Figure 3: Your energy field. Your whole field is involved in the breathing process.
Your physical body is surrounded by etheric body, in turn is surrounded by emotional body, in turn is surrounded by mental body , all are encompassed by HIGHER SELF/SOUL.
en·er·gy field
- in alternative medicine, an area around a person's body into which the body's natural energy extends, and which can be influenced by some healing techniques
Breathing and subtle energies
The subtle role of breathing.
When meadow, grove, and stream,
The earth and every common sight,
To me did seem
Apparelled in celestial light,
the glory and the freshness of a dream.
In 1807, the poet William Wordsworth recalled the magic of his early childhood as a time: (read above)
Many people are able to recall similar childhood experiences and, for some, these experiences continue into adult life. This 'celestial light' refers to the ability of many young children to perceive the emanation of subtle energy from both the natural world and the human person as a light around their forms. Here we share with you more details at the cause of these emanations and how subtle energies play a central role in breathing.
A body of light
The Earth is a unique destination for the journeying soul, and it is important to honour our home planet as well as the fact that we are all equal manifestations of the Source-Creator. Each of us, when we birthed to this Earth, embarks on a life adventure that will be unique to us. We do not know where anyone else is on their soul journey. We do not always know why people or situations present themselves as they do. What we do know is that, along with the Earth and the whole natural world, we are journeying together. For these reasons, our love for ourselves, each other, and the world around us should always be unconditional.
From a healing point of view, the soul, or higher self, exists before physical life and after physical death too. But for a soul to physically incarnate and engage in the total experience of physicality, it needs the much denser energy form of the physical body. Before the physical body can be formed, the soul first creates the subtle structures that will support and make possible our physical body. The subtle structures may be imagined as a body of light or as a body of subtle energy.
Once our physical body is established, we begin to develop an individual personality and consciousness from the time of conception onward. As we have all experienced, the problem with our conscious personality is that it can easily convince us that it is the real us. Only pressure from our higher self, our soul, encourages us to consider that we have a far greater consciousness. When the personality becomes unconscious, as it does during sleep and at death, the higher self withdraws from the physical body, allowing us to move into a more subtle level of consciousness.
To be conscious of our physical state, we also have the mental abilities of mind: the capability to create thought; intelligence, which determines the level and quality of thought; and will, the power to drive thought into action. Mental energies travel at a far greater speed than light, and they vibrate at a far greater frequency that the energies of the physical body. Therefore, mental energies are able to project beyond the physical body. This mental energy 'body' is invisible to normal sight but is detectable by our subtle, intuitive senses. All thoughts, all actions, interactions and reactions, are processed in this mental 'body'.
When our positive or negative thoughts interact with physical life, emotions are generated as energies. These emotional energies, though not vibrating as fast as thought, still vibrate at a far greater rate than the physical body and so, again, project beyond it, creating another energy 'body'. In this subtle energy body, our emotions and emotional reactions are processed. Feelings generated by the higher self, acting as signals of warning, confirmation, or guidance, are also processed in this emotional part of our being.
In short, our spiritual, mental and emotional levels, or 'bodies', all vibrate at speeds greater than the speed of light. The speed of light = 299 792 458 meters / second. Thus, their energies are subtle, and they can be detected through the subtle senses. We all have a natural ability to use our subtle senses, which are actually essential to our survival. As you develop a new awareness and a new consciousness about the breath and breathing, you will be able to reactivate this ability.
The etheric level
There are vast difference between the vibratory frequencies of the physical body and the frequencies of our spiritual, mental and emotional energy bodies. To facilitate the flow of subtle energies to and from every level of our being , there is an energetic bridging level known as the etheric level. This allows ....Your energy field...(click here to continue) ...
Figure 4: The position of the seven main energy centres of the etheric body.

We will move in the same direction as the flow of the energy centres' energies -- from the base to the crown. Remember, the centres are etheric, or subtle energetic structures.
1. The Base Centre is located at the base of the spine. This Base Centre processes all issues of a physical nature; how we relate to our body and its physicality, our senses, sensuality, our sex or gender (and keep in mind there are two (2) polarities, male and female, within each of us), our safety and survival, self-defence and aggression, our relationship to all aspects of the natural world, and our relationship to the planet. These issues are all related to our basic human nature. The Base Centre is the keeper of cellular memory for the whole body. When in a state of balance, the Base Centre vibrates to the colour red. (All centre colours may be seen with subtle vision and are similar, but not identical, to the colours of the the rainbow.)
“The Universe loves me and blankets me in infinite safety.”
“As my feet touch the ground, I feel the security of the earth supporting me.”
“My life force is replenished by the energy of the world around me.”
“I awaken each morning knowing that I am safe and filled with potential for a positive day.”
“I am safe, content, and steady.”
“I am at home in my life, body, and within the Universe.”
“I honor the ability of my body to heal and remain strong.”
“I have a sturdy foundation in my body, mind, and spirit.”
“The earth steadies me every time I feel unsure.”
“I am protected by my guides and the Universe.”
Nature's scale of vibration is very wide in its extent. It commences with sound, then merges into thermal heat waves, and these vibrations climb the vibratory scale as the temperature increases and merge into the vibrations of the radiant heat waves in the infrared which reach up to the visible red of the light spectrum.
The vibrations above the infrared are:
Visible Red - 15 trillions
Orange - 20 trillions
Yellow - 28 trillions
Green - 35 trillions
Blue - 50 trillions
Indigo - 60 trillions
Violet - 75 trillions
Indigo color

Violet color
The sensation of color, therefore, depends on the number of vibrations of light ether, just as the pitch of a note depends on the number of vibrations of the sounding body. The number of vibrations for each color is constant. These seven different rates of vibration that we know as colors make up the visible light spectrum. Beyond these are series of vibrations known as the ultra-violet. These extend up to those vibrations designated as radioactivity, of which radium and the X-rays are best known examples. This ends both the light spectrum and nature's vibratory scales so far as present knowledge goes. As the quality and value of all forms of energy are due to their rates of vibration, it follows that color will indicate the quality of the vibrating energy.
Color, like the diatonic scale, is divided into seven distinct notes.
Red has a stimulating effect. The disturbing influence of red is well illustrated by the expression "painting the town red," indicating recklessness and destruction.
Yellow is a nerve tonic. It is the climax of luminosity, and symbolizes sunlight itself. It produces the feeling of joy and gaiety.
Green has a quieting and soothing effect. It is the color of nature and suggests life. It checks mental activity and suggests sleep.
Blue suggests space, vastness. It is depressing and chilling. One who is continually in a blue environment will sooner or later have the "blues." It is a melancholy color.
Violet is magnetic and cooling.
Each color has a distinct frequency or vibration due to wavelengths. Red has a larger wave length than blue, which is proportionately much shorter. That is why the quick notes of the drums arouse the emotions of the savage—they express in sound what red expresses in color, while the neutral notes of the flute or horn have a quieting influence. They express in sound what blue expresses in color.
These manifestations are recognized as they are perceived by the different nerves, for the mind of man translates the impressions of the world into facts of consciousness and thought by means of the nerves. All these varying rates of vibration differ only in direction, rate, and frequency, and are interpreted according to the different nerves or groups of nerves physically attuned to them or organized to select and respond to especial manifestations of vibratory activity.
Color is both physical and psychological in its effect upon the mind. The physical effect is a chemical one; the psychological effect is psychic. The nervous system reflects its disturbances upon the mind; hence the sensation of pain or pleasure and the emotional states that accompany them. This is true of all the colors. Primary colors are radical, elemental, and fixed in their vibrations or wave lengths, and hence, when once the effects of the sensations which they produce on the mind are known, their uniformity can always be depended upon.
Red is thermal and a stimulant and blue is electrical and depressing. They act uniformly on all forms of life. The spectrum analysis proves that the seven colors of light are made up of vibrations or wave lengths of mathematical exactness.
As all vibratory activity expresses itself in form, color, and sound, it follows that the energy is always of that particular color, shade, or tint that belongs to that particular rate of vibration. This is true not only of those colors, shades, and tints that are perceptible to visible light, but also of the finer forces of nature that transcend the physical senses.
All energy of whatever quality is continually vibrating and, by reason of this vibration, it assumes the color, shade, or tint belonging to that specific rate of vibration.
The primary colors are red, blue, and yellow. All the other colors are combinations of these colors in certain proportions, red is the physical color and is the color of all physical energy. The various shades of red have their various significations, but, generally speaking, red is the physical color.
Red is also the color of the will. Where ever the will is expressed, it assumes the red color because Will is the out-flowing or manifesting principle, the extension or expression of the self into manifestation. Therefore it must express itself in and through the physical; consequently, it becomes red in color. http://www.psitek.net/pages/PsiTek-you-11.html#gsc.tab=0
2. The Sacral Centre is located opposite the sacral bones in the spine, between the navel and the base centre.

The sacrum in human anatomy is a large, triangular bone at the base of the spine, that forms by the fusing of sacral vertebrae S1–S5 between 18 and 30 years of age. The sacrum is situated at the upper, back part of the pelvic cavity, between the two wings of the pelvis. It forms joints with four other bones. The two projections at the sides of the sacrum are called the alae, and articulate with the ilium at the L-shaped sacroiliac joints. (Click here)
The Sacral Centre processes all issues of creativity and sexuality. All creations have their beginnings and gestation here. The Sacral Centre has a special link with the Throat Centre, where the life issues that the Sacral Centre processes are given expression. When is a state of balance, the Sacral Centre vibrates to the color orange.
“My feelings are the foundation of my unique experience of living.”
“I release my resistance to emotions and allow myself to fully feel.”
3. The Solar Plexus Centre <<(click here)is located above the navel, just below the breastbone and the diaphragm.

Solar plexus located midway between the navel and the base of the sternum. Balance my solar plexus center , opening a center of personal strength, learning and comprehension within: - To awaken lost curiosities, develop my photographic memory, do puzzles, pick up an old hobby. - To regenerate my sense of smell, use aromatherapy extract oils like rosemary, grapefruit and orange.

The processing of our thoughts, emotions, and feelings is carried out by this centre, as well as generating our sense of personal self and personal power.
The mind alerts us to problems, even when these are imagined or of our own making. So the mind can generate feelings of fear and alarm that can, in turn, affect our emotional state. All such energies are processed by the Solar Plexus Centre so that they then have a direct influence on the movement of the diaphragm and so on our breathing. we sense the early stages of this influence as nervous feelings like 'butterflies in the stomach', followed by interrupted or constricted breathing. In its extreme form, interrupted diaphragm movement can lead to hyperventilation or even a cessation of breathing.
Thus, the Solar Plexus Centre has a profound influence on our breathing. how we breathe and our attitude to the breath. Additionally, through the interactions of this centre we discover much about our emotions and the workings of our mind, and their effects on breathing. The Solar Plexus Centre demonstrates how conscious breathing can positively change these effects. It is here that conscious breathing reveals clues to personal empowerment.
In its balanced state, the Solar Plexus Centre vibrates to the colour golden yellow.
“I use my abilities and power for the highest good of myself, others, and the world.”
4. The Heart Energy Centre. Located in the centre of the human chest (but not in the physical human heart), the Heart Centre is considered to be the place of the soul. It is also the energy centre that governs both the breathing process and the flow of healing energies. This makes the Heart Centre crucial to breathing and all self-healing. The challenge of the Heart Centre is to express the light of the soul as love, to get its soul message of love through to us and to deal with all issues about love, and lovelessness, in our life.

When is a state of balance it vibrates to the colour green, the colour of balance. It is not surprising that, when we need to revive and refresh ourselves, we often go somewhere in nature, unconsciously seeking the energies of the colour green.

Many of the breathing exercises, with their simple ways to bring balance and healing, are a positive response to the challenge from the Heart Centre to make our life love-based, rather than fear-based.
“I am love, incarnated.”
5. The Throat Energy Centre. Though located in the throat and affecting its related organs, the Throat Centre is the 'eat, nose and throat' centre too. It links with the body and these organs via the thyroid gland. the Throat Centre is the third (3rd) important centre to have a direct influence on our breathing. The Throat Centre has an important energetic link with the Sacral Centre, where everything creative is conceived and gestated. This Throat Centre processes all issues of expression and communication, and all the different methods we use to express ourselves and communicate with others, with the world, as well as with the realms of the sacred. When in a state of balance, the Throat Centre vibrates to the colour sky-blue. This is often the colour of healing energies as perceived by subtle sensing.

If you find yourself suffering from discomfort in the throat, this can be relieved by visualizing that you are breathing a sky-blue-coloured light into the throat. Do this slowly and gently with six(6) breaths, letting go of the pain, and thoughts and feelings about the issue, with the out-breath.
“Compassionately and strongly, I can stand up for my needs.”
“I am capable of infinite self expression.”
6. The Brow Centre is located I the middle of the forehead, just above the brow. One of the roles of the Brow Centre is to oversee the operation of the 5 energy centres below it. When subtle energies arrive here for transmission to the Crown, the Brow will send them back down the system if they have not been properly processed -- i.e. , if we have not dealt with the relevant issues.
The Brow Centre processes information from our psychic awareness, or subtle sensing (our so-called sixth sense) as well as information from our intuitive awareness, or soul sensing. Both forms of energetic information are passed to the Solar Plexus Centre, via its special link with the Brow Centre. Here, energetic information meets with the mind which then attempts to understand it.
When we breath, the life force in the breath is instantly recognized by the Brow Centre. The Brow monitors the quality of the life force entering and exiting our subtle and physical bodies. When balanced, the Brow Centre vibrates to a deep royal blue or indigo colour.
7. The Crown Centre is located at the crown of the head. The centre is our link with the Source and deals with issues of our spirituality. The Crown Centre links with the body via the pineal gland located in the centre of the brain, which tells us about the amount of sunlight we are getting and whether we are getting enough. This gland also mirrors the Crown Centre's role of telling us about the amount of spiritual light we allowing into our life and whether this is enough.
When we do not get enough sunlight, as those who live in grey climates will know, we feel depressed. If deprivation goes on long enough, this can develop into the medical condition known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD syndrome). The remedy is to get some sunlight as soon as possible or practice an appropriate breathing exercise, such as Exercise 54 (see below). Walking and breathing in the Sun (see page 180). When in a state of balance, the Crown Centre vibrates to the colour violet.
“I am worthy of recognition.”
“I move through this world as both human and spirit, united.”

The sacrum in human anatomy is a large, triangular bone at the base of the spine, that forms by the fusing of sacral vertebrae S1–S5 between 18 and 30 years of age. The sacrum is situated at the upper, back part of the pelvic cavity, between the two wings of the pelvis. It forms joints with four other bones. The two projections at the sides of the sacrum are called the alae, and articulate with the ilium at the L-shaped sacroiliac joints. (Click here)
The Sacral Centre processes all issues of creativity and sexuality. All creations have their beginnings and gestation here. The Sacral Centre has a special link with the Throat Centre, where the life issues that the Sacral Centre processes are given expression. When is a state of balance, the Sacral Centre vibrates to the color orange.
“My emotions flow: freely and gently as water within me.”
“I recognize the sensual experiences life offers me.”
“Even in painful experiences, I recognize the beauty and depth my emotions provide me.”
“My feelings are the foundation of my unique experience of living.”
“I am passionate, inspired, and engaged with my life.”
“I allow myself the permission to be vulnerable and to deeply feel my emotions.”
“I accept and treasure the delicate sides of my personality.”
“I honor the sacred nature of my emotions.”
“I feel harmonious, balanced, and free.”
“I release my resistance to emotions and allow myself to fully feel.”
3. The Solar Plexus Centre <<(click here)is located above the navel, just below the breastbone and the diaphragm.

Solar plexus located midway between the navel and the base of the sternum. Balance my solar plexus center , opening a center of personal strength, learning and comprehension within: - To awaken lost curiosities, develop my photographic memory, do puzzles, pick up an old hobby. - To regenerate my sense of smell, use aromatherapy extract oils like rosemary, grapefruit and orange.

The processing of our thoughts, emotions, and feelings is carried out by this centre, as well as generating our sense of personal self and personal power.
The mind alerts us to problems, even when these are imagined or of our own making. So the mind can generate feelings of fear and alarm that can, in turn, affect our emotional state. All such energies are processed by the Solar Plexus Centre so that they then have a direct influence on the movement of the diaphragm and so on our breathing. we sense the early stages of this influence as nervous feelings like 'butterflies in the stomach', followed by interrupted or constricted breathing. In its extreme form, interrupted diaphragm movement can lead to hyperventilation or even a cessation of breathing.
Thus, the Solar Plexus Centre has a profound influence on our breathing. how we breathe and our attitude to the breath. Additionally, through the interactions of this centre we discover much about our emotions and the workings of our mind, and their effects on breathing. The Solar Plexus Centre demonstrates how conscious breathing can positively change these effects. It is here that conscious breathing reveals clues to personal empowerment.
In its balanced state, the Solar Plexus Centre vibrates to the colour golden yellow.
“I am strong, able, and powerful.”
“I trust in my ability to handle any and all stressors I may encounter.”
“In the eyes of the Universe, I am equal to royalty.”
“There is infinite strength and power within me.”
“I am engaged in all aspects of life, asserting all of my attention into every moment.”
“I am confident in my ability to shine brightly.”
“I humbly accept the strength the Universe provides me.”
“I make my own choices and have the ability to design my own life.”
“I stand tall and proud as a being of light.”
“I use my abilities and power for the highest good of myself, others, and the world.”
4. The Heart Energy Centre. Located in the centre of the human chest (but not in the physical human heart), the Heart Centre is considered to be the place of the soul. It is also the energy centre that governs both the breathing process and the flow of healing energies. This makes the Heart Centre crucial to breathing and all self-healing. The challenge of the Heart Centre is to express the light of the soul as love, to get its soul message of love through to us and to deal with all issues about love, and lovelessness, in our life.
When is a state of balance it vibrates to the colour green, the colour of balance. It is not surprising that, when we need to revive and refresh ourselves, we often go somewhere in nature, unconsciously seeking the energies of the colour green.
Many of the breathing exercises, with their simple ways to bring balance and healing, are a positive response to the challenge from the Heart Centre to make our life love-based, rather than fear-based.
“My every action has the potential to leave a mark of love on this world.”
“My heart flows with love towards myself.”
“Even in anger, sadness, and pain, I remember that love is possible and infinitely present.”
“I feel unending joy with each interaction I have today.”
“I recognize the foundation of love in all of my relationships.”
“I remember that all people want the same basic desires I have, and deeply empathize with this humanity.”
“I am worthy of love.”
“I am generous, caring, and compassionate.”
“The energy of my heart can heal all aspects of my being.”
“I am love, incarnated.”
5. The Throat Energy Centre. Though located in the throat and affecting its related organs, the Throat Centre is the 'eat, nose and throat' centre too. It links with the body and these organs via the thyroid gland. the Throat Centre is the third (3rd) important centre to have a direct influence on our breathing. The Throat Centre has an important energetic link with the Sacral Centre, where everything creative is conceived and gestated. This Throat Centre processes all issues of expression and communication, and all the different methods we use to express ourselves and communicate with others, with the world, as well as with the realms of the sacred. When in a state of balance, the Throat Centre vibrates to the colour sky-blue. This is often the colour of healing energies as perceived by subtle sensing.
If you find yourself suffering from discomfort in the throat, this can be relieved by visualizing that you are breathing a sky-blue-coloured light into the throat. Do this slowly and gently with six(6) breaths, letting go of the pain, and thoughts and feelings about the issue, with the out-breath.
“I am capable of speaking my truth.”
“Compassionately and strongly, I can stand up for my needs.”
“I am expressive, bold, and creative.”
“I am able to communicate my needs in all situations today.”
“I am capable of deeply listening to others.”
“I resonate with the words of others, engaging in an empathetic connection.”
“In each moment of my life, I am learning.”
“I am filled with unending creative energy.”
“My ideas will be easily communicated.”
“I am capable of infinite self expression.”
6. The Brow Centre is located I the middle of the forehead, just above the brow. One of the roles of the Brow Centre is to oversee the operation of the 5 energy centres below it. When subtle energies arrive here for transmission to the Crown, the Brow will send them back down the system if they have not been properly processed -- i.e. , if we have not dealt with the relevant issues.
The Brow Centre processes information from our psychic awareness, or subtle sensing (our so-called sixth sense) as well as information from our intuitive awareness, or soul sensing. Both forms of energetic information are passed to the Solar Plexus Centre, via its special link with the Brow Centre. Here, energetic information meets with the mind which then attempts to understand it.
When we breath, the life force in the breath is instantly recognized by the Brow Centre. The Brow monitors the quality of the life force entering and exiting our subtle and physical bodies. When balanced, the Brow Centre vibrates to a deep royal blue or indigo colour.
“Insight into my own life, needs, and personal journey grow with every second of my life.”
“I am intuitive, aware, and wise.”
“I am able to discern the answers I need to at all times.”
“I recognize that my spirit knows the answers to every conflict; I am able to hear these answers.”
“Noticing little glimmers of light on objects around me reminds me of the power of my sight.”
“I am grateful for the knowledge the Universe shares with me.”
“I know I have the potential to see the most mindful and loving solution in all situations.”
“My personal awakening is continuous, happening within every moment of my existence.”
“I am guided by my inner vision and goals.”
“My focus is on the present moment, as I release pains of the past and fears of the future.”
7. The Crown Centre is located at the crown of the head. The centre is our link with the Source and deals with issues of our spirituality. The Crown Centre links with the body via the pineal gland located in the centre of the brain, which tells us about the amount of sunlight we are getting and whether we are getting enough. This gland also mirrors the Crown Centre's role of telling us about the amount of spiritual light we allowing into our life and whether this is enough.
When we do not get enough sunlight, as those who live in grey climates will know, we feel depressed. If deprivation goes on long enough, this can develop into the medical condition known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD syndrome). The remedy is to get some sunlight as soon as possible or practice an appropriate breathing exercise, such as Exercise 54 (see below). Walking and breathing in the Sun (see page 180). When in a state of balance, the Crown Centre vibrates to the colour violet.
“I recognize the divinity in every person I interact with today.”
“I am a gift to this world, imbued with the intent of the Universe.”
“As I open myself up to possibilities, I welcome the Universe’s hand in my life.”
“I deserve the Universe’s acts of love in my life, providing me with peace and abundance.”
“As each day begins, I am renewed by the power of the Universe within me.”
“I am complete, whole, and divine.”
“I am worthy of recognition.”
“I am all the Universe requires me to be.”
“I recognize the potential to bring my spirit into all aspects of my life.”
“I move through this world as both human and spirit, united.”
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