•The energy centres of the feet
Linked energetically with the Base Centre, the energy centres in the sole of the feet absorb energies from the Earth. These life-giving energies are essential to the physical body and physical life. This is why it is good to walk barefoot outside whenever you can, daily, a practice that will lead to the pleasure of sensing the Earth in a deeper way. The soles of the feet act as grounding or earthing points, as dopes the base centre, for incoming subtle energies.

The yongquan point on the sole of the foot is connected to the kidneys and is a focus for treatment in cases of hypertension. This acupuncture point is in the same place as the sole-of-the-foot energy centre (just behind the middle of the two large pads at the front of the foot). its function gives a clue to the link between the centres of the feet and the base centre, because Base Centre energies enter the body via the adrenal glands. These glands, situated at the top of the kidneys, secrete hormones associated with the need for 'fight or flight' and are thus involved in the bodily states of hypertension, stress, and anxiety.

Let's see what you can sense with your sole-of-the-foot centres.
Sensing Earth energies with the sole-of-the foot centres.
• Stand on the ground in a relaxed posture with bare feet shoulder-width apart. Take six (6) slow full breaths. Breath normally.
• Pay attention to the soles of your feet.

Be aware of your contact with the Earth, as well as with the grass, soil, sand or whatever is under your feet. Close your eyes and notice whether you can sense an energetic flow via the soles of your feet.
• Still with your focus in the feet, use the in-breath to aid your awareness of the passage of energy from the ground into your feet, up your legs to the Base Centre. Inhale a few times with this intention.
Note your discoveries in your healing journal. repeat the exercise 8 in different locations and at different times of the day. What did you discover?
Exercise 9 Opening to 'heavenly' energies. (click here)
Linked energetically with the Base Centre, the energy centres in the sole of the feet absorb energies from the Earth. These life-giving energies are essential to the physical body and physical life. This is why it is good to walk barefoot outside whenever you can, daily, a practice that will lead to the pleasure of sensing the Earth in a deeper way. The soles of the feet act as grounding or earthing points, as dopes the base centre, for incoming subtle energies.
The yongquan point on the sole of the foot is connected to the kidneys and is a focus for treatment in cases of hypertension. This acupuncture point is in the same place as the sole-of-the-foot energy centre (just behind the middle of the two large pads at the front of the foot). its function gives a clue to the link between the centres of the feet and the base centre, because Base Centre energies enter the body via the adrenal glands. These glands, situated at the top of the kidneys, secrete hormones associated with the need for 'fight or flight' and are thus involved in the bodily states of hypertension, stress, and anxiety.

Let's see what you can sense with your sole-of-the-foot centres.
Sensing Earth energies with the sole-of-the foot centres.
• Stand on the ground in a relaxed posture with bare feet shoulder-width apart. Take six (6) slow full breaths. Breath normally.
• Pay attention to the soles of your feet.
Be aware of your contact with the Earth, as well as with the grass, soil, sand or whatever is under your feet. Close your eyes and notice whether you can sense an energetic flow via the soles of your feet.
• Still with your focus in the feet, use the in-breath to aid your awareness of the passage of energy from the ground into your feet, up your legs to the Base Centre. Inhale a few times with this intention.
Note your discoveries in your healing journal. repeat the exercise 8 in different locations and at different times of the day. What did you discover?
Exercise 9 Opening to 'heavenly' energies. (click here)
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