Chapter IX FAQs
Paida looks like self-torture to me. Why beat up
on yourself and each other like that?
Indeed, Paida and the colorful “bruises” can look
scary to some people. And the pain during Paida
can take some getting used to. Understandably so.
Many who practice Paida joke that they have
never been beaten so much, so hard in their life.
Some of these people used to be doubters as well.
You see, we practice it voluntarily as a health-
keeping and self-healing exercise, not as a way to
punish ourselves or others. Thus the energy is
positive, and the result is thorough healing. We
enjoy the pain and rhythm of Paida, we love to
get out the “bruises” (cold, dampness, and toxic
waste trapped in the body), and we appreciate
how it helps us take health into our own hands.
For many of us, Paida has become a part of our
If you are open to the idea of self-healing with
Paida, research it and try it yourself. The colorful
“bruises” will come up and fade away, and the
pain will become less and less as we continue to
Paida. And after several rounds of Paida all over
the body, you will become a much healthier
Do I need to learn some basics about Chinese
medicine before practicing PaidaLajin?
No, it is not necessary to have a knowledge of
Chinese medicine in order to practice PaidaLajin.
Anyone can do it. And numerous people across
the world who know nothing about Chinese
medicine are practicing and benefiting from
In Paida, we mainly slap on specific body regions
and then the entire body. It stimulates the main
meridians and acupoints in the body. In Lajin,
almost all tendons and ligaments are stretched in
one posture. The reclining posture.
Of course, if you know some basics about Chinese
medicine and the meridian system, it helps you to
better understand why PaidaLajin is so effective.
However, many Western doctors and naturopaths
have experienced PaidaLajin and can explain it
from other perspectives.
Patting and stretching have always been natural,
human movements. Although PaidaLajin has
been developed into a holistic therapy in China,
clapping hands, patting certain body parts, and
stretching in various postures have long been
practiced in many cultures as part of physical
exercise and healing modalities.
How can I learn PaidaLajin well?
There are now videos, PaidaLajin Self-Healing
books, and websites in multiple languages. You
can read and watch video tutorials to learn the
philosophy, concepts, and techniques of Paida-
Lajin, and read relevant scientific reports and self
-healers’ testimonials. You can probably find
PaidaLajin self-healers and those interested in it
in your family, community, city, or country.
Obviously it is not enough to know about and
acknowledge the benefits of PaidaLajin. You
need to keep practicing it to actually enjoy the
benefits. Thousands of people across the world
have self-healed their pains and diseases this
way. And it’s best to attend a workshop.
I cannot attend a workshop right now. Will that
affect my recovery?
Attending a workshop is the best way to learn
through experience. In a workshop, we teach
and experience self-help Paida and mutual
Paida, how to nurse the Heart, and how to deal
with acute symptoms and healing reactions. We
also teach fasting, meditation, zen jogging, Wall
Hitting, Waist Swirling, and Tie Qiang Gong
exercises. These are all aimed at empowering
participants to self-heal.
However, many people have self-healed on their
own. And then they write to us to share their self-
healing experience. So can you. Persist in
PaidaLajin and you will gradually recover.
However, it may take a longer time.
Are there video tutorials for PaidaLajin?
Yes. Just Click Here .You can watch videos of
Paida, Lajin, Wall Hitting/Slamming, Waist
Swirling, Tie Qiang Gong, documentaries,
testimonials, and interviews at the video section
of our English website: You can
also search for Paida, Lajin, and PaidaLajin on
YouTube. DVD tutorials with Chinese and
English subtitles are available at our Chinese
online store.
Which of the Lajin postures is most suitable for me?
Of the seven Lajin postures we have recommend-
ed, Lajin in the reclining posture (best on a Lajin
bench) delivers the most comprehensive effects.
You can practice it to prevent and self-heal
almost all illnesses.
For other postures, choose according to your
specific condition. If you have shoulder
problems, you can practice Lajin in a standing
posture; if you have eye and neck problems, you
can practice neck Lajin, and sleep on a hard
surface without a pillow; if you have leg and foot
problems, you can do Lajin on a stand board; if
you have difficulty squatting down, you can
practice Lajin in a squatting posture; if you have
period pain, or problems with the liver, spleen,
and kidneys, you can practice Lajin in Y-shape
posture more often.
How can I get a Lajin bench?
You can buy one from us or from one of our
worldwide contacts (listed at the Service section
of our English website). Or, you can make your
own Lajin bench. A simple way is to attach a
long pole to your bed, desk or coffee table. This
is only a makeshift bench, though. It’s best to
practice Lajin on a standard bench. The following
dimensions are for your reference, and you can
make adjustments according to the needs,
height, and weight of the user(s): bench length
47 in, bench width 22 in, bench height 22 in,
pole length 67 in, pole width 3 in, pole
thickness 1.2 in. For better effect, use
sandbags or other weights on the legs when
stretching on the bench.

Does PaidaLajin have any side effects?
No. PaidaLajin has no toxic side effects.
However, it does bring several small “by-
products” that people welcome: losing weight,
getting taller, having better skin, figure, and
sexual function, better hair growth and healthier
hair color. There is an even bigger “by-product”:
if you practice PaidaLajin regularly, you will find
it hard to fall sick again.
Some people take “healing reactions (healing
crises)” as side effects of PaidaLajin. They are
signs of recovery, and are a natural, evitable part
of the self-healing process. The stronger the
healing reactions are, the faster the health is
improved. Hence, healing crises are positive
effects of PaidaLajin.
Is it OK to Paida the head?
Of course! At our workshop, each morning we
spend over an hour slapping on the head and
face together, including top, left, right, front and
back sides of the head, neck, forehead, cheeks,
eyes, ears, mouth, etc. You can do the same
yourself. Go gradually from soft to heavier slaps.
Regular Paida on the head and face improves the
health of the eyes and ears. It is particularly good
for Alzheimer’s patients. Moreover, regular
practice lifts the spirit, prevents stroke and hair
loss, and preserves and improves hair and facial
color. Insomnia, migraines, and other related
illness will also gradually self-heal. Those who
Paida the head regularly have grown new hair
where it was bald.
Can I get rid of acne on my face by practicing
Yes. A lot of people have removed acne pimples
and dark spots this way.
It may appear that acne is a result of too much
internal fire(inflammation). In fact, it is caused
by too much cold in the body that cannot release
due to meridian blockages.
You can slap on the inner elbows, Dazhui
acupoint, chest, back, along the spine and the
back of the legs where there are Urinary Bladder
meridians. For better effect, do Lajin on a bench
as well. Moreover, avoid drinking cold water and
beverages, eat less meat, fruits, and raw
vegetables, which are cold in nature.
Can I Paida on the breasts?
Yes. Nine main meridians go through the breasts.
Paida on the breasts helps to self-heal breast
hyperplasia and breast cancer, as well as many
common illnesses, such as depression, heart
disease, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism,
ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, and so on. In
addition, it contributes to natural breast
enhancement and overall beauty.
Can I slap on my belly?
Yes. The belly is linked to the internal organs.
And there are important acupoints at and around
the belly button. Slapping the entire belly helps
to relieve such chronic diseases as diabetes,
hypertension, prostate disorders, gynecological
disorders, heart, liver, kidney, stomach and
intestinal problems, etc. And it is a natural way
to lose weight.
For a pregnant woman, please do not slap on the
belly. It is OK to Paida other body parts, though.
Can I slap on my hips?
Yes. Many people sit a lot and the buttocks bear
much of the body weight. A lot of wastes and
toxins are accumulated there. The Urinary
Bladder meridian (one of the biggest
detoxification channels in the body),
Gall Bladder meridian, and other important
meridians go through the buttocks. Meridian blockages in this region can lead to obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, lower back pain, prostate disorders, gynecological disorders, stomach, or intestinal and reproductive problems.
When you slap on the hips, much toxic waste can be expelled in the form of colorful Sha.
Can I slap on scars?
Yes. You can slap on scars as a result of burns,
scalds, surgery or other injuries. It will help
further repair the damage and get rid of cold and
toxic waste at and around the scars. Do not slap
on open wounds, though.
Can I slap on varicose veins?
Yes. Many people have protruding veins for years
or even decades. It should be noted that varicose
veins is not a minor problem to be neglected. It
affects not only the areas with varicose veins, but
also blood flow back to the heart, and thus blood
supply all over the body and normal functioning
of the heart.
It’s best to first Paida the universal regions
(elbows, knees, hands and feet) to enable better
energy and blood flow. Then Paida directly at and
around the areas with varicose veins. Start with
soft Paida and gradually slap harder. Normally,
the varicose veins can stand heavy Paida. And
there is no need to panic even if it bleeds a little.
The protruding veins will flatten after heavy
Paida for 30–60 minutes or even longer. In severe
cases, you will need to Paida more rounds before
the condition improves notably.
Can I practice PaidaLajin during the
menstrual period?
Yes. And it is even more effective at this time.
Many women experience pain and mood swings
before and during their period. PaidaLajin helps
to relieve the pain, and bring inner peace and
smoothness of menstrual discharges. Paida the
belly and along the inner side of each leg. Lajin
in Y-shape posture is particularly effective in
relieving period pain. Stay warm and drink
ginger and jujube (red dates) tea.

Can a pregnant woman practice PaidaLajin?
Yes. A pregnant woman can practice PaidaLajin
during the entire period of pregnancy. It helps to
self-heal edema, insomnia, nausea, vomiting,
back pain, and waist pain, and improve mood and flexibility, enhance the health of mother and
baby, and contribute to natural childbirth. Do not
Paida on the belly, though.
Can a woman practice PaidaLajin after
Yes. PaidaLajin helps to self-heal insomnia, lack
of milk, postpartum depression, and painful
swelling of the breasts. It also helps a woman to
get back in shape. By practicing PaidaLajin, the
mother can stay away from medicine, therefore,
it is beneficial to the growth of the baby.
Is PaidaLajin suitable for a patient with
Yes. And the healing effect is very good.
Osteoporosis is a disease name labeled according
to modern medicine. The main symptoms are
calcium deficiency and waist and leg pain and
soreness, more evident in older people. It results
from blockages of multiple meridians. By
practicing PaidaLajin, the meridian blockages
will be gradually removed, various nutrients will
reach where they are supposed to be, and
osteoporosis will be self-healed. Adjust the
duration and intensity of PaidaLajin according to
the patient’s specific condition and tolerance.
Can sports and other traumatic injuries be
self-healed by practicing PaidaLajin?
Yes. In fact, PaidaLajin was initially used to treat
traumatic injuries in ancient China. As long as
there are no fractures or open, bleeding wounds,
you can Paida at and around the affected area to
relieve and self-heal ankle sprains, lumbar muscle
strain, and muscle and tendon injuries. If Paida
on the affected area gives too much pain, then
Paida pain spots at the corresponding area across
the other side of the body (left elbow – right
knee, left wrist – right ankle, left shoulder – right
groin, etc.) Go gradually from soft to heavier
slaps, and Paida one area for 15–30 minutes or
even longer. To self-heal a severe injury, fresh or
old, you may need to Paida several times.
Stretching on a Lajin bench can help relieve and
self-heal almost all waist and leg pains.
Can skin diseases be self-healed by practicing
Yes. Skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis,
urticarial (hives), neurodermitis, allergic
dermatitis, mosquito and insect bites are
symptoms, and the root causes are problems with
the internal organs. For specific advice on how to
self-heal with PaidaLajin, please refer to
CHAPTER IV, Section II Common Illnesses,
V Skin diseases.
Can I self-heal dental problems by practicing
Yes. Paida has helped people self-heal such
dental problems as toothache, gum disease,
mouth sores, loose teeth, tooth decay, tooth
erosion, and sensitive teeth. You can slap
regularly on the cheeks, mouth, chin, and Hegu
acupoint on the back of hands. For better effect,
do Lajin on a bench as well. I have had bad
breath for years, and it seems to be getting worse.
I have had bad breath for years, and it seems
to be getting worse. Can I get rid of it by
practicing PaidaLajin?
Yes. Bad breath is a manifestation of something
wrong with the internal organs, particularly
disharmony between the spleen and stomach.
You can practice Lajin on a bench, with sandbags
on each leg; slap the universal regions (elbows,
knees, hands and feet), and then along the four
limbs for 20 minutes per part each time.
Can tinnitus, hearing loss, and deafness be
self-healed with Paida?
Yes. Tinnitus, hearing loss, and deafness caused
by injury, antibiotics, and old age are all related
to blockages in meridians corresponding to the
ears. You can pat at and around the ears, and all
over the head, because there are a lot of hearing-
related nerves and meridians on the head. In
addition, slap the universal regions (elbows,
knees, hands and feet), particularly along the
inner side of each leg where the Kidney meridian
is located. And practice Lajin on a bench. It will
greatly enhance the kidney energy. According to
Chinese medicine, the Kidney opens into the ears.
Hence, boosting kidney energy helps to heal ear
How come I can smell odors from the body during Paida?
Seriously ill patients, especially those under long-
term infusion and medication, can emit various
odors during Paida, including the odors of drugs,
pesticides, and other chemicals. The smells of
sweat, urine, and stool can be stronger and their
colors darker than usual. These are all healing
reactions; drugs and other toxins are being
expelled from the body. Continue with PaidaLajin
to further detoxify.
After slapping for 40 minutes, there are cracks,
white powder, and bluish purple colors on my
hands. Can I wash my hands now? Should I
continue slapping tomorrow, or wait until they
have faded?
These healing reactions are good detox. If the
cracks on your hands are large, it’s best not to
wash them now. You can use warm water to wash
your hands two hours after Paida. You can
continue slapping. It is OK to Paida even if it
bleeds a bit. With persistent Paida, the colors and
powder will fade away, and the cracks will heal
naturally. The skin will gradually become smooth
and delicate. All our coaches and many Paida
enthusiasts have repeatedly experienced it, and
their skin and overall health are getting better
and better.
Why do blood blisters develop on my palms
when I slap others?
When you use your hands to slap others, your
hands are being slapped as well. It is a real win-
win exercise. Blood blisters on the palms are
healing reactions, indicating blockages in the
Heart and Pericardium meridians, and problems
with the heart. It also shows that the self-healing
mechanism is working to remove the blockages.
Continue to slap; the blisters will break, blood
and fluid will seep out, and the wound and heart
disease will heal naturally.
When stretching on the Lajin bench, why do I
feel excruciating pain on the sides of the knees
and along the groin areas?
This is a typical healing reaction. Pain indicates
meridian blockages. Continue stretching and slap
the pain spots, and you will relieve the pain and
self-heal your diseases.
Why do I sweat a lot during PaidaLajin?
Sweating during PaidaLajin is a healing reaction,
as the exercises boost the body’s Yang energy and
get rid of wastes through the skin pores. The self-
healing mechanism regulates whether and how
much a person sweats. After sweating, you can
drink some ginger and jujube tea to replenish Qi
and blood.
Why has my body become so sensitive after
PaidaLajin, sweating easily and avoiding cold?
Being sensitive to heat and cold is a desirable
result of PaidaLajin. It shows that some meridian
blockages have been removed and your body’s
immunity has been enhanced through the practice.
Some people are not sensitive to cold air, cold
food, cold water or cold drinks. They may even
think “the more, the better.” These people are
more likely to accumulate much cold and
dampness in the body. And before they know it,
they could become very sick. Sensitive people
can be alerted and take actions to prevent and
treat an illness earlier rather than later.
Is it OK to practice PaidaLajin in the night?
It’s best to practice PaidaLajin in the daytime. However, some people only have spare time after a day's work or study. Thus it is OK to practice it in the evening or night. Make it a habit to practice PaidaLajin and you will witness many health benefits.
Moreover, apply PaidaLajin immediately when a
person is experiencing acute symptoms such as
stroke, fever, coughing, headache, itchiness,
nausea, vomiting, stomach ache, muscle cramps,
heart discomforts, breathing difficulty, menstrual
pain, gall bladder pain, or other body discomforts.
For more detailed advice on dealing with such
emergencies, please refer to Chapter IV, Section I
Acute Symptoms.
What should I do when my family members
and neighbours do not like the slapping/
tapping "noise " of Paida?
Paida does produce sounds, sometimes too loud
and annoying for people who do not yet know or
appreciate it. One way is to Paida when they are
not there. You can find a proper time and place
to Paida alone or with other Paida friends. Or you
can use fists and/or tools to reduce the “noise”
of Paida, which we call “music.” When the
atmosphere is right and they are ready to listen,
explain to them the benefits of Paida and invite
them to join you. Respect their choice. It can
take time for some to accept Paida. Many people
who initially have doubts and fear about (the pain
of) Paida have come to enjoy and benefit from it.
Why do I feel nausea at the smell of ginger
and jujube tea, and keep burping while
drinking it?
This is because there is too much cold in your
body. As the tea boosts Yang energy, it is like fire
melting ice. When you drink the tea, the positive
and negative energies are engaged in a tug-of-war
fight. Burping is a good healing reaction. Cold
and foul air is being expelled from the body
through the burps. And the body’s self-healing
mechanism is regulating your health. Continue
PaidaLajin, your Yang energy will rise and the
symptoms will be relieved. Then you will come
to appreciate the smell, taste, and function of
the tea.
Can I drink ginger and jujube tea in the morning when I have an empty stomach? Can I drink it in all seasons of the year?
Yes. You can drink the tea at any time of a day,
and in any season of the year. It’s best to practice
PaidaLajin and drink the tea.
Nowadays, most people have too much cold in
the body. You can make it a regular drink. It is
better to drink it in the daytime. It is OK to drink
some in the night, but don’t drink too much
because it could affect your sleep.
Is vegetarian food good for health?
Yes. You can make rice, wheat, or other cereals
(normally neutral in nature) your staple food. For
a weak person with much cold in the body, avoid
cold air, food, and drinks, and avoid eating too
many fruits and raw vegetables. It can aggravate
the condition and induce various discomforts.
Although nutrient-rich, most fruits and vegetables
are quite cold (thus not neutral) in nature.
Can I reduce the dosage or stop taking
medicine when practicing PaidaLajin?
It is up to you. We are not doctors and do not
provide any medical advice. PaidaLajin self-
healing method does not involve the use of any
medicine. Many people have self-healed their
diseases by practicing PaidaLajin and have
gradually reduced or stopped medication.
Do I need to go for regular health checkups?
It is up to you. Health screening is meaningful;
however, we should avoid over diagnosis and
over-treatment. Some health problems cannot be
detected (for example, heart disease); and some
results can be really scary and a psychological
burden. You can do your own research on the
In effect, PaidaLajin is a great way to check
whether a person is healthy or not. Disease names
are ignored, and PaidaLajin reveals if the
meridians are blocked or not. As long as there is
Sha, pain, red swelling, or other reactions during
PaidaLajin, there are meridian blockages and the
person is “sick.” Diagnosis and self-healing
happen at the same time.
Can you give me a more detailed self-healing
There is no fixed rule as to how to apply the self-
healing methods we recommend. It differs from
person to person. The duration, intensity and
frequency all depend on you.
Normally, whatever your health condition is or
needs are, practice Lajin on a bench, Paida the
universal regions (elbows, knees, hands and feet),
then along the four limbs, head and face, and all
over the body. You can also do meditation, and
practice Wall Hitting, Waist Swirling, and Tie
Qiang Gong exercises. Our advice for food
therapy: drink ginger and jujube tea, and eat
cooked, warm vegetarian food, primarily cereals.
Do not eat too much. Fast when you are ready for
it. Avoid cold food and drinks.
About the Author
Mr. Hongchi Xiao was born in Hubei Province,
China, and is dedicated to promoting PaidaLajin
self-healing method worldwide.
In 1990, Xiao got his MBA and subsequently worked in finance area in the U.S. and Hong Kong for over a decade. Though he had a comfortable life in the business world, Xiao often felt a lack of
purpose in life. Starting in 2000, he began to trace his roots of Chinese wisdom. In 2006, he met a
monk, who told him that he was destined to study
at some temples and monasteries in the mountains
of China.
For the next few years, Xiao followed the list mapped out by the monk and studied with healers, Taoists, monks and hermits. This series of events led him to rediscover Chinese culture and to learn from masters of Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM) many therapies previously thought lost, including Paida, Lajin, acupressure, acupuncture, bone setting, and needle-knife.
Then he began his healing journey in Tibet, where
he healed a few thousand people for free. After
that, he opened a clinic in Beijing. At this clinic,
he asked patients waiting for treatment to
practice Paida (clapping and slapping) and Lajin,
a special form of stretching. Many people relieved
their symptoms simply through Paida and Lajin,
before even seeing him for treatment. Suddenly
this “healing by oneself” concept took over him.
Since then, Xiao has been dedicated to promoting
these treasures, particularly the simplest ones—
Paida and Lajin. The other therapies do work
wonders, they are nonetheless quite complex and
are still passive means of “healing by others.”
They are not safe, simple, and effective methods
of “healing by oneself,” and therefore can’t be
easily accessible to all.
Xiao believes that we are our own best doctors. To promote this life style and to empower people to self-heal, Xiao has authored such best sellers as Journey to Self-Healing, and PaidaLajin Self-Healing. Now he is traveling the world giving lectures, organizing workshops, and demonstrating PaidaLajin to promote self-healing. He has visited scores of Chinese cities, India, Indonesia,
Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Britain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Holland, Canada, the U.S., South Africa, and Lesotho, to name some locales. New calls will take him to places, big or small, when conditions are “ripe.”
Xiao asks doubters and theorists: “Have you tried PaidaLajin?” For Xiao and millions who have benefited, the only way to test the efficacy of PaidaLajin is JUST DO IT!
Contact Us
Emails: (English) (Mandarin)
For more on self-healing with PaidaLajin, please visit:
U.S. website:
English Facebook:
English YouTube: PaidaLajin Self-Healing
English website:
Chinese website:
Chinese blog:
Chinese Facebook:
Chinese Micro-blog:
Chinese Wechat No.: paidalajin999
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Indian (2)
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To purchase book on Heart Chan Meditation:
Or search “DeStress Energize Awaken” on Amazon.
To attend Heart Chan meditation classes in the USA:
Back Cover
Slap and stretch to rejuvenate your health. Simple, spontaneous, free, and very effective! Sounds unbelievable? Give it a try. This is what “Heal Yourself Naturally Now” is about.
We all saw the purple spots on Michael Phelps’
back during his swimming competition at the
2016 Olympics in Rio. As reported by CNN
and Huffington Post, these purple spots are the
results of a Chinese healing technique called
“cupping,” which keeps the athletes “injury
free and speeds recovery.”
For centuries, based on the same principle, as stated in the oracle of Chinese medicine, Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon, there exists a
much more effective technique for self healing: Paida Lajin.
Similar to “cupping,” Paida, or slapping, will also
result in red spots, surfacing from the skin.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, these
are toxins in the capillaries that hinder the
distribution of the nutrients to the right places. If
the situation is much worse, then the red spots
may appear purple, or even black.
However, once these red, purple, or black spots
surface to the skin, they will be flushed away by
the body, the location at which they originally
occupy will now be hindrance free. Thus, the flow
of nutrients will increase and our body will then
be able to heal itself.
Sounds unbelievable? Try it yourself is the only way to find out.
Paida looks like self-torture to me. Why beat up
on yourself and each other like that?
Indeed, Paida and the colorful “bruises” can look
scary to some people. And the pain during Paida
can take some getting used to. Understandably so.
Many who practice Paida joke that they have
never been beaten so much, so hard in their life.
Some of these people used to be doubters as well.
You see, we practice it voluntarily as a health-
keeping and self-healing exercise, not as a way to
punish ourselves or others. Thus the energy is
positive, and the result is thorough healing. We
enjoy the pain and rhythm of Paida, we love to
get out the “bruises” (cold, dampness, and toxic
waste trapped in the body), and we appreciate
how it helps us take health into our own hands.
For many of us, Paida has become a part of our
If you are open to the idea of self-healing with
Paida, research it and try it yourself. The colorful
“bruises” will come up and fade away, and the
pain will become less and less as we continue to
Paida. And after several rounds of Paida all over
the body, you will become a much healthier
Do I need to learn some basics about Chinese
medicine before practicing PaidaLajin?
No, it is not necessary to have a knowledge of
Chinese medicine in order to practice PaidaLajin.
Anyone can do it. And numerous people across
the world who know nothing about Chinese
medicine are practicing and benefiting from
In Paida, we mainly slap on specific body regions
and then the entire body. It stimulates the main
meridians and acupoints in the body. In Lajin,
almost all tendons and ligaments are stretched in
one posture. The reclining posture.
Of course, if you know some basics about Chinese
medicine and the meridian system, it helps you to
better understand why PaidaLajin is so effective.
However, many Western doctors and naturopaths
have experienced PaidaLajin and can explain it
from other perspectives.
Patting and stretching have always been natural,
human movements. Although PaidaLajin has
been developed into a holistic therapy in China,
clapping hands, patting certain body parts, and
stretching in various postures have long been
practiced in many cultures as part of physical
exercise and healing modalities.
How can I learn PaidaLajin well?
There are now videos, PaidaLajin Self-Healing
books, and websites in multiple languages. You
can read and watch video tutorials to learn the
philosophy, concepts, and techniques of Paida-
Lajin, and read relevant scientific reports and self
-healers’ testimonials. You can probably find
PaidaLajin self-healers and those interested in it
in your family, community, city, or country.
Obviously it is not enough to know about and
acknowledge the benefits of PaidaLajin. You
need to keep practicing it to actually enjoy the
benefits. Thousands of people across the world
have self-healed their pains and diseases this
way. And it’s best to attend a workshop.
I cannot attend a workshop right now. Will that
affect my recovery?
Attending a workshop is the best way to learn
through experience. In a workshop, we teach
and experience self-help Paida and mutual
Paida, how to nurse the Heart, and how to deal
with acute symptoms and healing reactions. We
also teach fasting, meditation, zen jogging, Wall
Hitting, Waist Swirling, and Tie Qiang Gong
exercises. These are all aimed at empowering
participants to self-heal.
However, many people have self-healed on their
own. And then they write to us to share their self-
healing experience. So can you. Persist in
PaidaLajin and you will gradually recover.
However, it may take a longer time.
Are there video tutorials for PaidaLajin?
Yes. Just Click Here .You can watch videos of
Paida, Lajin, Wall Hitting/Slamming, Waist
Swirling, Tie Qiang Gong, documentaries,
testimonials, and interviews at the video section
of our English website: You can
also search for Paida, Lajin, and PaidaLajin on
YouTube. DVD tutorials with Chinese and
English subtitles are available at our Chinese
online store.
Which of the Lajin postures is most suitable for me?
Of the seven Lajin postures we have recommend-
ed, Lajin in the reclining posture (best on a Lajin
bench) delivers the most comprehensive effects.
You can practice it to prevent and self-heal
almost all illnesses.
For other postures, choose according to your
specific condition. If you have shoulder
problems, you can practice Lajin in a standing
posture; if you have eye and neck problems, you
can practice neck Lajin, and sleep on a hard
surface without a pillow; if you have leg and foot
problems, you can do Lajin on a stand board; if
you have difficulty squatting down, you can
practice Lajin in a squatting posture; if you have
period pain, or problems with the liver, spleen,
and kidneys, you can practice Lajin in Y-shape
posture more often.
How can I get a Lajin bench?
You can buy one from us or from one of our
worldwide contacts (listed at the Service section
of our English website). Or, you can make your
own Lajin bench. A simple way is to attach a
long pole to your bed, desk or coffee table. This
is only a makeshift bench, though. It’s best to
practice Lajin on a standard bench. The following
dimensions are for your reference, and you can
make adjustments according to the needs,
height, and weight of the user(s): bench length
47 in, bench width 22 in, bench height 22 in,
pole length 67 in, pole width 3 in, pole
thickness 1.2 in. For better effect, use
sandbags or other weights on the legs when
stretching on the bench.

Does PaidaLajin have any side effects?
No. PaidaLajin has no toxic side effects.
However, it does bring several small “by-
products” that people welcome: losing weight,
getting taller, having better skin, figure, and
sexual function, better hair growth and healthier
hair color. There is an even bigger “by-product”:
if you practice PaidaLajin regularly, you will find
it hard to fall sick again.
Some people take “healing reactions (healing
crises)” as side effects of PaidaLajin. They are
signs of recovery, and are a natural, evitable part
of the self-healing process. The stronger the
healing reactions are, the faster the health is
improved. Hence, healing crises are positive
effects of PaidaLajin.
Is it OK to Paida the head?
Of course! At our workshop, each morning we
spend over an hour slapping on the head and
face together, including top, left, right, front and
back sides of the head, neck, forehead, cheeks,
eyes, ears, mouth, etc. You can do the same
yourself. Go gradually from soft to heavier slaps.
Regular Paida on the head and face improves the
health of the eyes and ears. It is particularly good
for Alzheimer’s patients. Moreover, regular
practice lifts the spirit, prevents stroke and hair
loss, and preserves and improves hair and facial
color. Insomnia, migraines, and other related
illness will also gradually self-heal. Those who
Paida the head regularly have grown new hair
where it was bald.
Can I get rid of acne on my face by practicing
Yes. A lot of people have removed acne pimples
and dark spots this way.
It may appear that acne is a result of too much
internal fire(inflammation). In fact, it is caused
by too much cold in the body that cannot release
due to meridian blockages.
You can slap on the inner elbows, Dazhui
acupoint, chest, back, along the spine and the
back of the legs where there are Urinary Bladder
meridians. For better effect, do Lajin on a bench
as well. Moreover, avoid drinking cold water and
beverages, eat less meat, fruits, and raw
vegetables, which are cold in nature.
Can I Paida on the breasts?
Yes. Nine main meridians go through the breasts.
Paida on the breasts helps to self-heal breast
hyperplasia and breast cancer, as well as many
common illnesses, such as depression, heart
disease, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism,
ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, and so on. In
addition, it contributes to natural breast
enhancement and overall beauty.
Can I slap on my belly?
Yes. The belly is linked to the internal organs.
And there are important acupoints at and around
the belly button. Slapping the entire belly helps
to relieve such chronic diseases as diabetes,
hypertension, prostate disorders, gynecological
disorders, heart, liver, kidney, stomach and
intestinal problems, etc. And it is a natural way
to lose weight.
For a pregnant woman, please do not slap on the
belly. It is OK to Paida other body parts, though.
Can I slap on my hips?
Yes. Many people sit a lot and the buttocks bear
much of the body weight. A lot of wastes and
toxins are accumulated there. The Urinary
Bladder meridian (one of the biggest
detoxification channels in the body),
Gall Bladder meridian, and other important
meridians go through the buttocks. Meridian blockages in this region can lead to obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, lower back pain, prostate disorders, gynecological disorders, stomach, or intestinal and reproductive problems.
When you slap on the hips, much toxic waste can be expelled in the form of colorful Sha.
Can I slap on scars?
Yes. You can slap on scars as a result of burns,
scalds, surgery or other injuries. It will help
further repair the damage and get rid of cold and
toxic waste at and around the scars. Do not slap
on open wounds, though.
Can I slap on varicose veins?
Yes. Many people have protruding veins for years
or even decades. It should be noted that varicose
veins is not a minor problem to be neglected. It
affects not only the areas with varicose veins, but
also blood flow back to the heart, and thus blood
supply all over the body and normal functioning
of the heart.
It’s best to first Paida the universal regions
(elbows, knees, hands and feet) to enable better
energy and blood flow. Then Paida directly at and
around the areas with varicose veins. Start with
soft Paida and gradually slap harder. Normally,
the varicose veins can stand heavy Paida. And
there is no need to panic even if it bleeds a little.
The protruding veins will flatten after heavy
Paida for 30–60 minutes or even longer. In severe
cases, you will need to Paida more rounds before
the condition improves notably.
Can I practice PaidaLajin during the
menstrual period?
Yes. And it is even more effective at this time.
Many women experience pain and mood swings
before and during their period. PaidaLajin helps
to relieve the pain, and bring inner peace and
smoothness of menstrual discharges. Paida the
belly and along the inner side of each leg. Lajin
in Y-shape posture is particularly effective in
relieving period pain. Stay warm and drink
ginger and jujube (red dates) tea.

Can a pregnant woman practice PaidaLajin?
Yes. A pregnant woman can practice PaidaLajin
during the entire period of pregnancy. It helps to
self-heal edema, insomnia, nausea, vomiting,
back pain, and waist pain, and improve mood and flexibility, enhance the health of mother and
baby, and contribute to natural childbirth. Do not
Paida on the belly, though.
Can a woman practice PaidaLajin after
Yes. PaidaLajin helps to self-heal insomnia, lack
of milk, postpartum depression, and painful
swelling of the breasts. It also helps a woman to
get back in shape. By practicing PaidaLajin, the
mother can stay away from medicine, therefore,
it is beneficial to the growth of the baby.
Is PaidaLajin suitable for a patient with
Yes. And the healing effect is very good.
Osteoporosis is a disease name labeled according
to modern medicine. The main symptoms are
calcium deficiency and waist and leg pain and
soreness, more evident in older people. It results
from blockages of multiple meridians. By
practicing PaidaLajin, the meridian blockages
will be gradually removed, various nutrients will
reach where they are supposed to be, and
osteoporosis will be self-healed. Adjust the
duration and intensity of PaidaLajin according to
the patient’s specific condition and tolerance.
Can sports and other traumatic injuries be
self-healed by practicing PaidaLajin?
Yes. In fact, PaidaLajin was initially used to treat
traumatic injuries in ancient China. As long as
there are no fractures or open, bleeding wounds,
you can Paida at and around the affected area to
relieve and self-heal ankle sprains, lumbar muscle
strain, and muscle and tendon injuries. If Paida
on the affected area gives too much pain, then
Paida pain spots at the corresponding area across
the other side of the body (left elbow – right
knee, left wrist – right ankle, left shoulder – right
groin, etc.) Go gradually from soft to heavier
slaps, and Paida one area for 15–30 minutes or
even longer. To self-heal a severe injury, fresh or
old, you may need to Paida several times.
Stretching on a Lajin bench can help relieve and
self-heal almost all waist and leg pains.
Can skin diseases be self-healed by practicing
Yes. Skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis,
urticarial (hives), neurodermitis, allergic
dermatitis, mosquito and insect bites are
symptoms, and the root causes are problems with
the internal organs. For specific advice on how to
self-heal with PaidaLajin, please refer to
CHAPTER IV, Section II Common Illnesses,
V Skin diseases.
Can I self-heal dental problems by practicing
Yes. Paida has helped people self-heal such
dental problems as toothache, gum disease,
mouth sores, loose teeth, tooth decay, tooth
erosion, and sensitive teeth. You can slap
regularly on the cheeks, mouth, chin, and Hegu
acupoint on the back of hands. For better effect,
do Lajin on a bench as well. I have had bad
breath for years, and it seems to be getting worse.
I have had bad breath for years, and it seems
to be getting worse. Can I get rid of it by
practicing PaidaLajin?
Yes. Bad breath is a manifestation of something
wrong with the internal organs, particularly
disharmony between the spleen and stomach.
You can practice Lajin on a bench, with sandbags
on each leg; slap the universal regions (elbows,
knees, hands and feet), and then along the four
limbs for 20 minutes per part each time.
Can tinnitus, hearing loss, and deafness be
self-healed with Paida?
Yes. Tinnitus, hearing loss, and deafness caused
by injury, antibiotics, and old age are all related
to blockages in meridians corresponding to the
ears. You can pat at and around the ears, and all
over the head, because there are a lot of hearing-
related nerves and meridians on the head. In
addition, slap the universal regions (elbows,
knees, hands and feet), particularly along the
inner side of each leg where the Kidney meridian
is located. And practice Lajin on a bench. It will
greatly enhance the kidney energy. According to
Chinese medicine, the Kidney opens into the ears.
Hence, boosting kidney energy helps to heal ear
How come I can smell odors from the body during Paida?
Seriously ill patients, especially those under long-
term infusion and medication, can emit various
odors during Paida, including the odors of drugs,
pesticides, and other chemicals. The smells of
sweat, urine, and stool can be stronger and their
colors darker than usual. These are all healing
reactions; drugs and other toxins are being
expelled from the body. Continue with PaidaLajin
to further detoxify.
After slapping for 40 minutes, there are cracks,
white powder, and bluish purple colors on my
hands. Can I wash my hands now? Should I
continue slapping tomorrow, or wait until they
have faded?
These healing reactions are good detox. If the
cracks on your hands are large, it’s best not to
wash them now. You can use warm water to wash
your hands two hours after Paida. You can
continue slapping. It is OK to Paida even if it
bleeds a bit. With persistent Paida, the colors and
powder will fade away, and the cracks will heal
naturally. The skin will gradually become smooth
and delicate. All our coaches and many Paida
enthusiasts have repeatedly experienced it, and
their skin and overall health are getting better
and better.
Why do blood blisters develop on my palms
when I slap others?
When you use your hands to slap others, your
hands are being slapped as well. It is a real win-
win exercise. Blood blisters on the palms are
healing reactions, indicating blockages in the
Heart and Pericardium meridians, and problems
with the heart. It also shows that the self-healing
mechanism is working to remove the blockages.
Continue to slap; the blisters will break, blood
and fluid will seep out, and the wound and heart
disease will heal naturally.
When stretching on the Lajin bench, why do I
feel excruciating pain on the sides of the knees
and along the groin areas?
This is a typical healing reaction. Pain indicates
meridian blockages. Continue stretching and slap
the pain spots, and you will relieve the pain and
self-heal your diseases.
Why do I sweat a lot during PaidaLajin?
Sweating during PaidaLajin is a healing reaction,
as the exercises boost the body’s Yang energy and
get rid of wastes through the skin pores. The self-
healing mechanism regulates whether and how
much a person sweats. After sweating, you can
drink some ginger and jujube tea to replenish Qi
and blood.
Why has my body become so sensitive after
PaidaLajin, sweating easily and avoiding cold?
Being sensitive to heat and cold is a desirable
result of PaidaLajin. It shows that some meridian
blockages have been removed and your body’s
immunity has been enhanced through the practice.
Some people are not sensitive to cold air, cold
food, cold water or cold drinks. They may even
think “the more, the better.” These people are
more likely to accumulate much cold and
dampness in the body. And before they know it,
they could become very sick. Sensitive people
can be alerted and take actions to prevent and
treat an illness earlier rather than later.
Is it OK to practice PaidaLajin in the night?
It’s best to practice PaidaLajin in the daytime. However, some people only have spare time after a day's work or study. Thus it is OK to practice it in the evening or night. Make it a habit to practice PaidaLajin and you will witness many health benefits.
Moreover, apply PaidaLajin immediately when a
person is experiencing acute symptoms such as
stroke, fever, coughing, headache, itchiness,
nausea, vomiting, stomach ache, muscle cramps,
heart discomforts, breathing difficulty, menstrual
pain, gall bladder pain, or other body discomforts.
For more detailed advice on dealing with such
emergencies, please refer to Chapter IV, Section I
Acute Symptoms.
What should I do when my family members
and neighbours do not like the slapping/
tapping "noise " of Paida?
Paida does produce sounds, sometimes too loud
and annoying for people who do not yet know or
appreciate it. One way is to Paida when they are
not there. You can find a proper time and place
to Paida alone or with other Paida friends. Or you
can use fists and/or tools to reduce the “noise”
of Paida, which we call “music.” When the
atmosphere is right and they are ready to listen,
explain to them the benefits of Paida and invite
them to join you. Respect their choice. It can
take time for some to accept Paida. Many people
who initially have doubts and fear about (the pain
of) Paida have come to enjoy and benefit from it.
Why do I feel nausea at the smell of ginger
and jujube tea, and keep burping while
drinking it?
This is because there is too much cold in your
body. As the tea boosts Yang energy, it is like fire
melting ice. When you drink the tea, the positive
and negative energies are engaged in a tug-of-war
fight. Burping is a good healing reaction. Cold
and foul air is being expelled from the body
through the burps. And the body’s self-healing
mechanism is regulating your health. Continue
PaidaLajin, your Yang energy will rise and the
symptoms will be relieved. Then you will come
to appreciate the smell, taste, and function of
the tea.
Can I drink ginger and jujube tea in the morning when I have an empty stomach? Can I drink it in all seasons of the year?
Yes. You can drink the tea at any time of a day,
and in any season of the year. It’s best to practice
PaidaLajin and drink the tea.
Nowadays, most people have too much cold in
the body. You can make it a regular drink. It is
better to drink it in the daytime. It is OK to drink
some in the night, but don’t drink too much
because it could affect your sleep.
Is vegetarian food good for health?
Yes. You can make rice, wheat, or other cereals
(normally neutral in nature) your staple food. For
a weak person with much cold in the body, avoid
cold air, food, and drinks, and avoid eating too
many fruits and raw vegetables. It can aggravate
the condition and induce various discomforts.
Although nutrient-rich, most fruits and vegetables
are quite cold (thus not neutral) in nature.
Can I reduce the dosage or stop taking
medicine when practicing PaidaLajin?
It is up to you. We are not doctors and do not
provide any medical advice. PaidaLajin self-
healing method does not involve the use of any
medicine. Many people have self-healed their
diseases by practicing PaidaLajin and have
gradually reduced or stopped medication.
Do I need to go for regular health checkups?
It is up to you. Health screening is meaningful;
however, we should avoid over diagnosis and
over-treatment. Some health problems cannot be
detected (for example, heart disease); and some
results can be really scary and a psychological
burden. You can do your own research on the
In effect, PaidaLajin is a great way to check
whether a person is healthy or not. Disease names
are ignored, and PaidaLajin reveals if the
meridians are blocked or not. As long as there is
Sha, pain, red swelling, or other reactions during
PaidaLajin, there are meridian blockages and the
person is “sick.” Diagnosis and self-healing
happen at the same time.
Can you give me a more detailed self-healing
There is no fixed rule as to how to apply the self-
healing methods we recommend. It differs from
person to person. The duration, intensity and
frequency all depend on you.
Normally, whatever your health condition is or
needs are, practice Lajin on a bench, Paida the
universal regions (elbows, knees, hands and feet),
then along the four limbs, head and face, and all
over the body. You can also do meditation, and
practice Wall Hitting, Waist Swirling, and Tie
Qiang Gong exercises. Our advice for food
therapy: drink ginger and jujube tea, and eat
cooked, warm vegetarian food, primarily cereals.
Do not eat too much. Fast when you are ready for
it. Avoid cold food and drinks.
About the Author
Mr. Hongchi Xiao was born in Hubei Province,
China, and is dedicated to promoting PaidaLajin
self-healing method worldwide.
In 1990, Xiao got his MBA and subsequently worked in finance area in the U.S. and Hong Kong for over a decade. Though he had a comfortable life in the business world, Xiao often felt a lack of
purpose in life. Starting in 2000, he began to trace his roots of Chinese wisdom. In 2006, he met a
monk, who told him that he was destined to study
at some temples and monasteries in the mountains
of China.
For the next few years, Xiao followed the list mapped out by the monk and studied with healers, Taoists, monks and hermits. This series of events led him to rediscover Chinese culture and to learn from masters of Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM) many therapies previously thought lost, including Paida, Lajin, acupressure, acupuncture, bone setting, and needle-knife.
Then he began his healing journey in Tibet, where
he healed a few thousand people for free. After
that, he opened a clinic in Beijing. At this clinic,
he asked patients waiting for treatment to
practice Paida (clapping and slapping) and Lajin,
a special form of stretching. Many people relieved
their symptoms simply through Paida and Lajin,
before even seeing him for treatment. Suddenly
this “healing by oneself” concept took over him.
Since then, Xiao has been dedicated to promoting
these treasures, particularly the simplest ones—
Paida and Lajin. The other therapies do work
wonders, they are nonetheless quite complex and
are still passive means of “healing by others.”
They are not safe, simple, and effective methods
of “healing by oneself,” and therefore can’t be
easily accessible to all.
Xiao believes that we are our own best doctors. To promote this life style and to empower people to self-heal, Xiao has authored such best sellers as Journey to Self-Healing, and PaidaLajin Self-Healing. Now he is traveling the world giving lectures, organizing workshops, and demonstrating PaidaLajin to promote self-healing. He has visited scores of Chinese cities, India, Indonesia,
Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Britain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Holland, Canada, the U.S., South Africa, and Lesotho, to name some locales. New calls will take him to places, big or small, when conditions are “ripe.”
Xiao asks doubters and theorists: “Have you tried PaidaLajin?” For Xiao and millions who have benefited, the only way to test the efficacy of PaidaLajin is JUST DO IT!
Contact Us
Emails: (English) (Mandarin)
For more on self-healing with PaidaLajin, please visit:
U.S. website:
English Facebook:
English YouTube: PaidaLajin Self-Healing
English website:
Chinese website:
Chinese blog:
Chinese Facebook:
Chinese Micro-blog:
Chinese Wechat No.: paidalajin999
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Books in other languages (download from
Indian (2)
Translation in process:
To purchase book on Heart Chan Meditation:
Or search “DeStress Energize Awaken” on Amazon.
To attend Heart Chan meditation classes in the USA:
Back Cover
Slap and stretch to rejuvenate your health. Simple, spontaneous, free, and very effective! Sounds unbelievable? Give it a try. This is what “Heal Yourself Naturally Now” is about.
We all saw the purple spots on Michael Phelps’
back during his swimming competition at the
2016 Olympics in Rio. As reported by CNN
and Huffington Post, these purple spots are the
results of a Chinese healing technique called
“cupping,” which keeps the athletes “injury
free and speeds recovery.”
For centuries, based on the same principle, as stated in the oracle of Chinese medicine, Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon, there exists a
much more effective technique for self healing: Paida Lajin.
Similar to “cupping,” Paida, or slapping, will also
result in red spots, surfacing from the skin.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, these
are toxins in the capillaries that hinder the
distribution of the nutrients to the right places. If
the situation is much worse, then the red spots
may appear purple, or even black.
However, once these red, purple, or black spots
surface to the skin, they will be flushed away by
the body, the location at which they originally
occupy will now be hindrance free. Thus, the flow
of nutrients will increase and our body will then
be able to heal itself.
Sounds unbelievable? Try it yourself is the only way to find out.
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