Sunday, April 5, 2009

Breast cancer victim:

We would like to highlight this breast cancer story …

Yee Died After Extensive and Costly Medical Treatments

Life on earth is a living experience.

Let the death of Yee be a valuable lesson for many others who come after her.

Doctors, the media and patients always look to newer drugs and newer technologies as a new hope for treating illnesses. We have been hooked and made addicted to the idea that something new is always better. Herceptin and Tykerb are new bullets for cancer which are now beginning to appear in our local landscape. Are they better or dangerous?

If you wish to read this story please click:

For readers in Indonesia

This article has been translated into Bahasa Indonesia ….

Yee Meninggal Setelah Menjalani Segala Perawatan Medis

Hidup di bumi adalah suatu pengalaman hidup.

Jadikanlah kematian Yee sebagai suatu pengalaman berharga bagi yang sepertinya.

Yee berumur 40 tahun saat ia didiagnosa menderita kanker payudara pada Oktober 2005. Ia menjalani operasi mastektomi. Itu adalah kanker stadium II tanpa penyebaran pada kelenjar getah bening. Tumornya berukuran 3 x 2 x 2 cm.

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