Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Template for The Physical Human Body

The template for the formation, development and composition of the physical body is found in the etheric body. Thus, the symmetry of the physical body is derived from the symmetry of the etheric body, with its central channel and network of energy centres; the human body's ability to process the flow of energies in the etheric channels; and the seven main energy centres are the structures from which the seven endocrine glands (the pineal, pituitary, thyroid, thymus, Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, ovaries-female or testes-male, and adrenal glands) are derived.

  Other physical organs originate in other large energy centres. The nervous system is derived from the etheric energy channels while the vascular, or blood system derives from the flow of energies within the etheric network. The fact that we can absorb subtle energies through the skin is due to the presence of tiny energy centres throughout the surface of the etheric body. These foundations of the physical body have a direct bearing on how and whether healing and other beneficial energies flow into the body from a spiritual level.

The etheric level and the subtle energies of the breath

Via our breathing, the etheric level conveys the life force, essential to the animation of all physical forms, to the relevant energy centres for processing. The etheric level also conveys vitalizing energies, entering via the sacral and Solar Plexus Energy Centres, to the human body tissues. In this way, the etheric level is the energetic support system for physical life. This bridging level, between the physical and the non-physical, is the entry point where the higher-self and its subtle energies can take physical form.

  The etheric level acts as the communication vehicle for the higher self, or soul, enabling the passage of energies from the higher-self to the physical form and from the physical form back to the higher-self. In doing so, the energy centres act as a distribution system for all the energies, including the mental and emotional energies, generated during life experience. Throughout these activities, the centres identify subtle energies and, if possible, process them. but very often a person is not ready to deal with a certain situation, or trauma. In that case, the etheric consciousness stores the relevant energies for processing later.

  However, if unprocessed material is allowed to build up, we begin to receive warning signals from the higher-self, in the form of uncomfortable feelings. If these are not heeded, the body may become sick so that we are forced , consciously, to listen to these warnings. Similarly, whenever a person confronts a situation contrary to the personal spiritual core,  the energy centres work hard to process the material. But continued exposure makes this progressively more difficult, which can exhaust the centres and lead to energetic blockage and subsequently ill-health.
To give you a simple and common example: a person experiences the loss of a loved one and soon develops a severe cold. This is because the immune system, via the thymus gland in the centre of the chest, is linked to the Heart Centre, which deals with all issues concerning love. The feelings of grief have manifested as a shock to the immune system, leaving the person vulnerable to infection.

EXERCISE 5  The Closing-down Procedure Click Here

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