Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Online trainee spreads PaidaLajin in Fiji

I’m now trying to spread PaidaLajin self-healing in our country in a small scale. At first, I let all employees in my company install lajinpaida app, watch Master Xiao’s courses and interviews, then Paida on inner side of elbows.
Results came out yesterday: an employee of 150 kg lost 2 kg of body weight in 5 days. The most importantly, the blood pressure is within the critical point. We all very excited about the news.
We are looking forward to spreading this PaidaLajin Self-Healing in Fuji, where there are few trained doctors and very little medicine but a large number of people with high blood fat, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, so that they will be able to help with each other and self heal by PaidaLajin.
23#23 Trainee
November 29, 2017

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