty. All fall and winter this year she seemed to have one cold after another, and her adenoids and tonsils became affected by this and became enlarged and even when she wasn't having any acute infection, she did definitely have obstructive tonsils and adenoids. None of my children have had surgery for their tonsils and adenoids but I felt that Patty would be the first who would have to succumb to this. I had even talked to one of the local doctors here about the possibility of removing the tonsils and adenoids this May, this month, and I thought I will give our little girl three or four treatments with the Rife machine over the neck glands and see if we can’t maybe prevent this surgery.

Believe it or not, my wife and I were just talking this week about how much better she seems. In the past month she hasn't breathed with the obstructions, she has been eating much more and she’s behaving very similar to the way most children do after an adenoid-tonsillectomy when they have had a lot of trouble over a long period of time. They began to eat better, they sleep better, they breathe better and Patty has certainly responded to these treatments in a very similar way. I talked to the other doctor just today in the halls of the hospital and told him that I thought possibly we can postpone that operation, that Patty seems so much better. I didn't tell him why but someday I will. I hope to be able to tell him why this girl got better and of course that day may come very soon.

(15). Along this same line I treated my mother, through the winter of 1957 and 1958 she was having a lot of discomfort in her abdomen, upper abdomen. She had a gallstone and she was losing some weight and she was feeling very badly. She had some neuritis and bursitis. We gave her some treatments and she absolutely claims that she knows she had felt much better from the time she had her first treatment with the Rife machine. Because of the dangers of carcinoma, chronic irritation in the gallstone, we decided to remove the gall bladder and the stone which Dr. Damster did in the spring of 1958. My mother has certainly made a tremendous improvement. She went through the surgery beautifully, her post-surgical course was as fine as anyone could have, and both she and myself feel that very likely her nice recovery from the surgery could be partially, at least attributed to, the benefits she obtained with her previous treatments with the Rife machine. I believe that we eliminated, or at least partially eliminated much of the infection that always is found in the gall bladder wall when cholelithiasis is present; and this infection and inflammation extends up into the liver which is contiguous with the gall bladder, and of course produces a focus of infection that takes a lot of a person's energy, and I believe that, possibly, by giving her these treatments prior to surgery, we got her into the best pre-operative state possible, and thereby she had a very uneventful post-surgical course.

(16). Now, another case that I would like to mention in my own family is that of my little nephew. He is not little really anymore. He is 17 years old, Bobby Lori (pronounced Lor-eye). Now this boy approximately 7 or 8 years ago when I first noticed some deep pigmentation in his left arm, and as soon as I saw it and noticed some of the muscle atrophy, I was quite sure that we were dealing the scleroderma. I sent this boy down to Dr. Welsh in Cincinnati. Dr. Welsh confirmed the diagnosis of scleroderma and set out upon some of the empirical forms of therapy that are used for this form of scleroderma. Dr. Welsh has treated Robert (Bobby) and has seen him every three months past 5 or 6 years. Has given him various forms of therapy which are recommended for scleroderma. Dispite this around Christmas 1957 I first noticed a marked progression of the scleroderma. I hadn’t been watching Bob very much and my sister, Betty, had called this to my attention - how the pigmentation was extending up over his left shoulder and how much more atrophic the eminence in the hand had become. Bob had gotten so he wouldn't carry his books, for instance, in his left hand because of the weakness noted.

And so I suggested that we contact you, John and find out if this kind of therapy was of any value, and you at that time gave me very good guidance - that Dr. Rife felt that we could treat scleroderma very much like we would treat TB. So we did the same and we followed the advice that you gave us and treated Bob Lori and I asked Betty, my sister, to make a chart of the areas of depigmentation and to watch these areas and see what changes might occur over the next several months. To summarize, Bob now seems much stronger. His general health seems better, his left arm is stronger. The atrophy in his left thumb has decreased, the depigmentation that was noticed in the left shoulder area has disappeared and it is almost fantastic the changes that have occurred. Dr. Welch has not been informed of the therapy that we used concurrently with his, and of course he is quite pleased with Bob's progress. At the proper time I will bring this forth and describe this to Dr. Welch and others.

(17). I want to describe another case of a skin lesion, that of Robert Witte, a 15 year old boy who had had severe athlete's foot with secondary infection. This skin condition had been bothering this boy for several years. During the last six months prior to treatment he had had very severe infection and cellulitis secondary infection in the cracks of the toes, skin of the feet. He had seen two dermatologists. I had tried also to treat him with gentian violet and other topical applications. I had been able to control the secondary infection, the cellulitis with antibiotics, but we were unable to impress the basic fungus infection in any way.

We gave this boy some treatments with the Rife machine. Twenty four hours following the first treatment the itching that had been very intense and aggravating had disappeared. And 72 hours after the first treatment the weeping and the oozing of the serum from the cracks in the skin had ceased. This boy was treated, given three treatments. His shoes were treated along with the feet and he has been practically free of difficulty at this time. This, I think was one of the most phenomenal of the cases that I saw treated in the original study.

(18). I would like also to record on this tape another minor case of my office secretary, Mable Yoman who is quite a convert to the Rife form of therapy following her remarkable recovery in 12 hours from a severe follicular tonsillitis. This girl had been very interested in our work, seeing John Marsh and myself in conference and treating others. One week about Wednesday, she developed quite a severe sore throat. My assistant had put her on Achromycin and had given her some Combiotic, that's penicillin and streptomycin and this was repeated on Friday. She saw me and I told her to continue the Achromycin and more Combiotic and on Sunday noon she called me at my home.

This girl was not a hysterical type person; she was very level headed. She knew how jealously we guarded our few minutes off on Sundays and I am sure that she hated to call me on Sunday, but she was in very severe condition. Severe sore throat, a lot of pain; and I think she thought she just wouldn't be able to get back to work if something heroic wasn't done for her at that time. Well, I told her that we had done just about everything that we could do except that we had the Rife apparatus there if she wanted to meet me at the College Hill hospital that afternoon that I would give her a treatment. This we did, and lo and behold the next morning she said as she reported to work, she said she felt fine. Her throat still had white exudates over the tonsils but observing those over the next couple of days and taking no medication her throat cleared up promptly and she had no reoccurrence or sequel to this tonsillitis.

She said in her six-month follow-up that she felt partially relieve in 12 hours and completely relieved shortly thereafter. She says that, "I believe that the Rife machine has a definite future and is of great value to our patients as well as many other people, especially in the treatment of cancer. I also feel that anyone receiving treatment with the machine for any length of time would feel extremely better. I have been very enthusiastic about this type of treatment and continue to feel that way. I am hoping for a lot of progress in the promotion of the machine as I feel that it will benefit many people and help them to live longer and happier lives.” This was the tone of most of the patients that we treated. They couldn't sometimes put their finger directly on what to say but they felt down deep that they had benefited and they express themselves so in our questionnaire.

(19). A short while ago in recording I mentioned that all of my family were impressed by the effects of this machine. I failed to mention one of the closest and dearest to my heart, my little 12 year old cocker dog. Old Skipper had been quite a companion to me in the Navy, he traveled with me, he made house calls with me, he would walk from the office to my home, or from the hospital to home. He seemed to have an unusual ability to think and to perform. Now, old Skipper had for the past year prior to his first treatment with the Rife machine, developed severe arthritis. This kept Skip from being able to even get into the automobile and so he stayed at home. And he seemed to adjust to the change in life's pace, but he got to the place where his hind quarters were so feeble that he would shake and tremble as he would stand to eat. And it was actually painful to see the old dog trying to get up after he had been lying down a while.

I talked to John Marsh about this and I said, now “John”, sort of joking with him a little I said "John if this machine that is so wonderful, and of course this was just in the first few days of its use in Dayton, I said, "John, if this machine is so wonderful, why don't you cure my dog?" And John, with a very confident statement said, "We shall." He said, "We will give it a treatment tomorrow.” So, we did, we got the machine and we treated old Skip. Twenty four hours later I was eating in the dining room and the dog came in and he just had such a sassy look on his face which I hadn't seen for quite a while. He had been moping around for months. But I had some graham crackers there and I held one up and I said "beg" and the dog sat right up on his haunches and begged as he had begged in days of yore. My wife was sitting at the table and we looked at each other and we could scarcely believe what we had seen, for this dog hadn’t even been able to stand on his hind legs, let alone sit up on them for months.

Well, this progress we watched very closely. We gave Skipper some more treatments and lo and behold, not to dramatize the story too greatly, for it is very dramatic. This dog got to the place where he could again ride, get into the car, jump in and out, could sit up and jump up and he can go out on the ice in the tennis court in the winter. He could play, he could bat his legs at me and we used to box, shadow box, and he could do that again. He actually looks like a pup and he is 12 years old and since his treatments, I see no sign of aging. This report on the dog I think is rather significant, for my colleague, one of my colleagues, has felt in the early stages of this procedure that possibly we were hypnotizing our patients into thinking they would feel better, since they could see the blue light. And he will admit and did admit that probably it would be a little difficult to hypnotize the dog into thinking that he would feel better when a blue light was pushed around in front of him. So, the dog did seem to open a new horizon to therapy or to the acceptance of this form of therapy here among some of my skeptical colleagues.

(20). I do not say this, cynically, for I think that skepticism is a very important part of science. If we go overboard without proper controls in our experimentation, if we feel that one experiment proves the whole works, we are very likely to be let down at some later time. I feel skepticism has its place but I feel also that we must be able to evaluate what we see with our own eyes. We must try to keep an open mind as we work with new things. For history is full of incidences where we have grasped knowledge, and in trying to show this to others they have repeatedly been discouraged, but in the end, in all of life's progress, I believe that history will show that in something that is worthwhile it will be accepted.

(21). In conclusion I want to state at the present time I am treating two more cancer patients at Good Samaritan Hospital. Both cases are progressing encouragingly. The first case is that of Joe Barnett a 55 year old white man who has a carcinoma of the stomach. On the 30th of March Dr. Damstra and myself removed the stomach and the spleen and the microscopic study of the specimens revealed that this was a highly pleomorphic anaplastic carcinoma which had infiltrated into the local lymph nodes and into a portion of the pancreas. Therefore Dr. Damstra and myself, both felt that this was a case that would not be benefited by other form of therapy. We used the Rife apparatus and gave Joe 8 treatments. Joe noted immediate relief of pain after the first treatment. He was able to sleep better after that. He seemed to improve, his appetite improved. He did have a complication of a small leakage at the anastomotic site but he seemed to recover from this remarkably well and that possibly was due to the fact we were able to keep the infection out of the peritoneum. And he has gone home and he is gaining some weight. And we are treating him every Saturday. I am going to continue that for another month at least.

(22). The second case is that of Ernest Wilkins, who is 59 years old. Ernest has been a heavy smoker for 40 years and it now is possibly the result of that or something he has developed an anaplastic carcinoma of the bronchus, the left main stem branchus. This has produced atelectasis to the left lower lobe. Ernest has lost weight. He had a bad cough with productive blood sputum and in addition Ernest has serological evidence of syphilis. This had been treated previously, twice, and I gave him a round of penicillin for good measure in the fall when we first discovered this lesion. Dr. Gall and Dr. Dunmark two chest men here in Dayton are working with me on this case at Good Samaritan and they feel that Ernest has passed the point for any help from ordinary therapy and they concur that it is perfectly proper to use this form of therapy Rife Machine.

Now Joe has had two treatments and I saw him today in the hospital. He is very encouraged, the way he feels, he has noted as most of the very sick people will have noticed a marked drowsiness and lethargy in the 24 hours following treatment. But this is the third day following his second treatment and he is beginning to feel very good. He’s had a marked reduction in the racking cough that he had previously and he is gaining a pound and a half a day for the last three days which is remarkable. And he is eating well and he is really showing remarkable improvement. It is too soon yet to make much evaluation on either Joe Barnett or Ernest Wilkins case but you can rest assured that close evaluation will be made on these two boys.

I am running close to the end of the wire recorder here and before we close I want to send my best wishes to all of you good folks at Life Laboratory.

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