EXERCISE 10 Breathing lunar energies.
Sun and Moon breathing
Life on Earth depends on the energy radiating out from the Sun. This energy is also received by the Moon before it is reflected towards us - a process evident during the darkness of the night sky. Wherever we are situated, we are aware of sunlight during the day and moonlight during the night, even though we may not see, respectively at times. Life on earth is bathed in this rhythm of light and the other unseen energies that accompany the light. Like the rhythm of our breathing, inhale and exhale, the cycle of light and energy is a primary rhythm of life. Life on Earth has evolved to align with the cycle of light so that each and every life form, whether plant or animal, lives to an individual rhythm. An aspect of evolution is that every individual rhythm is interdependent, creating a balanced whole. An example is the way most plants use the carbon dioxide exhaled by animals and humans and give out oxygen as a by-product of their life processes. The oxygen given out by the plants is, in turn, used by animals and humans.
As we breathe and interact with life, we are involved in creating, or rather re-creating or possibly upsetting, this balanced whole. We sense when our personal rhythms are aligned with the natural rhythms outside us as a feeling of inner harmony. The life of inner peace, being harmonious and without stress, is the easiest type of existence. You have already discovered that your own inner harmony is reflected in your breathing. Thus, breathing is the short cut to recreating inner harmony. Inner harmony and the Breath of Unity are the same.
{ Breath of Unity.
The breath carries the life force, so the breath is our moment-by-moment connection with the source of life and all healing energies -- which can be called the Source , or God. Through the simple and natural act of breathing we can become more aware of this Breath of Unity and open ourselves to the flow of healing energies. This is why conscious, mindful breathing is integral to self-healing and all other forms of therapy.
Breathing is our moment-by-moment link with life itself. When we breathe we take in the energy of our surroundings, as well as physical substances such as air, so that breathing is an interaction between our inner emotional, mental and spiritual selves and our surroundings. Thus, just as it affects our physical body, our breathing also affects the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of ourselves, our being. Therefore it is vital that we know how to breath effectively at all levels of our being. The first step is self-healing through conscious breathing is to become aware of the breath as a function of our connection with the Source, or religious people called God. The breath is our pathway to well-being, to balance, to mental clarity, to the absence of stress, and to a deep awareness of the gift of life.
For the sake of clarity, in this Healing Breath exercises, Spirit (with a capital , upper case 'S') signifies as aspect of the Source (or the Holy Spirit) while the term 'spirit' (with a small, lower case 's') refers to the animating energy of the Source.}
Here we explore polarity through linking the personal rhythm of the breath and the emissive and receptive subtle energy streams with the natural rhythms generated by the Sun and Moon. In terms of energetic polarity, the Moon can represent the receptive ('feminine') energy stream and the Sun he emissive ('masculine') energy stream. The archetypal significance of the Sun and Moon has featured in the spiritual and religious life of humans from the earliest times, both in terms of what they might represent and in terms of the liturgical or ceremonial calendar.
Lunar energies.

The Moon travels round the Earth. Through its gravitational interaction with our Planet earth, the Moon creates tidal movement within the oceans. It also creates energetic tides through its appearance in the night sky. All humans and living things are affected by the Moon, but females are especially aware through their bodies' menstrual cycle of just over twenty-nine (29) days - from the time of the waxing New Moon, through the Full Moon to its appearance of waning in the night sky. There are twelve(12) to thirteen (13) moons to each year of twelve(12) months. Each moon exerts its own powerful energetic influence. As well as their physical influence, lunar energies also affect our emotions and the contents of the unconscious mind.
Breathing lunar energies
This self-healing exercise 10 draws your attention to the role of the Moon in your life and the life around you. Information on the Moon's phases can be found in the appropriate calendar for any month of the year. If you are in Singapore , you can click here . Or do Google search, type "Moon's phases [your country]"
The exercise 10 has two parts and has benefits that are relevant to both genders.
Exercise 10 - Part A
We can align with the energies of the New Moon to acknowledge or celebrate renewal, rebirth or the start of something new. Fulfillment is the mood of the Full Moon, while the waning Moon acknowledges decline, decay, and how the end of something leads to renewal and rebirth.
• If possible practice the exercise 10 outdoors at night, although it is perfectly possible to remain indoors, like during raining season.
• Lie down on your back, stand or sit, in a relaxed posture facing the Moon or in the moonlight.
• Breath normally. Acknowledge the presence of the Moon in your life.
• Now take six(6) full breaths. Your intention is to breathe in the energies of the Moon.
• As you exhale, imagine that the lunar energies spread throughout every level of your being. From your head(Crown Centre) going downward to the Brow Centre, the Throat Centre, the Heart Centre, the Solar Plexus Centre, the Sacral Centre, the Base/Root Centre, the Knees, the Ankles, the Sole of the feet.
• Rest and breathe normally. Acknowledge that you are at one with the Moon and its energies.
• You may wish to become more aware of those beings that have a nocturnal pattern of activity. Check that you are not getting cold! Wear a jacket/ long sleeve shirt if you want to.
• Before leaving your place, give thanks to the Source of the Moon for its gift to you and to life.
You may wish to extend this exercise 10 by adding other relevant self-healing intentions.
Exercise 10 - Part B.
It is also possible to align ourselves, via the breath, with the energies of the Moon to enable any or all of the following:
1. To regularize the menstrual cycle.
2. To balance the emotions.
3. To reinforce the feminine polarity and expression of the feminine.
4. To more fully express the receptive ('feminine') energy stream. Both men and women have this receptive energy stream. Applicable to both genders.
5. To balance this stream with the emissive ('masculine') polarity within yourself. Applicable to both genders.
• For these purposes the exercise has its greatest effect just before , during and just after the full Moon.
• Follow the same procedure as in Part A above and breathe six(6) full breaths into your Sacral Centre - situated just below the navel.

• Rest and breathe normally. Acknowledge that you are at one with the Moon and its energies.
• Before leaving your place, give thanks to the Creator of the Moon for its gift to you and to life.
Exercise 11- Breathing solar energies (click here)
Sun and Moon breathing
Life on Earth depends on the energy radiating out from the Sun. This energy is also received by the Moon before it is reflected towards us - a process evident during the darkness of the night sky. Wherever we are situated, we are aware of sunlight during the day and moonlight during the night, even though we may not see, respectively at times. Life on earth is bathed in this rhythm of light and the other unseen energies that accompany the light. Like the rhythm of our breathing, inhale and exhale, the cycle of light and energy is a primary rhythm of life. Life on Earth has evolved to align with the cycle of light so that each and every life form, whether plant or animal, lives to an individual rhythm. An aspect of evolution is that every individual rhythm is interdependent, creating a balanced whole. An example is the way most plants use the carbon dioxide exhaled by animals and humans and give out oxygen as a by-product of their life processes. The oxygen given out by the plants is, in turn, used by animals and humans.
As we breathe and interact with life, we are involved in creating, or rather re-creating or possibly upsetting, this balanced whole. We sense when our personal rhythms are aligned with the natural rhythms outside us as a feeling of inner harmony. The life of inner peace, being harmonious and without stress, is the easiest type of existence. You have already discovered that your own inner harmony is reflected in your breathing. Thus, breathing is the short cut to recreating inner harmony. Inner harmony and the Breath of Unity are the same.
{ Breath of Unity.
The breath carries the life force, so the breath is our moment-by-moment connection with the source of life and all healing energies -- which can be called the Source , or God. Through the simple and natural act of breathing we can become more aware of this Breath of Unity and open ourselves to the flow of healing energies. This is why conscious, mindful breathing is integral to self-healing and all other forms of therapy.
Breathing is our moment-by-moment link with life itself. When we breathe we take in the energy of our surroundings, as well as physical substances such as air, so that breathing is an interaction between our inner emotional, mental and spiritual selves and our surroundings. Thus, just as it affects our physical body, our breathing also affects the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of ourselves, our being. Therefore it is vital that we know how to breath effectively at all levels of our being. The first step is self-healing through conscious breathing is to become aware of the breath as a function of our connection with the Source, or religious people called God. The breath is our pathway to well-being, to balance, to mental clarity, to the absence of stress, and to a deep awareness of the gift of life.
For the sake of clarity, in this Healing Breath exercises, Spirit (with a capital , upper case 'S') signifies as aspect of the Source (or the Holy Spirit) while the term 'spirit' (with a small, lower case 's') refers to the animating energy of the Source.}
Here we explore polarity through linking the personal rhythm of the breath and the emissive and receptive subtle energy streams with the natural rhythms generated by the Sun and Moon. In terms of energetic polarity, the Moon can represent the receptive ('feminine') energy stream and the Sun he emissive ('masculine') energy stream. The archetypal significance of the Sun and Moon has featured in the spiritual and religious life of humans from the earliest times, both in terms of what they might represent and in terms of the liturgical or ceremonial calendar.
Lunar energies.

Natural satellite.
The Moon travels round the Earth. Through its gravitational interaction with our Planet earth, the Moon creates tidal movement within the oceans. It also creates energetic tides through its appearance in the night sky. All humans and living things are affected by the Moon, but females are especially aware through their bodies' menstrual cycle of just over twenty-nine (29) days - from the time of the waxing New Moon, through the Full Moon to its appearance of waning in the night sky. There are twelve(12) to thirteen (13) moons to each year of twelve(12) months. Each moon exerts its own powerful energetic influence. As well as their physical influence, lunar energies also affect our emotions and the contents of the unconscious mind.
Breathing lunar energies
This self-healing exercise 10 draws your attention to the role of the Moon in your life and the life around you. Information on the Moon's phases can be found in the appropriate calendar for any month of the year. If you are in Singapore , you can click here . Or do Google search, type "Moon's phases [your country]"
The exercise 10 has two parts and has benefits that are relevant to both genders.
Exercise 10 - Part A
We can align with the energies of the New Moon to acknowledge or celebrate renewal, rebirth or the start of something new. Fulfillment is the mood of the Full Moon, while the waning Moon acknowledges decline, decay, and how the end of something leads to renewal and rebirth.
• If possible practice the exercise 10 outdoors at night, although it is perfectly possible to remain indoors, like during raining season.
• Lie down on your back, stand or sit, in a relaxed posture facing the Moon or in the moonlight.
• Breath normally. Acknowledge the presence of the Moon in your life.
• Now take six(6) full breaths. Your intention is to breathe in the energies of the Moon.
• As you exhale, imagine that the lunar energies spread throughout every level of your being. From your head(Crown Centre) going downward to the Brow Centre, the Throat Centre, the Heart Centre, the Solar Plexus Centre, the Sacral Centre, the Base/Root Centre, the Knees, the Ankles, the Sole of the feet.
• Rest and breathe normally. Acknowledge that you are at one with the Moon and its energies.
• You may wish to become more aware of those beings that have a nocturnal pattern of activity. Check that you are not getting cold! Wear a jacket/ long sleeve shirt if you want to.
• Before leaving your place, give thanks to the Source of the Moon for its gift to you and to life.
You may wish to extend this exercise 10 by adding other relevant self-healing intentions.
Exercise 10 - Part B.
It is also possible to align ourselves, via the breath, with the energies of the Moon to enable any or all of the following:
1. To regularize the menstrual cycle.
2. To balance the emotions.
3. To reinforce the feminine polarity and expression of the feminine.
4. To more fully express the receptive ('feminine') energy stream. Both men and women have this receptive energy stream. Applicable to both genders.
5. To balance this stream with the emissive ('masculine') polarity within yourself. Applicable to both genders.
• For these purposes the exercise has its greatest effect just before , during and just after the full Moon.
• Follow the same procedure as in Part A above and breathe six(6) full breaths into your Sacral Centre - situated just below the navel.

• Rest and breathe normally. Acknowledge that you are at one with the Moon and its energies.
• Before leaving your place, give thanks to the Creator of the Moon for its gift to you and to life.
Exercise 11- Breathing solar energies (click here)
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