Wisdom of Water Cure Obesity, Cancer, Depression
To Our Creator : In Awe with Humility, Dedication and Love.
The Common Cause & Natural Cure for Obesity, Cancer, Depression are Dehydration & Re-hydration, respectively.
You are not sick, you are dehydrated!
Regain your vibrant health with water.
Chronic dehydration produces many symptoms, signs, and eventually degenerative diseases. The physiological outcomes of the sort of dehydration that produces any of the problem mentioned earlier in this blog (read earlier posts) are almost the same. Different bodies manifest the early symptoms of drought differently, but in persistent dehydration that has been camourflaged by prescription medications , one by one the other symptoms and signs will kick in, and eventually the person (victim of dehydration) will suffer from multiple "disease."
You saw it in the case of Andrew Bauman. We in medicine have labeled these conditions as outright diseases or have grouped them as different "syndromes." In recent years, we have grouped some of the syndromes - with some typical blood tests - and called them autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, insulin-dependent diabetes, and so on.
Medical research has until now been conducted on the assumption that many conditions -- which I consider to be states of dehydration or its complications -- are diseases of "unknown etiology." From the presently held perspectives of human health problems, we are not allowed to use the word cure. You can at best "treat" a problem and hope it goes "into remission."
From my perspective , most painful degenerative diseases are states of local or regional drought -- with varying patterns. It naturally follows that, once the drought and its metabolic complications are corrected, the problem will be cured if the dehydration damage is not extensive. I also believe that to evaluate "deficiency disorders" -- water deficiency being one of them -- we do not need to observe the same research protocol that are applied to the research of chemical products. Identifying the shortage and correcting the deficiency are all we need to do to cure the problem. Deficiency disorders are curable ; we can use the word cure to refer to the results !
It is now clear that the treatment for all dehydration-produced conditions is the same -- a single treatment protocol for umpteen numbers of conditions. Isn't that great ! One program or one solution solves so many problems and avoid costly and unnecessary interference with the body.
The first step in this treatment program involves a clear and determined upward adjustment of daily water intake. Persistent dehydration also causes a disproportionate loss of certain elements that should be adequately available in the stored reserves in the body. Naturally, the ideal treatment protocol will also involves an appropriate correction of associated metabolic disturbances. In short, treatment of dehydration-produced diseases also involves correction of the secondary deficiencies that water deficiency imposes on some tissues of the body. This multiple-deficiency phenomenon caused by dehydration is at the root of many degenerative diseases, including the autoimmune conditions like lupus and AIDS and, naturally, cancer.
The human body needs no less than two quarts* of water and some salt every day to compensate for its natural losses in urine , respiration, perspiration. Less than this will cause a burden on the kidneys, which will have to work harder to concentrate the urine, excreting as much chemical toxic waste with as little water as possible. This process explains why so many people end up needing dialysis in the final years of their drastically shortened lives.
By and large, an average-sized body needs about four quarts* of water a day. You give it two quarts* in the form of water ; the other two quarts are supplied from metabolism and the water content of food, such as fresh fruits and colorful vegetables. The body needs these four quarts of water to produce around two quarts of urine -- an amount that will prevent your kidneys from working too hard to concentrate the urine ( thus the light-colored urine of well-hydrated people). Your lungs use more than a quart of water a day -- this much water is evaporated in the process of breathing. The rest of the water is needed for perspiration and proper hydration of the skin, which is constantly losing water into the air around it. Some water is also needed for keeping feces moist to facilitate bowel movements. In hot climate more water is needed for this purpose.
A rough rule of thumb for those who are heavy set is to drink 1/2 ounce(U.S. fluid-ounce measurement) of water for every pound of body weight per day. Example, a 200-pound person thus needs at least 100 fluid-ounces of water daily.
Water should be taken anytime you are thirsty, even in the middle of a meal. Water intake in the middle of a meal does not drastically affect the process of digestion, but dehydration during food intake does affect digestion.
Drink at least two glasses of water first thing in the morning to compensate for the water loss during eight hours of sleep. Here are the best times to take water during the rest of the day.
Half an hour before each major meal of the day, drink one or two glasses of water and give it time to establish its regulatory processes before you introduce food into your system. Those people suffering from obesity, depression, or cancer should make sure to drink two glasses of water. During that half-hour, the water is absorbed into the system and is once again secreted into the stomach, preparing it to receive solid foods. When you drink enough water before eating food, you avoid many problems of the gastrointestinal tract, including bloating, heartburn , colitis, constipation, diverticulitis, Crohn's disease, hiatal hernia, cancer of intestinal tract, and of course extra weight gain.
Two to two and a half hours (2 to 2.5 hours) after you've eaten, drink another 8-12 fluid-ounces of water (depending on the amount of food consumed) . This will stimulate the satiety hormones and wrap up the digestive processes in the intestinal tract. It will also keep you from experiencing a false sensation of hunger when your body is simply craving more water to complete the digestion of already eaten food.
Water should be taken at regular intervals throughout the day to avoid thirst. Remember this fact, when you first feel thirsty, your body has already entered into 2 percent dehydration. So you must drink water to prevent dehydration to kick in. Be sure to drink water before any physical activity, such as going for a walk, window shopping or other more strenuous forms of exercise that cause sweating. I will explain how much salt to take later.
A change of lifestyle is vital for the correction of any dehydration-produced disorder. The backbone of the WaterCure program is :
1. Sufficient water and salt intake daily.
2. Regular exercise. WHAT ARE THE BEST FORMS OF EXERCISE? (Check Here Later 233)
3. A balanced, mineral-rich diet that includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, as colorful as available , and the fats needed to make cell membranes, hormones, and nerve insulation. Please abandon your cholesterol hang-up (if any).
4. Exclusion of caffeine and alcohol.
5. Meditation to detoxify stressful thoughts. You might try this.
6. Exclusion of artificial sweeteners.
Also remember that the sort of dehydration that manifests itself in asthma leaves other scars within the body. This is why asthma in childhood is so devastating and can expose a child to so many health problems in later life, as you saw in the case of Andrew Bauman. My understanding of the damaging effects of cellular dehydration during childhood is the reason I have been concentrating my effort on eradicating asthma among children.
Here are the primary functions of water in the human body :
1. Water is the vehicle of transport for circulating blood cells --- the core of the immune system.
2. Water is a solvent for critical materials, including oxygen and the minerals that maintain the body cells in their healthy plum-like state.
3. Water is the bulk material that fills empty spaces in the body. There is no vacuum between the cells.
4. Water is the adhesive that binds solid parts of the cell together by forming a membrane or protective barrier around the cell. In dehydration, this adhesive responsibility is passed on to cholesterol.
5. The neurotransmission systems of the brain and nerves depend on rapid movement of sodium and potassium in and out of the membranes along the full length of the nerves. Water that is loose and not bonded with something else is free to move across the cell membrane and turn the "element-moving" pumps.
6. Some of the element-moving pumps are voltage-generating pumps. Thus, efficiency of neurotransmission systems depends on the availability of free and un-engaged water in nerve tissues. In its osmotic urge to get into the cell, water generates energy by turning the pump units that force potassium into the cell and push sodium outside the cell -- much like water turning the turbines at a hydroelectric dam - water reservoir to make electricity.
7. A cell membrane has two layers ; between these layers is a constantly moving canal of water in which most outside messages are processed/ in dehydration, the enzyme activity in this canal becomes less efficient , and the cell becomes correspondingly less active in its natural functions. This is when cholesterol gets used in the cell membrane to prevent further dehydration . Fig 8-1. Model of Hydrated and Dehydrated segments of a bi-layer cell membrane and the channel of water that circles round the cell in between the two layers of the membrane. The channel acts as a "water highway," where all the chemical exchanges of the cell with tis outside world is carried out.

In dehydrated cell membrane: Cholesterol plaques plug the cell membrane pores to prevent water loss. In dehydration, cholesterol is an adhesive that binds cell membrane structure together. Body will activate hypertension to get the water through the membrane.
(Protein scaffolding of the cell membrane) <<CLICK>>
In well-hydrated cell membrane: Cell membrane pores are not obstructed and water can seep through (i.e. by infusion, flow rate of 0.001 cm per second) the membrane to get inside the cell. (Click here to learn more, The wide range of membrane permeabilities of different compounds in the cell. )
8. Up to now, however, it has been assumed that all energy storage in ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the substance that "burns" and gives out "heat" to "cook" any of the chemical reactions allowing a cell to function is from from food intake. This is why water has not received much attention as a source of energy in the energy-generating systems in the human body.
9. Water is the central regulators of energy and osmotic balance in the body. Sodium and potassium stick to the protein of the pump and act as the magnets of the dynamo. When water rotates the pump proteins, electricity is generated. The rapid turn of these cation pumps generates energy that is stored at many different locations in three different pool types :
(A). ATP is one type of energy pool.
(B). Another energy storage pool is GTP ( guanosine triphosphate).
(C). A third system is in the endoplasmic reticulum that captures and traps calcium. For every two units of calcium that are trapped, the energy equivalent of one unit of ATP is stored in the connection of the two calcium atoms.
For every two units of calcium that are separated from one another and released, one unit of energy -- to make a new unit of ATP -- is also released. This mechanism of calcium entrapment, as a means of energy storage, makes the bone structure of the human body not only its scaffolding but also its "Fort Knox"-- sort of like investing your cash in gold reserve, Hence, when there is severe dehydration and, consequently, a decreased supply of hydroelectric energy, the body taps into the bones for their energy storage. Thus, the primary cause of osteoporosis in persistent dehydration.
To prevent osteoporosis, or soft bones , you need to increase bone density by making the absorption of calcium more efficient. Toward this end, more vitamin D has to be made from solar conversion of cholesterol deposits in the skin to cholecalciferol -- vitamin D3.
To Our Creator : In Awe with Humility, Dedication and Love.
The Common Cause & Natural Cure for Obesity, Cancer, Depression are Dehydration & Re-hydration, respectively.
You are not sick, you are dehydrated!
Regain your vibrant health with water.
Chronic dehydration produces many symptoms, signs, and eventually degenerative diseases. The physiological outcomes of the sort of dehydration that produces any of the problem mentioned earlier in this blog (read earlier posts) are almost the same. Different bodies manifest the early symptoms of drought differently, but in persistent dehydration that has been camourflaged by prescription medications , one by one the other symptoms and signs will kick in, and eventually the person (victim of dehydration) will suffer from multiple "disease."
You saw it in the case of Andrew Bauman. We in medicine have labeled these conditions as outright diseases or have grouped them as different "syndromes." In recent years, we have grouped some of the syndromes - with some typical blood tests - and called them autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, insulin-dependent diabetes, and so on.
Medical research has until now been conducted on the assumption that many conditions -- which I consider to be states of dehydration or its complications -- are diseases of "unknown etiology." From the presently held perspectives of human health problems, we are not allowed to use the word cure. You can at best "treat" a problem and hope it goes "into remission."
From my perspective , most painful degenerative diseases are states of local or regional drought -- with varying patterns. It naturally follows that, once the drought and its metabolic complications are corrected, the problem will be cured if the dehydration damage is not extensive. I also believe that to evaluate "deficiency disorders" -- water deficiency being one of them -- we do not need to observe the same research protocol that are applied to the research of chemical products. Identifying the shortage and correcting the deficiency are all we need to do to cure the problem. Deficiency disorders are curable ; we can use the word cure to refer to the results !
It is now clear that the treatment for all dehydration-produced conditions is the same -- a single treatment protocol for umpteen numbers of conditions. Isn't that great ! One program or one solution solves so many problems and avoid costly and unnecessary interference with the body.
The first step in this treatment program involves a clear and determined upward adjustment of daily water intake. Persistent dehydration also causes a disproportionate loss of certain elements that should be adequately available in the stored reserves in the body. Naturally, the ideal treatment protocol will also involves an appropriate correction of associated metabolic disturbances. In short, treatment of dehydration-produced diseases also involves correction of the secondary deficiencies that water deficiency imposes on some tissues of the body. This multiple-deficiency phenomenon caused by dehydration is at the root of many degenerative diseases, including the autoimmune conditions like lupus and AIDS and, naturally, cancer.
The human body needs no less than two quarts* of water and some salt every day to compensate for its natural losses in urine , respiration, perspiration. Less than this will cause a burden on the kidneys, which will have to work harder to concentrate the urine, excreting as much chemical toxic waste with as little water as possible. This process explains why so many people end up needing dialysis in the final years of their drastically shortened lives.
By and large, an average-sized body needs about four quarts* of water a day. You give it two quarts* in the form of water ; the other two quarts are supplied from metabolism and the water content of food, such as fresh fruits and colorful vegetables. The body needs these four quarts of water to produce around two quarts of urine -- an amount that will prevent your kidneys from working too hard to concentrate the urine ( thus the light-colored urine of well-hydrated people). Your lungs use more than a quart of water a day -- this much water is evaporated in the process of breathing. The rest of the water is needed for perspiration and proper hydration of the skin, which is constantly losing water into the air around it. Some water is also needed for keeping feces moist to facilitate bowel movements. In hot climate more water is needed for this purpose.
A rough rule of thumb for those who are heavy set is to drink 1/2 ounce(U.S. fluid-ounce measurement) of water for every pound of body weight per day. Example, a 200-pound person thus needs at least 100 fluid-ounces of water daily.
Water should be taken anytime you are thirsty, even in the middle of a meal. Water intake in the middle of a meal does not drastically affect the process of digestion, but dehydration during food intake does affect digestion.
Drink at least two glasses of water first thing in the morning to compensate for the water loss during eight hours of sleep. Here are the best times to take water during the rest of the day.
Half an hour before each major meal of the day, drink one or two glasses of water and give it time to establish its regulatory processes before you introduce food into your system. Those people suffering from obesity, depression, or cancer should make sure to drink two glasses of water. During that half-hour, the water is absorbed into the system and is once again secreted into the stomach, preparing it to receive solid foods. When you drink enough water before eating food, you avoid many problems of the gastrointestinal tract, including bloating, heartburn , colitis, constipation, diverticulitis, Crohn's disease, hiatal hernia, cancer of intestinal tract, and of course extra weight gain.
Two to two and a half hours (2 to 2.5 hours) after you've eaten, drink another 8-12 fluid-ounces of water (depending on the amount of food consumed) . This will stimulate the satiety hormones and wrap up the digestive processes in the intestinal tract. It will also keep you from experiencing a false sensation of hunger when your body is simply craving more water to complete the digestion of already eaten food.
Water should be taken at regular intervals throughout the day to avoid thirst. Remember this fact, when you first feel thirsty, your body has already entered into 2 percent dehydration. So you must drink water to prevent dehydration to kick in. Be sure to drink water before any physical activity, such as going for a walk, window shopping or other more strenuous forms of exercise that cause sweating. I will explain how much salt to take later.
A change of lifestyle is vital for the correction of any dehydration-produced disorder. The backbone of the WaterCure program is :
1. Sufficient water and salt intake daily.
2. Regular exercise. WHAT ARE THE BEST FORMS OF EXERCISE? (Check Here Later 233)
3. A balanced, mineral-rich diet that includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, as colorful as available , and the fats needed to make cell membranes, hormones, and nerve insulation. Please abandon your cholesterol hang-up (if any).
4. Exclusion of caffeine and alcohol.
5. Meditation to detoxify stressful thoughts. You might try this.
6. Exclusion of artificial sweeteners.
Also remember that the sort of dehydration that manifests itself in asthma leaves other scars within the body. This is why asthma in childhood is so devastating and can expose a child to so many health problems in later life, as you saw in the case of Andrew Bauman. My understanding of the damaging effects of cellular dehydration during childhood is the reason I have been concentrating my effort on eradicating asthma among children.
Here are the primary functions of water in the human body :
1. Water is the vehicle of transport for circulating blood cells --- the core of the immune system.
2. Water is a solvent for critical materials, including oxygen and the minerals that maintain the body cells in their healthy plum-like state.
3. Water is the bulk material that fills empty spaces in the body. There is no vacuum between the cells.
4. Water is the adhesive that binds solid parts of the cell together by forming a membrane or protective barrier around the cell. In dehydration, this adhesive responsibility is passed on to cholesterol.
5. The neurotransmission systems of the brain and nerves depend on rapid movement of sodium and potassium in and out of the membranes along the full length of the nerves. Water that is loose and not bonded with something else is free to move across the cell membrane and turn the "element-moving" pumps.
6. Some of the element-moving pumps are voltage-generating pumps. Thus, efficiency of neurotransmission systems depends on the availability of free and un-engaged water in nerve tissues. In its osmotic urge to get into the cell, water generates energy by turning the pump units that force potassium into the cell and push sodium outside the cell -- much like water turning the turbines at a hydroelectric dam - water reservoir to make electricity.
7. A cell membrane has two layers ; between these layers is a constantly moving canal of water in which most outside messages are processed/ in dehydration, the enzyme activity in this canal becomes less efficient , and the cell becomes correspondingly less active in its natural functions. This is when cholesterol gets used in the cell membrane to prevent further dehydration . Fig 8-1. Model of Hydrated and Dehydrated segments of a bi-layer cell membrane and the channel of water that circles round the cell in between the two layers of the membrane. The channel acts as a "water highway," where all the chemical exchanges of the cell with tis outside world is carried out.
In dehydrated cell membrane: Cholesterol plaques plug the cell membrane pores to prevent water loss. In dehydration, cholesterol is an adhesive that binds cell membrane structure together. Body will activate hypertension to get the water through the membrane.
(Protein scaffolding of the cell membrane) <<CLICK>>
In well-hydrated cell membrane: Cell membrane pores are not obstructed and water can seep through (i.e. by infusion, flow rate of 0.001 cm per second) the membrane to get inside the cell. (Click here to learn more, The wide range of membrane permeabilities of different compounds in the cell. )
8. Up to now, however, it has been assumed that all energy storage in ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the substance that "burns" and gives out "heat" to "cook" any of the chemical reactions allowing a cell to function is from from food intake. This is why water has not received much attention as a source of energy in the energy-generating systems in the human body.
9. Water is the central regulators of energy and osmotic balance in the body. Sodium and potassium stick to the protein of the pump and act as the magnets of the dynamo. When water rotates the pump proteins, electricity is generated. The rapid turn of these cation pumps generates energy that is stored at many different locations in three different pool types :
(A). ATP is one type of energy pool.
(B). Another energy storage pool is GTP ( guanosine triphosphate).
(C). A third system is in the endoplasmic reticulum that captures and traps calcium. For every two units of calcium that are trapped, the energy equivalent of one unit of ATP is stored in the connection of the two calcium atoms.
For every two units of calcium that are separated from one another and released, one unit of energy -- to make a new unit of ATP -- is also released. This mechanism of calcium entrapment, as a means of energy storage, makes the bone structure of the human body not only its scaffolding but also its "Fort Knox"-- sort of like investing your cash in gold reserve, Hence, when there is severe dehydration and, consequently, a decreased supply of hydroelectric energy, the body taps into the bones for their energy storage. Thus, the primary cause of osteoporosis in persistent dehydration.
To prevent osteoporosis, or soft bones , you need to increase bone density by making the absorption of calcium more efficient. Toward this end, more vitamin D has to be made from solar conversion of cholesterol deposits in the skin to cholecalciferol -- vitamin D3.
Are You Taking the Right Type of Oral Vitamin D?
Cholesterol is the building block for practically all hormones of the body ; vitamin D is also produced from cholesterol. This connection of high turnover of stored energy in the bone structure to an increased need for vitamin D activity to rebuild the bones is the signal for the liver to make more cholesterol as the precursor** to vitamin D. Note: **In chemistry, a precursor is a compound that participates in a chemical reaction that produces another compound. In biochemistry, the term "precursor" often refers more specifically to a chemical compound preceding another in a metabolic pathway, such as a protein precursor.
It is a marker of scientific ignorance to attempt to lower cholesterol levels via chemicals drugs. Increased water intake and exposure to some sunlight is a less harmful way to regulate cholesterol levels of the circulating blood.
Cholesterol-lowering medications are dangerous. Forewarned is forearmed. I have mentioned some of their problems earlier in this blog. Here is another eye-opener for you. Duane Graveline, M.D. -- a former N A S A astronaut, USAF(United States Air Force) flight surgeon, and space medicine research scientist -- published an article in the August-September 2004 issue of the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients called "Transient Global Amnesia : A Side Effect of Statin Treatment." Dr. Graveline's own devastating experience led him to research this problem.
He has identified complete memory loss as one of the side effects of cholesterol-lowering medications. He states : ". . . thousands of case reports of memory dysfunction started flooding in from patients across the country, all with the same common thread -- association with statin drug use. And the amnesia is just the tip of the iceberg of the true incidence of memory impairment associated with Lipitor, Mevacor , and Zocor. For every case of amnesia, thousands of cases of extreme forgetfulness , incapacitating confusion and profound disorientation have been and are being reported. Neither patients nor doctors are aware of this side effects."
10. The foods that we eat are the products of energy conversion from the initial electrical-energy-generating properties of water and sunlight. All living and growing species, humans included, survive as a result of energy generation from water. One major problem in the scientific evaluation of the human body is the lack of understanding of the magnitude of our body's dependence on hydroelectricity for energy.
11. The electricity produced at the cell membrane also forces nearby proteins to align their receptive points and prepare for chemical reactions.
Here are some of the other reasons why your body needs water every day.
1. Without water nothing lives.
2. Comparative shortage of water suppresses and eventually kills some aspects of the body.
3. Water is the main source of energy -- the "cash flow" of the body.
4. Water generates electrical and magnetic energy inside each and every cell of the body -- it provides the power to live.
5. Water prevents DNA damage and makes its repair mechanisms more efficient -- less abnormal DNA* is made. * DNA is abbre- viation for DeoxyriboNuclei Acid.
6. Water increases greatly the efficiency of the immune system in the bone marrow where the immune system is formed (all its mechanisms) -- including its efficiency against cancer.
7. Water is the main solvent for all foods, vitamins, and minerals. It is used in the breakdown of food into smaller particles and their eventual metabolism and assimilation.
8. Water energizes food, and food particles are then able to supply the body with this energy during digestion. This is why food without water has absolutely no energy value for the body.
9. Water increases the rate of absorption into the body of essential substances in food.
10. Water is used to transport all substances inside the body.
11. Water increases the efficiency of red blood cells in collecting oxygen in the lungs.
12. When water reaches a cell, it brings the cell oxygen and takes the waste gases to the lungs for disposal.
13. Water clears toxic waste from different parts of the body and takes it to the liver and kidneys for disposal.
14. Water is the main lubricant in the joint spaces and prevents arthritis and back pain.
15. Water is used in the spinal discs to make them "shock-absorbing water cushions." (CLICK HERE to view Degenerative Disc DiseaseVideo)
16. Water is the best lubricating laxative and prevents constipation.
17. Water prevents heart attacks and strokes.
18. Water prevents clogging of arteries in the heart and the brain.
19. Water is essential for the human body's cooling (sweat) and heating (electrical) systems.
20. Water gives us power and electrical energy for all brain functions, particularly thinking.
21. Water is directly needed for the efficient manufacture of all neurotransmitters, including serotonin.
22. Water is directly needed for the production of all hormones made by the brain, including melatonin. Sleep in the dark places so pineal gland can produce melatonin. The pineal gland is a tiny endocrine gland found in the brain. It produces and secretes the hormone melatonin, which is a hormone that helps regulate biological rhythms such as sleep and wake cycles. ... However, this normal circadian rhythm can be thrown off by factors including jet lag and working the night shift.
23. Water prevents Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) in children and adults.
24. Water increases efficiency at work; it expands your attention span.
25. Water is a better pick-me-up than any other beverage in the world -- and it has no side effects.
26. Water prevent stress, anxiety, and depression.
27. Water restores normal sleep rhythms.
28. Water prevents fatigue -- it gives the energy of youth.
29. Water makes the skin smooth and prevent aging.
30. Water gives luster and shine to the eyes.
31. Water prevent glaucoma.
32. Water normalizes the blood manufacturing systems in the bone marrow -- it helps prevent leukemia and lymphoma.
33. Water is absolutely vital for making the immune system more efficient in different regions to fight infections and cancer cells where they are formed.
34. Water dilutes the blood and prevents it from clotting during circulation.
35. Water decreases premenstrual pains and hot flashes.
36. Water and heartbeats create the dilution and "waves" that keep things from "sedimenting" in the blood stream.
37. The human body has no water storage to draw on during dehydration. This is why you must drink regularly and throughout the day. (Follow my 10%- 90-minutes formula.)
38. Dehydration prevents sex hormone production -- one of the primary causes of impotence and loss of libido. Always drink a glass 45 minutes prior going into the love-chamber.
39. Drinking water separates the sensations of thirst and hunger.
40. To lose excess weight, water is the best and safest way to go -- drink water on time and lose weight without much dieting. Also, you will not eat excessively when you are only thirsty for water.
41. Dehydration causes deposits of toxic sediments in the tissue spaces, fat stores, joints, kidneys, liver, brain, and skin. water will clear these deposits.
42. Water takes away the morning sickness of pregnancy.
43. Water integrates mind and body functions. It increases the ability to realize goals and purpose.
44. Water prevents the loss of memory as we age. water prevents Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and Lou Gehrig's disease.
45. Water reverses addictive urges, including those for caffeine. alcohol, and some drugs.
Blood is normally about 94 percent water when the human body is fully hydrated (red cells are actually "water bags" that contain the colored hemoglobin). Inside the cells of the body there should ideally be about 75 percent water. Because of this difference in water levels outside and inside the cells, an osmotic flow of water into the cells normally occurs. There are hundreds of thousands of voltage-generating pump units at the cell membranes, just like the turbines used in hydroelectric dams. The water that flows through them rotates these pumps. This rush of water creates hydroelectric energy. At the same time, and as part of the same process, element such as sodium and potassium are exchanged.
Only water that is free and can move about -- the water you drink -- generates hydroelectric energy at the cell membrane. The previously supplied water that is now busy with other functions cannot leave its binding position to rush elsewhere. This is why water by itself should be considered the most suitable pick-me-up beverage and should be consumed at regular intervals during the day. The good thing about water as a source of energy is the fact that excess water is passed out of the body. It manufactures the needed energy to top up the reserves in the cells and then leaves the human body with the toxic waste of the cells. It is not stored.
When there is dehydration because a person is not drinking enough water, the cells become depleted of their ready energy. They then habitually depend on more energy generation from the intake of food instead of water. In this situation, the body is pushed into storing fat and using its protein and starch reserves, because it is immediately easier to break these elements down than the stored fat.
This is why 40 percent of the people in the country are grossly overweight : Their bodies are engaged in perpetual crisis management of dehydration.
The word hydrolysis ( loosening, dissolving, breaking, or splitting by the participating action of water ) is used when water becomes involved in the metabolism of other materials. Activities that depend on hydrolysis include the breakdown of proteins into their component amino acids, and the breakdown of large fatty particles into smaller fatty acid units. Without water, hydrolysis cannot take place. It follows, then, that the hydrolytic function of water also constitutes the metabolism of water itself. What this means is that water itself needs to be broken down first -- hydrolyzed -- before the human body can use the various components in food. This is why we need to supply the human body with water before we eat solid foods.
Now that we are on this point , let me once again share with you the figures that stress the importance of water as a supplier of energy, especially for brain functions.
Figure 8-2. Energy is measured in kilo Joules. One kilo Joule is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 pound (or 0.4535 kilogram) (1 kilograms equals to 2.2 pounds) of water to 1 degree Fahrenheit. (Human Body temperature)
MgATP (600) + H2O = ADP3- (1500) / ADPH2- (600) + Mg2+(998) / H+(1168) + H2PO4-(318) / HPO4,2-(1251)
One unit of magnesium-ATP from the stockpile of energy at the cell membrane has about 600 units of energy before it is hydrolyzed. When it is hydrolyzed into its component parts , the total energy content reaches to about 5,835 units. (These figures are taken from an article published by P. George and co-workers : Biochem Biophys Acta 223, no. 1, 1970.) (ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the main source of energy in cells, must be bound to a magnesium ion in order to be biologically active. What is called ATP is often actually Mg-ATP.[4] ) (Fig. 1. Views of ATP and related structures. )
All the foods that we eat and digest need to be hydrolyzed before the human body can tap into their contents. The benefits they offer the body become available because of the "magical" effect of water, which breaks the products into their more easily digestible and water-energized components.
Dear honorable reader of Healthy Wealth blog-site,
Now you know why water is a nutrient and how it generates energy. Water dissolves all the minerals, proteins, starches, and other water-soluble components and , as blood , carries them around the human body for distribution. Think of blood as seawater that has a few breeds of fish in it -- red cells, white cells, platelets, proteins, and enzymes, all swimming to a destination. The blood serum has almost the same mineral consistency and proportions as seawater.
The human body is in constant need of water. it is losing water though the lungs when we breathe out. The body is losing water in perspiration from the skin, in urine production, and in daily bowel movements. Water deficit causes constipation. A good gauge for the water needs of the human body is the color of urine.
1. A well-hydrated person produces colorless urine --- not counting the color of vitamins or color additives in processed edibles.
2. A comparatively dehydrated person produces translucent-yellow urine.
3. A truly dehydrated person produces urine that is orange in color.
4. Also: A well hydrated person is never constipated : a constipated person is truly a dehydrated person!
In the next posts that follows, the importance of minerals and food components are briefly discussed. For a more thorough understanding of the importance of nutrition in maintaining health and well-being, I recommend the following book. A Complete Illustrated Guide to Vitamins and Minerals : A Practical Approach to a Healthy Diet and Safe Supplementation by Denise Mortimore, BSc , PhD, DHD :ISBN 0607-2717-1. ) You will enjoy reading this book.
It is a marker of scientific ignorance to attempt to lower cholesterol levels via chemicals drugs. Increased water intake and exposure to some sunlight is a less harmful way to regulate cholesterol levels of the circulating blood.
Cholesterol-lowering medications are dangerous. Forewarned is forearmed. I have mentioned some of their problems earlier in this blog. Here is another eye-opener for you. Duane Graveline, M.D. -- a former N A S A astronaut, USAF(United States Air Force) flight surgeon, and space medicine research scientist -- published an article in the August-September 2004 issue of the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients called "Transient Global Amnesia : A Side Effect of Statin Treatment." Dr. Graveline's own devastating experience led him to research this problem.
He has identified complete memory loss as one of the side effects of cholesterol-lowering medications. He states : ". . . thousands of case reports of memory dysfunction started flooding in from patients across the country, all with the same common thread -- association with statin drug use. And the amnesia is just the tip of the iceberg of the true incidence of memory impairment associated with Lipitor, Mevacor , and Zocor. For every case of amnesia, thousands of cases of extreme forgetfulness , incapacitating confusion and profound disorientation have been and are being reported. Neither patients nor doctors are aware of this side effects."
10. The foods that we eat are the products of energy conversion from the initial electrical-energy-generating properties of water and sunlight. All living and growing species, humans included, survive as a result of energy generation from water. One major problem in the scientific evaluation of the human body is the lack of understanding of the magnitude of our body's dependence on hydroelectricity for energy.
11. The electricity produced at the cell membrane also forces nearby proteins to align their receptive points and prepare for chemical reactions.
Here are some of the other reasons why your body needs water every day.
1. Without water nothing lives.
2. Comparative shortage of water suppresses and eventually kills some aspects of the body.
3. Water is the main source of energy -- the "cash flow" of the body.
4. Water generates electrical and magnetic energy inside each and every cell of the body -- it provides the power to live.
5. Water prevents DNA damage and makes its repair mechanisms more efficient -- less abnormal DNA* is made. * DNA is abbre- viation for DeoxyriboNuclei Acid.
6. Water increases greatly the efficiency of the immune system in the bone marrow where the immune system is formed (all its mechanisms) -- including its efficiency against cancer.
7. Water is the main solvent for all foods, vitamins, and minerals. It is used in the breakdown of food into smaller particles and their eventual metabolism and assimilation.
8. Water energizes food, and food particles are then able to supply the body with this energy during digestion. This is why food without water has absolutely no energy value for the body.
9. Water increases the rate of absorption into the body of essential substances in food.
10. Water is used to transport all substances inside the body.
11. Water increases the efficiency of red blood cells in collecting oxygen in the lungs.
12. When water reaches a cell, it brings the cell oxygen and takes the waste gases to the lungs for disposal.
13. Water clears toxic waste from different parts of the body and takes it to the liver and kidneys for disposal.
14. Water is the main lubricant in the joint spaces and prevents arthritis and back pain.
15. Water is used in the spinal discs to make them "shock-absorbing water cushions." (CLICK HERE to view Degenerative Disc DiseaseVideo)
16. Water is the best lubricating laxative and prevents constipation.
17. Water prevents heart attacks and strokes.
18. Water prevents clogging of arteries in the heart and the brain.
19. Water is essential for the human body's cooling (sweat) and heating (electrical) systems.
20. Water gives us power and electrical energy for all brain functions, particularly thinking.
21. Water is directly needed for the efficient manufacture of all neurotransmitters, including serotonin.
22. Water is directly needed for the production of all hormones made by the brain, including melatonin. Sleep in the dark places so pineal gland can produce melatonin. The pineal gland is a tiny endocrine gland found in the brain. It produces and secretes the hormone melatonin, which is a hormone that helps regulate biological rhythms such as sleep and wake cycles. ... However, this normal circadian rhythm can be thrown off by factors including jet lag and working the night shift.
23. Water prevents Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) in children and adults.
24. Water increases efficiency at work; it expands your attention span.
25. Water is a better pick-me-up than any other beverage in the world -- and it has no side effects.
26. Water prevent stress, anxiety, and depression.
27. Water restores normal sleep rhythms.
28. Water prevents fatigue -- it gives the energy of youth.
29. Water makes the skin smooth and prevent aging.
30. Water gives luster and shine to the eyes.
31. Water prevent glaucoma.
32. Water normalizes the blood manufacturing systems in the bone marrow -- it helps prevent leukemia and lymphoma.
33. Water is absolutely vital for making the immune system more efficient in different regions to fight infections and cancer cells where they are formed.
34. Water dilutes the blood and prevents it from clotting during circulation.
35. Water decreases premenstrual pains and hot flashes.
36. Water and heartbeats create the dilution and "waves" that keep things from "sedimenting" in the blood stream.
37. The human body has no water storage to draw on during dehydration. This is why you must drink regularly and throughout the day. (Follow my 10%- 90-minutes formula.)
38. Dehydration prevents sex hormone production -- one of the primary causes of impotence and loss of libido. Always drink a glass 45 minutes prior going into the love-chamber.
39. Drinking water separates the sensations of thirst and hunger.
40. To lose excess weight, water is the best and safest way to go -- drink water on time and lose weight without much dieting. Also, you will not eat excessively when you are only thirsty for water.
41. Dehydration causes deposits of toxic sediments in the tissue spaces, fat stores, joints, kidneys, liver, brain, and skin. water will clear these deposits.
42. Water takes away the morning sickness of pregnancy.
43. Water integrates mind and body functions. It increases the ability to realize goals and purpose.
44. Water prevents the loss of memory as we age. water prevents Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and Lou Gehrig's disease.
45. Water reverses addictive urges, including those for caffeine. alcohol, and some drugs.
Blood is normally about 94 percent water when the human body is fully hydrated (red cells are actually "water bags" that contain the colored hemoglobin). Inside the cells of the body there should ideally be about 75 percent water. Because of this difference in water levels outside and inside the cells, an osmotic flow of water into the cells normally occurs. There are hundreds of thousands of voltage-generating pump units at the cell membranes, just like the turbines used in hydroelectric dams. The water that flows through them rotates these pumps. This rush of water creates hydroelectric energy. At the same time, and as part of the same process, element such as sodium and potassium are exchanged.
Only water that is free and can move about -- the water you drink -- generates hydroelectric energy at the cell membrane. The previously supplied water that is now busy with other functions cannot leave its binding position to rush elsewhere. This is why water by itself should be considered the most suitable pick-me-up beverage and should be consumed at regular intervals during the day. The good thing about water as a source of energy is the fact that excess water is passed out of the body. It manufactures the needed energy to top up the reserves in the cells and then leaves the human body with the toxic waste of the cells. It is not stored.
When there is dehydration because a person is not drinking enough water, the cells become depleted of their ready energy. They then habitually depend on more energy generation from the intake of food instead of water. In this situation, the body is pushed into storing fat and using its protein and starch reserves, because it is immediately easier to break these elements down than the stored fat.
This is why 40 percent of the people in the country are grossly overweight : Their bodies are engaged in perpetual crisis management of dehydration.
The word hydrolysis ( loosening, dissolving, breaking, or splitting by the participating action of water ) is used when water becomes involved in the metabolism of other materials. Activities that depend on hydrolysis include the breakdown of proteins into their component amino acids, and the breakdown of large fatty particles into smaller fatty acid units. Without water, hydrolysis cannot take place. It follows, then, that the hydrolytic function of water also constitutes the metabolism of water itself. What this means is that water itself needs to be broken down first -- hydrolyzed -- before the human body can use the various components in food. This is why we need to supply the human body with water before we eat solid foods.
Now that we are on this point , let me once again share with you the figures that stress the importance of water as a supplier of energy, especially for brain functions.
Figure 8-2. Energy is measured in kilo Joules. One kilo Joule is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 pound (or 0.4535 kilogram) (1 kilograms equals to 2.2 pounds) of water to 1 degree Fahrenheit. (Human Body temperature)
MgATP (600) + H2O = ADP3- (1500) / ADPH2- (600) + Mg2+(998) / H+(1168) + H2PO4-(318) / HPO4,2-(1251)
One unit of magnesium-ATP from the stockpile of energy at the cell membrane has about 600 units of energy before it is hydrolyzed. When it is hydrolyzed into its component parts , the total energy content reaches to about 5,835 units. (These figures are taken from an article published by P. George and co-workers : Biochem Biophys Acta 223, no. 1, 1970.) (ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the main source of energy in cells, must be bound to a magnesium ion in order to be biologically active. What is called ATP is often actually Mg-ATP.[4] ) (Fig. 1. Views of ATP and related structures. )
All the foods that we eat and digest need to be hydrolyzed before the human body can tap into their contents. The benefits they offer the body become available because of the "magical" effect of water, which breaks the products into their more easily digestible and water-energized components.
Dear honorable reader of Healthy Wealth blog-site,
Now you know why water is a nutrient and how it generates energy. Water dissolves all the minerals, proteins, starches, and other water-soluble components and , as blood , carries them around the human body for distribution. Think of blood as seawater that has a few breeds of fish in it -- red cells, white cells, platelets, proteins, and enzymes, all swimming to a destination. The blood serum has almost the same mineral consistency and proportions as seawater.
The human body is in constant need of water. it is losing water though the lungs when we breathe out. The body is losing water in perspiration from the skin, in urine production, and in daily bowel movements. Water deficit causes constipation. A good gauge for the water needs of the human body is the color of urine.
1. A well-hydrated person produces colorless urine --- not counting the color of vitamins or color additives in processed edibles.
2. A comparatively dehydrated person produces translucent-yellow urine.
3. A truly dehydrated person produces urine that is orange in color.
4. Also: A well hydrated person is never constipated : a constipated person is truly a dehydrated person!
In the next posts that follows, the importance of minerals and food components are briefly discussed. For a more thorough understanding of the importance of nutrition in maintaining health and well-being, I recommend the following book. A Complete Illustrated Guide to Vitamins and Minerals : A Practical Approach to a Healthy Diet and Safe Supplementation by Denise Mortimore, BSc , PhD, DHD :ISBN 0607-2717-1. ) You will enjoy reading this book.
Product Description of A Complete Illustrated Guide to Vitamins and Minerals : A Practical Approach to a Healthy Diet and Safe Supplementation by Denise Mortimore, BSc , PhD, DHD.
From the Back Cover
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about vitamins and minerals you’ll find in this practical, easy-to-use guide to a healthy diet and the safe use of supplements. Each vitamin or mineral has its own entry, and the excellent text is supported by informative illustrations and diagrams. Also included in the guide:
• What is a healthy diet? What you need and what you need to avoid.
• Who needs what? The different supplement requirements for different groups of people.
• I’m stressed – help! Specific illnesses, which can be due to vitamin deficiencies, and how to treat them.
• What is a healthy diet? What you need and what you need to avoid.
• Who needs what? The different supplement requirements for different groups of people.
• I’m stressed – help! Specific illnesses, which can be due to vitamin deficiencies, and how to treat them.
So, if you’ve ever wondered what a ‘vitamin B12 complex’ actually is, look no further! Denise Mortimore has all the answers.
About the Author
Denise Mortimore is a nutritional therapist who lectures, teaches adult education courses and runs a thriving nutritional therapy practice. She is also scientific advisor and university liaison officer to the Society for the Promotion of Nutritional Therapy in the UK. Denise is a registered member of the British Association of Nutritional Therapists.
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