Jennifer is able to eat again.
Since she was a teenage, Jennifer's stomach had been sensitive. She would often get stomachaches, as well as occasional constipation and diarrhea, Jennifer could never foresee how her stomach would react to what she ate. As she was growing up, her unpredictable loss of appetite had been a frequent source of friction at the family dinner table.
She spent years visiting doctors. One told Jennifer that she must just be seeking attention. In reality, attention was the last thing she wanted. Her true desire was to be free of pain and discomfort so she could focus on things she loved, like volunteering at the local animal rescue.
Finally, when she was 25, a gastroenterologist diagnosed her issues as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Though the specialist did not say so, all this label meant was that Jennifer was dealing with a mystery illness.
She found it comforting to have a name for her symptoms, but she still was not finding relief. Why bother with the name of diseases.
Jennifer turned to alternative medicine. She found a great practitioner who noticed she was allergic to wheat gluten and dairy products such as milk and cheese. He recommended she eliminate these foods from her diet and take plenty of probiotics. However, he also concluded that she must have Candida and warned her off all processed and natural sugars, including fruit.
For six months, Jennifer tried the doctor's diet regimen: chicken twice a day, lots of fresh vegetables, and salads with tuna or hard-boiled eggs. Jennifer was strict about the food guidelines―though about once a month, the desire for something sweet would take over and she' would succumb to a piece of cake at her grandmother's house. She did notice some improvement―she no longer had diarrhea. Yet she still struggled with bouts of constipation, stomach cramping, bloating, and pain.
Frustrated, Jennifer decided to seek out a new alternative doctor. This one told her that not only dis she have an allergy to wheat and dairy and an issue with Candida, but was positive she had leaky gut syndrome. He put her on a diet of only meat, chicken, eggs, fish, and leafy green vegetables―that is, almost all protein. She was to eat no grains or beans of any kind and no starchy vegetables, though she was allowed the occasional Granny Smith apple. To treat Candida overgrowth and leaky gut syndrome, the doctor also prescribed an herbal intestinal cleansing product. Some doctors are into the MLM supplement business, too.
For eight(8) months, Jennifer stayed the course―with no positive results. Instead, she was now becoming fatigued, beset by brain fog and more constipation, and her bloating was at the point that it was making her look what she called "preggers",(of a woman-pregnant). She felt unattractive, and it was always a challenge to find a place where both she and her vegetarian best friend could eat. After a decade of struggling with her digestive system, Jennifer decided isolation and suffering were her lot of life.
Then one day Jennifer's mom mentioned her troubles to a friend, who referred Jennifer to me. Immediately in my initial reading, Spirit informed me that Jennifer had virtually no hydrochloric acid left, and this was causing ammonia permeability. The proteins putrefying in her gut were creating the ammonia gas―resulting in inflammation, pain, and the bloating that she thought made her look pregnant.
Jennifer also had heavy metals in her intetinal tract, and the microorganism that are crucial to the health of the lower small intestine, including the ileum, were nonexistent.

The ileum is about 3.5 metres (11.5 feet) long (or about three-fifths the length of the small intestine) and extends from the jejunum (the middle section of the small intestine) to the ileocecal valve, which empties into the colon (large intestine).
It was true that Jennifer was allergic to wheat and all other grains and gluten, as well as beans, corn, canola oil, and eggs, so she needed to avoid them. She would also started to develop an allergy to animal proteins because they were b=not breaking down and digesting in her gut. Further, her liver was sluggish and struggling from an overburden of animal fat.
Right away, I advised Jennifer to start drinking two 16-ounce (473.2 ml) glasses of fresh, plain celery juice a day.
"My last doctor had me on a green juice blend," she said. "How is this any different?"
I explained that juice blends do not restore hydrochloric acid levels. Only straight celery juice taken on an empty stomach can do that.
To stop stressing the liver with too much animal fat, we lowered Jennifer's animal protein to one serving every other day. In its place, we brought in all vegetables and fruits, most notably avocados, bananas, apples with skin (scrap off the wax on the apple prior eating) , all kinds of berries, papayas, mangoes, kiwis, lots of butter lettuce, and spinach, as well as a quarter cup of fresh cilantro* in each of her salads to detox from heavy metals. *Coriander⇩

Coriander, also known as cilantro or Chinese parsley, is an annual herb in the family Apiaceae. All parts of the plant are edible, but the fresh leaves and the dried seeds are the parts most traditionally used in cooking.
In contrast to the last diet Jennifer had been on, which was nearly all animal protein and virtually no fiber, the fruits in this new plan helped push food through her inflamed intestinal tract, which gave her some immediate relief from the constipation.
After one week, Jennifer's "preggers" bloating had decreased substantially.
After one month, she had no more constipation.
And after three months, the pain, cramping, brain fog, and fatigue were gone.
Her hydrochloric acid in her stomach had restored itself, and the ammonia permeability had stopped. Jennifer's liver had also been freed up to process fats and store sugars properly, which had allowed her to lose the extra pounds she'd gained over the years.
She'd also spent the summer eating fresh, organic, unwashed kale and tomatoes from her grandmother's garden. The elevated microorganisms on the surfaces of these vegetables replenished the flora in Jennifer's gut, particularly the ileum,and allowed her body to start producing B12, again.
In the fall season,, Jennifer started working full-time at the animal shelter. She and her best friend renewed their bond and now spent Friday nights preparing plant-based meals for a growing group of pals from the shelter staff.
Jennifer's vitality is back. She can now eat the occasional "prohibited" food at a party or a friend's house, and her body won't pay the price. She never had leaky gut syndrome, nor an overgrowth of Candida―though they're two alternative diagnosis trends that lead countless people astray.
Jennifer is able to eat again.
Since she was a teenage, Jennifer's stomach had been sensitive. She would often get stomachaches, as well as occasional constipation and diarrhea, Jennifer could never foresee how her stomach would react to what she ate. As she was growing up, her unpredictable loss of appetite had been a frequent source of friction at the family dinner table.
She spent years visiting doctors. One told Jennifer that she must just be seeking attention. In reality, attention was the last thing she wanted. Her true desire was to be free of pain and discomfort so she could focus on things she loved, like volunteering at the local animal rescue.
Finally, when she was 25, a gastroenterologist diagnosed her issues as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Though the specialist did not say so, all this label meant was that Jennifer was dealing with a mystery illness.
She found it comforting to have a name for her symptoms, but she still was not finding relief. Why bother with the name of diseases.
Jennifer turned to alternative medicine. She found a great practitioner who noticed she was allergic to wheat gluten and dairy products such as milk and cheese. He recommended she eliminate these foods from her diet and take plenty of probiotics. However, he also concluded that she must have Candida and warned her off all processed and natural sugars, including fruit.
For six months, Jennifer tried the doctor's diet regimen: chicken twice a day, lots of fresh vegetables, and salads with tuna or hard-boiled eggs. Jennifer was strict about the food guidelines―though about once a month, the desire for something sweet would take over and she' would succumb to a piece of cake at her grandmother's house. She did notice some improvement―she no longer had diarrhea. Yet she still struggled with bouts of constipation, stomach cramping, bloating, and pain.
Frustrated, Jennifer decided to seek out a new alternative doctor. This one told her that not only dis she have an allergy to wheat and dairy and an issue with Candida, but was positive she had leaky gut syndrome. He put her on a diet of only meat, chicken, eggs, fish, and leafy green vegetables―that is, almost all protein. She was to eat no grains or beans of any kind and no starchy vegetables, though she was allowed the occasional Granny Smith apple. To treat Candida overgrowth and leaky gut syndrome, the doctor also prescribed an herbal intestinal cleansing product. Some doctors are into the MLM supplement business, too.
For eight(8) months, Jennifer stayed the course―with no positive results. Instead, she was now becoming fatigued, beset by brain fog and more constipation, and her bloating was at the point that it was making her look what she called "preggers",(of a woman-pregnant). She felt unattractive, and it was always a challenge to find a place where both she and her vegetarian best friend could eat. After a decade of struggling with her digestive system, Jennifer decided isolation and suffering were her lot of life.
Then one day Jennifer's mom mentioned her troubles to a friend, who referred Jennifer to me. Immediately in my initial reading, Spirit informed me that Jennifer had virtually no hydrochloric acid left, and this was causing ammonia permeability. The proteins putrefying in her gut were creating the ammonia gas―resulting in inflammation, pain, and the bloating that she thought made her look pregnant.
Jennifer also had heavy metals in her intetinal tract, and the microorganism that are crucial to the health of the lower small intestine, including the ileum, were nonexistent.

The ileum is about 3.5 metres (11.5 feet) long (or about three-fifths the length of the small intestine) and extends from the jejunum (the middle section of the small intestine) to the ileocecal valve, which empties into the colon (large intestine).
It was true that Jennifer was allergic to wheat and all other grains and gluten, as well as beans, corn, canola oil, and eggs, so she needed to avoid them. She would also started to develop an allergy to animal proteins because they were b=not breaking down and digesting in her gut. Further, her liver was sluggish and struggling from an overburden of animal fat.
Right away, I advised Jennifer to start drinking two 16-ounce (473.2 ml) glasses of fresh, plain celery juice a day.
"My last doctor had me on a green juice blend," she said. "How is this any different?"
I explained that juice blends do not restore hydrochloric acid levels. Only straight celery juice taken on an empty stomach can do that.
To stop stressing the liver with too much animal fat, we lowered Jennifer's animal protein to one serving every other day. In its place, we brought in all vegetables and fruits, most notably avocados, bananas, apples with skin (scrap off the wax on the apple prior eating) , all kinds of berries, papayas, mangoes, kiwis, lots of butter lettuce, and spinach, as well as a quarter cup of fresh cilantro* in each of her salads to detox from heavy metals. *Coriander⇩

Coriander, also known as cilantro or Chinese parsley, is an annual herb in the family Apiaceae. All parts of the plant are edible, but the fresh leaves and the dried seeds are the parts most traditionally used in cooking.
In contrast to the last diet Jennifer had been on, which was nearly all animal protein and virtually no fiber, the fruits in this new plan helped push food through her inflamed intestinal tract, which gave her some immediate relief from the constipation.
After one week, Jennifer's "preggers" bloating had decreased substantially.
After one month, she had no more constipation.
And after three months, the pain, cramping, brain fog, and fatigue were gone.
Her hydrochloric acid in her stomach had restored itself, and the ammonia permeability had stopped. Jennifer's liver had also been freed up to process fats and store sugars properly, which had allowed her to lose the extra pounds she'd gained over the years.
She'd also spent the summer eating fresh, organic, unwashed kale and tomatoes from her grandmother's garden. The elevated microorganisms on the surfaces of these vegetables replenished the flora in Jennifer's gut, particularly the ileum,and allowed her body to start producing B12, again.
In the fall season,, Jennifer started working full-time at the animal shelter. She and her best friend renewed their bond and now spent Friday nights preparing plant-based meals for a growing group of pals from the shelter staff.
Jennifer's vitality is back. She can now eat the occasional "prohibited" food at a party or a friend's house, and her body won't pay the price. She never had leaky gut syndrome, nor an overgrowth of Candida―though they're two alternative diagnosis trends that lead countless people astray.
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