Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Doctors Who Used The Rife Machine On Their Patients

 This page contains personal accounts of medical doctors who used Dr. Rife's machine on their patients. Mostof these interviews were taken from historical tape recordings recorded back in the 1950s by John Crane and John Marsh. Many people today want to know about people who have used Dr. Rife's frequencies. We felt that these personal accounts given by the doctors who treated their patients with the original Rife Machines would be of interest because these patients had a medical diagnosis. Please note that these Doctors used the Rife Ray #3, Rife Ray #4 and the original ray tube Beam Ray Clinical Rife instrument that was built back in the 1930s, 1940's and 1950s.

Dr. Milbank Johnson M.D. used the Rife Ray #3 at the 1934 clinic. He also used Rife Ray #4 from the fall of 1935 to the fall of 1936. He then used the Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray clinical instrument during his 1937 cataract clinic. Dr. James B Couche M.D., Dr. Charles F. Tully D.D.S., Dr. Arthur W. Yale M.D. and Dr. Stafford M.D. used the original Beam Ray Clinical Rife Machine on their patients.

The original Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical instrument was a M.O.P.A (Master Oscillator Power Amplifier) design and worked on the high RF frequency sideband method of generating Dr. Rife's original high RF frequencies. It was these high RF frequencies that would devitalize the microorganisms. If you compare the original Rife Machines shown in "The Rife Machine Report" located on this site to the machines built today you will find that 95% of all the instruments sold today do not work like the original "Rife Machines." These modern day machines use frequencies that are too low in their frequency range to produce Dr. Rife's original frequencies.

These original Beam Ray Clinical Rife Machines used by the doctors are covered in chapter #9 and Chapter #11 of "The Rife Machine Report" which is found on this site. These Beam Ray Clinical ray tube Rife machines used high RF (Radio Frequencies). See Dr. Rife's true original frequencies for a list of the frequencies that were used in these instruments.

1. Dr. Johnson's 1934 Cancer and Tuberculosis Clinic using the Rife Ray #3 ( scroll down for full details)

2. Dr. Milbank Johnson M.D. 1937 Cataract Clinic using the Rife Ray #5 on his patients [ read here ]

3. Dr. James B. Couche M.D. talks about using the Rife Ray #5 on his patients ( READ HERE )

4. Dr. Charles F. Tully D.D.S. talks about using the Rife Ray #5 on his patients ( read here

5. Dr. Charels F. Tully D.D.S. talks at the First International Convention of the Rife Virus Microscope, May 7th, 1960 [ Read Here ]

6. Dr. Robert P. Stafford M.D. 1959 talk about using the 1950's version of the Rife Ray #5, called the AZ-58, machine on his patients ( READ HERE )

7. Dr. Robert P. Stafford's 1963 Rife Ray #5 (Then called the AZ-58) patient report on using Dr. Rife's Electromagnetic Field Theraphy ( read full details here)

8. Dr. Arthur W. Yale M.D. talks about using the Rife Ray #5 on his patients [ read interest here]

9. Dr. Adolfo Torres Lara M.D. newspaper article about his use of the Rife Ray #5 on his patients [ read here ]

10. Results with Rife Ray #5 Frequency Instruments after M.D. Diagnosis [ read here ]

1. The 1934 Cancer and Tuberculosis Clinic.

Almost all the names of the patients including the documents of those who were treated by Dr. Milbank Johnson in the 1934 clinic were lost many years ago. But there is still enough documentation, through letters and personal testimony, to prove that it did take place. Dr. Milbank Johnson was the medical doctor that conducted this clinic. Though Dr. Johnson conducted this clinic he would have required Dr. Rife or one of his assistants to run the instrument while he treated the patients. Some people claim that Dr. Rife probably was not there at the clinic because he stated that he never treated anyone. But operating the Rife Ray and treating someone are two different things. Just because Dr. Johnson stated that he ran the clinic without "nurses or secretaries" does not mean Dr. Rife was not there. Even Dr. James B. Couche M.D. was there on many different occasions. What most people do not consider is the fact that Dr. Rife's Rife Ray #3 was moved from his laboratory to the location of the clinic. This means he would not have had his instrument for three months (90 days) and all of his work at his laboratory would have all but stopped. Dr. Rife clearly stated that he was there while Dr. Johnson conducted the clinic.

We constantly hear people say "16 out of 16 terminally ill cancer patients" were cured in the 1934 clinic. This is not correct because Dr. Rifes stated that it was both a Cancer and a Tuberculosis clinic. He also stated that there were more tuberculosis patients than cancer patients. This means there could have been no more than 7 cancer patients treated at that clinic. We also know that there was possibly two of those cancer patients who came back to Dr. Johnson with a recurrence of their cancer. This still happens today to many people who are given a clean bill of health but within a few years, they develop cancer somewhere else. This does not mean the machine did not work at the clinic or that Dr. Rife embellished his statements. We all know people who have had cancer reoccur sometimes three and four times before they finally lost the battle.

Below is some of the documented information about this cancer and tuberculosis clinic given by Dr. Rife, Dr. Milbank Johnson, Dr. James B. Couche and Dr. Arthur Isaac Kendall. Many others knew about this clinic and as we find more documented information it will be added. Below is our first quote:

Dr. Rife:
 "We had a clinic in 34 in La Jolla. Dr. Milbank Johnson a friend of mine who was in Los Angeles. Well he was one of the big brass of the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance company. A multimillionaire, incidentally he was a medical politician and he had the big whip, he could kind of throw these boys in shape a little bit. And, so, we had this clinic, I didn't want to go it, but he says all right let's go ahead. That was just shortly after Mrs. Ellen Scripps died out there and he rented the whole Ellen Scripps home. We ran a clinic out there, we were there 90 days, we actually ran the clinic about, oh, I would say 70 days we did actual clinical work. And first I told him I wanted it done in a legitimate order. First I told him, I says I want you to surround on this committee with us a group of six of the biggest men you can pick in the United States. I says, you're a politician enough you can do that, which he did. He got Fisher of New York, he got Wayland Morrison, he got George Dock of Pasadena and so on. Then, I says, I want as our pathologist, I want Alvin Foord which is a friend of both of us of course. “Well,” he says, “good Lord, you’ve looked at a thousand tissues to Alvin's one.” “It don’t make any difference," I said.  “He is the president of the American Association of Pathologists" and I says "I want his name on every one of these cases we treat." “Now,” I says, “I want to organize a Special Medical Research Committee under a bona fide University”, which we did under the University of Southern California. Which Dr. Johnson contributed to their library and so on and so forth why he carried a weight there to. What we did, we run the clinic, we got through, we did all the reports, photographs before and after this that and the other. Of our 16 cases we had, at the end of the time when we had our meeting, the Los Angeles athletic club up there why this board pronounced 14 of our cases clinically cured." (Taken from the Rife audio CDs sold on this site. Track 8).

In a letter sent to Dr. Arthur Isaac Kendall, Dr. Johnson mentioned that he was going to rent a home for the clinic. At the writing of this letter, Dr. Rife did not know what Dr. Johnson was planning. We quote:

Dr. Johnson:
 "My dear Arthur…while I was down in La Jolla Saturday morning, I made arrangements to take a house down there for three months beginning June 15 and we are all going down to spend that time. I hope by then we will have human cases to work on and I am too far off up here to give them the proper attention. I am going to see this thing through and help you and Roy in any way that I can. Of course I don't want to interfere with either one of you but I don't mind saying that I hope you and Gertrude will be able to spend your vacation in La Jolla this year because your presence would be very desirable at this crucial time. I have not told Roy anything about this myself yet but I'm sending him a copy of this letter so that he will know what I am planning to do." (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Kendall, April 2, 1934).

In a letter, Dr. Johnson sent to Dr. Rife on the same day he informed Dr. Rife he wanted to test the Rife Ray #3 on some patients. We quote:

Dr. Johnson:
 "My dear Dr. Rife… Incidentally, I am thinking about taking a House in La Jolla from June 15 to September 15. If by that time you get far enough along with your work, I would like to try your method on a human being or so. (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Rife, April 2, 1934." Page 1 and Page 2).

In another letter, written 28 days later Dr. Johnson told Dr. Rife that he wanted to show him the place he had chosen for the 1934 clinic. We quote:

Dr. Johnson:
 "My dear Doctor… Can't you meet me about 11:30 in La Jolla next Saturday. I want to show you the Library Building and get your opinion of it before I say anything to the people at the Scripps Clinic about it as a place for our Clinic this Summer." (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Rife, April 30, 1934).

Dr. James B. Couche M.D. heard about the clinic from Dr. Johnson and decided he wanted to go to La Jolla and see some of the cases that were being treated. He became very interested because of the things that he saw so he decided to help Dr. Johnson and Dr. Rife with that 1934 Clinic. We quote:

Dr. Couche: 
"And when I was told about this Dr. Rife, Royal Rife and how he had a machine out at the Scripps Institute annex, twenty-four years ago, I went out to see about it and became very much interested in seeing the cases which he had. And the thing that brought me into it more quickly than anything was a man who had a cancer of the stomach. He (Dr. Rife) was associated at that time with Dr. Milbank Johnson who was then President of the Los Angeles Medical Society, a very wealthy man, and a very big man in the medical world, the biggest in Los Angeles. And he (Dr. Johnson) had hired this annex for this demonstration over a summer of time, several months (summer of 1934). And in that period of time, I saw many things. The one that impressed me most was a man who staggered into a table just on the last end of cancer. He was a bag of bones. As he lay on that bed, Dr. Rife and Dr. Milbank Johnson said, “just feel that man’s stomach.” So I put my hand on what was the cavity where his stomach was underneath, it was just a cavity almost he was so thin. Backbone and belly were just about touching each other and I put my hand on his stomach which was one solid hard mass about just what I could cover with my hand, somewhat of the shape of the heart. And it was absolutely solid and I thought to myself nothing can be done for that, however, they gave him a treatment of the Rife frequencies and in the course of time over a period of six weeks to two months, to my astonishment he completely recovered. And he got so well that he asked permission to go back down to El Central as he had a farm there and he wanted to see about his stock. Now Dr. Rife said, “ Now you can’t drive a car to El Central cause you haven’t got the strength.” “Oh”, he says, “Yes I can.” And he says, “I’ll have a man to do it for me. Well”, he says, “I could easily do it.” As a matter of fact, he did do it and when he got down to El Central he had a sick cow there and he stayed up all night attending to it and he drove back the next day and then without any rest whatever. So you can imagine how he had recovered. And then, unfortunately, he was desperately hungry. He had six cans of sardines and some other things besides and engorged his liver to such an extent that he died. And they posted him and they found he had had a large abscess of the liver which was almost healed but the engorgement of the food broke it down and he bled to death internally. Well, that was a remarkable thing. I saw some other cases that were very interesting."
(Taken from the Rife audio CDs sold on this site. Track 6).

Dr. Arthur Isaac Kendall wrote a letter to Mrs. Amelia C. Bridges one of Dr. Rife’s benefactors after the Clinic was over and stated the following. We quote:

Dr. Kendall: "Dear Mrs. Bridges... This afternoon I have a meeting with Mr. Hardin, President of the Board of Trustees of the University: he is much interested in Roy and his splendid work, and I shall be asked to tell what I saw during my very brief visit (two and one half months) to California. Mr. Hardin, unlike many persons, is very friendly and will take the proper viewpoint of the work: that it is experimental so far, done with no rules of the game to go by, and with a machine that is designed for small output, and therefore, not capable of showing its full worth. I understand there is to be a new machine (Rife Ray #4), embodying the facts learned from the old one, and built a long more lusty lines so it’s output will be more nearly equal to the demands which should be put upon it. I have written Dr. Johnson telling him about the one case I can talk intelligently about: Tom Knight. Roy will tell you about Tom: he seems to me to be the most important case of the entire series because his tumor was on the cheek, where it could be seen, watched and measured from the start to the finish. This I have done, reciting the actual measurements, and details of the treatment and of the pathological examination." (Letter from Dr. Arthur Isaac Kendall, September 20, 1934).

After the 1934 clinic was over Dr. Johnson was still treating other patients with Dr. Rife’s Ray tube instrument #3. In a letter he wrote to Dr. Rife he stated the following. We quote:

Dr. Johnson:
 "My dear Dr. Rife… Let me know when you get your new condenser for the new Rife Ray machine. I am very anxious to test it out and give some of our patients just a few more treatments." (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Rife January 8, 1935).

In December of 1935, Dr. Johnson gave some details of this clinic in a letter sent to Dr. Mildred Schram. In the letter, Dr. Johnson describes the way he conducted the clinic in 1934.

Dr. Johnson:
 "My dear Dr. Schram…the clinic was opened and run by me to satisfy me personally whether the Rife Ray would destroy pathogenic organisms in vivo as well as in vitro. The latter we had repeatedly demonstrated in the laboratory. I had to have this information conclusively positive before I could recommend to my friends to get in behind the work to carry it on to a logical conclusion. Having no nurses or secretaries in La Jolla, the records while truthful, are more or less fragmentary and not kept for careful scrutiny by brother scientists. As I told you, when I started this work I intended to finance it through to the end. The only assistance that I expected to get was such cooperation as I might receive from other physicians in working with the microscope and the Ray.

Now that we have to convince a whole lot of other men from cold turkey, we shall have to turn over a new leaf and do our work subject to inspection by others. (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Mildred Schram, Secretary of The International Cancer Research Foundation dated Dec 16, 1935."
 Page 1, Page 2, Page 3).

After the success of the 1934 clinic, Dr. Johnson wanted his own machine that he could use on other patients in future clinical trials. By the fall of 1935, Dr. Johnson had his new machine completed which was a more powerful instrument than the Rife Ray #3 which was used in the 1934 clinic. This instrument was called the Rife Ray #4 and was now fully contained into a single cabinet which made it portable. To learn about this instrument read Chapter 8 of “The Rife Machine Report” on this site. There were two of these instruments built. One was for Dr. Johnson and another was for Dr. Rife. We recommend that you read all of the doctors written statements about using Dr. Rife's instruments.


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