Wednesday, December 25, 2024

4. Dr. Charles F. Tully D.D.S. talks about using the Rife Ray #5 on his patients

 Dr. Charles F. Tully D. D. S. Talks About

Using Rife’s Machine On His Patients.

1950s Interview by John Crane & John Marsh.

Transcribed from the original recordings by 

(1.) Crane: 
Dr. Tully is very highly respected in the dental profession. He has contributed several patents to dental and mechanical equipment for positioning teeth and so on. He is now a specialist limiting his practice to extractions and making dentures. He’s had his own plant here making his own teeth from quartz and experimenting with a great many materials. And he has done a tremendous job with the frequency instrument. Dr. Tully is about 68 years old, rather short, he spent a good deal of his life down in Mexico. He speaks Spanish fluently and at one time had three offices here in San Diego. But he sort of got tired of paying $200 a month rent in the big medical dental building and more or less moved down to a poorer section in town where he set up his practice and is getting along just fine and has always been very cooperative with us, Dr. Tully.

Dr. Tully:
 I think that I would like to give a case history, a single case history that came to me that’s most interesting. It was a lady from Pasadena who was sent to me by a doctor here in San Diego. And it was a case of butterfly lupus. And so the doctor called me up and asked me if I would take the case and see what happened because it had been turned over to him by a specialist. A skin specialist from Pasadena who had been working on the case perhaps several months without being able to clear up the situation. So this lady came to Dr. McBride and Dr. McBride because of future [previous] cases we had worked on together asked me to please take the case and so I did. So the lady came out with the butterfly lupus spread badly all over her face. And so we went to work on it and in two weeks it was completely all healed up. The funny part of it was her doctor in Pasadena advised her against the treatment because it would probably make the matter worse and he didn’t want her fussing around but when she told him that Dr. McBride had insisted that she give it a try and she had a great deal of faith in the doctor here in San Diego she wanted to come down and try it.  So the doctor told her, “I will let you go for two weeks but I won’t put you out from under my care and I want you to report to me in two weeks to see what has happened to you.”

So she returned to her doctor in Pasadena at the end of two weeks with the butterfly lupus entirely gone. And her doctor was startled when he saw her walking into the office. He couldn't believe that that should have taken place and he said he had never heard of such a thing and didn't know that anything like that [was] possible. But that was just one of the cases, of quite a miraculous case that came from a dermatologist who had been working on this particular case for several months without any particular good having been done by the doctor at all. According to his own admission that during those three months, or four months or such a matter that he had not been able to get any results practically whatsoever. And here she came here for two weeks and returned to his office completely all cleared up. And he was not able to understand it. Now that is just one of the cases. We have had a number just like that but that would be sufficient to show what is done and can be done sometimes with this Rife frequency instrument.

(2). Crane:
 Well that's very interesting doctor. The treatment with the frequency instrument has been, as I understand it, very beneficial in the use of eliminating, possibly eliminating some antibiotics, is that possible. Or do you notice anything of that nature.

Dr. Tully:
 Nature, just what, make that a little more clear.

 In other words after a patient has been operated on, say with surgery, is it possible to use the instrument to eliminate any further infection that may occur.

Dr. Tully:
 Yes, I had some lady who had been operated on for gallstones. And the wound healed up all right but it was quite a irritated scar. It was red and itchy and disagreeable and giving her considerable trouble. So I suggested that I would like to try that to see if it gave her any help. So we put the instrument on her, a frequency upon her for, it was about two weeks I think. A couple times two, three times a week. At the end of that time she said that trouble she had had disappeared and she felt quite comfortable.

(3). Crane:
 You mentioned to me I believe some time ago about a man that had trench mouth. I think he came over from Phoenix, do you remember that case Dr. Tully?

Dr. Tulley:
 Yes that was a case that came to me bleeding badly and he came in hunting, medical dental building, hunting just any doctor he could get cause he was just kind of worried about it. And the elevator girl told him that she had seen me go into the office just a few moments before. It was early in the morning she could catch me there and felt that he should go over and see me. So he walked in and I gave him a little bit of peroxide I will admit to stop the bleeding there for the moment, but not very much.  Practically nothing and then I turned the Ray (Rife Ray) on him and that was all. No medication whatsoever unless you would call a little peroxide for checking the bleeding that he was worried about. That was all the medical treatment that he had. So I treated him for two or three weeks along, a couple of times a week when he came in here. And that was the only treatment that the man had whatsoever and he never bled again and his mouth cleared all up in a little while. I cleaned his teeth up, sent him away. I've seen him since.

(4). Crane:
 How many treatments would you say that he had Dr. Tulley. One or two or ten or…?

Dr. Tully:
 No, it’s usually I give two to three treatments a week over a period of about two weeks for most ordinary things and sometimes longer. I had one lady who was an old lady and she was sort of uneasy and she had butterfly lupus also and that completely cleared up. But after it was cleared up she insisted on going on in having more treatments after that. So we treated her more than two or three weeks. We treated her two or three months I guess and finally she gave up the treatment and I didn't see her for a year. Tut she was in my office two or three days ago and her face was just as clear as anybody and she was very happy about it.

(5). Crane:
 That is certainly amazing doctor. Ah, I wonder if you could tell me a little bit about the history. How did you happen to meet Dr. Rife and know of his work? And I wonder if you could go back and recall how long ago it was and so on.

Dr. Tully:
 I can't tell you about that but I can tell how I got in touch with the Ray. I went  through Dr. Couche. But Dr. Couche was using it and I wasn’t acquainted with Dr. Couche or his work 25-30 years ago. But my little boy was acquainted with his little boy going to school and my little boy felt that I was pretty dumb, that I didn't get acquainted with Dr. Couche to see some of the things that Dr. Couche had been doing. And so it was through the little boys that I got acquainted with Dr. Couche and his work and the things that he did with this instrument.

And later on I was able to chisel Dr. Couche out of his machine and began using it myself and began using the information that I was able to get from Dr. Couche because I couldn't at that time get it from anyone else and he gave me about all the information necessary. And it was through Dr. Couche partly and partly through my son who later got acquainted with Dr. Rife and between the two I contacted Dr. Rife and became well acquainted with him and got a great deal more information. But most of the information I've gotten has been the hard way by just research on my own hook, by seeing what happened and by the experience which I have gained by handling a great number of cases.

(6). Crane:
 Well that’s very interesting. Did you by any chance ever treat a cancer case doctor?

Dr. Tully:
 I don't like to answer that question because I have treated the cases. Yes, a number of cases, but it's hard to get anyone to believe that anybody but a few, chosen few, could do anything for cance.r But a doctor here in town sent me one case with the lady’s ear gone. She was about 70 years of age. Her ear was two thirds gone and considerable of her neck and part of her face eaten away with the cancer. We treated that cancer for three weeks and it disappeared, dried all up and healed over. We have a few other cases but it seems too tragic almost to mention the thing because the medical profession in general doesn't want any experimentation whatsoever. And don't want anything outside of the regular lines which they're practicing and as they’re largely against this method for some reason I don't know. They’re not given to experiment along that line.

(7). Crane:
 Ah, in the use of instrument here what general times or periods do you use the instrument in your normal practice? Is it for three minutes or an hour or every day or every three days or what is your normal practice?

Dr. Tully:
 We believe somehow or other that the instrument is a metabolistic uplift and it will be spread over a time of two or three days. And treatments at two or three days intervals I believe would be satisfactory in most cases. And we use a variable Ray, a different frequency for every different kind of a case that you're handling whether it's Streptococcus or pneumonial-coccus or something else all calls for a different frequency. Perhaps a little different length of time and treatment but the actual time of treating one particular thing is not more than perhaps just a minute or two. But it does not hurt to let the instrument run quite a little while cause there's no damage whatsoever to the tissue. It's a metabolistic uplift but we use perhaps several treatments on the same patient.

One Ray (frequency) for Staphylococcus, another (frequency) for Streptococcus, another for pneumonial-coccus, a different one for cancer and so we may go down the scale and may take up 15 or 20 minutes or a half hour. Or it is possible to use this variable condenser such as you have on a radio and go slowly from one side to the other (sweeping) taking the whole scope of the whole from a low-frequency to a higher one. But in so doing we feel that we lose considerable time because there are is a number of those rays that are not effective or are not doing anything particularly. And if you have a good diagnosis and you know what you’re treating and you know what the frequency is and you know what you're trying to do you can cut the time way down by just simply turning in just exactly what you want and not use anything else.

(8). Crane:
 Wow, you mentioned several diseases there. What I would like you now, I mentioned once trench mouth, did you ever have any results with pyorrhea I believe that's quite common in the dental practice isn’t it doctor?

Dr. Tully:
 Well it's just as common as fleas on a dog's back. You find that in every mouth and I treat a great deal of pyorrhea but I use a coagulator, electric coagulator on all pockets instead of surgery. I don't use any surgery anymore. I think it makes the condition worse and destroys too much tissue. But the coagulator removes all the pockets and source of infection and then I follow that up with a cleaning of the mouth, put the mouth in good condition. But I used the Ray more or less over a period of about six months coming in two or three times a week for one or two weeks and then maybe once a week for a while and maybe once a month.

So at the end of six months I look back and see any accumulation because as I said that pyorrhea are something like the fleas on a dog's back. You may clean him up for a little while and get rid of the fleas but if you don't look out he's libel to be contaminated and getting some more fleas again. So with the pyorrhea is somewhat of a systemic disease and it has to be treated somewhat systemically. But the mouth has to be put in the hygienic condition and we use this treatment for that and we have some very nice results along that line.

(9). Crane:
 Then you feel that possibly some preventative maintenance or preventative treatment might help in eliminating pyorrhea or some of these diseases in the mouth that affects our teeth.

Dr. Tully:
 Well, I believe in the systemic treatment, especially vitamin C and diet along  that line changing the diet and treating the case systemically. But treating the case in the mouth also treats them systemically and while you’re treating some pyorrhea you’re treating some other diseases of the system that does them some good sometimes.

(10). Crane:
 What I was trying to get at Dr. Tully, for instance do you think it's possible to give everybody a treatment say once a month as a preventative measure rather than waiting till they become so sick that there in such pain that they just can't stand it and they have to come and have all the surgery done? Do you think it's possible or advisable, would be any benefit to human beings to be treated say at regular intervals for preventative means?

Dr. Tully:
 No, no I wouldn't say that for the simple reason that a great many people will not have their cancer treated until they're about dead and then it's too late. And there are a great many people who have pyorrhea. They don't have it treated until their teeth start falling out and it's all but impossible to get anybody to take advantage of anything like that. But that was the point that I brought out a few minutes ago in treating my pyorrhea cases over a period of months. I have them come in once in a while and give them a little metabolistic up boost and not caught some of that pyorrhea that might be accumulating until they have over a period a few months gained a resistance that will have helped to carry them on over the months to come without any treatment.

(11). Crane:
 Have you noticed any other diseases which haven't been mentioned at this time. You mentioned Streptothrix, I mean Streptococcus and trench mouth and cancer and I wonder if you knew of any other diseases that might be treated in your own experience.

Dr. Tully:
 There's a great many things more than I know anything about. If I had the time and disposition to experiment along those lines, which I don't because I'm not in the general medical practice, simply I'm a dentist. In our home we use it as a cure-all for everything and I myself am susceptible to colds and when I find a cold getting the best of me I’ll use the frequency in the morning and again at noon and again in the evening before I go to bed. And the next morning the cold is all gone and so that's the history and our family over a number of years. We can't keep house in our own family without that Ray and my wife when she gets to feeling kind of indisposed at times she just goes and takes a general treatment there. She don't know why but she says it makes her feel better and it makes her sleep better so she goes and gets a treatment once in a while.

(12). Crane:
 Well that's certainly interesting. Did you ever have the occasion to use it on skin diseases doctor.

Dr. Tully:
 Well a number of things it acts very well on. I think most skin diseases in general come from an infection, source of infection, I just gave you a history of three different skin cases there that were all full of the lupus variety tubercular and it seems to be very, very effective in those cases. It's effective in that it's effective in other skin cancerous cases and will dry those up. Will give you considerable impetus to go ahead and try that on anything.

(13). Crane:
 Yes I should say so. Well thank you very much Dr. Tully and I certainly appreciate the words you have given me and some of your uses of the Dr. Royal R. Rife frequency instrument.

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