Chapter 17

It's All About Energy
All life is energy. Every nerve impulse in your body is an electric current. Our muscles are powered by chemical energy. Every cell in your body is a mini-battery pumping out 70-90 millivolts—when
The steak and potatoes that you eat for dinner are really just fuel for the fire. Eating is like throwing coal in a furnace. Digestion is nothing more than a slow form of burning that produces energy for your body to live on. In fact, death itself is defined as the absence of electrical activity in the brain. In the end, all life is energy.
Optimize that Energy and You Optimize Your Health.
Energy is neither good nor bad; it just is. The same electricity that is used by a chiropractor or a physical therapist to stimulate your muscles and promote healing with a TENS machine is the same electricity that is used in prisons to execute people in electric chairs. So, is electricity good or bad? The answer is neither. It’s just a question of what frequency and amplitude you use and how you use it.
Charge Your Body with the Right Frequencies and You Prevent Disease.
The same laser light that is used to shoot down enemy missiles or as a death ray in a movie is also used by your eye-doctor to improve your vision via Lasik surgery or by your plastic surgeon
to remove facial hair and wrinkles. Again, the difference is merely one of frequency and amplitude.
The proper use of energy in the healing arts has a long and significant history. From the TENS machines and laser surgery that we’ve already mentioned to the use of sound waves to break up
kidney stones, or X-rays and magnetic fields to see into the body and the use of light to clean the blood.
Some forms of energy are more effective than others.
As we will see, scalar energy is merely another application of healing energy. It is the application of science as nature intended.
A New Paradigm
We are about to talk about some things concerning health and nutrition that are probably brand new to you. This topic is not inherently difficult to understand, but since it represents a total
paradigm shift in how you will look at health and nutrition, we will have to proceed slowly.
We’re going to learn how to actually embed healing energy in nutritional products.
Also, in order to explain everything, we will have to touch on some very esoteric areas such as higher mathematics and subatomic particles. Don’t panic. It won’t be too involved, and after every
difficult section, I will summarize what you just read and tell you the key points you need to remember.
We’re also going to learn how healing energy frequencies are transferred from the products you ingest into every single cell of your body—with profound implications for your overall health.
With that said, let’s begin.
The Nature of Energy
All of the energy that we normally think of is characterized by both particle and wavelike properties.The waveform of all these energies can be graphed as a hertzian wave (either in the form of a sine wave or a step wave).

We’re talking about everything from electricity to magnetism, from light to sound. The only difference between all of these forms of energy is how fast the waves rise and fall (the frequency) and how intense those rises and falls are (their amplitude).
Scalar Energy
Several years ago, I discovered and developed the Barron Effect, which incorporates the principle of energy enhancement to modify the physical structure of herbs during the tincture manufacturing
process. The net result is herbal tinctures that are over 100% stronger than anything the world has previously seen. In a sense, the use of scalar energy to enhance the effectiveness of nutritional products is an extension of that effect—but at the same time is an entirely different animal. Understand, scalar energy has existed since the beginning of time; however, it’s only recently
that scientists have discovered and begun to make use of it.
It was actually back in the mid 1800’s that the existence of scalar energy was first proposed in a series of 4 groundbreaking equations by the Scottish mathematician, James Clerk Maxwell.

Don’t even think about trying to understand these equations.
>Just as a minor reference, H refers to the magnetic field. E refers to the energy field. Most of the other symbols are Greek letters such as epsilon and delta. The upside down triangle represents the Vector Differential.
But forget all of that. The key to these equations—what makes them remarkable in history is the use of the symbol, which stands for Scalar Charge Density—thus representing the first time that the existence of scalar energy was theoretically proposed.
It was almost a half century later before Nicola Tesla actually was able to demonstrate the existence of scalar energy. When Tesla died, he took the secret of scalar generation with him, and it took almost another full century before science was once again able to demonstrate, positively, the existence of scalar energy and begin an exploration of its potential.
What Are Scalar Waves?
The standard definition of scalar waves is that they are created by a pair of identical (or replicant) waves (usually called the wave and its antiwave) that are in phase spatially, but out of phase temporally. That is to say, the two waves are physically identical, but out of phase in terms of time. The net result is that scalar waves are a whole different animal from normal hertzian waves. They even look different—like an infinitely projected mobius pattern on axis.

Different How?
Scalar energy is different from standard hertzian electromagnetic fields in a number of important ways.
> First, it’s more field-like than wavelike. Instead of running along wires or shooting out in beams, it tends to “fill” its environment. This becomes very important in terms of developing the technology for embedding products with scalar energy.
>For many of the same reasons, it is capable of passing through solid objects with no loss of intensity. In fact, that is exactly what Tesla demonstrated over 100 years ago when he projected a scalar wave through the earth with no loss of field strength. Again, this is vital in the development of technology capable of embedding scalar energy in products.
>It implants its signature on solid objects. This is actually the heart of the issue. All electric fields can implant their signature on objects, but not to the degree that scalar energy can. This becomes extremely important when we actually talk about the mechanics of embedding the energy field in products, and then transferring that charge from the products into every cell of your body.
>Scalar energy can regenerate and repair itself indefinitely. This also has important implications for the body. In other words, once the charge is implanted, you can keep it there with the regular ingestion of charged products.
> In fact, the right scalar frequencies have a whole range of profound beneficial effects on the human body. (And we will detail each and every one very shortly.)
> In the "New Age" community there has been much talk of the benefit of things like Tachyons, Radionics, and Pyramids, etc. Analysis shows that these are all, at heart, scalar generating devices—but cannot come close to the effectiveness of ingesting Scalar Enhanced™ products.
Generating Scalar Energy
Actually, scalar waves can be generated in many ways. For example, you can generate them Electronically, Magnetically, Physically, or Optically (by the movement of phased patterns on a
computer monitor). You can actually buy wristwatches that incorporate computer chips that generate protective scalar fields. The most interesting technology for generating scalar waves, however, has been developed by a group that includes several ex-NASA engineers.
Through the use of proprietary computer programs, they are able to cause both the computer's CPU to oscillate at predetermined frequencies and emit scalar energy, while at the same time generating scalar charges off of the computer monitor by running very precise hieroglyphic patterns on the monitor. To create what they call a charging chamber. They aim four monitors (precisely
aligned with lasers) at an amplifying devise in the center of the room. The entire room then becomes a scalar charging chamber. This produces an intensity of charge and an ability to regulate
frequency beyond any other comparable technology in use today. Any individual standing in the room is charged, and, as it turns out, so is any product or object—up to its ability to hold the charge. The higher the quality of the product (whole foods Vs isolates, organic Vs inorganic, etc.) the better that product is able to hold the charge.
Embedding Scalar Energy in Products
As I mentioned earlier, all life is fundamentally energy based, and therefore, all life has numbers of structures capable of holding a scalar charge. In point of fact, the very same structures that
allow the scalar charge to be embedded in products also allow that charge to be transferred to the human body from those same products. For example:
>There are many crystalline structures in every cell wall—all capable of holding a charge
>There are many liquid crystal structures in the collagen network comprising all of the space between cells—also capable of holding a charge
And in Your Very DNA
We are going to get very abstract, for one final moment, before we begin to simplify everything and bring it all together. So just hang in there for a little longer.
There are Quantum Mechanical models that describe subatomic particles such as Excitons, Plasmons, and Solitons that can store and carry biological information along macromolecules in
response to low-level scalar energy.
In other words, scalar energy is capable of imprinting itself on your very DNA.
Before we move on to the benefits of scalar energy for your health, it would be worth dwelling for a moment on what proof exists that everything I’m talking about is real.
There Is Proof
It is possible to measure scalar fields, but most people don’t have the required equipment. Therefore, let’s turn to a form of proof that we can see right now—Kirlian photography. A Kirlian photograph is merely a specialized kind of photography that images the bioelectric field that surrounds all objects—particularly living objects.
U.S. News and World Report ran an article some time ago calling Kirlian photography a hoax. To quote from the article:
“Controlled experiments have shown that the Kirlian photos (captured by passing an electric current through the subject, whose "energies" are then recorded on special photographic plates) are the result of moisture and pressure, not spiritual vitality.”
And that’s absolutely true, as far as it goes. The simple fact is, though, that it’s possible to set up a hermetically sealed environment where moisture and pressure are constant, and therefore not influencing the outcome of the pictures. And yet, even in those controlled environments, it’s possible to produce startling and revealing photos. For example:
Here are two pictures of lentil sprouts, identical, except for the fact that the lentil on the left has been soaked in very hot water for a minute or so. According to the U.S. News and World Report
article, since it has more moisture in it, it should conduct more electricity than the unblanched lentil on the right and produce a brighter field.

As you can see, the exact opposite is true. (If you’re looking at a black and white printout, the greatly expanded red area appears dark gray.) And that’s why the National Institute of Health and
Cambridge University, among other major institutes, are studying Kirlian photography.
So what can we learn about Scalar Enhanced™ products through Kirlian photos? Well, the absolute most important thing we can learn is that the scalar charge is, unquestionably, embedding
itself in the products. What follows are just a couple of examples of products before and after embedding.

The two sets of photographs above, by themselves, are revolutionary in their implications. (Incidentally, these images were produced using a brand new process—side-by-side direct digital
imaging, which even further diminishes the effect of outside factors such as moisture, temperature, and pressure.)
The bottom line is that experience tells us that the more alive something is (the more organic it is) the bigger its energy field will be. And Scalar Enhanced™ products always demonstrate a bigger field.
This is the big question, isn’t it? What health benefits are there to consuming Scalar Enhanced™ products? As it turns out, they are many.
First of all, enhanced products are more assimilable by the body. They are absorbed better and faster. We actually can prove that enhanced products can be assimilated by your body and totally
transform your bioelectric field in as little as 10 seconds. There are no other products in the world that can do that. Here is a set of pictures that image the body’s bioelelectric field as registered
through biofeedback devices that measure galvanic skin response and body temperature. What you are seeing is the field before taking any Scalar Enhanced™ product, and then the change in the field literally just 10 seconds after putting the enhanced product in your mouth.

The Brennan Model of the first 7 levels of the Human Energy Field:-
1. Etheric Body
2. Emotional Body
3. Mental Body
4. Astral Body
5. Etheric Template
6. Celestial Body
7. Ketheric Template
Results this profound and this quickly realized have never before been seen—ever—by any nutritional products of any kind in the entire history of nutritional supplements. These pictures literally
represent an entirely new standard in health and nutrition—a standard that every company will one day have to match.
But above and beyond that, the scalar charges that we embed in our products carry a whole range of benefits inherent in the charge itself—independent of the product. In that sense, the product functions as a carrier of the healing charge. There are at least a dozen major health benefits that come from this charge—and they are profound. Regular intake of Scalar Enhanced™ products can:
>Eliminate and nullify the effects of man made frequencies (60 cps) in the human body.
>Increase the energy level of every single cell in the body to the ideal 70-90 millivolt range.
>Increase the energy covalent level of every single hydrogen atom in the body as verified by spectrographs. This is significant because covalent hydrogen bonds are what hold your DNA together. In other words, consuming Scalar Enhanced™ products can protect your DNA from damage.
>Improve cell wall permeability thus facilitating the intake of nutrients into each and every cell and the elimination of waste from each and every cell. (As a result of the high transmembrane potential mentioned above, Scalar Enhanced™ products effectively cause every single cell in your body to detox).
>Decrease the surface tension of the embedded products, thereby significantly reducing the time required for your body to assimilate those same products.
>Increase overall body energy levels as a result of increasing cellular energy for trillions of cells.
>Cleanse the blood improving chylomicron levels (protein/fat particles floating in the blood) and triglyceride profiles and fibrin patterns.
>Improve immune function by as much as 149% as proven in laboratory studies.
>Improve mental focus as demonstrated by increased amplitude of EEG frequencies.
>Balance out the two hemispheres of the brain, again as measured by EEG tests.
>Work as an antidepressant since it inhibits the uptake of noradrenaline by PC12 nerve cells.
>And finally, there’s cancer.
That’s right—as if all of the benefits we’ve listed so far were not enough. The regular intake of Scalar Enhanced™ products may very well play a significant role in preventing and/or reversing cancer.
Cancer cells are, almost without exception, low-voltage cells. As I mentioned earlier, the optimum cell voltage for most cells in the body is in the 70-90 millivolt range. Cancer cells are almost
exclusively in the 15-20 millivolt range.
There have been many theories proposed as to why this is true. The most likely one is that as cell voltage starts to drop into the range where the very survival of the cell may be called into question, the cell begins to proliferate uncontrollably in an attempt to guarantee its “survival.”
If you raise cell voltage (which is exactly what can happen when you consume Scalar Enhanced™ products), the cell no longer needs to proliferate wildly. In effect, it can become “normal”
again. The implications for this in treating cancer could be profound.
How long will products hold their charge?
>The higher the quality of the product to start with, the longer it will hold a charge.
High-quality “alive” organic type products actually will often display a stronger charge after 6 months then when first charged.
Are charged products safe?
>Absolutely. Again, there is nothing unnatural about scalar energy. It has been around since the creation of the universe. It’s all a question of embedding healing/energizing frequencies as opposed to harmful frequencies.
Which frequencies do we embed?
>Without giving away proprietary information, there are two key frequencies focused on. First, is the Schuman Resonance. This is in the 7.8 - 8.0 HZ range. It is the frequency the earth emits when there is nothing around—nothing man-made and no plant or animal life around. It is the innate frequency of the earth. The other frequency is closer to 12 HZ. This is the frequency that you will record in a rain-forest—again with nothing man-made around. These are the core scalar frequencies that accomplish everything
we’ve talked about in this chapter.
What will I notice by using Scalar Enhanced™ products?
>In addition to every other benefit that I’ve outlined so far, you will find that scalar enhanced
products will be absorbed faster, work faster, and produce stronger results.
What does this all mean?
>Scalar Enhanced™ products enter your body fast and work better than comparable non-enhanced products.
>Scalar Enhanced™ products charge every single cell of your body with health-promoting scalar waves.
>The more Scalar Enhanced™ products you use and the more often you use them, the more profound the effect. The effect is cumulative.
>Someday, every nutritional company will scalar-enhance their products or they will not be able to stay in business. Scalar Enhanced™ products are simply that superior.

Next Chapter 18
Let's Talk About Cancer

It's All About Energy
All life is energy. Every nerve impulse in your body is an electric current. Our muscles are powered by chemical energy. Every cell in your body is a mini-battery pumping out 70-90 millivolts—when
The steak and potatoes that you eat for dinner are really just fuel for the fire. Eating is like throwing coal in a furnace. Digestion is nothing more than a slow form of burning that produces energy for your body to live on. In fact, death itself is defined as the absence of electrical activity in the brain. In the end, all life is energy.
Optimize that Energy and You Optimize Your Health.
Energy is neither good nor bad; it just is. The same electricity that is used by a chiropractor or a physical therapist to stimulate your muscles and promote healing with a TENS machine is the same electricity that is used in prisons to execute people in electric chairs. So, is electricity good or bad? The answer is neither. It’s just a question of what frequency and amplitude you use and how you use it.
Charge Your Body with the Right Frequencies and You Prevent Disease.
The same laser light that is used to shoot down enemy missiles or as a death ray in a movie is also used by your eye-doctor to improve your vision via Lasik surgery or by your plastic surgeon
to remove facial hair and wrinkles. Again, the difference is merely one of frequency and amplitude.
The proper use of energy in the healing arts has a long and significant history. From the TENS machines and laser surgery that we’ve already mentioned to the use of sound waves to break up
kidney stones, or X-rays and magnetic fields to see into the body and the use of light to clean the blood.
Some forms of energy are more effective than others.
As we will see, scalar energy is merely another application of healing energy. It is the application of science as nature intended.
A New Paradigm
We are about to talk about some things concerning health and nutrition that are probably brand new to you. This topic is not inherently difficult to understand, but since it represents a total
paradigm shift in how you will look at health and nutrition, we will have to proceed slowly.
We’re going to learn how to actually embed healing energy in nutritional products.
Also, in order to explain everything, we will have to touch on some very esoteric areas such as higher mathematics and subatomic particles. Don’t panic. It won’t be too involved, and after every
difficult section, I will summarize what you just read and tell you the key points you need to remember.
We’re also going to learn how healing energy frequencies are transferred from the products you ingest into every single cell of your body—with profound implications for your overall health.
With that said, let’s begin.
The Nature of Energy
All of the energy that we normally think of is characterized by both particle and wavelike properties.The waveform of all these energies can be graphed as a hertzian wave (either in the form of a sine wave or a step wave).
We’re talking about everything from electricity to magnetism, from light to sound. The only difference between all of these forms of energy is how fast the waves rise and fall (the frequency) and how intense those rises and falls are (their amplitude).
Scalar Energy
Several years ago, I discovered and developed the Barron Effect, which incorporates the principle of energy enhancement to modify the physical structure of herbs during the tincture manufacturing
process. The net result is herbal tinctures that are over 100% stronger than anything the world has previously seen. In a sense, the use of scalar energy to enhance the effectiveness of nutritional products is an extension of that effect—but at the same time is an entirely different animal. Understand, scalar energy has existed since the beginning of time; however, it’s only recently
that scientists have discovered and begun to make use of it.
It was actually back in the mid 1800’s that the existence of scalar energy was first proposed in a series of 4 groundbreaking equations by the Scottish mathematician, James Clerk Maxwell.

Don’t even think about trying to understand these equations.
>Just as a minor reference, H refers to the magnetic field. E refers to the energy field. Most of the other symbols are Greek letters such as epsilon and delta. The upside down triangle represents the Vector Differential.
But forget all of that. The key to these equations—what makes them remarkable in history is the use of the symbol, which stands for Scalar Charge Density—thus representing the first time that the existence of scalar energy was theoretically proposed.
It was almost a half century later before Nicola Tesla actually was able to demonstrate the existence of scalar energy. When Tesla died, he took the secret of scalar generation with him, and it took almost another full century before science was once again able to demonstrate, positively, the existence of scalar energy and begin an exploration of its potential.
What Are Scalar Waves?
The standard definition of scalar waves is that they are created by a pair of identical (or replicant) waves (usually called the wave and its antiwave) that are in phase spatially, but out of phase temporally. That is to say, the two waves are physically identical, but out of phase in terms of time. The net result is that scalar waves are a whole different animal from normal hertzian waves. They even look different—like an infinitely projected mobius pattern on axis.

Different How?
Scalar energy is different from standard hertzian electromagnetic fields in a number of important ways.
> First, it’s more field-like than wavelike. Instead of running along wires or shooting out in beams, it tends to “fill” its environment. This becomes very important in terms of developing the technology for embedding products with scalar energy.
>For many of the same reasons, it is capable of passing through solid objects with no loss of intensity. In fact, that is exactly what Tesla demonstrated over 100 years ago when he projected a scalar wave through the earth with no loss of field strength. Again, this is vital in the development of technology capable of embedding scalar energy in products.
>It implants its signature on solid objects. This is actually the heart of the issue. All electric fields can implant their signature on objects, but not to the degree that scalar energy can. This becomes extremely important when we actually talk about the mechanics of embedding the energy field in products, and then transferring that charge from the products into every cell of your body.
>Scalar energy can regenerate and repair itself indefinitely. This also has important implications for the body. In other words, once the charge is implanted, you can keep it there with the regular ingestion of charged products.
> In fact, the right scalar frequencies have a whole range of profound beneficial effects on the human body. (And we will detail each and every one very shortly.)
> In the "New Age" community there has been much talk of the benefit of things like Tachyons, Radionics, and Pyramids, etc. Analysis shows that these are all, at heart, scalar generating devices—but cannot come close to the effectiveness of ingesting Scalar Enhanced™ products.
Generating Scalar Energy
Actually, scalar waves can be generated in many ways. For example, you can generate them Electronically, Magnetically, Physically, or Optically (by the movement of phased patterns on a
computer monitor). You can actually buy wristwatches that incorporate computer chips that generate protective scalar fields. The most interesting technology for generating scalar waves, however, has been developed by a group that includes several ex-NASA engineers.
Through the use of proprietary computer programs, they are able to cause both the computer's CPU to oscillate at predetermined frequencies and emit scalar energy, while at the same time generating scalar charges off of the computer monitor by running very precise hieroglyphic patterns on the monitor. To create what they call a charging chamber. They aim four monitors (precisely
aligned with lasers) at an amplifying devise in the center of the room. The entire room then becomes a scalar charging chamber. This produces an intensity of charge and an ability to regulate
frequency beyond any other comparable technology in use today. Any individual standing in the room is charged, and, as it turns out, so is any product or object—up to its ability to hold the charge. The higher the quality of the product (whole foods Vs isolates, organic Vs inorganic, etc.) the better that product is able to hold the charge.
Embedding Scalar Energy in Products
As I mentioned earlier, all life is fundamentally energy based, and therefore, all life has numbers of structures capable of holding a scalar charge. In point of fact, the very same structures that
allow the scalar charge to be embedded in products also allow that charge to be transferred to the human body from those same products. For example:
>There are many crystalline structures in every cell wall—all capable of holding a charge
>There are many liquid crystal structures in the collagen network comprising all of the space between cells—also capable of holding a charge
And in Your Very DNA
We are going to get very abstract, for one final moment, before we begin to simplify everything and bring it all together. So just hang in there for a little longer.
There are Quantum Mechanical models that describe subatomic particles such as Excitons, Plasmons, and Solitons that can store and carry biological information along macromolecules in
response to low-level scalar energy.
In other words, scalar energy is capable of imprinting itself on your very DNA.
Before we move on to the benefits of scalar energy for your health, it would be worth dwelling for a moment on what proof exists that everything I’m talking about is real.
There Is Proof
It is possible to measure scalar fields, but most people don’t have the required equipment. Therefore, let’s turn to a form of proof that we can see right now—Kirlian photography. A Kirlian photograph is merely a specialized kind of photography that images the bioelectric field that surrounds all objects—particularly living objects.
U.S. News and World Report ran an article some time ago calling Kirlian photography a hoax. To quote from the article:
“Controlled experiments have shown that the Kirlian photos (captured by passing an electric current through the subject, whose "energies" are then recorded on special photographic plates) are the result of moisture and pressure, not spiritual vitality.”
And that’s absolutely true, as far as it goes. The simple fact is, though, that it’s possible to set up a hermetically sealed environment where moisture and pressure are constant, and therefore not influencing the outcome of the pictures. And yet, even in those controlled environments, it’s possible to produce startling and revealing photos. For example:
Here are two pictures of lentil sprouts, identical, except for the fact that the lentil on the left has been soaked in very hot water for a minute or so. According to the U.S. News and World Report
article, since it has more moisture in it, it should conduct more electricity than the unblanched lentil on the right and produce a brighter field.

As you can see, the exact opposite is true. (If you’re looking at a black and white printout, the greatly expanded red area appears dark gray.) And that’s why the National Institute of Health and
Cambridge University, among other major institutes, are studying Kirlian photography.
So what can we learn about Scalar Enhanced™ products through Kirlian photos? Well, the absolute most important thing we can learn is that the scalar charge is, unquestionably, embedding
itself in the products. What follows are just a couple of examples of products before and after embedding.

The two sets of photographs above, by themselves, are revolutionary in their implications. (Incidentally, these images were produced using a brand new process—side-by-side direct digital
imaging, which even further diminishes the effect of outside factors such as moisture, temperature, and pressure.)
The bottom line is that experience tells us that the more alive something is (the more organic it is) the bigger its energy field will be. And Scalar Enhanced™ products always demonstrate a bigger field.
This is the big question, isn’t it? What health benefits are there to consuming Scalar Enhanced™ products? As it turns out, they are many.
First of all, enhanced products are more assimilable by the body. They are absorbed better and faster. We actually can prove that enhanced products can be assimilated by your body and totally
transform your bioelectric field in as little as 10 seconds. There are no other products in the world that can do that. Here is a set of pictures that image the body’s bioelelectric field as registered
through biofeedback devices that measure galvanic skin response and body temperature. What you are seeing is the field before taking any Scalar Enhanced™ product, and then the change in the field literally just 10 seconds after putting the enhanced product in your mouth.

The Brennan Model of the first 7 levels of the Human Energy Field:-
1. Etheric Body
2. Emotional Body
3. Mental Body
4. Astral Body
5. Etheric Template
6. Celestial Body
7. Ketheric Template
Results this profound and this quickly realized have never before been seen—ever—by any nutritional products of any kind in the entire history of nutritional supplements. These pictures literally
represent an entirely new standard in health and nutrition—a standard that every company will one day have to match.
But above and beyond that, the scalar charges that we embed in our products carry a whole range of benefits inherent in the charge itself—independent of the product. In that sense, the product functions as a carrier of the healing charge. There are at least a dozen major health benefits that come from this charge—and they are profound. Regular intake of Scalar Enhanced™ products can:
>Eliminate and nullify the effects of man made frequencies (60 cps) in the human body.
>Increase the energy level of every single cell in the body to the ideal 70-90 millivolt range.
>Increase the energy covalent level of every single hydrogen atom in the body as verified by spectrographs. This is significant because covalent hydrogen bonds are what hold your DNA together. In other words, consuming Scalar Enhanced™ products can protect your DNA from damage.
>Improve cell wall permeability thus facilitating the intake of nutrients into each and every cell and the elimination of waste from each and every cell. (As a result of the high transmembrane potential mentioned above, Scalar Enhanced™ products effectively cause every single cell in your body to detox).
>Decrease the surface tension of the embedded products, thereby significantly reducing the time required for your body to assimilate those same products.
>Increase overall body energy levels as a result of increasing cellular energy for trillions of cells.
>Cleanse the blood improving chylomicron levels (protein/fat particles floating in the blood) and triglyceride profiles and fibrin patterns.
>Improve immune function by as much as 149% as proven in laboratory studies.
>Improve mental focus as demonstrated by increased amplitude of EEG frequencies.
>Balance out the two hemispheres of the brain, again as measured by EEG tests.
>Work as an antidepressant since it inhibits the uptake of noradrenaline by PC12 nerve cells.
>And finally, there’s cancer.
That’s right—as if all of the benefits we’ve listed so far were not enough. The regular intake of Scalar Enhanced™ products may very well play a significant role in preventing and/or reversing cancer.
Cancer cells are, almost without exception, low-voltage cells. As I mentioned earlier, the optimum cell voltage for most cells in the body is in the 70-90 millivolt range. Cancer cells are almost
exclusively in the 15-20 millivolt range.
There have been many theories proposed as to why this is true. The most likely one is that as cell voltage starts to drop into the range where the very survival of the cell may be called into question, the cell begins to proliferate uncontrollably in an attempt to guarantee its “survival.”
If you raise cell voltage (which is exactly what can happen when you consume Scalar Enhanced™ products), the cell no longer needs to proliferate wildly. In effect, it can become “normal”
again. The implications for this in treating cancer could be profound.
How long will products hold their charge?
>The higher the quality of the product to start with, the longer it will hold a charge.
High-quality “alive” organic type products actually will often display a stronger charge after 6 months then when first charged.
Are charged products safe?
>Absolutely. Again, there is nothing unnatural about scalar energy. It has been around since the creation of the universe. It’s all a question of embedding healing/energizing frequencies as opposed to harmful frequencies.
Which frequencies do we embed?
>Without giving away proprietary information, there are two key frequencies focused on. First, is the Schuman Resonance. This is in the 7.8 - 8.0 HZ range. It is the frequency the earth emits when there is nothing around—nothing man-made and no plant or animal life around. It is the innate frequency of the earth. The other frequency is closer to 12 HZ. This is the frequency that you will record in a rain-forest—again with nothing man-made around. These are the core scalar frequencies that accomplish everything
we’ve talked about in this chapter.
What will I notice by using Scalar Enhanced™ products?
>In addition to every other benefit that I’ve outlined so far, you will find that scalar enhanced
products will be absorbed faster, work faster, and produce stronger results.
What does this all mean?
>Scalar Enhanced™ products enter your body fast and work better than comparable non-enhanced products.
>Scalar Enhanced™ products charge every single cell of your body with health-promoting scalar waves.
>The more Scalar Enhanced™ products you use and the more often you use them, the more profound the effect. The effect is cumulative.
>Someday, every nutritional company will scalar-enhance their products or they will not be able to stay in business. Scalar Enhanced™ products are simply that superior.

Next Chapter 18
Let's Talk About Cancer
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