Now that you are familiar with the location of your energy centres, at this point you need to remember that an essential part of your breath work is to look after yourself and your energy field.
If you wish to follow a breathing exercise, or a session of exercises, with some other spiritual practice, such as meditation, you are in the ideal state to do this. If not, you should be aware that your efforts have opened your energy centres more than is needed for everyday functioning. In other words, you no longer need to be open to that level of energy flow and you need to 'close down' the advanced state of openness. This may be done by carrying out the Closing-down Procedure set out below.
Skill is acquired through continuous practice,
Sophistication and depth are achieved by giving thought to it.
The Closing-down Procedure realigns your energy centres and protects your energy field. This is particularly necessary if you are going to expose yourself to normal, everyday situations, such as the routine supermarket trip, where you would be too open to external energies. When your breathing session is in the evening, The Closing-down Procedure also ensures sound sleep. "Closing down" here means returning your subtle energy system to everyday functioning ; it is linked to closing your practice sessions. It does not, however, mean fully closing the energy centres or shutting down/off any of the body systems.
EXERCISE 5 The Closing-down Procedure
This breathing exercise is in three(3) parts. The first part clears incompatible energies, using the clearing energy of silver light. The standing stance aligns the centres, facilitates grounding, and frees the energy circuits to flow appropriately.
Part A : Clearing your energy field.
• If possible, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms hanging loosely by your sides.

Gently flex the knees and allow your body to relax. Use the breath to aid with relaxation and attunement or centering.
• Take a moment to be aware of any heavy energy in your body and energy field, noting where it seems to have accumulated. (It is worth making a note of this observation in your healing journal every time you do this Exercise 5 to see if there is a pattern.)
• Now visualize yourself under a shower or gentle waterfall of silver light. Breathe in. As you exhale, let this light pour over you, through you, and out into your surrounding energy field, especially to any place where you sensed an accumulation of heavy energy. Allow the light to exit through your hands and feet and every body orifice.
• Notice the colour of the light that moves in to fill the space that you have cleared. Your awareness of this colour will confirm that the clearing is taking place. You might sense this in a number of ways. If you feel you are sensing nothing (it is your mend saying you cannot), carry out tis important exercise as if you can.
• Note the sensations of clearing and the sensations of being cleansed.
Next, bring your energy centres back to a level of everyday functioning from being wide open.
Part B : Regulating your energy centres.
Since your energy centres have a three-dimensional structure, you may find it helpful to visualize them as flowers with petals that are able to close up, but not shut tightly. The second part of this Exercise 5 is carried out by visualizing the 'flowers' of each centre gently closing up a little. Your intention is to bring them to everyday functioning. See the colours as light.

• 7th - Still standing relaxed, with your knees gently flexed, focus your attention on your Crown Centre. Visualise the 'flower" of your Crown Centre having the colour violet. Breath in. As you exhale, visualize the 'petals' of your Crown Centre 'flower' closing up a little.
• 6th - Move your awareness to the Brow Centre, colour indigo or royal blue. Breathe in. As you exhale, visualize the centre's 'petals' closing up a little.
• 5th - Move awareness to the Throat Centre, colour sky-blue. Breath in. As you exhale, visualize the Throat Centre's 'petals' closing up a little.
• 4th - Move your awareness to the Heart Centre, colour green. Breath in. As you exhale, visualize the Heart Centre's 'petals' closing up a little.
• 3rd - Move your awareness to the Solar Plexus Centre, colour golden yellow. Breath in. As you exhale, visualize the Solar Plexus Centre's 'petals' closing up a little.
• 2nd - Move your awareness to the Sacral Centre, colour orange. Breath in. As you exhale, visualize the Sacral Centre's 'petal' closing up a little.
• 1st - Move your awareness to the Base Centre, colour glowing red. Breathe in. As you exhale, visualize the Base Centre's 'petals' closing up a little.
• Now notice the first colour that comes to ind. This is the colour of energy that will keep your system in place. Breathe in and, as you exhale, surround yourself with a sphere of this coloured light.
This is also the grounding process. Note the direction of activity: from the highest vibration of the Crown Centre to the closest to the earth at the Base Centre.
Follow with the final third part of the Closing-down Procedure. This will keep your energy field strong and protect you by not allowing entry of incompatible energies.

These seven align with specific, vertically stacked key points along the midline of the physical body, and are the main energy centers:

Part C : The Sphere of Protection
• Still standing relaxed and breathing naturally, visualize golden light. Breathe in and, as you exhale, surround the sphere of coloured light with a sphere of golden light. See this golden sphere sparkle and gleam. This will tell you about its energy of strength and protection. Spend a moment of awareness there before moving back into your everyday consciousness.
Once you have learnt them, the three(3) parts of the Closing-down Procedure should be practised as one complete exercise.

Figure 5: The Sphere of Protection is a sphere of golden light.
GOLD AURA COLOR MEANING: The color of enlightenment and divine protection. When seen within the aura, it says that the person is being guided by their highest good. It is divine guidance. Protection, wisdom, inner knowledge, spiritual mind, intuitive thinker.
Definition – Perfection, immortality, the colour of the visionary.
Positive – Gold is the colour of the visionary, the seer, one who’s life will change the world in a positive way.
Negative – Harsh gold can indicate a desire for worldly wealth at any cost, an obsession with power.
Physical Associations – Gold indicates long life. It is the most powerful healing color of health and vitality, natural regenerating qualities of the body and mind.
A tarnished gold may suggest a tendency towards addictions, compulsions, and obsessions.
Gold rules the Spine, Skin and Nervous System. Gold in the aura indicates that a person is in the process of higher spiritual development and is coming to her true personal power, her Essence, or Being, without the constraints of the Ego.
Gold means that you are connected to higher power or God, and that you are inspired, devoted, and are coming to a time of revitalization.
It is a color of higher mind, understanding of the patterns of the Universe and of the laws of the Universe.
Gold in the aura around the hairline indicates high spiritual develpment.
Gold – You have angels and other divine entities protecting you. You’re being mentored and guided to reach beyond yourself.
Clear gold metallic, shiny and bright: Spiritual energy and power activated and awakened; an inspired person.
The Chakra associated with this is the Whole Chakra System.
Gold in the aura represents an inspired individual with spiritual energy, their power activated and awakened, an intellect that is pursuing philosophy or the wisdom of sacred geometry.
When looking at aura colors gold also indicates a strong connection to the “I AM” presence of the Divine.
Click here to read more.
Dark brownish yellow or gold indicates a person who is straining at studying or trying to make up for “lost time” by learning everything all at once, is overly analytical to the point of feeling fatigued and stressed.
Gold Aura people are lovers of beauty and have a very artistic flair. They appreciate the finer things in life and like to adorn themselves and their homes with items of exquisite beauty. They love to entertain and prefer the company of many. They do not feel intimated by being the center of attention – just the opposite in fact as they like to be the sparkling gem in a stunning crown.
The Gold Aura individuals are very attractive and love to attract attention, affection and admiration from lots of people. Because this the Gold Aura person will have many, many friends. But they are not just takers of time, affection and attention; the Gold Aura individual will give of their time, energy and love generously.
The charm and charisma displayed by the Gold Aura personality adds to their attractiveness. They are great listeners and can make anyone feel comfortable, important and interesting in their company.
Gold Aura people hate to be criticized and cannot stand any of their flaws exposed. Their main flaw is that of being overly lavish. They like to impress and give the most generous gifts and host the most impressive social gatherings, even if their budget won’t allow this.
They are very proud and fiercely independent and extremely reluctant to ask for help from anyone.
The gold aura color means that you are enlightened and have a divine protection. This color shows that you let you Higher Self work through you. You always act for the highest good of all.
This color is a symbol of wisdom, spirituality and intuition.
If you notice a yellow halo above the head that means that you are a spiritual teacher. It also means that you have activated your third eye chakra to the fullest degree.

GOLD – Pertains to divine protection and enlightenment. Someone with this aura is encased in divine guidance and has wisdom, inner peace, intuition and spiritual thinking.
Gold – You have angels and other divine entities protecting you. You’re being mentored and guided to reach beyond yourself.
The gold aura color means that you are enlightened and have a divine protection. This color shows that you let you Higher Self work through you. You always act for the highest good of all.
This color is a symbol of wisdom, spirituality and intuition.
If you notice a yellow halo above the head that means that you are a spiritual teacher. It also means that you have activated your third eye chakra to the fullest degree.
When gold is seen in the aura, it indicates spiritual mastery and a connection with ascended beings from the higher planes. This was often portrayed in paintings of spiritual masters and enlightened spiritual teachers who were depicted with gold halos around their head, representing their golden aura and spiritual enlightenment.
Gold in the aura is overwhelmingly positive and also indicates wisdom and generosity. I have never seen gold in an aura where it did not represent that something beautiful was taking place for the person.
The color gold in the aura is most commonly seen around the head area and the heart chakra area. When an abundance of gold is found in the aura, the person radiates and glows with the gold energy, becoming like the Sun. Spiritual masters who achieve this level of enlightenment see their auras fully restored and they are able to radiate energy to others in healing capacities.
There are some occasions when the gold color appears muddy in the aura. When this is seen, it represents that the person is in the process of alchemically transmuting the lower level energy out of their aura, in order to turn it to gold. The lingering colors are being burned away from the auric fields and muddy the energy field during this time as they burn away and are removed. This is a temporary refining process as the person continues on their enlightened journey.
Truly, like the old saying, when you see this color in the aura, the person is “as good as gold”.
Recommendations to Connect With and Enhance Gold:
Foods: herbal teas and eating light meals four or five times a day, rather than three heavy meals, helps with the transmutation. Ginger ale is also helpful.
Salt Lamp Home Décor: Gold is a beautiful accent to use in the home in all forms of décor, especially when blended with white. Himalayan Salt Lamps help to purify the home and transform energy.
Clothing: Gold is best represented in the metal form, such as in jewelry, rather than being worn in clothing.
Wearing Gold in everyday life increases personal power, and promotes courage, confidence and willpower. Gold chains worn around the neck preserve health.
Gemstones: gold
Flowers: plumier, gold poppy, buttercups, lantana gold mound, achilea coronation gold, Biden’s gold spark.
Music: like the higher level auric fields and chakras, music can only serve at this level to lift the spirit, so choose what feels right to you. Crystal bowls; chanting and Tibetan bells are also helpful.
Activities: The transmutation to gold in the aura happens when the other aura fields and chakras are clear and aligned and the person is engaged in deep spiritual work. There is no short cut process to the auric fields attuning to the gold color in the aura. It is an alchemical transmutation from the lower bodies into the higher bodies.
Mantra: Hear me now O Divine One, spirit of all and keeper of wisdom. I see you and now you see me and we are one. Gather unto me with your wisdom and keep me safe as I journey deep into the realms of my soul. My step is sure and my burden light as I transmute my energy from white light into gold.
Gold’s radiate charisma, personality and individuality, making others feel relaxed and valued in their company. They’re loving and compassionate people who show great personal warmth to all they meet; others feel empowered in their presence. They have a strong positive outlook on life, often exhibiting great spiritual qualities, seeking and giving unconditional love and understanding to all they meet. They relish the attention, respect, warmth and friendliness that they tend to receive. Gold’s love luxury and the best quality in everything; luckily they tend to be very successful. They have a sophisticated approach to life with high ideals and standards; they know exactly what is right and what is wrong, and will endeavor to follow the right. Wise and successful yet practical and honest, gold are very achievement oriented and excellent leaders. They tend to be cheerful, outgoing, and friendly, totally happy within themselves. They’re also good listeners which helps them attract many friends. Gold’s are very passionate and enthusiastic, which can be troublesome as they tend to take on too much, causing themselves to be stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed. Some gold’s can become overconfident with a superiority attitude, conceited with inflated senses of self-worth stemming from their success in life and natural personal magnetism.
Gold is not associated with any element. There are currently no characters known to have a gold aura color.
If you wish to follow a breathing exercise, or a session of exercises, with some other spiritual practice, such as meditation, you are in the ideal state to do this. If not, you should be aware that your efforts have opened your energy centres more than is needed for everyday functioning. In other words, you no longer need to be open to that level of energy flow and you need to 'close down' the advanced state of openness. This may be done by carrying out the Closing-down Procedure set out below.
Skill is acquired through continuous practice,
Sophistication and depth are achieved by giving thought to it.
The Closing-down Procedure realigns your energy centres and protects your energy field. This is particularly necessary if you are going to expose yourself to normal, everyday situations, such as the routine supermarket trip, where you would be too open to external energies. When your breathing session is in the evening, The Closing-down Procedure also ensures sound sleep. "Closing down" here means returning your subtle energy system to everyday functioning ; it is linked to closing your practice sessions. It does not, however, mean fully closing the energy centres or shutting down/off any of the body systems.
EXERCISE 5 The Closing-down Procedure
This breathing exercise is in three(3) parts. The first part clears incompatible energies, using the clearing energy of silver light. The standing stance aligns the centres, facilitates grounding, and frees the energy circuits to flow appropriately.
Part A : Clearing your energy field.
• If possible, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms hanging loosely by your sides.

Gently flex the knees and allow your body to relax. Use the breath to aid with relaxation and attunement or centering.
• Take a moment to be aware of any heavy energy in your body and energy field, noting where it seems to have accumulated. (It is worth making a note of this observation in your healing journal every time you do this Exercise 5 to see if there is a pattern.)
• Now visualize yourself under a shower or gentle waterfall of silver light. Breathe in. As you exhale, let this light pour over you, through you, and out into your surrounding energy field, especially to any place where you sensed an accumulation of heavy energy. Allow the light to exit through your hands and feet and every body orifice.
• Notice the colour of the light that moves in to fill the space that you have cleared. Your awareness of this colour will confirm that the clearing is taking place. You might sense this in a number of ways. If you feel you are sensing nothing (it is your mend saying you cannot), carry out tis important exercise as if you can.
• Note the sensations of clearing and the sensations of being cleansed.
Next, bring your energy centres back to a level of everyday functioning from being wide open.
Part B : Regulating your energy centres.
Since your energy centres have a three-dimensional structure, you may find it helpful to visualize them as flowers with petals that are able to close up, but not shut tightly. The second part of this Exercise 5 is carried out by visualizing the 'flowers' of each centre gently closing up a little. Your intention is to bring them to everyday functioning. See the colours as light.

• 7th - Still standing relaxed, with your knees gently flexed, focus your attention on your Crown Centre. Visualise the 'flower" of your Crown Centre having the colour violet. Breath in. As you exhale, visualize the 'petals' of your Crown Centre 'flower' closing up a little.
• 6th - Move your awareness to the Brow Centre, colour indigo or royal blue. Breathe in. As you exhale, visualize the centre's 'petals' closing up a little.
• 5th - Move awareness to the Throat Centre, colour sky-blue. Breath in. As you exhale, visualize the Throat Centre's 'petals' closing up a little.
• 4th - Move your awareness to the Heart Centre, colour green. Breath in. As you exhale, visualize the Heart Centre's 'petals' closing up a little.
• 3rd - Move your awareness to the Solar Plexus Centre, colour golden yellow. Breath in. As you exhale, visualize the Solar Plexus Centre's 'petals' closing up a little.
• 2nd - Move your awareness to the Sacral Centre, colour orange. Breath in. As you exhale, visualize the Sacral Centre's 'petal' closing up a little.
• 1st - Move your awareness to the Base Centre, colour glowing red. Breathe in. As you exhale, visualize the Base Centre's 'petals' closing up a little.
• Now notice the first colour that comes to ind. This is the colour of energy that will keep your system in place. Breathe in and, as you exhale, surround yourself with a sphere of this coloured light.
This is also the grounding process. Note the direction of activity: from the highest vibration of the Crown Centre to the closest to the earth at the Base Centre.
Follow with the final third part of the Closing-down Procedure. This will keep your energy field strong and protect you by not allowing entry of incompatible energies.

These seven align with specific, vertically stacked key points along the midline of the physical body, and are the main energy centers:

Part C : The Sphere of Protection
• Still standing relaxed and breathing naturally, visualize golden light. Breathe in and, as you exhale, surround the sphere of coloured light with a sphere of golden light. See this golden sphere sparkle and gleam. This will tell you about its energy of strength and protection. Spend a moment of awareness there before moving back into your everyday consciousness.
Once you have learnt them, the three(3) parts of the Closing-down Procedure should be practised as one complete exercise.
Figure 5: The Sphere of Protection is a sphere of golden light.
GOLD AURA COLOR MEANING: The color of enlightenment and divine protection. When seen within the aura, it says that the person is being guided by their highest good. It is divine guidance. Protection, wisdom, inner knowledge, spiritual mind, intuitive thinker.
Definition – Perfection, immortality, the colour of the visionary.
Positive – Gold is the colour of the visionary, the seer, one who’s life will change the world in a positive way.
Negative – Harsh gold can indicate a desire for worldly wealth at any cost, an obsession with power.
Physical Associations – Gold indicates long life. It is the most powerful healing color of health and vitality, natural regenerating qualities of the body and mind.
A tarnished gold may suggest a tendency towards addictions, compulsions, and obsessions.
Gold rules the Spine, Skin and Nervous System. Gold in the aura indicates that a person is in the process of higher spiritual development and is coming to her true personal power, her Essence, or Being, without the constraints of the Ego.

Gold means that you are connected to higher power or God, and that you are inspired, devoted, and are coming to a time of revitalization.
It is a color of higher mind, understanding of the patterns of the Universe and of the laws of the Universe.
Gold in the aura around the hairline indicates high spiritual develpment.
Gold – You have angels and other divine entities protecting you. You’re being mentored and guided to reach beyond yourself.
Clear gold metallic, shiny and bright: Spiritual energy and power activated and awakened; an inspired person.
The Chakra associated with this is the Whole Chakra System.
Gold in the aura represents an inspired individual with spiritual energy, their power activated and awakened, an intellect that is pursuing philosophy or the wisdom of sacred geometry.
When looking at aura colors gold also indicates a strong connection to the “I AM” presence of the Divine.
Click here to read more.
Dark brownish yellow or gold indicates a person who is straining at studying or trying to make up for “lost time” by learning everything all at once, is overly analytical to the point of feeling fatigued and stressed.
Gold Aura people are lovers of beauty and have a very artistic flair. They appreciate the finer things in life and like to adorn themselves and their homes with items of exquisite beauty. They love to entertain and prefer the company of many. They do not feel intimated by being the center of attention – just the opposite in fact as they like to be the sparkling gem in a stunning crown.
The Gold Aura individuals are very attractive and love to attract attention, affection and admiration from lots of people. Because this the Gold Aura person will have many, many friends. But they are not just takers of time, affection and attention; the Gold Aura individual will give of their time, energy and love generously.
The charm and charisma displayed by the Gold Aura personality adds to their attractiveness. They are great listeners and can make anyone feel comfortable, important and interesting in their company.
Gold Aura people hate to be criticized and cannot stand any of their flaws exposed. Their main flaw is that of being overly lavish. They like to impress and give the most generous gifts and host the most impressive social gatherings, even if their budget won’t allow this.
They are very proud and fiercely independent and extremely reluctant to ask for help from anyone.
The gold aura color means that you are enlightened and have a divine protection. This color shows that you let you Higher Self work through you. You always act for the highest good of all.
This color is a symbol of wisdom, spirituality and intuition.
If you notice a yellow halo above the head that means that you are a spiritual teacher. It also means that you have activated your third eye chakra to the fullest degree.

GOLD – Pertains to divine protection and enlightenment. Someone with this aura is encased in divine guidance and has wisdom, inner peace, intuition and spiritual thinking.
Gold – You have angels and other divine entities protecting you. You’re being mentored and guided to reach beyond yourself.
The gold aura color means that you are enlightened and have a divine protection. This color shows that you let you Higher Self work through you. You always act for the highest good of all.
This color is a symbol of wisdom, spirituality and intuition.
If you notice a yellow halo above the head that means that you are a spiritual teacher. It also means that you have activated your third eye chakra to the fullest degree.
When gold is seen in the aura, it indicates spiritual mastery and a connection with ascended beings from the higher planes. This was often portrayed in paintings of spiritual masters and enlightened spiritual teachers who were depicted with gold halos around their head, representing their golden aura and spiritual enlightenment.

Gold in the aura is overwhelmingly positive and also indicates wisdom and generosity. I have never seen gold in an aura where it did not represent that something beautiful was taking place for the person.
The color gold in the aura is most commonly seen around the head area and the heart chakra area. When an abundance of gold is found in the aura, the person radiates and glows with the gold energy, becoming like the Sun. Spiritual masters who achieve this level of enlightenment see their auras fully restored and they are able to radiate energy to others in healing capacities.
There are some occasions when the gold color appears muddy in the aura. When this is seen, it represents that the person is in the process of alchemically transmuting the lower level energy out of their aura, in order to turn it to gold. The lingering colors are being burned away from the auric fields and muddy the energy field during this time as they burn away and are removed. This is a temporary refining process as the person continues on their enlightened journey.
Truly, like the old saying, when you see this color in the aura, the person is “as good as gold”.
Recommendations to Connect With and Enhance Gold:
Foods: herbal teas and eating light meals four or five times a day, rather than three heavy meals, helps with the transmutation. Ginger ale is also helpful.
Salt Lamp Home Décor: Gold is a beautiful accent to use in the home in all forms of décor, especially when blended with white. Himalayan Salt Lamps help to purify the home and transform energy.
Clothing: Gold is best represented in the metal form, such as in jewelry, rather than being worn in clothing.
Wearing Gold in everyday life increases personal power, and promotes courage, confidence and willpower. Gold chains worn around the neck preserve health.
Gemstones: gold
Flowers: plumier, gold poppy, buttercups, lantana gold mound, achilea coronation gold, Biden’s gold spark.
Music: like the higher level auric fields and chakras, music can only serve at this level to lift the spirit, so choose what feels right to you. Crystal bowls; chanting and Tibetan bells are also helpful.
Activities: The transmutation to gold in the aura happens when the other aura fields and chakras are clear and aligned and the person is engaged in deep spiritual work. There is no short cut process to the auric fields attuning to the gold color in the aura. It is an alchemical transmutation from the lower bodies into the higher bodies.
Mantra: Hear me now O Divine One, spirit of all and keeper of wisdom. I see you and now you see me and we are one. Gather unto me with your wisdom and keep me safe as I journey deep into the realms of my soul. My step is sure and my burden light as I transmute my energy from white light into gold.
Gold’s radiate charisma, personality and individuality, making others feel relaxed and valued in their company. They’re loving and compassionate people who show great personal warmth to all they meet; others feel empowered in their presence. They have a strong positive outlook on life, often exhibiting great spiritual qualities, seeking and giving unconditional love and understanding to all they meet. They relish the attention, respect, warmth and friendliness that they tend to receive. Gold’s love luxury and the best quality in everything; luckily they tend to be very successful. They have a sophisticated approach to life with high ideals and standards; they know exactly what is right and what is wrong, and will endeavor to follow the right. Wise and successful yet practical and honest, gold are very achievement oriented and excellent leaders. They tend to be cheerful, outgoing, and friendly, totally happy within themselves. They’re also good listeners which helps them attract many friends. Gold’s are very passionate and enthusiastic, which can be troublesome as they tend to take on too much, causing themselves to be stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed. Some gold’s can become overconfident with a superiority attitude, conceited with inflated senses of self-worth stemming from their success in life and natural personal magnetism.
Gold is not associated with any element. There are currently no characters known to have a gold aura color.
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