Sunday, January 14, 2018

Section III . Specific Illnesses

Section III .   Specific Illnesses

I  Discomforts during pregnancy and after childbirth

Initially, we discouraged pregnant women from practicing PaidaLajin as a matter of caution. However, many pregnant women have been practicing it on their own. The results show that PaidaLajin not only helps them self-heal diseases that are common during pregnancy without the need for medication, but it also facilitates natural delivery of the baby. Moreover, it is beneficial to
the growth of the baby before and after birth.

Diseases common among pregnant women, such as 
pains, edema, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, 
constipation, skin disease, heart disease, and kidney 
disease can be self-healed with PaidaLajin.

Our recommendation:

For a pregnant woman, avoid slapping the belly. It 
is OK to slap other parts of the body and stretch 
on a Lajin bench, just like how others do it. 
Women who benefit the most from PaidaLajin 
are those who practice it every day during 
pregnancy for health-keeping and/or self-healing 
diseases, without the need for medication. The 
recommended PaidaLajin regimes for healing  
various diseases are applicable to pregnant 
women as well.

For health maintenance, slap the universal regions (elbows, knees, hands and feet), the head, and the four limbs. The intensity and frequency of Paida can be adjusted according to individual tolerance and health condition. Slap each region for 5–60 minutes each time. To relieve more severe symptoms, Paida longer and for more rounds.

PaidaLajin is very helpful for natural delivery. Some pregnant women who persisted in PaidaLajin completed natural delivery of their baby in half an hour, without the need for a Cesarean section. This is because PaidaLajin makes the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the hipbones and birth canal more flexible. More importantly, the Liver, Spleen and Kidney meridians linked to the womb and birth canal are cleared of blockages, thus 
facilitating the delivery.

PaidaLajin is even more essential for a woman after childbirth. Many self-healing testimonials have shown that by practicing PaidaLajin, pains, fever, obesity, mastitis, insomnia, postpartum depression, uneven milk supply, and other diseases can be self-healed.

Please refer to our recommendations for self-healing 
gynecological disorders (Chapter IV, Section II Common Illnesses, VI Gynecological disorders), and focus mainly on the universal regions (elbows, knees, hands, and feet), the breasts, the belly, and the Baliao area (the upper middle part of the buttocks, also called “sacrum”). After childbirth, Lajin should be practiced more often. Paida and Lajin combined together are very helpful for a woman to recover and improve her figure after childbirth, to facilitate normal milk supply, and for infant care and upbringing. Women who persist in postnatal PaidaLajin can expect to return to their normal weight and figure within a month.

II   Heart disease 

Every Chinese knows the saying that “illnesses originate from the Heart.” However, not everyone knows its connotation. The Chinese character for illness 病 (pinyin: bìng) has two components: 疒 (health problem) and 丙 (pinyin: bǐng), which corresponds to Heart fire. Ancient Chinese believed that all diseases come from the Heart. Otherwise they are not 病 (illnesses), but 疾 (pinyin: jí) with two components 疒 (health problem) and 矢 (pinyin: shǐ), which literally means “arrow,” in other words, external damaging forces.

When the heart is weak, stressed out, or contaminated, we will get sick or act with ignorance. Since illnesses originate from the Heart—the first organ to become sick. It refers to both the physical organ and the invisible Heart that determines how we feel and lead our lives. Disease names may vary, however, they are in essence different manifestations of problems with the Heart. In other words, all diseases have a common root cause: chaos in the invisible Heart. On the physical level, all illnesses are heart diseases.

How can one prove that the Heart is the source of all illnesses? Paida the inner elbows, through which the Heart and Pericardium meridians go, and almost everyone will have Sha and feel pain. It shows that almost everyone has heart disease, though the severity of blockages varies.

Sudden heart attacks can occur when the heart is much blocked. A person dies when the heart is completely blocked. Theoretically, we know the significance of disease prevention. However, most people still wait until they have heart or other illnesses (which are in essence Heart illnesses) and cannot live a normal life to seek treatment. They do not want to practice PaidaLajin now, because it hurts, and they do not 
want to attend a PaidaLajin workshop, because 
they feel they do not have the time for it. 
However, when they have a stroke or a heart 
attack, they are compelled to take the time to go 
to the hospital. 

Why does the Heart get sick easily? Because it is hurt most deeply and frequently. Beginning in childhood, we are faced with pressures in study, love, work, family, and other relationships. Negative energy and emotions arise and are accumulated in the body, including fear, worry, stress, anger, hatred, sorrow, and jealousy. All these negativities hurt the Heart directly, leading to a contraction of the Heart just like a cold-induced contraction. Contraction of the Heart in turn leads to contraction of tendons and ligaments all over the body. That is how we get sick. In other words, stress and negative emotions lead to contraction and obstruction of the Heart meridian, which in turn results in
blockages in other meridians and internal organs. Various symptoms thus occur. And disease names are invented to label the symptoms according to certain medical indicators. 

The problem underlying all illnesses is heart disease. To self-heal acute symptoms, chronic and critical illnesses, first of all, the Heart and Pericardium meridians should be cleared of blockages. And we always recommend slapping the inner elbows and Neiguan acupoint first, for they are very closely linked with the heart. To relieve more severe symptoms, you can also slap on the chest and    the back, particularly the area in between the breasts and the corresponding area on the back. In spite of the disease names, Paida the inner elbows and normally there will be Sha. It also shows that the heart disease is more severe than other critical illnesses.

Patients with heart disease tend to be more afraid of pain than others. The more severe the heart disease is, the more afraid of pain the patients are. This is because the “Heart” feels the pain and other discomforts from all illnesses in the body. There is a saying, “The fingers are linked to the heart.” Indeed, when the fingers are injured, it is the “Heart” that feels the pain.

There are two types of cardiac patients: those appearing to have excessive Qi and those appearing to have weak Qi.

The former type are mostly hypertensive patients, male,  overweight, heavy sweaters afraid of heat, and love cold drinks and air-conditioning. They appear to feel hot externally, but deep inside the heart it is freezing cold, and the deficient kidney functions cannot keep the Yang energy inside the body, thus the heat leaks out of the body as constant sweat. They may appear to be
alright; however, they face the (potential) dangers of stroke and sudden heart attack, or the torture of dizziness, headache, diabetes, hypertension, impotence, premature ejaculation, prostate disorders, waist and knee pains, and cancers.

The latter type not only appear to have weak Qi, they indeed have weak Qi and blood internally. They are mostly hypotensive patients, many of them female, overly thin; they sweat little, love warmth, and cannot tolerate cold. Most of them suffer from such chronic diseases as insomnia, headache, dizziness, infertility, depression, constipation, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hair loss, back pain, waist pain, period pain, ovarian cysts, breast cancer, uterine fibroids, menstrual disorders, low blood sugar, low blood pressure, uterine prolapse, cold hands and feet, and so on.

Whether excessive or deficient Qi, hypertension or hypotension, what they have in common is a problem with the invisible “Heart” behind the detectable heart and other diseases. Heart disease can be felt as discomforts in the heart and other parts of the body. However, problems with the “Heart” or mind are invisible but can affect every cell in the body. Fear, worry, anger, hatred, tension, jealousy, and other complex psychological entanglements, worry about personal gains and losses—can they be detected with an
instrument? A person becomes ill when they become too busy, both physically and psychologically, with family (especially children), career, country, or other causes. All diseases, whatever the names may be, are problems of the invisible Heart. Heart disease is one of the many manifestations; and all other diseases are in reality different forms of Heart disease.

Many people feel palpitation, chest tightness, and other obvious
symptoms indicating severe problems with the heart. However, when they go for a medical checkup, they are found with no heart disease. Sometimes, even when a patient with a heart attack is taken to the emergency room of a hospital, the checkup does not show a heart disease. Such patients are dubbed as people “in sub-health condition.” In fact, “sub-health” is lack of good health. People are classified into the “sub-health” group when their symptoms cannot yet be labeled with particular disease names.

“Sub-health” can be more dangerous than a known illness. When you wait until mild symptoms become “diseases,” symptoms become serious. The pain of PaidaLajin and Sha are accurate indicators of (potential) health problems; where you feel pain and have Sha, there is a health problem. When medication and surgery are applied to control and kill, the symptoms can further deteriorate. More medicine and operations will be needed, dragging people into a vicious cycle of life-long medication. Very often, patients die not of the initial illness, but of drug-induced diseases and other iatrogenic diseases developed during treatment.

Our recommendation:

It is easy to self-heal Heart disease. Make a list of your concerns and see if your loved ones and the world will cease to exist when you let go of them. If you can really let go of your concerns, much of your illness will be gone. If you cannot let go, Paida the inner elbows, your limbs, chest, back, and your entire body for 5–30 minutes per region each session, and stretch on a Lajin bench for
10–30 minutes per leg each time. Be grateful and repent during PaidaLajin. If this does not help, attend a PaidaLajin workshop, learn and practice PaidaLajin, meditation, meditative jogging, Waist Swirling, Wall Hitting, and Tie Qiang Gong (see video tutorials on the English website), and self-heal your illnesses.

III   Diabetes and hypertension

Very often, diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease are manifested in the same patient, and they are one of the most typical groups of complex diseases. Patients with these diseases and their family often cannot cope with it and are unaware of their priority. The disease names, heart rate, blood glucose, and blood pressure levels often mislead them.

However, if we simplify things and try to discover the root cause, then everything else will fall into its proper place. The root cause of all these diseases is in the “Heart.” And almost all chronic diseases originate from the Heart, for instance, tumors, insomnia, depression, skin diseases, mental illnesses, liver and kidney problems, immune, nervous, digestive, and respiratory system disorders. Chinese medicine concludes that all illnesses originate from the Heart and are cured through heart-felt changes. When the
Heart (King of bodily organs) has problems, other internal organs (civil and military ministers serving the King) take some of the burden off the King, thus causing diseases with these organs. In other words, all diseases are manifestations of Heart disease.

For instance, in March 2015, we had a 5-day clinical workshop in
partnership with TAG-VHS Diabetes Research Centre in Chennai, India. Most of the diabetic patients who attended the workshop also had heart disease and hypertension (or hypotension). 

Hypertension (or hypotension) is in essence a problem with the Heart. As a result, the top priority of Paida is to dredge the Heart and Pericardium meridians. As long as blockages in these two meridians are removed, blood will flow more naturally, and the body will produce various hormones beneficial to health. Conscientious Paida on the “universal regions” stimulates the body to produce even more hormones; thus, the body acts as a pharmaceutical factory to produce “endogenous medicine.”

Indeed, the workshop participants voluntarily reduced the dosage or
stopped medicine and insulin injections, and each day they drank ginger and jujube tea with brown sugar in it. At the end of the workshop, the high blood glucose and blood pressure levels fell and the low levels rose naturally. Some patients continued PaidaLajin at home and no long needed medicine and insulin injections, and their indicators are returning to normal.

The very fact that diabetics’ blood glucose levels are normalized after reducing or stopping medication and insulin injections, and drinking ginger and jujube tea with brown sugar, shows that diabetes has nothing to do with sugar intake. Rather, it is because the body cannot produce enough insulin in vivo to decompose sugar, which leads to high blood sugar. By practicing PaidaLajin,
the body will automatically secrete the much-needed insulin and other hormones. In addition, high blood pressure will be lowered and low blood pressure will be increased, until it returns to normal (for more details, please refer to Chapter V. A preliminary report on PaidaLajin clinical research workshop).

Our recommendation:

These three diseases are chronic. Thus our recommendation for
self-healing chronic diseases is applicable. It’s best to attend a PaidaLajin self-healing workshop. If you are practicing at home and are too weak to slap, do more stretching, preferably 2–3 times a day. With limited time and energy, slap the universal regions (elbows, knees, hands, and feet), and then move on to slap your limbs, armpits, belly, and groin areas. After much Sha is expelled from these regions, slap the entire body in a “carpet bombing” manner.

If you or another patient has stabilized the condition, focus more on
slapping the universal regions, particularly the hands and feet. Slap all over the feet, including the sole, instep, inner and outer sides of the ankle, and the toes. Where Sha does not come out easily, a Paida stick can be used. Slap each region for 5–60 minutes each time. To relieve more severe symptoms, Paida longer and for more rounds.

After the Sha disappears, a new round of Paida can be started. Drink ginger and jujube tea daily whether you have weak or abundant energy. When the diseases are healed, PaidaLajin should be continued to maintain good health. And the intensity and frequency can be gradually lowered. Mainly, Paida the universal regions and the head, stretch regularly, and make PaidaLajin an integral part of daily life. 

IV  Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s symptoms appear in almost all old people, though the
severity of the symptoms may vary from person to person. And there is hardly a patient with solely Alzheimer’s disease. Normally, an Alzheimer’s patient suffers from many other chronic diseases, such as malfunctioning of various organs, problems with the brain, the limbs, and the five sense organs. All bodily functions of the patient are deteriorating, including memory, speech, hearing,  eyesight, mobility, and so on. The name “Alzheimer’s disease” is assigned when an elderly person has manifested obvious degenerative symptoms of the brain. 

Some elderly people have been receiving gentle Paida in a nursing home in San Francisco, and they have shown improvements in memory, speech, hearing, appetite, mobility, and excretion of urine and stool.

Our recommendation:

First, Paida the universal regions (elbows, knees, hands, and feet),
particularly the inner elbows and the back of hands; and then focus more on slapping the entire head. In the beginning, just slap on the top, left, right, front and back sides of the head, and the neck; when the patient becomes accustomed to Paida, move on to also slap the eyes, ears, cheeks, and mouth.

Try to engage and guide Alzheimer’s patients in group slapping and
stretching games. For an elderly patient with very stiff legs, DO NOT forcefully straighten the legs. Start from raising and stretching the legs alternately while the patient is lying flat on a bed. It is working as long as the patient feels the pain of stretching. Gradually extend the duration and lift the legs higher to enhance intensity. And then move on to use the Lajin bench.

Slap each region for 5–60 minutes each time. To relieve more severe symptoms, Paida longer and for more rounds.

For an elderly patient with normal mobility and a clear mind, follow our recommendation for self-healing chronic diseases.

V   Prostate and urinary disorders

Prostate disorders are quite common among elderly men. Over 90% of men over 70 years old suffer from such problems as prostatitis, prostate enlargement, and prostate cancer. Common symptoms include urgent, frequent, and incomplete urination, and local and large-area pain and swelling. Many women, after childbirth, suffer from urethritis, frequent urination, and urinary incontinence. Urinary disorders in both men and women lead to frequent  bathroom visits at night. 

Our recommendation:

The Kidney and Urinary Bladder meridians regulate water channels in the body. However, all internal organs are related to these disorders. Please follow our recommendation for self-healing chronic diseases. Focus more on slapping the inner side of each thigh, groin areas, lower abdomen, and buttocks. When the condition improves, gradually slap along the limbs and the feet to
thoroughly detoxify. Slap each region for 5–60 minutes each time. To relieve more severe symptoms, Paida longer and for more rounds.

Stretch 1–3 time(s) a day, and gradually extend the duration up to 30 minutes per leg each session. Add sandbags weighing 6.5–33 lbs on each leg.

We have countless records and testimonials of patients with prostate disorders who have self-healed with PaidaLajin. The most dramatic case is an 86-year-old patient with terminal prostate cancer. He has been cured of the cancer thanks to his daughter’s high-power Paida on him for nearly three months. Sometimes, she would slap one of his legs for 4.5 hours. Although the patient yelled out of pain during the entire process, the result of the prolonged “torture” is that the cancer is cured, and a lot of other diseases are also cured. Please visit our website to learn more about these healing “miracles.”

VI .  Breast cancer and mammary gland hyperplasia

Globally, annual breast screenings for women have been prescribed. Many do not know that patients with breast diseases also suffer from depression, though the severity may vary. It is safe to say that breast cancer is a manifestation of depression. And depression is a manifestation of heart disease. In short, problems with the “Heart” (emotional problems) and heart disease are the root causes of breast diseases; they are caused by blockages in the Heart and Pericardium meridians.

Our recommendation:

The best checkup and prevention is to slap on the breasts, inner elbows, and other universal regions (knees, hands, and feet). As long as there is intense pain, Sha, lumps, and reddish swelling, there are meridian blockages. Whether it’s breast cancer or mammary gland hyperplasia, the symptoms will be relieved and the lumps will gradually disappear with persistent PaidaLajin. Slap each region for 5–60 minutes each time. To relieve more severe symptoms, Paida longer and for more rounds.

Even for a woman diagnosed with breast cancer or mammary gland
hyperplasia, the disease names are still misleading. This is because cancer and hyperplasia are “fruits” of problems with the patient’s internal organs, especially the heart. The recommendations for self-healing chronic diseases can apply here. First Paida the universal regions (elbows, knees, hands and feet), and then focus more on slapping the breasts, armpits, chest and back. Slap all around the breasts thoroughly, particularly the outer sides of the breasts
adjacent to the armpits, and the entire armpits. Much Sha and many lumps can come out, and the process of Paida can be quite painful. However, the greater the pain of slapping is, the more self-evident that Paida is the correct therapy, and the better the effect will be. Then slap on the head, groin areas, four limbs, abdomen, buttocks, and the entire body. Stretch 1–3 time(s) a day, and gradually extend the duration up to 30 minutes per leg each session. Add sandbags weighing 6.5–33 lbs on each leg. Drink ginger and jujube tea and take a warm-water footbath every day.

It’s best to attend a PaidaLajin workshop. Simple, effective exercises including meditation, meditative jogging, meditative standing, Waist Swirling, Wall Hitting, and Tie Qiang Gong practiced in the workshop can become daily exercises.

It should be emphasized that slapping the breasts is an ideal way to screen and prevent breast cancer.

VII   Stroke-induced paralysis

Very often, patients with stroke-induced paralysis also have hypertension, heart disease, and problems with various other organs, particularly heart disease.

Our recommendation:

For acute stroke, focus on slapping the inner elbows, Neiguan acupoint on each arm and both hands. When the acute symptoms are gone, slap the universal regions (elbows, knees, hands, and feet), and then along the limbs.

More often, a stroke patient already suffers from sequelae, has speaking difficulty, and is paralyzed on one side of the body. Whichever side is paralyzed, slap both sides of the body, and then slap the entire head, including the top, left, right, front, and back sides; the neck; and the cheeks. For those with speaking difficulty, focus more on slapping the head, the cheeks, and the back of the hands, and then slap all over the body. Slap each region for 5–60
minutes each time. To relieve more severe symptoms, Paida longer and for more rounds. Take a warm-water footbath every day.

Generally, these patients love to eat meat, over-eat, and are afraid of pain. Guide and encourage them to eat less and go vegetarian. It’s best to fast one day a week, or to always skip supper. 

One typical symptom is stiff fingers. Focus on slapping the back of the hands and the fingers. Slap one hand for 1–2 hours until the hand swells up and Sha comes out thoroughly. Then slap the back of the other hand, and the insteps of both feet, each for 1–2 hours, until they swell up and Sha comes out thoroughly. Drink ginger and jujube tea. Take a warm-water footbath and stretch for 1 to 3 times per day.

Paralyzed patients feel excruciating pain doing either Paida or Lajin. However, it is precisely because of the pain that PaidaLajin is effective. And the more PaidaLajin a patient can take, the better the healing effect will be. In 2011 when I visited Tibet for a second time, I met a lama with stroke-induced paralysis who had been bedridden for three years. He was treated with four hours’ intensive PaidaLajin with the help of 7–8 young lamas. Indeed, it was a very painful experience, and his two layers of clothes were soaked with sweat. After PaidaLajin, he was able to walk with crutches. The following day he came again and received another four hours’ PaidaLajin. He howled out of pain during the entire process. Again, there were 7–8 young lamas slapping him. This time, he did not need the crutches after PaidaLajin. He was able to walk slowly on his own feet. In my experience, this is the fastest and most effective case of PaidaLajin healing stroke-induced paralysis.

VIII   Nephritis, kidney failure, and kidney dialysis

These illnesses are common among men and women, young and old. For a large number of the patients, they are the consequences of medication for other illnesses. Although the disease names relate to the kidneys, in actual fact, all the internal organs have severe problems, particularly the heart, liver, spleen, and kidneys.

Normally, treatment of these diseases lasts long and the medical expenses can be alarmingly high; kidney dialysis in particular can be a huge financial burden on the family and government. However, these diseases can be improved and self-healed. The key is to change the mindset and take actions to self-heal. The diseases may sound horrifying; however, they are in essence a compound manifestation of multiple diseases. And the patient’s Heart, Liver, Spleen, Kidney, Stomach, Gall Bladder, Urinary Bladder, Big, and Small Intestine meridians are heavily clogged. The only option is to “ignore the disease name.” In short, they are caused by meridian blockages, and unblocking meridians heals.

Our recommendation:

Slap the universal regions (elbows, knees, hands and feet) first, and then slap along the four limbs. In particular, slap the hands and feet for a long time; then slap the entire body in a “carpet bombing” manner. Slap each region for 5–60 minutes each time. To relieve more severe symptoms, Paida longer and for more rounds. When the Sha has subsided, start a new round of Paida. Do several rounds of full-body, thorough Paida. Stretch 1–3 times a day, 5–40 minutes per leg each session. Add sandbags weighing 11 lbs. on each leg.  Drink ginger and jujube daily.

There have been records of both children and adults successfully
self-healing kidney failure. During the process of PaidaLajin, the patient can experience a number of healing reactions, such as pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and fainting. These are signs of great healing effect. Slap on the inner elbows and Neiguan acupoint to relieve healing reactions; rest well and continue PaidaLajin. DO NOT stop PaidaLajin because of any of the healing reactions. DO NOT take the reward as punishment.

IX   Depression and other mental disorders

The body, mind, and soul are one. They interact and impact one another. Patients with depression or other mental disorders suffer from many physical illnesses as well. In fact, all the internal organs are malfunctioning, particularly the heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, and intestines; their corresponding meridians and the brain are very clogged. 

Our recommendation:

Slap the universal regions (elbows, knees, hands, and feet) first, and then slap along the four limbs, the entire head, chest, back, armpits, and groin areas. Focus more on the inner elbows, Neiguan acupoint on each arm, head, hands and feet. Slap each region for 5–60 minutes each time. To relieve more severe symptoms, Paida longer and for more rounds. A patient with severe depression has even more severe heart problems. Sometimes, when the inner elbows are
being slapped, the skin can break, and toxic blood and fluid will seep out. And the patient will recover faster.

A patient with depression tends to cry during Paida. Involuntary crying during Paida is a good healing reaction. It is the self-healing mechanism clearing toxins in the heart. And it helps to open up the Heart. Leave the patient to cry it all out, and the healing effect will be much better. After the crying, slapping and stretching can be continued and a new round of Paida can be started. Stretch 1–3 times a day. Drink ginger and jujube tea daily.

Crying, vomiting, and other discomforts often appear during fasting and PaidaLajin. These are great detox reactions. Toxins in the upper part of the torso cannot easily be excreted in urine and stool; when they are vomited out of the body, it not only helps to self-heal diseases with the heart, lungs, and respiratory tract, it will make the patient much more refreshed, energetic, and physically stronger.

X .  Skin, weight, height, and other beauty problems

People who persist in PaidaLajin can get taller, slimmer (or fatter for overly thin people), and better looking. However, these are “by-products” of PaidaLajin, not the main objectives.

Obesity, acne, pimples, freckles, rough skin, and color spots are in essence health problems. These symptoms are caused by meridian blockages. The skin and weight problems are related to such chronic diseases as insomnia, diabetes, hypertension, depression, constipation, heart, kidney, spleen and stomach problems, or gynecological disorders.

Our recommendation:

Stretch first. The longer the duration, the greater the intensity, and the more frequent the practice is, the better the effect of Lajin will be. For women with sagging breasts after childbirth, stretching on a Lajin bench can most effectively reverse the problem. Unlike the pull of gravity on the breasts often experienced in sports—which leads to sagging breasts—while lying on the Lajin bench with arms stretching backward, the breasts are pulled upward, thus
enhancing the elasticity of the breasts.

Focus on slapping the universal regions (elbows, knees, hands, and feet), breasts, belly, waist, buttocks, and thighs where a lot of fat and toxins tend to accumulate. For those with severe color spots, focus more on slapping the cheeks and the affected areas, the limbs, hands, and feet. Slap each region for 5–60 minutes each time. To relieve more severe symptoms, Paida longer and for more rounds.

The majority of overly thin people suffer from various chronic diseases, particularly spleen and stomach problems. Follow our recommendation for self-healing chronic diseases. Focus more on slapping the universal regions (elbows, knees, hands, and feet), Zusanli acupoint, and the four limbs. With persistent PaidaLajin practice, it is natural to gain some weight.

Whether for gaining or losing weight, drink ginger and jujube tea, and take warm-water footbaths daily. Your body weight will eventually reach a balanced state.

Scoliosis (a back problem that causes the spine to curve to one side), a hunched back, and stiff and contracted tendons obstruct Qi and blood flow, and affect a person’s height. Persistent PaidaLajin returns the bones to their proper position and makes the tendons flexible, improves Qi and blood circulation, and increases height. It has been proven effective on men and women, young and old. Some old people become taller because PaidaLajin causes
intervertebral distances to increase.

Almost all workshop participants have experienced these “by-products” in addition to self-healing many diseases. As long as the meridians are unblocked, you will benefit from the “by-products.” And depending on age, health condition, and the intensity of PaidaLajin practice, it is not unusual for someone to lose 11–45 lbs in 1–6 month(s).

XI .  Sexual dysfunction

Over the past few years, I have received countless emails inquiring
whether PaidaLajin can improve sexual dysfunction. This problem not only applies to personal health, but can also affect the harmony within a family.

According to Chinese health statistics, the incidence of illness and
medication-induced erectile dysfunction (ED) in adult males is at least 10%. This figure does not include those who avoid seeking medical treatment. Erectile dysfunction can be either organic or psychological (i.e., induced by stress and tension). But the essence is the same—a functional disorder is a complex disease caused by blockages in a number of meridians.

Sexual dysfunction in men and women can have different origins: A man is most concerned about the size and function of his penis, particularly the (potential) problems of impotence and premature ejaculation. In fact, the size and strength of his penis are superficial manifestations of the more crucial “software” driving it, i.e., whether a man has enough Qi (energy) and smooth flowing meridians.

By contrast, a woman’s sexual dysfunctions can often result from
concerns about the visual beauty of her figure, particularly the size and shape of her breasts and buttocks, and the smoothness of her skin.

Despite their different concerns, men and women’s sexual disorders are fundamentally the same problem with Qi. Enough Qi brings fullness, function, and beauty; insufficient Qi results in atrophy, dysfunction, and lack of beauty. In short, Qi is vital to sexuality.

Imagine that a man’s penis is like a balloon. With enough Qi, it inflates; without enough Qi or when Qi leaks prematurely, it shrinks. An overweight man tends to suffer kidney deficiency and shortness of breath, thus his figure may look big, but the penis may be tiny. When I was a child, I used to go to a public bathhouse. We boys used to comment on adult men’s penises. And we discovered a surprise finding: Normally, an obese man’s penis looked like an
almost invisible screw. And we wondered why a big man should have a smaller penis. When I became an adult myself, I found that some men have a large but soft, unsustainable penis. This could bring more distress. Later on, I learned that these all resulted from problems with the “software”—Qi and its flow.

Qi also determines whether a woman’s breasts look beautiful in size and shape. A woman’s skin will dry and breasts shrink as she ages because her Yang energy weakens. In fact, a woman’s sexual dysfunction manifests as various diseases and symptoms, particularly anger, fatigue, insomnia, depression, constipation, waist pain, Qi deficiency, irregular heartbeat, gynecological
disorders, hot upper body and cold lower limbs, irritating hot sensation in the palms, the soles, and in the chest. Many of these symptoms appear during menopause; however, some women have such symptoms at around 40. I call it “Early Menopause Syndrome.”

Of course, the Qi here does not refer to the air, but the Yang energy a person has. Chinese people often say, “Qi sustains a person’s life.” In the phrases “good Qi color on the face,” and “lose all the Qi (dead),” Qi refers to Yang energy. According to Chinese medicine, Qi propels blood flow. That is to say, it is Qi that moves blood along the vessels. Although a man’s penis, and a woman’s breasts and vagina have inflatable tissues, it is Qi, not blood or nerve cells that determines their functioning. In short, whether sexual apathy or dysfunction, they are consequences of deficient Yang energy.

Then comes the next question: How to boost Yang energy? Take
nourishing foods and supplements? Haven’t there been enough such drugs and supplements from ancient times till today? Consider the dog penis, Chinese pilose antler, Viagra and other Western biochemical drugs; don’t they deplete a man’s Yang energy, have negative effects, and even make him die earlier? If drugs and supplements really work, kings and the richest men in human history should live healthiest and longest. But it has never been so. Taking drugs, hormones, and other supplements often damages internal organs and leads to many “drug-induced diseases.” Read the drug instructions carefully, and you will find that drugs for treating insomnia, diabetes, depression, hypertension, heart disease and other common illnesses have a number of negative effects
that damage internal organs, impair the generation of Yang energy, and block their channels (i.e., meridians). Some people take drugs to control blood glucose and blood pressure levels, but they suffer weakening liver, spleen and kidney functions, and poor or no sexuality.

Natural Yang energy connects with the energy of the universe. Energy is a vibration frequency that regulates the boundless universe and all forms of life in a subtle and accurate way. The meridian system in the human body provides channels for energy flow. Smooth energy flow in meridians equals great nourishment. A person has sufficient Yang energy when the body can generate
Yang energy normally and the meridians are free of blockages. The heart, liver, kidneys, urinary bladder, and their corresponding meridians are involved in the process. Manifestations of deficient Yang energy in a man include decreased sexual function and prostate disorders, particularly impotence and premature
ejaculation; in a woman, depression, sexual apathy, and gynecological disorders.

Many Chinese people believe that the renal function determines the sexual function. In actual fact, the heart, King of organs, is the most crucial. When the Heart is not at peace, the entire kingdom (the human body) will be in a mess. Our desires and aspirations originate from the Heart. The Heart energy is the seat of a person’s vitality. Without the power of the Heart, a person has no desires at all, including sexual desire, and may have already been depressed.

The second most important organs are the two kidneys. All Chinese men know the significance of renal function, however, there is nothing much they can do about it. The kidney energy continually depletes from a person’s birth to death. A man’s renal function weakens with age; the same is true with women, only it is manifested in different ways: insomnia, headache, constipation, hair loss, waist pain, knee pain, menstrual pain, irregular periods, or frequent urination.

The liver is the third most vital organ. If you observe the Liver meridian in a meridians chart, you will find that it circles around the genital organ internally and externally. And ancient Chinese dubbed the penis as “Zong Jin,” the reproductive tendon. According to Chinese medicine, the Liver governs the tendons. Hence, the Liver is the direct governor of the penis.

The urinary bladder is the fourth most important organ. It is located in the backyard of the penis, and urine and sperm share the same passage in the penis. As the kidneys and urinary bladder are paired to govern the water channels in the body, they thrive and wither together. The health of the prostate, which impacts the health of the penis, is directly influenced by the Urinary Bladder meridian. Most men over 60 have prostate disorders, whose main symptoms
are urgent, frequent, and incomplete urination. They go to the bathroom many times a night. Prostate disorders affect sleep and sexual function. The urinary bladder is also the largest detoxification channel in the body, and the health of the Urinary Bladder meridian has a huge impact on the functions of liver,  spleen, and kidneys. Edema is resulted from blockages in the Kidney and Urinary Bladder meridians.

To boost Yang energy, it is imperative to remove blockages from the Heart, Kidney, Liver, and Urinary Bladder meridians.

But the question is, “How?”

I have used acupuncture, acupressure, bone setting, and other external therapies to successfully unblock meridian blockages. However, only a handful of people can apply these therapies to themselves. To self-heal, the first option is to stretch on a standard Lajin bench. The biggest benefit of Lajin in a reclining posture is that it can quickly boost Yang energy. During Lajin, the meridians closely linked to the sexual function are dredged to varying degrees. In fact, all tendons and ligaments, and almost all 14 main meridians in the body are being stretched in one go, particularly the Liver, Spleen and Kidney meridians along the inner side of each leg, the Urinary Bladder meridian along the hind side of each leg, and the Heart and Pericardium meridians along the inner side of each arm. During the process, the pain of stretching reveals that
there are blockages in the meridians and that they are being unblocked. Normally, the inner and hind sides of legs, and the shoulders and upper arms where these meridians run along hurt the most. Moreover, Lajin clears the Liver meridian, and boosts liver energy and function, as “Liver governs the tendons.” With enough liver energy, the “reproductive tendon” (penis) will have enough energy.

Paida, similar to Lajin, works to remove meridian blockages and enhance Yang energy.

First, Paida the universal regions (elbows, knees, hands, and feet)
(because they cover key acupoints along all 14 main meridians), either directly or indirectly, especially those along the Heart, Kidney, Liver and Urinary Bladder meridians. An acupoint is like a compressor station along an energy pipeline. Next, Paida all four limbs, particularly the armpits, groin areas, and the inner side of each leg. The “eight weak corners (armpits, groin areas, inner
elbows, and back of knees)” are located along the limbs, and there are meridians and acupoints most closely linked to sexual organs. Then, Paida all over the body from head to toe, i.e., “carpet bombing” Paida. Slap each region for 5–60 minutes at an intensity within the recipient’s pain tolerance. However, here needs to be moderate pain. To relieve more severe symptoms, slap longer
and more times.

It is an open secret among the men who persist in PaidaLajin practice that it greatly boosts their sexual function. An obvious sign of this improvement is the restored morning erection (a sign of sufficient Yang energy) in many middle-aged and older men. During one PaidaLajin seminar, a chiropractor from Los Angeles said that in her clinic, enhanced sexual functioning is at the top of the Lajin benefits list, both in men and women.

In addition to PaidaLajin, Waist Swirling, Tie Qiang Gong, and Wall Hitting are simple and effective exercises for quickly boosting sexual functioning, greatly improving kidney and heart energy.

Although I’m talking about sexual function from the perspective of a man, these exercises are applicable to women as well. The meridians in men and women go in the same direction, and the impact of Qi on a man’s penis is the same as its impact on a woman’s breasts and genital organ. In a word, sufficient Qi makes fullness; deficient Qi results in apathy and atrophy.

Breasts play a significant role in a woman’s sex life. However, breasts can become a warehouse of toxins and wastes. Nine meridians pass by the breasts: the Ren, Heart, Pericardium, Lung, Liver, Spleen, Kidney, Stomach, and Gall Bladder meridians. When these meridians are clogged, a woman will suffer from a lot of diseases, including depression, heart disease, uterine fibroids,

thyroid disorders, and breast tumors. A female fitness expert wrote that all breast-beautifying therapies, whether physical, chemical, surgical, or implants, have side effects. Well, PaidaLajin is the most natural and healthy way to improve the appearance of a woman’s breasts, because there are no unpleasant or unhealthy side effects.

If you do have sexual dysfunction, you can practice PaidaLajin to
self-heal. If you do not have sexual disorders, you can still practice PaidaLajin to enhance your sexual function and create a healthy, sexy glow. PaidaLajin mainly works to boost Yang energy and unblock meridian blockages. With enough Yang energy, diseases will self-heal, and your stamina and physique will improve.

However, if your only, or primary, motivation for practicing PaidaLajin is to increase or restore your libido, remember that sexual satisfaction is not equal to happiness. But health management opens the door to life management and greater happiness.

XII   Autism

Our recommendation:

Autism mostly starts very young. Encourage autistic children to play the Paida game, and do regular Wall Hitting, Tie Qiang Gong, and Waist Swirling exercises in a group.

Gradually go from gentle to heavier Paida. In addition to patting the universal regions (elbows, knees, hands, and feet), focus more on patting the four limbs, head, hands and feet. For the hands, feet, and head, pat each region for 5-60 minutes. To relieve more severe symptoms, Paida longer and for more rounds.

Do not panic if colorful patches of Sha, lumps, and reddish swelling appears at the slapped areas. These are good healing reactions. 

Take warm-water footbaths, and drink ginger and jujube tea daily. Stretch 1–3 time(s) a day, and gradually extend the duration of stretching to over 30 minutes per leg each session.

Paida applied to a child can appear cruel, and some people cannot make themselves do it. However, when you pat a kid with loving care, in spite of the Sha, pain, crying, and reddish swelling, it is beneficial to the child. And it is true love. 

Chapter V PaidaLajin Self-Healing Workshop (Click Here)

1 comment:

Apsu said...

Brilliant article, thank you so much. I delivered a baby 2 months back via c-section. I was introduced to paida laJin very recently. I have developed some pockets of fluid in my abdomen as a side effect of operation. Can you please suggest what to do? I would also like my bloated uterus to come back to normal toned shape and size. Any insight is welcome. Thank you.