Chapter 3

There is an old saying that "death begins in the colon." This is an oversimplification to be sure, but more accurate than not. In fact, the road to health begins with Intestinal cleansing and detoxification—no matter what the disease or problem.
Unfortunately, most people confine their understanding of intestinal cleansing to its effect on fecal matter. And while it is true that cleansing programs do draw old fecal matter out of the colon, limiting the discussion to fecal matter misses the big picture.
Understand that what we have is essentially a continuous tube from the mouth to the anus, and each part of that tube has a specific function to perform. Among these are:
Digestion of the food we eat.
Transferring the nutritional value of that food into the body.
Processing the waste from that food and eliminating it from the
Serving as a drain pipe for waste produced as a result of metabolic functions within the body itself.
Serving as a drain for toxic substances absorbed through our lungs and skin, etc.
Functioning as a first line of defense in the body's immune system by identifying and eliminating viruses and unhealthy bacteria ingested with our food.
Any program of Intestinal Cleansing, Detoxification, and Rebuilding must address all of these aspects. Specifically, it must serve to:
Remove all old fecal matter and waste from the colon (to clear the drain, if you will).
Remove all the heavy metals and drug residues that have accumulated in the body as a result of having your drain plugged.
Strengthen the colon muscle so that it works again.
Repair any damage such as herniations and inflammations of the colon and small intestine.
Eliminate the presence of polyps and other abnormal growths that have been allowed to flourish because of an unhealthy intestinal environment.
Rebuild and replenish the various friendly bacteria cultures that ideally should line virtually every square inch of that tube—from mouth to anus.
The Problem
In 1985, between 60 and 70 million Americans were affected by digestive disorders. Today it's close to 100 million. In fact, digestive disorders are responsible for over 50 million physician
visits and more hospitalizations than any other category of medical problems in the United States today. The total cost to the American public for all aspects of digestive disease is well
over $100,000,000,000.00 per year.
What Digestive Diseases?
Constipation and the attendant symptoms of self-toxification
Diverticular disease (herniations of the colon)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Ulcerative Colitis
Crohn's Disease
Colon/Rectal Cancer
Other Related Diseases
It is worth noting that many other diseases that at first glance appear to have no connection with the digestive tract have actually been related by many doctors to functional bowel disorder.
These include: Diabetes, Gall Stones, Kidney Stones, Gout, Hypertension, Varicose Veins, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, and Obesity.
As if that were not enough, it has been estimated that as many as 80% of all Americans are afflicted
with intestinal parasites.[1]
Symptoms include nervousness, grinding of the teeth at night,
aches and pains that move from place to place in the body, mimicked appendicitis, ulcers and various digestive pain, nausea or diarrhea, itching, acne, foul breath, furred tongue, jaundice, fatigue, menstrual irregularities, and insomnia.
And finally, more and more doctors are becoming aware of how endemic yeast infections such as Candida Albicans are. Symptoms include chronic fatigue (especially after eating), depression,
bloating, gas, cramps, chronic diarrhea or constipation, rectal itching, allergies, severe PMS, impotence, memory loss, severe mood swings, recurrent fungal infections (such as athlete's foot),
extreme sensitivity to chemicals (perfumes, smoke, odors, etc.), and lightheadedness or drunkenness after minimal wine, beer, or sugar.
But It's Even Worse
The situation is serious. Diseases of the digestive system have reached an all time high in the United States and are still on the rise. The number one cancer among men and women combined is colon/rectal cancer.
According to the Merck Manual (the medical industry's standard text for the diagnosis and treatment of disease), the incidence of diverticulosis has increased dramatically over the last 40 years. It has gone from 10% of the adult population over the age of 45 who had this disease (according to an early 1950's edition) to an astounding, "every person has many" in the 1992 edition.
In other words, virtually 100% of all American adults will eventually have diverticulosis of the large intestine if they live long enough.
Our modern lifestyle has taken its toll on our digestive/elimination organs. Refined, processed, low fiber foods, animal fats, a lack of exercise, and an ever increasing level of stress all contribute to our current gastro-intestinal health crisis.
[*1: Many health professionals would dispute this number, calling it far too high. And if you limit your discussion of parasites to things such as tape worms and Chinese liver flukes, they are correct. But the fact is, as soon as you open up to the true nature of the problem and begin including the lesser known, but far more prevalent, parasites such as Demodex human and Fasciolopsis buskii, the 80% figure begins to fall into line. And then if you include E. coli and Candida overgrowths (both of which fit the dictionary definition of a parasite: any organism that grows
and feeds in another while contributing nothing in return), then the 80% figure is decidedly conservative.]
Consider that a sluggish bowel can retain pounds of old toxic and poisonous fecal matter (10-20 pounds is not unusual, and up to 65 pounds has actually been reported). Many times the real cause behind sickness and disease is this retention and reabsorption of built-up toxic waste.
There has been a great misconception among the public and most medical professionals about
how often a normal healthy person should move their bowels. For years, doctors have thought
that anywhere between one bowel movement a day and one a week was normal. What we have
learned is that it is normal, and necessary, to have one bowel movement a day for each meal you
eat. (If you eat three meals, you should have three bowel movements the next day.)
Toxic Lymph
Think for a moment, if you will, of your colon as your body's drain pipe—the drain that removes waste from your body. If the drain is clogged, not only will waste not be eliminated, but when you flush the toilet, the drain backs up and spills over.
And that's exactly the point which leads us to a discussion of waste removal from the body and the lymph system.
The lymph vessels comprise a network of capillaries which filter blood impurities; they contain a clear, colorless fluid (lymph). Lymph passes from capillaries to lymph vessels and flows through
lymph nodes that are located along the course of these vessels. Cells of the lymph nodes phagocytize, or ingest, such impurities as bacteria, old red blood cells, and toxic and cellular waste.
Lymph fluid can also collect other impurities such as heavy metals and pesticides and drug residues stored in bodily tissue. Once loaded with toxic waste, the compromised lymph must exit your body.
What can't be eliminated in your urine must pass out through your colon. What do you think happens to all this waste if the plumbing is plugged or sluggish? Is it any wonder we get sick and keep on getting sicker?
We're going to be discussing probiotics in detail in the next chapter, but for now, it's worth noting their importance in maintaining not only intestinal health, but overall health. Our intestinal tract contains thousands of billions of bacteria—all microscopic in size—and yet, because of their sheer numbers, their total weight is close to 3 1/2 pounds in the average adult. Approximately 1/3
of the dry weight of our fecal matter is composed of bacteria—living and dead, harmful and beneficial. A major indicator of the state of our health, both intestinal and overall, is in the composition
of those bacteria.
What Can Be Done?
Any program designed to clean, detoxify, and rebuild the colon needs to address several key areas. The program must:
Help bring the colon back to life by stimulating the muscle movement of the colon.
Encourage matter to move forward through the system.
Halt putrefaction.
Draw old fecal matter off the walls of the colon and out of any bowel pockets.
Draw out poisons and toxins.
Help leach out heavy metals such as mercury and lead.
Remove chemicals and drug residues.
Even remove radioactive material such as Strontium 90.
Soothe and promote the healing of the mucous membrane lining of the entire digestive tract.
Help stimulate the body to begin the healing and repair of herniated areas.
Increase the flow of bile to help clean the gall bladder, bile ducts, and liver.
Promote healthy intestinal flora.
Destroy and expel parasites.
Destroy Candida albicans overgrowth.
Maintain regularity.
Decrease straining.
Speed up the transit time of feces through the large intestine.
Promote the growth of beneficial bacteria colonies in the intestinal tract.
Once you look at the requirements of a good intestinal program, it's easy to see that no one formula or magic pill can accomplish it all.
The foundation of any health or healing program must begin with the intestinal tract—not necessarily because it is inherently more important than any other system or organ in the body, but because it's the area of the body upon which we focus our greatest abuse, and because it impacts virtually every other system in the body. This point is so important that it's worth reviewing the
core issues that we've covered in this chapter.
1. The colon is the main elimination channel of the body. It is the means by which we eliminate the toxic waste of the digestive
process, including massive amounts of E. coli bacteria and parasite larvae. If that waste hangs around longer than necessary, its impact on the body is profound. And yet, because of dietary and health habits, the average American stores, on average, between
10-20 pounds of old (sometimes decades old) fecal matter in their colons. I personally know of people who, while on a colon cleansing program, have passed the coins they had swallowed, or the multi-colored waxes of the crayons they had eaten when they were children, over 50 years ago.
2. The liver is the main detoxifying organ of the body. It filters out dangerous drug residues and poisons from the blood and passes them out of the body—through the colon via the bile duct. Plug the colon and it's like flushing a toilet plugged with toilet paper; everything backs up. The net result is sickness and disease. The important point to remember here is that you can't even begin to cleanse and repair the other systems in the body until you clean
out the colon so that the toxic material will have a clean path out of the body.
3. Physically, the colon is not designed to store large amounts of old fecal matter. There just isn't room for it. If you have 10, 20, 30 pounds of extra garbage in there, there's only one thing that can happen; the colon must distend and expand.
This causes the walls of the colon to thin out (like blowing up a balloon more and more). As the walls extend out, they press on and compress other organs in the abdominal cavity.
4. Old fecal matter is an ideal breeding ground for harmful bacteria and dangerous parasites.
5. Intestinal flora are an essential part of health. If you eat foods laced with antibiotics and drink water with chlorine in it, you eliminate virtually all beneficial bacteria—providing an absolutely open environment for the proliferation of harmful bacteria, such as E. coli.
6. Your intestinal tract is the source of all nutrient access to your body. If it isn't working properly, you have two major problems.
>First, you have a hard time digesting food properly—breaking it down sufficiently so that your body can use it.
>And then, even if you can digest it properly, if the intestinal wall is covered with hardened waste and colonies of hostile bacteria/ flora, you'll end up absorbing only a fraction of the nutritional value of the food you eat.
The bottom line is that any program we design to improve our health or to eliminate disease from our bodies must begin with Intestinal Cleansing, Detoxification, and Rebuilding.
It is the "sine qua non"[1*] of health.
General Recommendations
What is required is a four-pronged approach.
A probiotic formula to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria colonies in the intestinal tract.
A good source of fiber to compensate for all of the fiberless processed foods, meat, and dairy that we eat.
[1*: Literally, "Without which, there is not."]
The best single source of fiber in the world is ground organic flaxseed meal. One and a half tablespoons in the morning and evening with juice will keep you regular and also provide you with the best single source of Omega-3 oils in the world. In addition, the sulfur-rich proteins present in the seeds work hand in hand with the Omega-3 oils to literally reverse mutated cells and cancer in the body.
For some people, a good probiotic formula alone will serve to wake up their colon and get it working again. Most people, however will need a stimulating herbal colonactivator formula that provides both cleansing and healing to the entire gastrointestinal
system (at least until their colons rebuild).
Look for a formula that contains all organic herbs such as: Cape Aloe, Senna, Cascara Sagrada, Barberry Rootbark, Ginger Root, African Bird Pepper, and Fennel.
This formula will serve as an intestinal detoxifier to loosen and draw out old fecal matter, waste, and toxins. It will stimulate peristalsis (the muscular movement of the colon). It will also halt putrefaction, disinfect, and soothe and heal the mucous membrane lining of your entire digestive tract. It will also help improve digestion, relieve gas and cramps, increase the flow of bile (which in turn cleans the gall bladder, bile ducts, and liver), destroy Candida albicans overgrowth, and promote a healthy intestinal flora, destroy and expel intestinal parasites, and increase
gastrointestinal circulation.
Periodically (approximately every 3 months), you will need a strong purifier and intestinal vacuum to help draw old fecal matter off the walls of your colon and out of any bowel pockets and to also draw out poisons, toxins, heavy metals (such as mercury and lead), and even remove radioactive material such as Strontium 90 from your body. Such a formula will also remove over 2,000 known drug residues.
Look for a formula that contains all organic herbs such as: Apple Fruit Pectin, pharmaceutical grade Montmorillonite Clay, Slippery Elm Inner Bark, Marshmallow Root, Fennel Seed, Activated Willow Charcoal, and psyllium seeds and husks.
The natural mucilaginous properties of this formula will soften old hardened fecal matter for easy removal and also make it an excellent remedy for any inflammation or irritation in the stomach and intestines. This formula is helpful in irritable bowel syndrome, diverticular disease, and hemorrhoids.
And on top of everything else, this formula will eliminate the effects of food poisoning or stomach flu in 20-40 minutes!
Regular use of this four-part program will help keep your body in optimal health and vitality for as long as you live.

There is an old saying that "death begins in the colon." This is an oversimplification to be sure, but more accurate than not. In fact, the road to health begins with Intestinal cleansing and detoxification—no matter what the disease or problem.
Unfortunately, most people confine their understanding of intestinal cleansing to its effect on fecal matter. And while it is true that cleansing programs do draw old fecal matter out of the colon, limiting the discussion to fecal matter misses the big picture.
Understand that what we have is essentially a continuous tube from the mouth to the anus, and each part of that tube has a specific function to perform. Among these are:
Digestion of the food we eat.
Transferring the nutritional value of that food into the body.
Processing the waste from that food and eliminating it from the
Serving as a drain pipe for waste produced as a result of metabolic functions within the body itself.
Serving as a drain for toxic substances absorbed through our lungs and skin, etc.
Functioning as a first line of defense in the body's immune system by identifying and eliminating viruses and unhealthy bacteria ingested with our food.
Any program of Intestinal Cleansing, Detoxification, and Rebuilding must address all of these aspects. Specifically, it must serve to:
Remove all old fecal matter and waste from the colon (to clear the drain, if you will).
Remove all the heavy metals and drug residues that have accumulated in the body as a result of having your drain plugged.
Strengthen the colon muscle so that it works again.
Repair any damage such as herniations and inflammations of the colon and small intestine.
Eliminate the presence of polyps and other abnormal growths that have been allowed to flourish because of an unhealthy intestinal environment.
Rebuild and replenish the various friendly bacteria cultures that ideally should line virtually every square inch of that tube—from mouth to anus.
The Problem
In 1985, between 60 and 70 million Americans were affected by digestive disorders. Today it's close to 100 million. In fact, digestive disorders are responsible for over 50 million physician
visits and more hospitalizations than any other category of medical problems in the United States today. The total cost to the American public for all aspects of digestive disease is well
over $100,000,000,000.00 per year.
What Digestive Diseases?
Constipation and the attendant symptoms of self-toxification
Diverticular disease (herniations of the colon)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Ulcerative Colitis
Crohn's Disease
Colon/Rectal Cancer
Other Related Diseases
It is worth noting that many other diseases that at first glance appear to have no connection with the digestive tract have actually been related by many doctors to functional bowel disorder.
These include: Diabetes, Gall Stones, Kidney Stones, Gout, Hypertension, Varicose Veins, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, and Obesity.
As if that were not enough, it has been estimated that as many as 80% of all Americans are afflicted
with intestinal parasites.[1]
Symptoms include nervousness, grinding of the teeth at night,
aches and pains that move from place to place in the body, mimicked appendicitis, ulcers and various digestive pain, nausea or diarrhea, itching, acne, foul breath, furred tongue, jaundice, fatigue, menstrual irregularities, and insomnia.
And finally, more and more doctors are becoming aware of how endemic yeast infections such as Candida Albicans are. Symptoms include chronic fatigue (especially after eating), depression,
bloating, gas, cramps, chronic diarrhea or constipation, rectal itching, allergies, severe PMS, impotence, memory loss, severe mood swings, recurrent fungal infections (such as athlete's foot),
extreme sensitivity to chemicals (perfumes, smoke, odors, etc.), and lightheadedness or drunkenness after minimal wine, beer, or sugar.
But It's Even Worse
The situation is serious. Diseases of the digestive system have reached an all time high in the United States and are still on the rise. The number one cancer among men and women combined is colon/rectal cancer.
According to the Merck Manual (the medical industry's standard text for the diagnosis and treatment of disease), the incidence of diverticulosis has increased dramatically over the last 40 years. It has gone from 10% of the adult population over the age of 45 who had this disease (according to an early 1950's edition) to an astounding, "every person has many" in the 1992 edition.
In other words, virtually 100% of all American adults will eventually have diverticulosis of the large intestine if they live long enough.
Our modern lifestyle has taken its toll on our digestive/elimination organs. Refined, processed, low fiber foods, animal fats, a lack of exercise, and an ever increasing level of stress all contribute to our current gastro-intestinal health crisis.
[*1: Many health professionals would dispute this number, calling it far too high. And if you limit your discussion of parasites to things such as tape worms and Chinese liver flukes, they are correct. But the fact is, as soon as you open up to the true nature of the problem and begin including the lesser known, but far more prevalent, parasites such as Demodex human and Fasciolopsis buskii, the 80% figure begins to fall into line. And then if you include E. coli and Candida overgrowths (both of which fit the dictionary definition of a parasite: any organism that grows
and feeds in another while contributing nothing in return), then the 80% figure is decidedly conservative.]
Consider that a sluggish bowel can retain pounds of old toxic and poisonous fecal matter (10-20 pounds is not unusual, and up to 65 pounds has actually been reported). Many times the real cause behind sickness and disease is this retention and reabsorption of built-up toxic waste.
There has been a great misconception among the public and most medical professionals about
how often a normal healthy person should move their bowels. For years, doctors have thought
that anywhere between one bowel movement a day and one a week was normal. What we have
learned is that it is normal, and necessary, to have one bowel movement a day for each meal you
eat. (If you eat three meals, you should have three bowel movements the next day.)
Toxic Lymph
Think for a moment, if you will, of your colon as your body's drain pipe—the drain that removes waste from your body. If the drain is clogged, not only will waste not be eliminated, but when you flush the toilet, the drain backs up and spills over.
And that's exactly the point which leads us to a discussion of waste removal from the body and the lymph system.
The lymph vessels comprise a network of capillaries which filter blood impurities; they contain a clear, colorless fluid (lymph). Lymph passes from capillaries to lymph vessels and flows through
lymph nodes that are located along the course of these vessels. Cells of the lymph nodes phagocytize, or ingest, such impurities as bacteria, old red blood cells, and toxic and cellular waste.
Lymph fluid can also collect other impurities such as heavy metals and pesticides and drug residues stored in bodily tissue. Once loaded with toxic waste, the compromised lymph must exit your body.
What can't be eliminated in your urine must pass out through your colon. What do you think happens to all this waste if the plumbing is plugged or sluggish? Is it any wonder we get sick and keep on getting sicker?
We're going to be discussing probiotics in detail in the next chapter, but for now, it's worth noting their importance in maintaining not only intestinal health, but overall health. Our intestinal tract contains thousands of billions of bacteria—all microscopic in size—and yet, because of their sheer numbers, their total weight is close to 3 1/2 pounds in the average adult. Approximately 1/3
of the dry weight of our fecal matter is composed of bacteria—living and dead, harmful and beneficial. A major indicator of the state of our health, both intestinal and overall, is in the composition
of those bacteria.
What Can Be Done?
Any program designed to clean, detoxify, and rebuild the colon needs to address several key areas. The program must:
Help bring the colon back to life by stimulating the muscle movement of the colon.
Encourage matter to move forward through the system.
Halt putrefaction.
Draw old fecal matter off the walls of the colon and out of any bowel pockets.
Draw out poisons and toxins.
Help leach out heavy metals such as mercury and lead.
Remove chemicals and drug residues.
Even remove radioactive material such as Strontium 90.
Soothe and promote the healing of the mucous membrane lining of the entire digestive tract.
Help stimulate the body to begin the healing and repair of herniated areas.
Increase the flow of bile to help clean the gall bladder, bile ducts, and liver.
Promote healthy intestinal flora.
Destroy and expel parasites.
Destroy Candida albicans overgrowth.
Maintain regularity.
Decrease straining.
Speed up the transit time of feces through the large intestine.
Promote the growth of beneficial bacteria colonies in the intestinal tract.
Once you look at the requirements of a good intestinal program, it's easy to see that no one formula or magic pill can accomplish it all.
The foundation of any health or healing program must begin with the intestinal tract—not necessarily because it is inherently more important than any other system or organ in the body, but because it's the area of the body upon which we focus our greatest abuse, and because it impacts virtually every other system in the body. This point is so important that it's worth reviewing the
core issues that we've covered in this chapter.
1. The colon is the main elimination channel of the body. It is the means by which we eliminate the toxic waste of the digestive
process, including massive amounts of E. coli bacteria and parasite larvae. If that waste hangs around longer than necessary, its impact on the body is profound. And yet, because of dietary and health habits, the average American stores, on average, between
10-20 pounds of old (sometimes decades old) fecal matter in their colons. I personally know of people who, while on a colon cleansing program, have passed the coins they had swallowed, or the multi-colored waxes of the crayons they had eaten when they were children, over 50 years ago.
2. The liver is the main detoxifying organ of the body. It filters out dangerous drug residues and poisons from the blood and passes them out of the body—through the colon via the bile duct. Plug the colon and it's like flushing a toilet plugged with toilet paper; everything backs up. The net result is sickness and disease. The important point to remember here is that you can't even begin to cleanse and repair the other systems in the body until you clean
out the colon so that the toxic material will have a clean path out of the body.
3. Physically, the colon is not designed to store large amounts of old fecal matter. There just isn't room for it. If you have 10, 20, 30 pounds of extra garbage in there, there's only one thing that can happen; the colon must distend and expand.
This causes the walls of the colon to thin out (like blowing up a balloon more and more). As the walls extend out, they press on and compress other organs in the abdominal cavity.
4. Old fecal matter is an ideal breeding ground for harmful bacteria and dangerous parasites.
5. Intestinal flora are an essential part of health. If you eat foods laced with antibiotics and drink water with chlorine in it, you eliminate virtually all beneficial bacteria—providing an absolutely open environment for the proliferation of harmful bacteria, such as E. coli.
6. Your intestinal tract is the source of all nutrient access to your body. If it isn't working properly, you have two major problems.
>First, you have a hard time digesting food properly—breaking it down sufficiently so that your body can use it.
>And then, even if you can digest it properly, if the intestinal wall is covered with hardened waste and colonies of hostile bacteria/ flora, you'll end up absorbing only a fraction of the nutritional value of the food you eat.
The bottom line is that any program we design to improve our health or to eliminate disease from our bodies must begin with Intestinal Cleansing, Detoxification, and Rebuilding.
It is the "sine qua non"[1*] of health.
General Recommendations
What is required is a four-pronged approach.
A probiotic formula to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria colonies in the intestinal tract.
A good source of fiber to compensate for all of the fiberless processed foods, meat, and dairy that we eat.
[1*: Literally, "Without which, there is not."]
The best single source of fiber in the world is ground organic flaxseed meal. One and a half tablespoons in the morning and evening with juice will keep you regular and also provide you with the best single source of Omega-3 oils in the world. In addition, the sulfur-rich proteins present in the seeds work hand in hand with the Omega-3 oils to literally reverse mutated cells and cancer in the body.
For some people, a good probiotic formula alone will serve to wake up their colon and get it working again. Most people, however will need a stimulating herbal colonactivator formula that provides both cleansing and healing to the entire gastrointestinal
system (at least until their colons rebuild).
Look for a formula that contains all organic herbs such as: Cape Aloe, Senna, Cascara Sagrada, Barberry Rootbark, Ginger Root, African Bird Pepper, and Fennel.
This formula will serve as an intestinal detoxifier to loosen and draw out old fecal matter, waste, and toxins. It will stimulate peristalsis (the muscular movement of the colon). It will also halt putrefaction, disinfect, and soothe and heal the mucous membrane lining of your entire digestive tract. It will also help improve digestion, relieve gas and cramps, increase the flow of bile (which in turn cleans the gall bladder, bile ducts, and liver), destroy Candida albicans overgrowth, and promote a healthy intestinal flora, destroy and expel intestinal parasites, and increase
gastrointestinal circulation.
Periodically (approximately every 3 months), you will need a strong purifier and intestinal vacuum to help draw old fecal matter off the walls of your colon and out of any bowel pockets and to also draw out poisons, toxins, heavy metals (such as mercury and lead), and even remove radioactive material such as Strontium 90 from your body. Such a formula will also remove over 2,000 known drug residues.
Look for a formula that contains all organic herbs such as: Apple Fruit Pectin, pharmaceutical grade Montmorillonite Clay, Slippery Elm Inner Bark, Marshmallow Root, Fennel Seed, Activated Willow Charcoal, and psyllium seeds and husks.
The natural mucilaginous properties of this formula will soften old hardened fecal matter for easy removal and also make it an excellent remedy for any inflammation or irritation in the stomach and intestines. This formula is helpful in irritable bowel syndrome, diverticular disease, and hemorrhoids.
And on top of everything else, this formula will eliminate the effects of food poisoning or stomach flu in 20-40 minutes!
Regular use of this four-part program will help keep your body in optimal health and vitality for as long as you live.
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