Wednesday, January 31, 2018

THE HEALING BREATH: Chapter 4 Breathing and polarity

 Chapter 4

Breathing and polarity. (Click Here to begin from Chapter 4...)


Sensing the hand-heart energy circuit

This exercise will extend the sensitivity you have discovered and activated through the exercises in this book (THE HEALING BREATH) so far. The first part focuses on drawing in energy, the second part focuses on giving it out.

• Sit in a chair in a relaxed position with your legs uncrossed. Hold your palms out, facing away from you, with your arms bent at the elbow. Relax your elbows, the back of the neck, and the shoulders, Close your eyes if this help your concentration. Breath normally.

• Focus your attention on the Palm Centres. As you inhale, imagine that you are drawing energy in through the Palm Centres. Bretahe out gently, focusing through the Palms. Note your sensations.

• Now visualize the energetic link between your Palms and your Heart Centre. Breath in and sense energy moving up your arms, across your shoulders, to converge in the Herat Centre, in the middle of your chest.

• Lower your arms and relax for a few moments. Raise your arms again, with your hands held out in front of you as before. In this second part of the exercise you are going to send energy from the Heart Centre to the Palms.

• Put your attention in the Heart Centre and relax. Breath into the Heart Centre. As you exhale, visualize energy moving from the Heart Centre, out to the shoulders, down the arms, to the centre in each Palm. What did you sense this time?

Compare you experiences of absorbing and transmitting energy via your breathing with the Palm and Heart Centres, and make a note of the sensations in your healing journal.

Next is EXERCISE 8 (click here)


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