Tuesday, December 20, 2016



Clean water for drinking, bathing, and growing food is one of the most precious commodities on the planet. You constantly read in the news about how we're running out of oil and energy—how
these resources can only last another 20-30 years. But the simple fact is, that's 20-30 years longer than we have for water. Already, in many parts of the world, lack of clean water is the biggest problem facing huge numbers of people[1]Just to hazard a guess, in the next 50 years, more wars will be fought over water than oil.

  Why is water so important? Quite simply, it's essential for life. And the sad fact is...most people just don't get enough. The vast majority of people living in the industrial world (even where
water is abundant) are dehydrated.


   In advanced societies, thinking that tea, coffee, alcohol, soda pop, or other forms of manufactured beverages are desirable substitutes for the purely natural water needs of the daily "stressed" body is a common, but potentially deadly, mistake.[2]

[1 China is currently running a water deficit equivalent to seven times the water usage of the entire state of California.
In the next few years, that deficit will triple. Already, the Yellow River, one of the most important rivers in China, is so low in water that it failed to reach the ocean on 226 days in 1997.]

[2 Batmanghelidj, F., Your Body's Many Cries for Water, Falls Church: Global Health Solutions, Inc., 1995.]

Water is the solvent in our bodies, and as such, it regulates all the functions of our bodies, including the action of all the solids dissolved in the water. In fact, every function of the body is
monitored and pegged to the efficient flow of water. Think for a moment of just a few of the functions that water regulates in our bodies:
>The movement of blood

>The transport of nutrients into our cells

>The movement of waste out of our cells

>The flow of lymph fluid

>The movement of nerve impulses through our nerves

>The movement of hormones throughout our bodies

>The functioning of our brains

   If we were to become dehydrated, all of these functions (and a thousand more) would be impaired. Unfortunately, that's exactly what happens for the vast majority of us. Over time, as we
become increasingly dehydrated, our thirst mechanism gradually fails,[1] which leads to even more dehydration. Symptoms of chronic dehydration include allergies, asthma, chronic pains, constipation, acidosis, dry skin, and the shrinking of internal organs and thinning of skin associated with aging—to name just a few.

   We need to consume between 64 and 96 ounces of pure water a day. Pure, fresh (not bottled or canned) fruit and vegetable juices may be substituted for some of this quantity—as may limited
quantities of non-diuretic herbal teas (without sugar). In general, however, pure water is the key.


   When you look at the big picture, state and federal authorities have done a remarkable job in providing "clean" water for the country as a whole. Water-borne epidemics such as cholera are almost unheard of in the United States. On the other hand, acknowledging what has been accomplished does not mean that we should close our eyes to the problems that exist.

  Keep in mind that the MCLs (maximum contamination levels) that water districts so proudly adhere to merely represent a compromise standard designed to be econonomically feasible for water districts to meet. They in no way come close to the safety standards established by the US government's Safe Water Drinking Act.

  On average, drinking water in the United States currently contains over 2,100 toxic chemicals that are known to cause cancer, cell mutation, and nervous disorders. This is not particularly surprising
considering that there are close to 100,000 chemicals now in everyday use—with over 1,000 new ones being added each year. In fact, according to the EPA, US industries generatesome 79 million pounds of toxic waste each year that is not disposed of properly.
What is probably more surprising to most people, though, is the fact that, according to the EPA, 53 million Americans unknowingly drink tap water that is polluted by feces, radiation, or ....

[1 Even when our thirst mechanism is functioning properly, it's not a reliable indicator of dehydration since "thirst" is one of the last symptoms of dehydration to manifest.]

.... other contaminants. Also according to the EPA, some 45 million people drink water contaminated with the parasite cryptosporidium that killed more than 100 people in Milwaukee in 1993. Or that
over half of all Americans drink water that has been used at least once before.[1]

   According to an ABC News Special, US industries generate some 88 million pounds of toxic waste a year, 90% of which the EPA estimates is improperly disposed of, whcih makes its way into our water supplies. With close to 100,000 chemicals now in use and with the introduction of 1,000 new ones each year, it's impossible for treatment plants to keep up. Each year, at least 400,000 cases of illness can be attributed to contaminated water.

   With all due respect for the great job that all of the water departments in all of the states and cities do, you still don't want to be drinking tap water. It may not kill you immediately, but as sure
as the sun rises in the morning, it will compromise your health over time. The bottom line is that you need to drink filtered (or distilled water). Tap water, well water, and bottled water[2] are all suspect.


  Chlorine is the primary disinfectant used to purify drinking water. Let me make it absolutely clear that I am not advocating eliminating chlorine from the purification process. That would be
stupid. Chlorination controls many water-borne diseases, including typhoid fever, cholera, and dysentery. When chlorination was stopped in Peru, for instance, there was a cholera epidemic of
300,000 cases.

However, it should be understood that:

> Chlorine is one of the most toxic substances known. It does everything from drying your skin and destroying your hair to wiping out the beneficial bacteria in your colon.

> And the byproducts of chlorination (such as chloroform, dichloro acedic acid, and MX), which are found in drinking water, are all proven carcinogens.

> According to the US Council on Environmental Quality, the cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine. There is a higher incidence of cancer of the esophagus, rectum,breast, and larynx and a higher incidence of Hodgkin’s disease among those drinking chlorinated water.

> Chlorine has been strongly implicated as a major factor in the onset of atherosclerosis and its resulting heart attacks and strokes.

> By the same mechanisms that chlorine narrows blood vessels that feed the heart, it also narrows the blood vessels that feed the brain. Consequently, chlorine has been implicated as a major factor in the onset of senility.

[1 You probably shouldn't think about this particular statistic too long if you have any tendency toward a weak stomach.]

[2 Yes, if you're on the road and you're thirsty, picking up some bottled water at a 7-11 is a better alternative than drinking from the water fountain or buying some coffee or soda.]

There's no question but that the use of chlorine in drinking water has helped stopped the spread of many virulent water-borne diseases. On the other hand, there's also no question but that
chlorine in our drinking water presents us with serious long-term health implications. The bottom line on chlorine is that it pretty much needs to remain part of the city water purification  process. That means that you need to remove it from your water at your house.


  At the risk of being accused of being a Luddite, let's take a look at the use of fluoride in our drinking water.

  Exactly what is water fluoridation? In fact, all water contains some fluoride. Fluoridation is
the process of adjusting the level of fluoride in the water supply to theoretically protect against
tooth decay. This concentration varies from 0.7 to 1.2 parts per million (ppm). While it is true that
"organic" fluoride itself is present naturally in soil, water, plants and many foods,[1] the "industrial"fluoride used in water fluoridation is a toxic waste product.[2]

  Does it work? Now that's a question of more than some debate. There's no question that since fluoridation began, the incidence of dental caries has gone down significantly in the United States.
Score one for water fluoridation! But hold on a second. It's gone down throughout the country—even in states that don't fluoridate their water! In fact, there is no good statistical evidence that fluoride (either in your water or your toothpaste) makes one iota of difference in terms of dental health.[3]  All of the improvement in dental health that we have seen in the United States can easily be attributed to better dental hygiene (brushing and flossing), not fluoridation.

  Which brings us to the key question: Is it safe?

  Well, to be fair, community water fluoridation is supported by the U.S. Public Health Service,[4]the American Dental Association,[5]
 the American Medical Association,[6] the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, and the National Academy of Sciences. On the other hand, the devastating, toxic effects of fluoride are well documented by mainstream organizations such as: 

>Numerous articles have appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association challenging the safety of fluoridation. 

>National Institute of Environmental and Health Sciences has shown that fluoride
causes cancer.

>Scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency have come out against fluoridation because they have confirmed that it does not reduce tooth decay and that there is clear evidence that fluoride causes cancer.

>The Pasteur Institute in France, and the Nobel Institute in Sweden have caused fluoride to be banned in France and Sweden respectively because the health risks from using fluoride far out-way any possible benefit.

>Fluoridation is also banned in Finland, Holland, Chile, and Japan among others.

[1 Tea, for example, is an extremly high source of fluoride (even when made with unfluoridated water).]

[2 American industry loves water fluoridation. Instead of having to pay for the disposal of a toxic waste product, they now get paid by cities by selling them this same toxic waste. It's probably no surprise then that the industries producing fluoride byproducts are some of the biggest proponents (and backers) of water fluoridation.]

[3 In fact, as New Zealand's former chief dental-health officer, Jon Colquhon, a one-time proponent of fluoridation, said, "When any unfluoridated area is compared with a fluoridated area with a similar income level, the percentage of children who are free of dental decay is consistently higher in the unfluoridated area."]

[4 While at the same time, curiously, pushing for a reduction in our daily fluoride intake. Maybe you can explain that to me.]

[5 It's worth noting that the American Dental Association is on the horns of a dilemma. To admit that promoting the use of fluoride was a mistake would open up the floodgates of litigation.]

[6 While at the same time repeatedly publishing articles in their magazine proving the dangers of fluoride. No one ever said this has to make sense.]

Fluoride is a potent toxin[1] that accumulates (about 50% a day for adults and 75% a day for children) in the body. Each exposure stays in your body and adds to the accumulated levels. And that's the key. We are constantly being exposed to high levels of fluoride other than in our water. It is in our toothpaste.[2] It is sprayed on our food.[3] It is present in pharmaceutical drugs ranging from birth control pills to antibiotics. It is in soda pop, which is manufactured from fluoridated water. Once you look at the scope of the problem, you realize that there is no way in the world to determine what your flouride intake is, but it's far higher than is healthy.

  Health problems associated with fluoride include:

>Destruction of the immune system

>Up to a 39% increase in various cancers—with an astounding 80% increase in rectal cancer

>Genetic changes both in sperm and other cells

>Dramatic increase in heart-related deaths

>Brittle bones[4]

>Chronic fatigue

>Gastrointestinal disturbances

[1 Fluoride is used as a pesticide particularly for roaches, ants, and rats.]

[2 Note: fluoride toothpaste can double the level of fluoride in the blood within five minutes of being used—just from the amount absorbed through the cheeks and gums.]

[3 Apples and grapes are particularly high in fluoride for this reason.]

[4 One of the claims for fluoride is that it helps builds bones. That claim is so deliberately misrepresentative of the truth that it borders on the criminal. Yes, while it is true that there are studies that confirm that fluoride builds thicker bones, it is gross misrepresentation to cite those studies without also mentioning that fluoride makes bones more brittle. And, in fact, there are numerous studies that have appeared in the Journal of the American Medical
Association that show a significant increase in hip fractures in areas with fluoridated water. In addition, The New England Journal of Medicine reported that fluoride treatment of osteoporosis patients resulted in higher hip fracture rates.]

>Increase in Infant Mortality

>Skin rashes after bathing



>Vision problems—including blindness

>Not to mention mottled teeth

   Also, it is well established that fluoride is an extremely potent enzyme inhibitor.

  The bottom line is what freakin right does anyone have to force such a potentially toxic substance into your drinking water[1] for no proven benefit.[2]

  Oh yes, I almost forgot, the aluminum/fluoride connection. New research has revealed that fluoride in drinking water makes the aluminum that we ingest more bioavailable. In the presence of fluoride, more aluminum crosses the blood-brain barrier and is deposited in the brain. As was reported in Brain Research, Vol.7 84:98, the combination of aluminum and fluoride causes the
same pathological changes in brain tissue that are found in Alzheimer's patients. Now don't misunderstand, I'm not saying that aluminum/fluoride is the cause of Alzheimer's. That would be premature. All I'm saying is that it might be prudent to limit your exposure until we know more one way or the other. Remember, even O.J. was found innocent in the end.


  As it turns out, it's not enough just to worry about the water you drink. The water you bathe and shower with is equally, if not more, important.

  You absorb more chlorine through your skin in a 15 minute hot shower[3] than you do by drinking 8 glasses of that same water throughout the day. (So much for that nice safe feeling you had drinking only bottled water.)

    Just for fun, stop by your local swimming pool supply store and pick up a chlorine test kit. Fill a glass with some of your local tap water and test it with your kit. The water will change color according to how much chlorine there is in the water. Now fill up another glass with water from the tap. This time, soak your hand in the water for 60 seconds before testing. Notice how the water shows no chlorine. In just 60 seconds you absorbed all of the chlorine in the water into your body through your hand. The absorption factor is that dramatic. (Note: the younger you are, the more absorbent your skin tends to be. And women should take special note; breast tissue is the most absorbent tissue in the body. Soak your breast in the same water, and it will clean out all of the chlorine in just 20 seconds.)

[1 At least with toothpaste, you have a choice to buy a non-fluoride brand]

[2 There are now at least 10 studies that prove as fluoride intake goes up, so does tooth decay!]

[3 Actually, when you shower, you absorb more chlorine through your lungs in the form of vapor (produced by the small droplets of hot water) than you do even through your skin.]

The trick is, if you want to protect your skin (and your body as well), you've got to mount a defense at the surface of the epidermis. Once a substance gets past this tough outer layer of dead skin cells, it generally has a much easier time passing through the living area of the epidermis and then into the body.


  Although all water consists of the same basic H20 molecules, water nevertheless varies according to how these molecules bond together to form "water molecule groups." To put it simply,
it is in the size of these groupings that water differs. The smaller the groupings, the more bioavailable the water is—the more easily it is able to pass through cell walls, to circulate through your body as a whole.

   What holds water molecules together in clusters is surface tension. This is what you see when you wash your car and the water beads up in droplets on the hood. When washing your car, you use detergent to break that surface tension—which makes the water wetter and better able to clean. Obviously, you can't use detergent to "improve" the bioavailability of your drinking water.

  But you can use magnetics. Magnetizing your drinking water breaks its surface tension, making it wetter and more useable by your body. In addition, there's a strong secondary benefit. Applying
a magnetic field to water raises its pH. This is of vital importance as we will see in the next chapter.

      General Recommendations

> You need to treat the water that comes into your house to remove the chlorine, fluoride, chemical residues, heavy metals, bacteria, parasites, etc. in your water. And you need to remove all of these toxins not only at the tap where you drink, but also where you bathe and shower. So how do you do it? You really only have 4 choices.

  Get a system for the entire house that treats the water where it enters your house.

  This is obviously the most expensive way to answer the problem, but if you actually get a good system that removes all of the toxins, it's the best way to go.

   There's no question that a good water distiller will provide the "cleanest" water you can get, but you need to be sure it incorporates a charcoal filter, since toxins like chlorine vaporize and recondense along with the water you're trying to clean.

- There's one other question to consider. Distilled water, by definition, has no mineral content. For years there has been much debate as to whether that's good or bad. "Distillerites" claim that demineralized water is more natural—like rain water and glacier water—and that minerals in the water end up in your joints. The argument against distillers is that most animals drink water that has had contact with the ground and acquired a high mineral content. Prime examples are the high mineral water of the Hunzas and the coral calcium water of the islands off of Okinawa—two areas renowned for the age and health of their inhabitants. As for me, I don't think it matters, provided that if you drink distilled water, you make sure that your diet and supplements provide an abundant supply of minerals.[1]
   And as for the question of mineral-laden water leading to joint deposits, studies have proven that the calcium which deposits in joints comes from inside the body—leached from your own
bones because of too much acid in your diet.

[1 Understand, because it is devoid of minerals, distilled water is bioelectrically dead.]

   Reverse osmosis units produce a good quality drinking water. The problem I have with them is that they waste a huge amount of water—many gallons of waste for each gallon of usable water. I'm not really sure that's justifiable nowadays with the looming water shortage we face.

   A good water filter is probably your best bet, but keep in mind that it will cost you more than $29.95 or even $100. To find one that will truly remove ALL of the bad stuff, while leaving in the beneficial minerals, you will need to pay $250-$300.

> Drink 8-12 glasses of pure water a day. (To follow the water-cure-protocol formula, see below

> When possible, use glass to hold your water, not plastic. Absolutely avoid drinking water that has a strong plastic smell or taste.

> Apply a magnetic field to your water for at least 20 minutes (depending on how large your bottle is).

> If you're not using a central home purification system, remember to get a good shower filter to remove the chlorine from the water you shower in. Understand that the filter is on the shower, not the bath. The bath water (unless you fill the tub from the shower) will still be toxic.

(To follow Water-Cure protocol formulaDrink at least 10% of your own daily water-quota (31.42 ml multiply by your present body weight(kg), every 90 minutes. Use 1/4 teaspoon of sea-salt in your daily diet, for every 1250 ml water drank.)

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