Friday, December 16, 2016


Chapter 1


  Thirty years ago, diseases such as colon cancer, prostate cancer, and diverticular disease were virtually unknown. Today, they are almost a certainty if you live long enough.1*  Consider: 

What We Pay for Health Care 

  Never in the history of the world has any other country come close to having as many doctors as we do in the United States: approximately 700,000 according to the US Census.

   And never in the entire history of the world has any other country come close to spending as much as we do on health care: a conservative 1 trillion dollars a year. That means that what we spend on health care is more than the entire Gross National Product of all but six countries in the world today[2**] . 

[1* Sources for statistics are endless, and, depending on what source is used, actual numbers may vary. But regardless of how the numbers may vary, two things remain constant: the steadily increasing trend of major diseases (such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and infectious diseases) and the exponentially rising costs associated with those diseases.]

[ 2** Figures for the amount spent on health care in the United States range from $1-1.4 trillion per year. But even at the lower $1 trillion figure, that's still more than the GNP of 124 out of the world's 130 countries.]

What Value Have We Received.... 

We lead the developed world in deaths from 
>Heart disease 

>Prostate cancer. 

>Breast cancer 

>Colorectal cancer 


The American Cancer Society now says that one in every 2.5 individuals will develop some form of invasive cancer during their lifetime—and half of them will die from it. 

  Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children under the age of 10. 

  And even though we spend $100 billion dollars a year on cancer treatment and research, the overall survival rate for cancer patients is no better than it was 50 or 100 years ago. 

And It's Getting Worse 

Immune Diseases; Obesity; Premature Aging; Heart Disease; Joint Pain; Breathing Difficulties; Hemorrhoids; High Cholesterol; PMS; Chronic Fatigue; Constipation; Malnutrition.

And It's Getting Worse

  The incidence of diabetes in the United States has doubled in just the last 5 years! 

  Fifty years ago, diverticular disease (herniations of the colon) were virtually unknown (afflicting less than 10% of the American population). Today, according to the Merck Manual, 100% of all Americans will have many—if they live long enough. 

  Thirty years ago, colorectal cancer was virtually unknown. Today, it is the single most prevalent cancer among men and women combined. 

  The number of Americans who suffer from Asthma, according to the Centers for Disease Control, has risen by an astounding 75% in just the last 20 years. 

  Breast cancer rates are up 30% in just the last 15 years.

And on . . . and on . . . and on

And now it's official: In the Feb. 9, 1994 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, the “War on Cancer” was declared a failure. “In all age groups, cancer incidence is increasing . . . Few new, effective treatments have been devised for the most common cancers.”

And the Most Shocking Fact of All

The April 15, 1998 Journal of the American Medical Association reported that there are more than 2,000,000 drug “reactions” annually in the United States, and that more than 100,000 of those reactions are fatal. This makes prescription drugs the 4th leading
cause of death in America. But the reality is actually much much worse.

  These numbers only count drugs that are prescribed correctly and at the right dose.

  Not included are patients who are given the wrong drugs, or who are given those drugs at the wrong dosage or in the wrong combination.

  And these numbers do not include the patients who have fatal reactions to the
drugs, but whose death is mistakenly attributed to other causes

  Nor do these numbers include the patients whose cause of death is deliberately obscured
to protect the physicians and hospitals involved

- Add in these numbers and you find that deaths from adverse reactions to drugs may number as high as 700,000 a year. (Actually, the FDA estimates that only 1% of all adverse reactions are reported [1*]which, if true, would make 700,000 an incredibly
conservative estimate.) And finally, combine that 700,000 with the number of people who die from misdiagnosis, inappropriate treatment, secondary infections received in hospitals, or just plain physician error,[2**]and the startling fact you're left with is that
modern medicine, despite all the great things it may have accomplished, is arguably the single leading cause of death in the United States.

Understand, this is not an attack on medical doctors—the vast majority of whom are extremely competent, highly dedicated, and often even heroic. Nevertheless, it is important to realize that when it comes to the major diseases of our time, the modern medical paradigm of searching for "magic bullets" and managing symptoms with drugs has failed miserably.

There Has to Be an Alternative!

There is a network of elite herbalists, holistic healers, and renegade medical doctors throughout the world, performing miracles on a daily basis. The network is not only elite, it is also extremely difficult to penetrate because it is technically illegal to diagnose or treat people for major diseases unless you use the FDA approved modalities such as Cutting, Burning, and Poisoning (surgery, radiation, and chemo). Thousands of people throughout the world have come to these "miracle doctors" terminally ill, and thousands have left perfectly healthy. And now the secrets of these miracle doctors are revealed in this book.

[1* A study by a group of French doctors actually makes that 1% estimate seem wildly optimistic. The study found that only about 1 out of every 24,000 adverse reactions is actually reported by doctors to the appropriate monitoring agency.]

[2** Just one example of how high these numbers actually are: On the ABC News Nightline program, the Harvard School of Public Health stated that approximately 1.3 million people a year suffer some kind of inury because of hospital treatment, and 180,000 of those people die.] 

  In the following pages, I will share with you those things that I have learned in my 30+ years of working with, studying with, and sharing with these remarkable healers. By the time you have
finished, you will have learned everything you need to know (in precise detail) to optimize your own health (and the health of those you know and love) and to live a long and happy life.

   1. In the next chapter, I will outline the principles of The Baseline of Health. If you read no other chapter in this book, the heart of everything I have to say is located here.

   2. The rest of the chapters in the book address all of the different body systems you need to concern yourself with in order to optimize your health—and give you step-by-step pointers on how to accomplish just that.

   3. In conclusion, I will provide you with very specific product and useage recommendations.

  Note: Keep in mind that good health really comes down to "playing the odds."

  For example, if you smoke cigarettes, there's no guarantee that you're going to get sick and die. (We've all heard stories of the man who smoked and drank like a fiend for 80 years, only to be shot to death by a jealous husband when the smoker was discovered
in bed with the other man's 20-year-old wife.) On the other hand, there's no question that your odds of having emphysema or lung cancer or of having parts of your mouth, lips, and tongue surgically removed increase dramatically if you smoke. It's all a question of odds.

  Well, in the same way, if you follow the program laid down in this book, your odds of having good health and long life are significantly increased—not guaranteed, but significantly increased. Oh yes, and you're going to feel a whole lot better, have more energy, vitality, sexuality, youthfulness, and radiance in the process.

Good Health And Long Life

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