Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Critical Water Cure Information

Critical Water Cure Information

Google: People and pets cured with sea salt and water. (See how many get well for pennies.)

The best way to use the water cure is to drink a little water, dissolve sea salt on the tongue (you only have to taste the salt then wash it down. It doesn't have to fully dissolve on your tongue) then finish your amount of water. We also use sea salt liberally on our food. See our Critical Salt Info link. We sometimes use raw sugar or honey to give us energy for our body to function better or when in pain or ill to keep our body from cannibalizing our muscles.

Note: professional sports teams initially noted that an oral saline IV worked as good as, or better than, an IV of salt water in a vein, but later we found out how & why it worked better when we do not put salt in the water.


Frequently Asked Questions

1.How much water?

Half your body weight in ounces. If you weigh 200 lbs., you will need 100 oz. of water. That is approx. 3 quarts. A quart is 32 oz. A 1.5 liter bottle has 6 servings of 8 oz., which makes it 48 oz.. 

2.How much salt and how do I use it?

There are four suggested ways to take the salt.

1. The first way is to just coat the front part of your tongue with the salt, making sure that you taste the salt, and then drink the water over the salt, washing it down. 
2. You could also just put the extra salt on your food. The only problem with that is acquiring a taste for very salty food.
3. If you are very salt-sensitive then you would get some empty capsules and put the amount of salt you require into the capsules and take it with food.
4. Mixing salt into the water for drinking is not a very good idea. Only young children and seniors that are having trouble remembering things should mix 1/8 tsp of salt into 16 oz of plain water and drink their water this way until they start remembering things again.

3.Why not drink salty water?

A person using the water cure writes:

This is Diana R., I have been doing the water cure for a couple months now. When I first looked at the water cure website to start I read that you were supposed to put the required amount of salt in the water and drink it that way. When I did that I immediately began to retain a lot of fluid. After a couple of weeks of not feeling any better and unable to get the swelling down I contacted Drew Bauman. Drew helped me understand that the salt is supposed to be put on the tongue and washed down with water. My swelling is all gone now and I am finally seeing results.

At the top of our web page we state: The best way to use the water cure is to drink a little water, dissolve sea salt on the tongue, then finish your amount of water. We also use sea salt liberally on our food. See our Critical Salt Info link. We sometimes use raw sugar or honey to give us energy for our body to function better or when in pain or ill to keep our body from cannibalizing our muscles.

Note: professional sports teams initially noted that an oral saline IV worked as good as an IV of salt water in a vein, but later found how & why it worked better when we do not do oral IV/drink salty water.

4.Can I drink decaffeinated coffee?

You must remember that decaffeinated coffee still has some caffeine unless it is naturally decaffeinated. It also goes through a process to decaffeinate it with chemicals like formaldehyde. So, you are actually trading a little caffeine for chemicals. Ask yourself, is it worth it? How much arsenic is enough? 

5.What about tea? (Is there a difference?)

Tea, according to Dr. Batmanghelidj is worse than coffee. It not only is a diuretic, but it strips your body of the vitamins and minerals we are trying to put back into our bodies. At the top of the list, as far as teas go, there are black teas (your regular run of the mill teas), which are the worst, containing the most caffeine. Decaffeinated teas are a little better, but still are not as natural as you should have. Naturally decaffeinated teas are the best. 

BUT: I asked Dr. Batman about this, and he said, "An herb is an herb is an herb. Marijuana is an herb, so take it from there." A suggestion is to use in moderation. If you have suffered with asthma or other upper respiratory problems, like myself, be aware of how they make you feel. I have found it difficult to breathe after 2 cups of naturally decaffeinated.

Green tea has 3x's the caffeine. While it is supposed to be a great anit-oxidant, beware of the caffeine. 

6.Where can I get good sea salt?

You can call 1-800-TOP-SALT. (800-867-7258) This is the Grain Salt Society, 273 Fairway Drive, Asheville, North Carolina 28805. This is the best that we have found. It contains 84 trace minerals. Another one is the Redmond Mineral, Inc., P.O. Box 219, Redmond, Utah 84652. 1-435-529-7402. Their sea salt has over 70 trace minerals in it. BE CAREFUL when buying sea salt or Celtic Sea Salt. If it does not list minerals on the back, the odds are that you have just bought expensive, prettier packaged table salt. All salt came from the sea at one point. So it is legal for anyone to label their low grade salt as sea salt. Good Celtic Sea Salt is NOT white or dry. 

7.What exactly will this help?

We have testimonials from all over the world on how the water cure has "reversed", or totally eliminated cancer, MS, MD, asthma, allergies, acid reflux, arthritis, ulcers and other digestive problems, joint pain, headaches, back problems, diabetes, depression, aids in weight loss, scleroderma and other skin problems, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and many more. The watercure is a "preventative measure" to take to obtain optimum health. We were not born with a caffeine or alcohol deficiency. Both of these drugs act the way dry gas does to gasoline in a car. It takes the life essential nutrient-water, out. 

8.What temperature should the water be?

Dr. Batmanghelidj suggests that we drink room temp or cool water. Cold water (with ice) shocks the stomach lining and disrupts our digestive system. Instead of drinking coffee in the morning, Dr. Batman drinks hot water. Give it a try. It's really very good and gives you that warm feeling you are looking for. 

9.Can I drink water or anything else with my meals?

To prevent our digestive juices from becoming diluted and weak, it is suggested to drink two (2) glasses of water one half (1/2) hour BEFORE meals. It is O.K. to sip water with meals, but not drink a lot. This also helps in weight loss. 

10.When I drink water, I feel nauseous. Is this normal? What do I do?

If one is severely dehydrated and used to only their caffeine or alcohol intake, this may be a problem. Try drinking small sips of water throughout the day. Drink only an amount that will not upset your stomach. Nausea can be caused by an acidic condition. You need to bring up your alkalinity level. By taking a pinch of sea salt along with the sip of water will help to neutralize your stomach acids. In most cases, it takes about a week before you can drink the proper amount of water. Don't give up. 

11.I understand that the water cure will help me to wash out the toxins in my body.

ABSOLUTELY!! We've seen people totally lose alcohol cravings in 24 hours because the toxins were washed out. Water is the "roto rooter" of the body.

Will it also wash out the vitamins and minerals as well? (Potassium)

It will if way overdone, and if not enough sea salt was used. 

12.Will I be running to the bathroom a lot?

When you first start the watercure, it does seem like you are running a lot. As your body hydrates, this will slow down. Like a dried out plant, if you pour a glass of water on it, what will happen? The water will run right out of it. But if you pour it on slowly, it will hydrate, and not lose so much. Remember that your sea salt intake is vital. This will help you to retain what your body needs. 

13.I don't like the taste of water. Can I add something to it to give it some flavor?

Yes, but when you do, it changes the molecular structure. H2O is H2O. When you add too much orange juice or lemon juice or something else to it, it becomes a food, not water as intended. 

14.If I need 2 quarts of water daily, how am I supposed to consume this?

Again, start out slowly if you are not used to drinking water. One can not become hydrated properly if you drink half the amount you are to take at breakfast and then the other half at dinner. Your body will release more than you will retain. Plus, you will be washing out vitamins and minerals unless taken in slowly. Your urine should be a light lemonaid color, not clear. In some cases, it is suggested to drink out of a 3 oz. bathroom size cup. Anyone can handle drinking 3 oz of water every half hour. 

15.Where can I find people who have been helped with my situation? Can I contact them?

We have phone numbers or e-mail addresses on most testimonials on our web site. More and more testimonials are coming in from across the world. In that case, e-mail addresses are included. If you have trouble contacting someone, let us know by e-mail, and we will see what we can do. 

16.How can I help spread the word of the water cure in my town?

You must have your own testimonial or a relative or close friend that made an amazing recovery otherwise you will have little credibility.  Also refer people to and

17.How can the water cure cure so many problems?

According to the research of F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., about 85% of all health, mental, emotional, poor grades, sports performance, cancer, M.S., M.D., diabetes, alcoholism, and behavioral problems, (including violent behavior) are caused by lack of water and/or salt in the body. If this is true, then the only thing that can cure them is water and/or salt. Whatever improves after going on the watercure is obviously caused by lack of water and/or salt. I have seen it work countless times. 

18.How long will it take to get relief from my symptoms?

That is a good question.  Water cure results vary person to person and even depend upon a persons level of using the entire program.  There have been people who have seen some type of results in as little as 4 days.  I felt different within 4 days but my cancer was gone at 6 months into the program and I used it reasonable rigidly.  Without knowing your case history and complaints-I cannot predict results.  Even after you send me your questionnaire and after you read the files I am sending, and you start the program-results will depend upon how well you follow Dr. Batman's recommendations.  We (myself and other water cure coaches) have seen outstanding results from many people with many various-even serious - problems.

Why does the water cure work so quickly?

If a person is suffering from lack of water, then it's no different than having a lawn turn brown because of lack of water. After you water the lawn, how long does it take for the grass to turn green? Dehydrated people and all living things recover so quickly when their water shortage is corrected. But, in some cases, if you are so terribly dehydrated, it may take a while before you fully appreciate and see a difference. 

19.Why do you say that health care is a common sense deficiency disorder?

Because if the 2nd and 3rd most essential nutrients are water and salt in the body, (the 1st being oxygen), wouldn't common sense tell us to check those levels first? Does your doctor ask you about your water/salt intake? ....caffeine/alcohol intake?

20.Why can't we drink sea water if salt water is so good for us?

Because there is too much salt in ocean water. If a person keeps putting salt into a glass of water it will just keep getting stronger and stronger because the salt will dissolve into the water. Sea water will kill a person. Saline in the hospital is one liter of water (about a quart ) and 9 grams of salt ( 1- 1/2 tsp of salt) Anything stronger then that will not be good. Read Dr B's book ABC of Asthma, Allergies and Lupus. Read page 144-150 and should get Dr B's lecture on CD (water and salt) for more inforOur siteion.

21.If I am salt sensitive, what can I do about it?

It is detailed in the recipe. You need to quit the salt for two days & gradually reintroduce it.

22.What about these ionizer machines that are being sold to get water into an alkaline state. Isn't this sea salt in the water basically the same thing?

In Dr Batman's book ABC of Asthma, Allergies and Lupus on page 31 at the bottom and the top of 32 Dr B warns about not using or making a person's drinking water alkaline with drops or using a machine to create alkaline water. It's water and sea salt and eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

23.Why drink before meals?

According to Dr. Batmangheligj' research, it is about the wate rcirculating before eating to prompt the body to produce the hormones leptin aand motillin which stimulate the body to make hydrochloric acid for the stomach to digest food properly and the pancreas to produce the bi-carbonate necessary to alkalize the styomach contents (chyme) moving into the small intestine to prevent burning and ulcers so the 3 portions of the small intestine can distribute the nutrients from the digested foods and supplements to the body appropriately. This is bio-chemistry.

People eat in varying times between immediately, 15 minutes, and a half hour depending on how long we as individuals hold the water in our body for the cells to utilize it properly for metabolism. We seek to hold water 2 hours before urinating after drinking to stay hydrated and maintain optimal health and protect the kidneys.

Water Cure Recipe And Nutrition
Update 2/11/09

Important Tips To Know Before Starting The Water Cure Program
Water should stay inside your body for 2-3 hours so your body has time to use the water properly. Scroll down to asterisks (*****) below for 
complete information.

You must be sure your kidneys are working ok. This means liquid in results in liquid out.  For example: the amount of water or other beverages taken in should be urinated during the day.

Here are Dr. Batman’s recommendations:

The “rule of thumb” for water is half your body weight in ounces taken throughout the day. A little less or even a little more is ok.
The “rule of thumb” for salt is to dissolve 1/8 tsp of salt on our tongue per 16 oz ( ½ liter ) of water that we drink - 1/16 tsp sea salt per 8 oz. of water we drink.
If you have any swelling of your feet, ankles, legs, arms, fingers, eyelids you must stop all salt for 2 to 3 days and just drink the water.  The exception to this would be swelling from an injury/accident.
You probably just rolled your eyes to the back of your head saying, “Are you nuts… that’s a lot of water to drink”. Actually, it’s quite simple to accomplish this when taken in say… 8 glasses of water spaced throughout the day.

For example, lets take a 192 pound person. Half their body weight is 96 pounds. Change that to 96 ounces. Divide that by 8, for the number of glasses you are going to drink, which equals 12 ounces. You would be drinking 8 (12 ounce) glasses of water per day. Now… wouldn’t you agree that drinking the water this way it is easy to do?

If you do not drink this much water right now, you must start adding the extra water very slowly. This gives your body time to adjust to the added water intake. If you don’t, the water will act like a water pill (diuretic), pulling necessary minerals from your body, possibly causing more harm than good. Senior citizens and children MUST start adding the extra water slowly. 

Here’s how to increase your water intake slowly. Using the above example, start out with (3) – 8 oz glasses of water your first day. The next day add one or two glasses. Keep doing this until your required glasses per day is reached. Now start increasing the ounces until your total per glass is reached.

Please keep in mind; it’s only a rule of thumb on half your body weight in ounces of water and 1/8 tsp of salt for every 16 oz of water.  Some people will require a little more water where others will require a little more salt. 

After a while, the body’s requirements can change for a little more water and salt because of hot weather, cold weather or exercise.  Each person must find his or her body’s requirement at this time. 

Never drink more than 33.8 oz  (1 liter) of water maximum at one time (or sitting).                        

Children ages 2 and up will need 75% of their body weight in ounces of water per day, because their bodies are growing all the time and every cell in their expanding body needs this extra water (mytosis).
Children that are active or playing sports can require up to 100% of their body weight in ounces of water per day.
The water cure program does not apply to newborns up to 2 years of age.
Iodized table salt will work in a pinch, but unrefined non-oven-dried sea salt is best, because of the extra trace minerals found in it. Sea salt also tastes better. 

There are four ways to take the salt:

1. The best way is to just dissolve the salt on your tongue - let it dissolve as much as you can and drink the water after the salt, washing it down.

If you are very salt-sensitive then you would get some empty capsules and put the amount of salt you require into the capsules and take it with food.

When you put some salt on your food-be careful not to overdo it - if you use TOO much in addition to dissolving it on your tongue, you will acquire a taste for very salty food.

When ill or having a problem, you can do a "quick fix" by dissolving 1/8 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of water. Swish, gargle and spit one mouthful of the salt water at a time and swallow just the last mouthful.

NOTE:  A water cure "coach" can help you with this as well as learn to use several other possible "quick fix" solutions.*

Please note that it is not advised to drink salt water for a continued period of time. DRINKING SALT WATER CAN CAUSE FURTHER DEHYDRATION. 

You must also make sure you are getting at least 350 mcg of iodine in your multi-vitamins each day, up to a maximum of 450 mcg of iodine each day.

You may want to look at Dr. Brownstein further researched Dr. Batmangheligj' teaching that "we require iodine since there is none in sea salt". This research in very interesting and informative.

You need to read the “histamine article” so you can better understand how to tell when you need more salt, more water or more potassium (which is found in most foods).

It is very important for you to have one of Dr. Batman’s books.  A suggestion would be “ABC of Asthma, Allergies and Lupus” or his latest book “Obesity, Cancer and Depression”.  The ABC book contains a lot more than what the title says. 

There are 6 pages in each book on why a person needs salt and what it does in the human body. 

If you have any swelling of your feet, ankles, legs, arms, fingers, eyelids or excessive diarrhea you must stop all salt for 2 to 3 days, just drink the water.  The exception to this would be swelling from an injury/accident. Note: Too much salt can cause diarrhea.

Then begin taking the salt again, but add it back slowly. You should use no more than

1/8 tsp ( ¾ g ) of salt per 16 oz ( ½ liter ) of water.

Dr. Batman says drinking plain water by itself will flush out all the extra salt the body was holding in the cells and help clean out the system. The water will run through you very quickly pulling very important minerals from the body.  It is suggested you take a multi-vitamin with all three main meals to replace what minerals might have been pulled out.

When the swelling is gone, you can restart the program of drinking half your body weight in ounces of water. This time however, you will take it in small amounts throughout the day, slowly increasing the amount of water until up to half your weight in ounces of water has been reached.  Also start taking the salt with the water.

You must also make sure you are getting at least 150 mcg of iodine in your multi-vitamins each day, up to a maximum of 450 mcg of iodine each day.

***** Water should stay inside your body for 2-3 hours so your body has time to use the water properly.

If you are peeing (urinating) sooner than 2-3 hours after drinking your water, you should stop drinking plain water and switch to drinking orange juice, lemonade, grape/cranberry juice or any other juice. One point of caution… asthmatics should never drink orange juice

Note: When drinking orange juice, you should add 1/8 tsp of salt per 8 ounces.

If drinking juice does not work, the next thing to try is experimenting with drinking your juice while eating a bagel. This means:

·         Drink and eat the bagel at the same time… or

·         Eat the bagel first then drink your juice

·         Optional – increasing the salt to 1/4 tsp salt per 8 ounces, when you are eating the bagel may help retain the water longer

You can put cream cheese, real butter or jam on the bagel.

After using a whole bagel for a day or two, then you can cut down to using half a bagel, then a quarter and just stop the bagel and use your food to take with the juice. 

Here is how you should slowly go from drinking juice to going back to drinking plain water again. After a few days you should try drinking 2 ounces of plain water a half hour before eating food.  Then you can increase the water to 4 ounces a half hour before eating food.  Next it would be 6 ounces, then 8 ounces and so on until up to your required amount.

Water should stay inside your body for 2-3 hours so your body has time to use the water properly. (See Water Cure Tips under Critical Water Cure Information).

The information and recommendations on water intake presented on this site are based on training, personal experience, very extensive research, and publications of F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. on the topic of water metabolism of the body.

This site does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use or the discontinuance of any medication as a form of treatment without the advice of an attending physician, either directly or indirectly.

The intent of Dr. B., based on the most recent knowledge of microanatomy and molecular physiology, is to offer information on the importance of water to well being and to inform the public and medical professionals of the damaging effects of chronic, unintentional dehydration to the body from childhood to old age.

This information is not intended as a replacement for sound medical advice from a physician. On the contrary, sharing of the information on this site and in his books with the attending physician is highly desirable. An individual undertakes the application and recommendations described herein at one’s own risk. Adoption of the information should be in strict compliance with the instructions on the website and in Dr. B.’s material.

Very sick people with a past history of major diseases who are under professional supervision, particularly those with severe renal disease, should not make use of the information contained herein without the supervision of their attending physician.

All the recommendations and procedures herein contained are made without the guarantee of Dr. Batmanghelidj or anyone associated with this blogsite and disclaim all liability in connection with the use of the information presented herein. 

This information comes from the books Dr. Batmanghelidj wrote.

The formula for water intake is half your weight in ounces of water divided by 5 or 6 for the number of times you can drink the water throughout the day and the size of the container or amount of water you drink each time.  IMPORTANT: When you drink your water, get it down in 5-6 minutes, “Don’t nurse it”.  

EXAMPLE:  For a 300 lb. person – half is 150 ounces divided by 5 equals a 30 oz. bottle

Use a 32 oz. bottle 5 times a day or a 24 oz. bottle 6 times a day

SALT: Sea salt is best: it has one of the highest mineral contents. Use a measuring teaspoon. The rule of thumb is to dissolve on your tongue 1/16 tsp for every 8 oz. of water you drink, 1/8 teaspoon of salt for every 16 oz. of water you drink; eat 1/4 teaspoon for every 32 oz (1 quart) you drink; eat 1/2 teaspoon for 64 oz. you drink, or eat 1 full teaspoon for 1 gallon you drink. (Some people will need less salt, others more). Remember not to drink more than 33 ounces at any one time when you drink. This is a starting point, not a set rule. Your dose of water and dose of salt will vary by wether or not you hold urine 2 hrs after drinking. You can also additionally salt your food to taste. 

NOTE: ONLY add 1/2 tsp. of salt to just 8 ounces of water if you are using a quick fix described on the front page- shake or stir it. The best way to use salt is to just place the salt onto your tongue- let it dissolve then drink water._* Different individuals have different water and salt needs depending on urination, blood pressure and swelling. Get with a water cure coach from our site to ask for help.


1. Water – (amount required)_________oz. 
 Note Time.
Wait  - now you wait 30 minutes (ideally) before eating.

Eat  - Breakfast.  Start Timing.

Wait  - 2 to 2.5 hours (nothing goes in your mouth).

 2. Water  - (amount required) _________oz.  
Note Time.
Wait  - now you wait 30 minutes (ideally) before eating

Eat  - Snack.  Start Timing.

(Snack optional, but still wait the 2 – 2 ½ hrs)

Wait  - 2 – 2 ½ hours ( nothing goes in your mouth, not  even gum, mints, etc.)            

 3. Water  - (amount required) _________oz.  
Note Time.
Wait  -  now you wait 30 minutes (ideally) before eating.

Eat -  Lunch.  Start Timing.

Wait - 2 - 2 1/2 hours (nothing goes in your mouth).

* Half your weight in ounces is the minimum amount of water, but a good starting point.    If you’re working outside, exercising, doing sports or in an air conditioned or heated room, extra water & salt is needed to prevent dehydration.

4. Water – (amount required) __________oz.  
Note Time.
Wait  -  now you wait 30 minutes (ideally) before eating.

Eat  -  Snack.  Start timing.

Wait  -  2 – 2 ½ hours (nothing goes in your mouth).

 5.  Water -  (amount required) _________oz.  
Note Time.
Wait -  now you wait 30 minutes (ideally) before eating.

Eat -  Evening meal.  Start timing.

Wait -  2 – 2 ½ hours (nothing goes in your mouth).

After eating, don’t go to bed until you’ve had your next portion of water which helps you digest the food.  Try to go for a short walk.  If short on time, just skip food and do water.

 6.  Water -  (amount required) _________oz.  
Note Time.

Wait -  now you wait 30 minutes (ideally) before eating.

Eat -  Snack.  Start timing.

Wait -  2 – 2 ½ hours (nothing goes in your mouth).

Go for a short walk and then go to bed.  (Any time you get up in the night to go to the bathroom, drink ½ glass of water and put a grain or two of salt on your tongue, then go back to bed).  You can drink water anytime you feel you need it. 

NOTE: Remember - if you urinate sooner than 2 hours after drinking water--do the bagel magic fix under the "Critical Water Cure Information" link on our front page and or eat sooner after drinking rather than wait the half hour to help hold your water for 2 hrs.. An average child over 3 yrs old old needs 3/4 their body weight in oz. of water - daily total in 6-8 doses. 

Check with a coach for more information-children require more water and salt as they are more active and have higher metabolisms.

Elderly (above 65) or very ill or dehydrated persons should begin the suggested program slowly; for example, start by taking 8 oz. of water with salt 2 times a day; one a.m. and one p.m. Then, after a couple of days, add another glass or two to your daily intake. Keep adding a glass to your daily intake until you are drinking half your weight in ounces as suggested at the top of this page.


Coffee, tea, soda, smoking, alcohol, chocolate & ginseng (ginseng works like caffeine). Caffeine and alcohol act as a diuretic by forcing water out of the body.


• Robs the body of vitamins B-1, B-2, B-6, B-12, vitamin C, zinc, potassium & other important minerals

• Interferes with DNA replication (how cells repair & reproduce in the body)

• Can be highly toxic (the lethal dose estimated to be around 10 grams)

• Can interfere with learning and memory (ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder)

Daily intake adds up over a year. Caffeine accumulates in the body’s fat tissues and is not easily eliminated. The amount of caffeine that is staying in the body depends on the amount of caffeine intake. One cup of coffee contains an average 80 mg of caffeine. Mountain Dew soda has 120 mg. Starbucks 8 oz coffee has 160 mg.

Read more about caffeine in:
ABC of Asthma, Allergies and Lupus” – pgs 166 – 168

Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” – pgs 227-230 


At Breakfast, Lunch and Evening meal choose one of the following food groups:

At least 2 eggs every day.

Beans - red, white, kidney, pinto, green, lentils, lima - If sick, 4 or more eggs. Raw, hard-boiled, soft-boiled, poached, scrambled etc.

Nuts - 1 or 2 handfuls. pecans, walnuts, almonds, cashews or brazil nuts.

Cottage cheese (4%)

Yogurt – Yoplait Original or Stonyfield are the best. Do not use artificial sweeteners.

Now add the following 2 food groups:

Fresh fruits - cantaloupe, apple, peach, pear nectarine, melon, banana etc.

Fresh vegetables – broccoli, green beans, snow peas, celery, carrots, squash, cabbage, ETC.. (raw, sliced broccoli stems with dressing OK).


 Acidophilus or a good pro-biotic – Good bacteria needed by intestines. Take one with each meal. (pill form) 4 billion per pill is best.

Beta Carotene - Eat one or two medium raw carrots, with skin, per day.

B-6 – 100mg after breakfast and evening meal. The body uses up B-6 every day.

Zinc - 50mg after breakfast and evening meal. This is for stress. The body uses up zinc every day. Males also take 50mg after noon meal also. When body is low in zinc, it borrows it from the prostate.

Vitamin C – 500 mg after breakfast, lunch and evening meal. Time released with rose hips are best.

Vitamin E – 400 IU with 100 micrograms of selenium. (You can buy the capsules that combine the two together. Take 1 after breakfast and evening meals.

Flax Seed Oil – 6 -9 grams. Two capsules after breakfast, lunch and evening meal. This does not apply to young children or to the underweight elderly.

Multi-Vitamin – Take one good multi-vitamin tablet 2 times a day or Swanson whole food multi--1 three times daily with meals.

Kelp (Iodine) – 150 mcg - 1 per day if it is not in your multi-vitamin.

Chlorophyll – Take 1 tablespoon of liquid 2-3 times daily. You can buy DeSouza’s liquid chlorophyll at a low cost from chlorophyll morning and evening or Swanson Vitamins chlorophyll capsules.


 Going to the bathroom after one week of doing the water and salt – your stool will become light yellow, brown or light green, float, have little odor and can be 1-2 feet in length. You should be using very little paper.

Going to the bathroom (#1) will have little color except after eating meals or taking vitamins. You will be going #1 a lot, but the time will get longer in between visits to the bathroom. Water taken first time in morning will be passed quickly.

If your eyelids, ankles or fingers swell, then you’re getting too much salt. Drink your next couple glasses or bottles of water without using salt. Suggestion: when you restart the salt, reduce a little from the original amount. However, if you get muscle cramps, you need more salt. Add a little salt to your fruit or take extra salt on your food.


Walk morning & evening (mall, treadmill, around the block).

Get at least 15 minutes of sunlight 2 times a day. Expose as much skin as possible.
(continued on next page).

You should strive to drink at least (1) 8 oz glass of Orange Juice every morning. “No pulp” and “not from concentrate” is the best. You need 1/8 tsp (3 g) of salt per 8 oz Orange Juice so that your body can utilize the potassium in the orange juice.

(If a person has any breathing problems such as asthma, they should limit their orange juice intake to one, at most, two glasses a day.)

NOTE: If you’re tired, take a glass of water and eat some salt. If you still feel tired 10-15 minutes later, then take a glass of orange juice with salt as described above. Any time you feel you need water, drink some. If you feel hungry (when it’s not your scheduled time to eat), first drink some water and eat the salt and wait ½ hour. If you still feel hungry, have something to eat.

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