Sunday, January 7, 2018

Fruit Fear (2)


Which leads me to another topic: the seasonal eating trend.

  It has its place. The popularity of seasonal eating has people visiting their farmers' markets for fresh fruits and vegetables―and of course that's wonderful. There is nothing like enjoying the local bounty that each season brings. 

  The downside is that out-of-season fruit (i.e., fruit transported from other parts of the country or globe) is getting a bad rap. Some people have started to walk past the grocery store offerings of blackberries in winter or oranges in summer because they do not line up with the growing season where they live. That is a crime for their health. This mentality robs people of disease-protecting nutrients, because they turn to other fillers in their diet instead. The truth is, those fruits are in season . . . in the places where they were grown.

  If you tool an autumn vacation from Michigan to southern Spain, wouldn't you eat the fresh mangoes there, even though they were not available from the local vendors at home? Would not you recognise that different parts of the world have different growing seasons and different varieties of produce, and let yourself enjoy the delicacy?

  Just because you're not on vacation does not mean you're meant to ignore the fruits shipped in from out of is how the ruling classes survived and thrived for thousands of years―and now their health secret is available to the masses. 

  Some people are less-concerned about being out-of-tune with the seasons that they are about the environmental impact of transporting produce from other regions. That is understandable―though if the pollution from shipping is what's stopping you from buying Ecuadorian bananas, then you will have to rethink using a car, a washing machine, a computer, a cell phone, or cloud storage, visiting the salon, wearing almost all modern-day clothes, ordering anything that is delivered to your door . . . the list goes on. You would be much better off cutting back in one of the those areas and letting ourself buy pears from New Zealand or honeydew from Mexico. The benefits that fruit will have for your health are worth it. 

  That said, if you prefer to eliminate all modern practices from your life and live as though it were 1850, I am not here to stop you. Just know that limiting fruit in your diet will increase your chances of illness and shorten your expected lifespan. 

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