Dr. Kendall M.D., Dr. Johnson M.D. and Dr. Rife Ph.D.
Your Complete Royal R. Rife Information Website!
The purpose of this site is to give to anyone that desires it accurate documented information about how Dr. Rife's machines worked. We are able to do this because we have the largest collection of Rife documents, videos (avaliable for you to watch with links below), and photos available anywhere.
We also make available the updated January, 2022 FREE Rife Machine Report. This is an extensive 25 Chapter 313-page (pdf.) called "The Rife Machine Report - A History of Rife's Instruments and Frequencies" which covers all of Dr. Rife's machines and frequencies from 1920 to the 1950s. It explains in great detail how those machines worked including photos and diagrams. No other website has this information. The information in this copyrighted report came from a 10-year search to determine how Dr. Rife's machines worked and the frequencies he used on the various microorganisms. This report was written so this information would never be lost again. This report is for anyone who really wants to know how Dr. Rife's machines worked. Also at the library tab above you will find a great deal more information about Dr. Rife and his instruments. We recommend that you take the time to check out this free information.
Click here or on the photo below for your FREE January 2022, 25 Chapter 313-page Rife Machine Report - A History of Rife’s Instruments and Frequencies (PDF) 17mb.
The Rife Machine Report
Because we do not sell any instruments, it is necessary for us to fund this site so we sell several products such as metal hand-cylinders, metal footplates, terry cloth covers, and connecting wires for contact type machines. With these accessories, shown below, you can use any frequency generator of the correct frequency range and power output, like a “Rife Machine.”
Accessory Kit with Universal Frequency list
Other websites claim that Piezoelectric crystal filled hand-cylinders and Hand-held ray tubes are more effective than Metal hand-cylinders. Click on the two links below to read the scientific evidence that proves this thinking is incorrect.
We also sell two Rife DVD documentaries shown below, called “The Royal Rife Story” and “Royal Rife-In His Own Words.” These documentaries do not promote any instruments and are meant to educate the viewer about Dr. Rife and his incredible accomplishments. We allow you to watch these videos before you purchase them because we are certain that you will want to own these amazing videos. Below are the links to these two videos. There is a third video link to Dr. Rife's 1939 Laboratory film which shows his work on the cancer virus. His Laboratory video is only available to watch online. The fourth link is to an interview of Dr. Robert P. Stafford M.D. who used Dr. Rife's instruments on his patients and family back in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
We also sell the Rife audio CD's which contain over 11 hours of historical audio discussions from Dr. Rife and those who worked with him back in the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. These discussions were recorded back in the 1950s & 1960s by John Crane and John Marsh who were Dr. Rife's business partners.
Dr. Royal Raymond Rife Videos that you can watch.
"The Royal Rife Story" (Click Here or on the Photo)
"Royal Rife - In His Own Words" (Click Here or on the Photo)
"1939 Royal Rife Laboratory Film" (Click Here or on the Photo)
"Dr. Robert P. Stafford M.D. Interview" (Click Here or the Photo)
The Royal Rife Story and Royal Rife - In His Own Words are available in a 2 DVD set for $29.95. Call 1-866-757-9375 to order now, or contact us for more information. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.
The two DVD documentary set "The Royal Rife Story" and "Royal Rife - In His Own Words" are must-see videos for those who want to know about Dr. Royal Raymond Rife. You may not have heard of Dr. Royal Rife before, but in the first 2-hour documentary "The Royal Rife Story" you will learn about his great scientific accomplishments. Dr. Rife won 14 government awards for scientific discoveries and received an honorary medical degree from the University of Heidelberg for his work in bacteriology. He built the world’s most powerful optical microscopes which overcame the limits of standard research microscopes and became the first person ever to see a living virus. Dr. Rife developed a method of devitalizing disease-causing microorganisms using frequencies. Also, you will learn about the many other doctors and bacteriologists who worked with him. Dr. Rife’s microscopes and bacteriological discoveries were featured in many official medical reports and hundreds of newspaper articles throughout the world. Most of that information is on this site.
Dr. Milbank Johnson, M.D., was one of the many doctors who worked with Dr. Rife. He, with the aid of the University of Southern California, sponsored a clinic in 1934 to test Dr. Rife’s Machine and method of using frequencies to devitalize disease-causing microorganisms. In that clinic and during the 30 days that followed the sixteen terminally ill cancer and tuberculosis patients fully recovered using the frequencies that Dr. Rife found to devitalize the organisms that caused tuberculosis and cancer. The other members of the clinic were Whalen Morrison, Chief Surgeon of the Santa Fe Railway; George C. Dock, MD., internationally famous; George Fischer, MD., Children’s Hospital in New York; Dr. Zite, MD., professor of pathology at Chicago University; Rufus B. Von Klein Schmidt, President of the University of Southern California.
Dr. Royal Rife's 1931
"End To All Disease" Newspaper Photo.
World-renowned bacteriologist Arthur Isaac Kendall, B., Sc., PH.D., Dr. PH., Sc.D., referred to as America’s Pasteur worked with Dr. Rife. Without his help, Dr. Rife would not have been able to find the cancer virus. Dr. Rife, with the help of other great doctors, such as, Edward C. Rosenow M.D., Sc.D., L.L.D.; Oscar C. Gruner, M.D.; Earnest L. Walker, B.A.S., Sc.D.; Arthur W. Yale, M.D.; Dr. James B. Couche, M.D.; and Dr. Carl Meyer, Ph.D., was able to find the frequencies for many bacteria and viruses that cause many diseases. Doctors used Rife’s instruments, commonly referred to as a Rife machine, in the 1930s, 1940’s and 1950s and reported very high success rates. Dr. Rife’s technique was first embraced by the medical community, used by many doctors and then later rejected because antibiotics showed greater financial promise.
Now over 60 years later, there has been a renewed interest in the incredible method he used. These two documentaries reveal the dedication and commitment of Dr. Rife and the many medical doctors who worked with him. All their efforts were focused on helping mankind. It also takes an in-depth look at his life and the wonderful discoveries he made in bacteriology. Dr. Rife said in 1967:
Dr. Rife: “Having spent every dime I earned in my research for the benefit of mankind, I have ended up as a pauper but I achieved the impossible and would do it again.”
Dr. Rife’s accomplishments were forgotten about for almost 50 years until Barry Lynes wrote his book "The Cancer Cure That Worked" in 1987. Barry Lynes said of "The Royal Rife Story":
Barry Lynes: “The DVD is beautiful. It is an incredible achievement. Thank you on behalf of millions!”
Barry Lynes: The Cancer Cure That Worked.
The second DVD documentary "Royal Rife-In His Own Words" was made from an audio recording done by Dr. Rife in the 1950s. John Crane one of Dr. Rife’s business partners asked Dr. Rife to explain his work in bacteriology and how he found the cancer virus. Not only did Dr. Rife explain how he found the cancer virus but he talked for almost an hour about his work and the many different organisms he worked with. Dr. Rife explained how they found that almost all pathogenic microorganisms are pleomorphic. Today most people understand that organisms can mutate and change, but, pleomorphism is an organism’s ability to change into many different organisms and then change or revert back according to the environment it lives in.
Dr. Rife discovered that some organisms can mutate into as many as ten different types of organisms. Many other bacteriologists such as Arthur Isacc Kendall, M.D. and Edward C. Rosenow, M.D., two of the world’s top bacteriologists, also discovered in their labs that pleomorphism did take place in many different organisms. These new discoveries went against Pasture’s long believed germ theory that all disease comes from outside the body. Dr. Rife, Dr. Kendall, and Dr. Rosenow proved that diseases can also come from within the body if the metabolism of the body gets out of balance. In this video, you will see portions of Dr. Rife’s 1939 lab film and hear in his own voice the incredible story of the many discoveries he made in the field of bacteriology.
In producing these documentaries we found that there are many incorrect assumptions about Dr. Rife that are still being promoted today. Three of these false assumptions are:
1. Dr. Rife was murdered.
2. Dr. Milbank Johnson M.D., was murdered.
3. In a 1934 clinic 16, terminally ill cancer patients were cured of cancer.
It is true that this 1934 clinic was held, but, the patients were a mix of cancer and tuberculosis patients. The false assumption is that they were all cancer patients. Dr. Rife said that there were more tuberculosis patients than cancer patients. These falsehoods which have been perpetuated, along with many others, cast a cloud of doubt over the history of Dr. Rife. In these documentaries, we do not perpetuate these falsehoods but try to give the correct history of Dr. Rife. All of the documented information on this site is meant to substantiate Dr. Rife's great work. For this reason, we have tried to document everything you will read on this site.
Rife Information You Need To Know!
How Dr. Rife's equipment really worked has been misunderstood since the 1930s. Dr. Rife's engineer, Philip Hoyland, deliberately hid how the machine worked. He did this because Dr. Rife had no patent protection for his discoveries. The reason why Dr. Rife had no patent protection is due to the fact that the technology he used in his "Rife Machines" was standard transmitting technology which was in the public domain. The frequencies he found were not patentable. No frequency can be patented because they naturally occur in nature. Our information is not based on supposition, but hard evidence. All the information on this site, which reveals how Dr. Rife’s instruments worked, was obtained from evaluating “Original Rife Machines” using spectrum analysis and oscilloscopes. It is only from analyzing “Original Rife Machines” built by Dr. Rife and his engineers can anyone truly determine how Dr. Rife’s instruments really worked.
What people have to determine is if an instrument cannot output Dr. Rife's original frequencies then is it really worth purchasing. If a machine cannot output Dr. Rife's frequencies, which he used to devitalize or render microorganisms harmless, then how can it be a "True Rife Machine"? What is important today is that we now know how Dr. Rife’s equipment worked. This was discovered by analyzing original Rife Machines, which still exist, that were built before 1950. People have believed for many years that there were no original "Rife Machines" that still existed. But this thinking has been proven to be incorrect. Some of the original machines did survive. We spent 10 years hunting down “Original Rife Machines” in order to find out how they really worked. These machines also revealed the true frequencies that Dr. Rife really used with his machines. Without knowing the true range of Dr. Rife's frequencies how can anyone make any kind of intelligent decision? In this 10 year search, we found three "Original Rife Machines" and fully tested them. By doing this we were able to find out how they actually worked and the frequencies they used. From the testing of these “Original Rife Machines” we found that almost all the so-called “Rife Machines” sold on the market today do not use Dr. Rife’s correct frequencies and cannot produce them with their low-frequency equipment. Almost everyone is using the wrong frequencies. We regularly hear people say they didn’t know that the instrument they purchased did not output Dr. Rife’s original frequencies. By the time they reach this understanding they have already spent their money and are stuck with a low audio frequency instrument that uses no RF carrier frequency and cannot output Dr. Rife's RF frequencies. Without making the effort to obtain the correct information you can never choose the correct instrument to purchase. We cannot stress enough the fact that you have to make the effort in order to make the correct decision. There is a great deal of buyer remorse that could be avoided by understanding how Dr. Rife's instruments really worked.
We found that there were different styles of "Rife Machines" built by Dr. Rife and his engineers. These machines could output specific RF frequencies or mix two RF frequencies together to produce different frequencies. One style mixed low audio frequencies with a single high RF carrier frequency. These machines could be tuned to a specific frequency that the user wanted to output or they could output two frequencies simultaneously which would produce other frequencies known as harmonic sideband frequencies. When a single frequency was used it made it possible to determine the exact frequency for each organism. These were considered laboratory machines. The Rife Ray #1, #2, #3, and #4 had this dual capability.
The most effective machine ever built was the Rife Ray #5 or 1936/1939 Beam Ray Clinical instrument. This Beam Ray Clinical instrument worked on a two frequency method and its circuit design was a M.O.P.A. (Master Oscillator Power Amplifier). It worked on harmonic sidebands and only worked on the two frequency method. It was Dr. Rife's engineer, Philip Hoyland, who built this Beam Ray Clinical instrument. Dr. Rife at first did not like using this two frequency method but later embraced it after he fully tested it in his laboratory and found that it devitalized the microorganisms.
It was this 1936/1939 Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical instrument which was the inspiration for all the modern "Rife Machines" built today. The only problem was until 2010 no one knew how this instrument really worked; therefore, they built the modern versions of this style of the instrument upon the wrong principles. This was done because they did not understand the harmonic sideband method Philip Hoyland used to produce Dr. Rife's frequencies in this instrument. So today, there are dozens of less effective instruments on the market that are being called "Rife Machines." Many of these instruments seem to work very well but they will not produce the results that are talked about by the doctors who used Dr. Rife's original equipment.
In order for you to make the correct decision on which instrument you may want to purchase you first have to know if the frequency generator, or so-called "Rife Machine", you are looking at can correctly output a single frequency and also output the harmonic sideband method used in the 1936/1939 Rife Ray #5 built by Philip Hoyland. You also have to make sure that the frequency generator that you purchase can output, with sufficient power, a specific frequency in the correct frequency range that Dr. Rife used. Then, and only then, can anyone make the right choice about which machine would be the best to purchase? We recommend that you read “The Rife Machine Report” on this site which consists of 25 chapters that will show you the “Original Rife Machines” we found and how they worked.
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Dr. Kendall M.D., Dr. Johnson M.D. and Dr. Rife Ph.D. |
Your Complete Royal R. Rife Information Website!
The purpose of this site is
to give to anyone that desires
it accurate documented
information about how Dr.
Rife's machines worked.
We are able to do this
because we have the
largest collection of Rife
documents, videos
(avaliable for you to watch
with links below), and
photos available anywhere.
We also make available
the updated January, 2022
FREE Rife Machine Report.
This is an extensive
25 Chapter 313-page
(pdf.) called "The Rife Machine
Frequencies" which covers
all of Dr. Rife's machines
and frequencies from 1920
to the 1950s. It explains in
great detail how those
machines worked including
photos and diagrams. No
other website has this
information. The informat
-ion in this copyrighted
report came from a 10-year
search to determine how Dr.
Rife's machines worked and
the frequencies he used on
the various microorganisms.
This report was written so
this information would
never be lost again. This
report is for anyone who
really wants to know how
Dr. Rife's machines worked.
Also at the library tab above
you will find a great deal
more information about Dr.
Rife and his instruments.
recommend that you take
the time to check out this
free information.
![]() |
The Rife Machine Report |
Because we do not sell
any instruments, it is
necessary for us to fund
this site so we sell
several products such
as metal hand-cylinders,
metal footplates, terry
cloth covers, and
connecting wires for
contact type machines.
With these accessories,
shown below, you can
use any frequency
generator of the correct
frequency range and
power output, like a
“Rife Machine.”
![]() |
Accessory Kit with Universal Frequency list |
Other websites claim
that Piezoelectric crystal
filled hand-cylinders and
Hand-held ray tubes are
more effective than Metal
hand-cylinders. Click on
the two links below to
read the scientific evidence
that proves this thinking
is incorrect.
We also sell two Rife DVD
documentaries shown
below, called “The Royal
-In His Own Words.” These
documentaries do not
promote any
instruments and are meant
to educate the viewer
about Dr. Rife and his
incredible accomplishments.
We allow you to watch
these videos before you
purchase them because
we are certain that you will
want to own these amazing
videos. Below are the links
to these two videos.
There is a third video link
film which shows his work
on the cancer virus. His
Laboratory video is only
available to watch online.
The fourth link is to an
interview of Dr. Robert P.
Stafford M.D. who used
Dr. Rife's instruments on
his patients and family
back in the late
1950s and early 1960s.
We also sell the Rife audio
CD's which contain over
11 hours of historical audio
discussions from Dr. Rife
and those who worked with
him back in the 1930s,
1940s, 1950s, and 1960s.
These discussions were
recorded back in the 1950s
& 1960s by John Crane
and John Marsh who were
Dr. Rife's business partners.
Dr. Royal Raymond Rife Videos that you can watch.
"The Royal Rife Story" (Click Here or on the Photo)
"Royal Rife - In His Own Words" (Click Here or on the Photo)
"1939 Royal Rife Laboratory Film" (Click Here or on the Photo)
"Dr. Robert P. Stafford M.D. Interview" (Click Here or the Photo)

The two DVD documentary
set "The Royal Rife Story"
and "Royal Rife -In His Own
Words" are must-see videos
for those who want to
know about Dr. Royal
Raymond Rife. You may not
have heard of Dr. Royal Rife
before, but in the first 2-
hour documentary "The
Royal Rife Story" you will
learn about his great
scientific accomplishments.
Dr. Rife won 14 government
awards for scientific
discoveries and received
an honorary medical
degree from the University
of Heidelberg for his work
in bacteriology.
He built the world’s most
powerful optical micro-
scopes which overcame
the limits of standard
research microscopes and
became the first person
ever to see a living virus.
Dr. Rife developed a
method of devitalizing
microorganisms using
frequencies. Also, you will
learn about the many other
doctors and bacteriologists
who worked with him. Dr.
Rife’s microscopes and
bacteriological discoveries
were featured in many
official medical reports
and hundreds of news-
paper articles throughout
the world. Most of that
information is on this site.
Dr. Milbank Johnson, M.D.,
was one of the many
doctors who worked with
Dr.Rife. He, with the aid of
the University of Southern
California, sponsored a
clinic in 1934 to test Dr.
Rife’s Machine and method
of using frequencies to
devitalize disease-causing
microorganisms. In that
clinic and during the 30
days that followed the
sixteen terminally ill cancer
and tuberculosis patients
fully recovered using the
frequencies that Dr. Rife
found to devitalize the
organisms that caused
tuberculosis and cancer.
The other members of the
clinic were Whalen
Morrison, Chief Surgeon of
the Santa Fe Railway;
George C. Dock, MD.,
internationally famous;
George Fischer, MD.,
Children’s Hospital in New
York; Dr. Zite, MD.,
professor of pathology at
Chicago University; Rufus
B.Von Klein Schmidt,
President of the University
of Southern California.
![]() |
Dr. Royal Rife's 1931 "End To All Disease" Newspaper Photo. |
Dr.Royal Rife's 1931
"End To All Disease"
Newspaper Photo.
World-renowned bacterio-
logist Arthur Isaac
Kendall, B., Sc., PH.D.,
Dr. PH., Sc.D., referred to
as America’s Pasteur
worked with Dr. Rife.
Without his help, Dr. Rife
would not have been able
to find the cancer virus.
Dr. Rife, with the help of
other great doctors, such
as, Edward C. Rosenow
M.D., Sc.D., L.L.D.; Oscar
C. Gruner, M.D.; Earnest L.
Walker, B.A.S., Sc.D.;
Arthur W. Yale, M.D.;
Dr. James B. Couche, M.D.;
and Dr. Carl Meyer, Ph.D.,
was able to find the
frequencies for many
bacteria and viruses that
cause many diseases.
Doctors used Rife’s
instruments, commonly
referred to as a Rife
machine, in the 1930s,
1940’s and 1950s and
reported very high success
rates. Dr. Rife’s technique
was first embraced by the
medical community, used
by many doctors and
then later rejected because
antibiotics showed greater
financial promise.
Now over 60 years later,
there has been a renewed
interest in the incredible
method he used. These
two documentaries reveal
the dedication and
commitment of Dr. Rife
and the many medical
doctors who worked with
him. All their efforts were
focused on helping
mankind. It also takes an
in-depth look at his life and
the wonderful discoveries
he made in bacteriology.
Dr. Rife said in 1967:
Dr. Rife: “Having spent
every dime I earned in my
research for the benefit of
mankind, I have ended up
as a pauper but I achieved
the impossible and would
do it again.”
Dr. Rife’s accomplishments
were forgotten about for
almost 50 years until Barry
Lynes wrote his book
"The Cancer Cure That
Worked" in 1987. Barry
Lynes said of "The Royal
Rife Story":
Barry Lynes: “The DVD is
beautiful. It is an incredible
achievement. Thank you on
behalf of millions!”
Barry Lynes: The Cancer
Cure That Worked!
The second DVD docu-
mentary "Royal Rife-In His
Own Words" was made
from an audio recording
done by Dr. Rife in the
1950s. John Crane one of
Dr. Rife’s business partners
asked Dr. Rife to explain
his work in bacteriology
and how he found the
cancer virus. Not only did
Dr. Rife explain how he
found the cancer virus but
he talked for almost an hour
about his work and the
many different organisms
he worked with. Dr. Rife
explained how they found
that almost all pathogenic
microorganisms are
pleomorphic. Today most
people understand that
organisms can mutate and
change, but, pleomorphism
is an organism’s ability to
change into many different
organisms and then change
or revert back according to
the environment it lives in.
Dr. Rife discovered that
some organisms can
mutate into as many as ten
different types of
organisms. Many other
bacteriologists such as
Arthur Isacc Kendall, M.D.
and Edward C. Rosenow,
M.D., two of the world’s top
bacteriologists, also
discovered in their labs that
pleomorphism did take
place in many different
organisms. These new
discoveries went against
Pasture’s long believed
germ theory that all
disease comes from
outside the body. Dr. Rife,
Dr. Kendall, and Dr.
Rosenow proved that
diseases can also come
from within the body if
the metabolism of the
body gets out of balance.
In this video, you will see
portions of Dr. Rife’s 1939
lab film and hear in his own
voice the incredible story
of the many discoveries he
made in the field of
In producing these
documentaries we found
that there are many
incorrect assumptions
about Dr. Rife that are still
being promoted today.
Three of these false
assumptions are:
1. Dr. Rife was murdered.
2. Dr. Milbank Johnson M.D.,
was murdered.
3. In a 1934 clinic 16,
terminally ill cancer
patients were cured of
It is true that this 1934
clinic was held, but, the
patients were a mix of
cancer and tuberculosis
patients. The false
assumption is that they
were all cancer patients.
Dr. Rife said that there
were more tuberculosis
patients than cancer
patients. These falsehoods
which have been
perpetuated, along with
many others, cast a cloud
of doubt over the history of
Dr. Rife. In these
documentaries, we do not
perpetuate these false-
hoods but try to give the
correct history of Dr. Rife.
All of the documented
information on this site is
meant to substantiate Dr.
Rife's great work. For this
reason, we have tried to
document everything you
will read on this site.
Rife Information You Need To Know!
Rife information you need
to know!
How Dr. Rife's equipment
really worked has been
misunderstood since the
1930s. Dr. Rife's engineer,
Philip Hoyland, deliberately
hid how the machine
worked. He did this
because Dr. Rife had no
patent protection for his
discoveries. The reason
why Dr. Rife had no patent
protection is due to the
fact that the technology
he used in his "Rife
Machines" was standard
transmitting technology
which was in the public
domain. The frequencies
he found were not patent-
able. No frequency can be
patented because they
naturally occur in nature.
Our information is not
based on supposition,
but on hard evidence. All
the information on this site,
which reveals how Dr.
Rife’s instruments worked,
was obtained from
evaluating “Original Rife
Machines” using spectrum
analysis and oscilloscopes.
It is only from analyzing
“Original Rife Machines”
built by Dr. Rife and his
engineers can anyone truly
determine how Dr. Rife’s
instruments really worked.
What people have to
determine is if an
instrument cannot output
frequencies then is it really
worth purchasing. If a
machine cannot output Dr.
Rife's frequencies, which
he used to devitalize or
render microorganisms
harmless, then how can it
be a "True Rife Machine"?
What is important today is
that we now know how Dr.
Rife’s equipment worked.
This was discovered by
analyzing original Rife
Machines, which still exist,
that were built before 1950.
People have believed for
many years that there were
no original "Rife Machines"
that still existed. But this
thinking has been proven
to be incorrect. Some of
the original machines did
survive. We spent 10
years hunting down
“Original Rife Machines”
in order to find out how
they really worked. These
machines also revealed the
machines. Without knowing
the true range of Dr. Rife's
frequencies how can any-
one make any kind of
intelligent decision? In this
10 year search, we found
three "Original Rife
Machines" and fully tested
them. By doing this we
were able to find out how
they actually worked and
the frequencies they used.
From the testing of these
“Original Rife Machines” we
found that almost all the
so-called “Rife Machines”
sold on the market today
do not use Dr. Rife’s
correct frequencies and
cannot produce them with
their low-frequency
equipment. Almost every-
one is using the wrong
frequencies. We regularly
hear people say they didn’t
know that the instrument
they purchased did not
output Dr. Rife’s original
frequencies. By the time
they reach this under-
standing they have already
spent their money and are
stuck with a low audio
frequency instrument that
uses no RF carrier
frequency and cannot
output Dr. Rife's RF
frequencies. Without
making the effort to obtain
the correct information
you can never choose the
correct instrument to
purchase. We cannot
stress enough the fact that
you have to make the
effort in order to make the
correct decision. There is
a great deal of buyer
remorse that could be
avoided by understanding
We found that there
were different styles of
"Rife Machines" built by Dr.
Rife and his engineers.
These machines could
output specific RF
frequencies or mix two RF
frequencies together to
produce different
frequencies. One style
mixed low audio
frequencies with a single
high RF carrier frequency.
These machines could be
tuned to a specific
frequency that the user
wanted to output or they
could output two
frequencies simultaneously
which would produce
other frequencies known
as harmonic sideband
frequencies. When a single
frequency was used it
made it possible to
determine the exact
frequency for each
organism. These were
considered laboratory
machines. The Rife Ray #1,
#2, #3, and #4 had this
dual capability.
The most effective
machine ever built was
the Rife Ray #5 or
Clinical instrument. This
Beam Ray Clinical
instrument worked on a
two frequency method and
its circuit design was a
M.O.P.A. (Master Oscillator
Power Amplifier). It worked
was Dr. Rife's engineer,
Philip Hoyland, who built
this Beam Ray Clinical
instrument. Dr. Rife at first
did not like using this two
frequency method but later
embraced it after he fully
tested it in his laboratory
and found that it devitaliz
-ed the microorganisms.
It was this 1936/1939 Rife
Ray #5 or Beam Ray
Clinical instrument which
was the inspiration for all
the modern "Rife
Machines" built today. The
only problem was until
2010 no one knew how
this instrument really
worked; therefore, they built
the modern versions of
this style of the instrument
upon the wrong principles.
This was done because
they did not understand
the harmonic sideband
method Philip Hoyland
used to produce Dr. Rife's
frequencies in this
instrument. So today, there
are dozens of less effective
instruments on the market
that are being called "Rife
Machines." Many of these
instruments seem to work
very well but they will not
produce the results that
In order for you to make the
correct decision on which
instrument you may want
to purchase you first have
to know if the frequency
generator, or so-called
"Rife Machine", you are
looking at can correctly
output a single frequency
and also output the
harmonic sideband method
used in the 1936/1939 Rife
Ray #5 built by Philip
Hoyland. You also have to
make sure that the
frequency generator that
you purchase can output,
with sufficient power, a
specific frequency in the
correct frequency range
that Dr. Rife used. Then,
and only then, can anyone
make theright choice
about which machine
would be the best to
purchase? We
that you read
on this site which consists
of 25 chapters that will
show you the “Original Rife
Machines” we found and
how they worked.
Below, listed in the first
chart, are Dr. Rife's 1936
high RF frequencies which
were calculated from Philip
Hoyland's sideband
method of generating Dr.
Rife's original frequencies.
It contains the most
accurate primary
frequencies of Dr. Rife’s
true frequencies or
M.O.R.s taken
from a replica of one of
the original Rife Ray #5 or
Beam Ray Clinical machines
which were built in 1938
for the Beam Ray
Corporation. The term
M.O.R. stands for "Mortal
Oscillatory Rate" or the
frequency that will
devitalize, kill or render
harmless the harmful
Dr. Rife's Original High RF
Frequencies Fine Tuned
To The PreciseFrequencies
By Philip Hoyland In 1936.
:191,803 Hz
Anthrax :139,200 Hz
B. Coli (Rod form):
416,510 Hz
B. Coli (Filterable virus):
769,035 Hz
Bacillus X or BX (Cancer
1,607,450 Hz
Bacillus Y or BY (Cancer
1,529,520 Hz
233,000 Hz
Spinal Meningitis:
426,862 Hz
Staphylococcus Pyogenes
Aureus: 477,660 Hz
Staphylococcus Pyogenes
Albus: 549,070 Hz
Streptococcus Pyogenes:
719,150 Hz
Syphilis: 788,700 Hz
Tetanus: 234,000 Hz
Tuberculosis (Rod):
369,433 Hz
Tuberculosis (Virus):
769,000 Hz
Typhoid Fever (Rod):
759,450 Hz
Typhoid Fever (Virus):
1,445,180 Hz
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