Chapter V . PaidaLajin Self-Healing Workshop
Reasons for better effect at the workshop
Since PaidaLajin is so simple and effective, I initially assumed that by
referring to my books, videos, and websites, everyone would be able to practice
it and self-heal. However, few people are disciplined enough to persist in
intensive and persistent practice. Therefore, we have resorted to organizing
PaidaLajin self-healing workshops. And we have been receiving enthusiastic
responses from all over. We held the first workshop in Beijing on November 6,
2010. We have organized several hundred workshops in Beijing, Shanghai,
Shenzhen, and other cities in the Chinese mainland, as well as in Hong Kong,
Macau, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany, Switzerland,
Bulgaria, Holland, Australia, Canada, the U.S., South Africa, and other
countries and territories in the world. Thousands of people have attended and
greatly benefited from the workshops. It is expected that such workshops will
be conducted at many other places in the future.
Prior to the workshops, although PaidaLajin had been proven effective in
self-healing numerous illnesses, many people questioned its effectiveness.
Because the self-healing testimonials came from all corners of the world, we
were accused of announcing only the successful ones. Voices of doubt persisted
after we published the effective improvement rates of various diseases through
PaidaLajin at the workshops.
We welcome experts and medical institutions to come to our workshops to
perform tests, take measurements, and record observations using general
acknowledged indicators, methods, and devices of their preference.
Even using the most conservative statistics, the effective rates of
PaidaLajin in resolving various health problems during workshops exceed 80%.
The most prominent effect is the relief of such common illnesses as insomnia,
diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, knee pain, frozen shoulder, neck stiffness
and pain, lower back and leg pains, prostate disorders, and gynecological
disorders. Almost all workshop participants have several illnesses, or “complex
diseases (disorders),” and there is hardly anyone who has experienced no
Some people, before attending a workshop, had been practicing
PaidaLajin for over half a year, along with other treatments such as medication,
surgery, massage, acupressure, acupuncture, bone setting, or skin-scraping
However, they made far greater improvements at the workshop.
Why is it so? My preliminary conclusions are:
1. PaidaLajin may appear simple, but the core concept of “change from
the Heart” is of prime importance. Confidence, determination, perseverance,
patience, repentance, and gratitude come from the Heart. The power of the
Heart is the greatest, and it is a decisive factor in self-healing. Once “change
from the Heart” happens, the two simple exercises of slapping and stretching
will reap both physical and psychological benefits. Workshop participants are
taught the principles of “nursing the Heart” by coaches, and are encouraged to
implement and feel them during all workshop activities. The coaches will assist
and guide them whenever problems arise.
The principles of “nursing the Heart” are not just theories. They go
beyond words, and need to be personally experienced to be truly mastered and
appreciated. The Art of Healing has always been passed down from master to
disciple on a one-to-one basis. And this is precisely the true significance of the
2. PaidaLajin at home cannot compare with PaidaLajin at a workshop in
terms of duration and intensity. Workshop activities are conducted in an
environment isolated from the outside world, thus enabling participants to fully
concentrate. PaidaLajin is practiced at least 4–5 hours a day using the “carpet
bombing” strategy with no body part spared. This is certainly unachievable in
the home environment. The disparity in intensity is even greater. Some
participants have found that the effect of a 10-minute Paida in the workshop is
better than a one-hour Paida at home. The same goes for Lajin. This is
especially true for men, most of who are afraid of pain and normally do not use
heavy Paida on themselves.
3. In addition to making available a vegetarian diet and encouraging less
food intake, the workshop program also includes fasting, meditation,
meditative jogging, experience sharing, and more. When practiced following
the principles of “nursing the Heart,” each of these activities produces unique
benefits. When combined with PaidaLajin, the healing effect is even more
satisfying. Such resources and atmosphere can be hardly found in the home
4. The use of Lajin benches and the proper way of using them greatly
enhances the healing effect. Moreover, Lajin is practiced several times a day
during the workshop, thus enhancing its effect.
Doing Lajin using chairs put together against a wall or a doorframe is only
a temporary substitute. In order to gain better healing effects, it is a must to do
Lajin on a proper Lajin bench. This is especially true for those with chronic or
critical illnesses. And for anyone using a Lajin bench, if the raised leg is not
strapped tightly against the pole or the lowered leg is not weighed down with
sandbags, the healing effect is also much discounted.
5. The positive atmosphere (dubbed as “Qi field”) created during the
workshop is unimaginable to those practicing PaidaLajin at home. Practicing
PaidaLajin in a large group creates a very encouraging resonance effect.
Laypersons, experienced doctors, and health specialists are treated equally at
the workshop. Peer pressure and mutual motivation drive participants to put in
genuine efforts for maximum effect. By witnessing improvements in fellow
participants, you are inspired to persevere with longer duration and higher
With many people practicing intensive PaidaLajin together, one can
experience and/or witness inspiring self-healing miracles every day. For
instance, a patient with leg pain could walk without crutches and even run; a
patient deaf for decades could hear sounds again; diabetic or hypertensive
patients gradually normalize their blood glucose or blood pressure levels
without the medication or insulin injections that have been part of their daily
life for years. All these facts prompt the dubious to change their mind.
Naturally, their healing effect will take a turn for the better.
6. Healing reactions are better comprehended and managed at a workshop.
Normally, the healing effects of PaidaLajin may first appear as healing
reactions; in addition to such discomforts as pain, numbness, soreness and
swelling sensation, old injuries and illnesses may surface or even worsen,
leading to rashes, insomnia, itchiness, nausea, vomiting, coughing, dizziness,
irregular heartbeat, chest tightness, and even loud crying.
If these reactions occur at home, people may have no idea how to cope
and stop PaidaLajin. They may even go to the hospital immediately. By
contrast, through learning and observation of healing reaction management in
the workshop, participants will come to appreciate that such reactions are signs
of good efficacy and recovery. And they learn to relieve healing reactions by
slapping on the inner elbows, Neiguan acupoint, etc. This will further boost
their confidence in self-healing with PaidaLajin.
7. The toxic side effects of drugs are greatly reduced during the workshop.
Doctors of Chinese and Western medicine know that medication has toxic side
effects. And there are even specific terms in Western medicine: drug-induced
and iatrogenic diseases, or new diseases as a result of medication, surgery,
chemotherapy, and other treatments. At our self-healing workshop, many
participants voluntarily reduce the dosage or stop medication, including their
daily medication for pains, insomnia, diabetes, heart disease, abnormal blood
pressure levels, etc. This reduces the risks of having drug-induced diseases.
Note: PaidaLajin is not a medical therapy. What is taught at the workshop
are simple methods for maintaining good health. The participants’ use of
medication is at their own discretion or according to doctor’s advice.
8. In addition to the usual self-help Paida, there are mutual Paida sessions.
It is difficult for the elderly and the gravely ill to slap themselves for a long
time. Moreover, some body parts such as the head, shoulders, armpits, back,
the back of the knees, and feet are difficult to reach and use heavy Paida, and it
would be more effective if another person helps to do Paida. Immersed in the
lively and high-spirited atmosphere of mutual Paida, participants are inspired
to be more caring and positive, thus enabling better physical and spiritual
interaction. This is in line with the philosophy of “nursing the Heart” and using
external measures to clear meridians and to self-heal.
9. Everyone at the workshop contributes to the positive energy field, and
an active learning environment. In this energy field, participants engage in
experiential learning more readily. Without experiencing it for themselves, the
self-healing philosophy will remain a theory only.
The mode of thinking and activities at a workshop is almost the exact
opposite of those at home: people tend to eat and drink a lot at home, they eat
less and fast at the workshop; people tend to eat much meat at home, they are
offered vegetarian diet at the workshop; many people who practice PaidaLajin
at home do it gently, they do it diligently, intensively, and for long sessions at
the workshop; people tend to avoid pain and discomforts in their daily life, they
voluntarily experience the pain of PaidaLajin at the workshop; many people
stay up late at night and get up late in the day, they sleep and get up early at the
workshop. Most importantly, when people get sick, they tend to rely on doctors
and medicine; at the workshop, they self-heal diseases by activating and
enhancing their innate self-healing power. In a word, the habits and state of
mind are totally changed at the workshop.
(Post-) workshop reports
PaidaLajin self-healing method helps maintain good health and heal
illnesses. Its focus should not be on healing diseases.
Are the self-healing effects at the workshop temporary or can they last
long? In the home environment, where people cannot practice PaidaLajin for
so long and at such an intensity, will the diseases rebound? After stopping
medication, will the health condition get better or worse? These are the most
frequently asked questions.
Why put aside everything to attend an enclosed workshop for seven days
or even longer? Because the goal is not only to heal the existing illnesses, but
also to change your mindset and habits. Otherwise, despite witnessing
PaidaLajin’s efficacy during a workshop, people often return to old mindset
and habits back home. Fortunately, the majority of people make genuine
lifestyle changes after attending the workshop.
Effective rates of PaidaLajin on patients with diabetes and
hypertension (2010)
The second 7-day PaidaLajin self-healing workshop in Beijing was held
November 17–23, 2010. Of the participants, 6 were diabetic, and 13 had
abnormal blood pressure levels. All of them voluntarily stopped medication and
insulin injections, and the effective rate of PaidaLajin was 100%; all of them
had improved their health conditions by the end of the workshop. One
participant’s blood pressure rose instead of falling. This was desirable because
he came to the workshop with low blood pressure, and the result of PaidaLajin
was to normalize it.
Statistics of the effect of PaidaLajin on diabetic patients
Improvements were seen in each of the six participants with high blood
glucose levels. At the beginning of the workshop, those who used to take
hypoglycemic agents voluntarily stopped medication and insulin injections.
During the workshop, participants did morning jogging, practiced PaidaLajin
for 4–5 hours a day, fasted for three days, and drank ginger and jujube tea with
brown sugar in it.
Blood Glucose Levels Before & After PaidaLajin
Statistics on the effect of PaidaLajin on hypertensive patients
Checkup results at the end of the workshop (on the morning of
November 23, 2010): Of the 13 participants with abnormal blood pressure levels, hypertension in 12 participants was lowered, and hypotension in one participant rose to normal.
Blood Pressure Levels Before & After PaidaLajin
Post-workshop survey report (2011)
In August 2011, we conducted post-workshop surveys (telephone
interviews with participants of previous workshops held in the Chinese
mainland) and the results are reported here.
1. Sample size: total number of interviewees
Of 418 participants, which included those who had attended the workshop
more than once, 285 agreed to participate in the survey. This represents 68% of
the participants. Of these interviewees, 97 (34%) were male and 188 (66%)
were female.
The remaining 133 participants were not successfully interviewed due to
one or several of the following reasons:
• Some overseas participants could not be reached by phone.
• Contact information given was ineffective.
• Calls were not answered.
2. Summary
(1) Continued PaidaLajin practice
Of the 285 participants successfully interviewed, 243 (85%) of them
continued PaidaLajin. The remaining 42 participants (15%) did not, due to one
or several of the following reasons:
• Too busy, lack of time
• Did not feel unwell
• Laziness
• Intolerant of pain
• Switched to other treatments
• Objection from family
• Insignificant effects
(2) Medication taken by those who continued PaidaLajin
Of those 243 who continued PaidaLajin, 226 of them (93%) stopped
medication altogether, while 17 (7%) continued to take medicine. The reasons
cited for continuing the medication are as follows:
• “I’m worried that my disease(s) cannot be healed with just
PaidaLajin” (cited by the elderly and those with critical diseases).
• “My doctor asked me to continue medication.”
• “PaidaLajin, combined with medication, can help better
improve my condition.
(3) Health condition of those who stopped medication and continued
Of those 226 who stopped taking medicine and continued PaidaLajin, 134
(59%) reported excellent health; 76 participants (34%) saw visible
improvements, while the remaining 16 (7%) reported to have maintained the
same health condition as when they were under medication, and that stopping
medication caused no adverse effects.
Those who enjoyed excellent health not only practiced PaidaLajin nearly
every day but also continued to jog; and the more often they practiced, the
greater improvements they made.
(4) Self-healing effect for different diseases
We further analyzed the survey data to look at three diseases that had
shown most prominent and measurable effects: sciatica (lower back and leg
pains), diabetes, and hypertension.
a. Sciatica
Ninety-three participants (33% of the 285 people interviewed) suffered
from sciatica, and 91 (98%) reported significant self-healing effects, and only
two (2%) reported inconsistent results.
b. Diabetes
Of the 14 diabetics (5% of the 285 people interviewed), 12 (86%) reported
significant self-healing effects, and only two (14%) cited inconsistent results.
c. Hypertension
Of the 34 participants with hypertension (12% of the 285 people
interviewed), 30 (88%) reported significant self-healing effects. Four
interviewees (12%) cited inconsistent results and inconclusive effect. (Note: All
four of them practiced PaidaLajin only occasionally, and intermittently took
medicine as well.)
A preliminary report on PaidaLajin clinical research workshop
By TAG-VHS Diabetes Research Centre, Chennai, India
The following is an excerpt of the report. To download the full report,
go to Classroom – Downloads at our English website
1. A unique clinical research workshop on the Chinese self-healing
method termed “PaidaLajin” promoted by Master Hongchi Xiao, was
conducted under continuous strict medical supervision and detailed
computerized/video graphed data recording at TAG VHS Diabetics Research
Centre, Chennai, India from 9th to 13th March 2015.
2. A total of 25 participants were registered for the 5-day program, a
bridge from the full course of 7 days advocated by Master Hongchi Xiao (due
to logistic reasons). He conducted this personally along with his assistants and
Indian colleague Mr. Parag Samel. The entire program started at 7 a.m. daily
and lasted for almost 10 to 11 hrs. daily with a short break for breakfast &
lunch. The entire program was given free of cost to all the participants. About
10 of them were in-patients, while the rest came as outpatients. All of them
were fully screened medically; their cases documented and after detailed
counseling sessions, their informed consent for the entire procedure including
photography, was obtained from all the participants. Five out of the 25
registered participants dropped out from the workshop due to compelling
personal reasons; we have the entire data of progress for the 20 persons who
completed the program successfully.
Conclusions & Take-Home Message
While this abridged PaidaLajin workshop done under near-perfect
conditions revealed that though it is not a Panacea for all illnesses, it could
nevertheless prove to be a veritable blessing to prevent illness and promote
good health, enthusiasm and energy to every individual practicing this
self-healing method diligently, with faith and trust in the WISDOM OF THE
FORCE (GOD!). The following are several take-home messages from the
1. Type 2 Diabetes responds very well to PaidaLajin therapy in the
holistic workshop setting. This is not surprising as it involves a very strict diet
regime, fasting, and control of mind and through shot/effective sessions of
medications. A dedicated and motivated ex-soldier normalized his established
diabetes without any of the medications he was taking previously during this
short span of five days and remains in excellent health more than a week after
leaving the workshop. This definitely raises hope for newly/recently (< 1 year)
detected Type 2 Diabetes to try out this regime for at least 3–6 months, and
there is promise that all cases of IGT and many cases of overt asymptomatic
Type 2 Diabetes could use this modality as the first choice with benefit.
2. Type 1 Diabetes (Juvenile Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) which
is the more severe, insulinopenic form, occurring in children and young
adolescents, also recorded improvement in their clinical condition over the
5-day period of the workshop; however during the healing crisis (healing
reactions) and fasting when their blood sugars went up, they needed medical
support in the form of calories, fluid & small doses of rapid acting insulin to
prevent ketoacidosis; but it was not alarming and all of them recovered and
completed the full course with renewed energy and needing approximately half
of their original requirement of insulin. A longer period of observation (6
months) is underway which may provide more answers.
3. Hypertension was not an issue at all during the entire duration for any
of those patients who were on varying doses of anti-hypertensive medication.
After 1 week of returning to home, only 1 out of 10 persons who were taking
medication required half of the original dose and even this needs review and
revision with continuation of therapy.
4. There were 4 persons with varying labels of coronary artery
disease/Ischemic heart disease; but none of them had any problem during the
strenuous workshop. It is too short a period to assess the impact of PaidaLajin
on heart disease. We need to study a much larger sample over a longer period to
assess the full benefits claimed for this condition.
5. A host of minor and chronic illnesses like knee pains (OA), hip pains
(OA), low back ache, periarthritis of shoulders, degenerative painful diseases
of the spine (spondylitis), disc bulges etc. were treated with ease and assurance
with remarkably high percentage of success (98%).
6. The true discovery and revaluation of PaidaLajin during this study was
its remarkable, almost dramatic improvement in cases of Parkinsonism,
facilitating reduction in one and complete withdrawal of anti-Parkinson’s drug
in the other case. This provides a definite silver lining to the millions of
patients around the world afflicted with many types of Parkinsonism and the
resultant drug-induced dyskinesias and other ADR. The mobility offered after
PaidaLajin was unparalleled and exciting to watch/demonstrate (video graphs).
Surely this workshop has shown that there is a hope and optimism for patients
with Parkinson’s disease. A systematic, large, and long–term study for about 3
years will, I believe, reveal all the benefits that might qualitatively improve
their lives.
7. The final take-home message of PaidaLajin workshop was indeed, that
it virtually doubled the ENERGY LEVELS of all the participants (100%), both
individually and as a “mass effect.” It gave optimism and hope to all the
persons involved with the idea of health taking precedence over disease,
self-healing taking lead over seeking medication, and fear of the
unknown/imaginary risks giving way to self-confidence in simple methods of
Clinical report of two Parkinson’s patients during and after
Indian workshop (2015)
By TAG-VHS Diabetes Research Centre, Chennai, India
1. ID: 3975 – (Marks: 5/10)
This 58 years old man with H/o. Parkinsonism under treatment came to
our center recently for initiation of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Energy
Therapy by using BM Pulser. He is a known case of T2DM – 8 years / HTN
– 5 years on medical management. His main complaints are rigidity left upper
limb ++, eye movement upward gaze present, downward gaze absent, and
tends to lean on the left side. He also had aphonia (barely audible voice). He is
on Tab. Syndopa plus 100/25 4 times a day. He completed the 5-day course.
His rigidity reduced significantly and blood sugar was well under control
without OHA. He could phonate audibly. His anti-Parkinsonism drug dosage
was reduced by 50% and anti-BP medicines were stopped for the time being.
He is following the PaidaLajin self-healing therapy at home, and feels
improvement in rigidity and sugars were also well controlled without OHA.
2. ID: 1653 – (Marks: 9/10)
This 73-year-old man is our TAG VHS DRC-registered patient for the last
2½ years. He is a known case of Parkinsonism - 7 years, on medical
management (Tab. Syndopa plus 125 mg 5 times a day) + Pulsed
Electromagnetic Field Energy Therapy by using BM Pulser. He showed
only slight improvement. Sometimes he was not able to walk, had slurred
speech on and off and was not able to turn quickly. He participated in the 5-day
clinical workshop. Every day he showed significant improvement. At the
end of 5 days, his speech was clear, he was able to walk without support,
with supple limbs and he exhibited all-round improvement in his physical
condition. This case was truly remarkable as the PaidaLajin therapy
facilitated drug withdrawal completely. To the best of our knowledge, in
medical literature, no other non-drug therapy has been known to facilitate
complete drug withdrawal for an established case of Parkinsonism of a
long duration!!
He is following PaidaLajin self-healing therapy at home, and feels
remarkable improvement in gait and walk.
The following are The Hindu report and pictures of improvement in a
Parkinson’s patient before and after Paida:![]()
THE Hindu (paper version) – Slapping illness away
Before Paida, the patient could only take very small steps due to stiff legs.![]()
Much better arm and leg movements after Paida![]()
After being slapped on the inner elbows, he was able to make big strides and walk up the stairs without being supported.![]()
As the Internet and smart wearable devices become increasingly popular,
it will be more and more convenient to obtain personal health data. In the
future, “big data” from more PaidaLajin doers will attest to the healing effects
of PaidaLajin. It will be a new era. I call it “the era of self-healing"
Chapter VI Testimonials (Click Here)
Reasons for better effect at the workshop
Since PaidaLajin is so simple and effective, I initially assumed that by
referring to my books, videos, and websites, everyone would be able to practice
it and self-heal. However, few people are disciplined enough to persist in
intensive and persistent practice. Therefore, we have resorted to organizing
PaidaLajin self-healing workshops. And we have been receiving enthusiastic
responses from all over. We held the first workshop in Beijing on November 6,
2010. We have organized several hundred workshops in Beijing, Shanghai,
Shenzhen, and other cities in the Chinese mainland, as well as in Hong Kong,
Macau, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany, Switzerland,
Bulgaria, Holland, Australia, Canada, the U.S., South Africa, and other
countries and territories in the world. Thousands of people have attended and
greatly benefited from the workshops. It is expected that such workshops will
be conducted at many other places in the future.
Prior to the workshops, although PaidaLajin had been proven effective in
self-healing numerous illnesses, many people questioned its effectiveness.
Because the self-healing testimonials came from all corners of the world, we
were accused of announcing only the successful ones. Voices of doubt persisted
after we published the effective improvement rates of various diseases through
PaidaLajin at the workshops.
We welcome experts and medical institutions to come to our workshops to
perform tests, take measurements, and record observations using general
acknowledged indicators, methods, and devices of their preference.
Even using the most conservative statistics, the effective rates of
PaidaLajin in resolving various health problems during workshops exceed 80%.
The most prominent effect is the relief of such common illnesses as insomnia,
diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, knee pain, frozen shoulder, neck stiffness
and pain, lower back and leg pains, prostate disorders, and gynecological
disorders. Almost all workshop participants have several illnesses, or “complex
diseases (disorders),” and there is hardly anyone who has experienced no
Some people, before attending a workshop, had been practicing
PaidaLajin for over half a year, along with other treatments such as medication,
surgery, massage, acupressure, acupuncture, bone setting, or skin-scraping
However, they made far greater improvements at the workshop.
Why is it so? My preliminary conclusions are:
1. PaidaLajin may appear simple, but the core concept of “change from
the Heart” is of prime importance. Confidence, determination, perseverance,
patience, repentance, and gratitude come from the Heart. The power of the
Heart is the greatest, and it is a decisive factor in self-healing. Once “change
from the Heart” happens, the two simple exercises of slapping and stretching
will reap both physical and psychological benefits. Workshop participants are
taught the principles of “nursing the Heart” by coaches, and are encouraged to
implement and feel them during all workshop activities. The coaches will assist
and guide them whenever problems arise.
The principles of “nursing the Heart” are not just theories. They go
beyond words, and need to be personally experienced to be truly mastered and
appreciated. The Art of Healing has always been passed down from master to
disciple on a one-to-one basis. And this is precisely the true significance of the
2. PaidaLajin at home cannot compare with PaidaLajin at a workshop in
terms of duration and intensity. Workshop activities are conducted in an
environment isolated from the outside world, thus enabling participants to fully
concentrate. PaidaLajin is practiced at least 4–5 hours a day using the “carpet
bombing” strategy with no body part spared. This is certainly unachievable in
the home environment. The disparity in intensity is even greater. Some
participants have found that the effect of a 10-minute Paida in the workshop is
better than a one-hour Paida at home. The same goes for Lajin. This is
especially true for men, most of who are afraid of pain and normally do not use
heavy Paida on themselves.
3. In addition to making available a vegetarian diet and encouraging less
food intake, the workshop program also includes fasting, meditation,
meditative jogging, experience sharing, and more. When practiced following
the principles of “nursing the Heart,” each of these activities produces unique
benefits. When combined with PaidaLajin, the healing effect is even more
satisfying. Such resources and atmosphere can be hardly found in the home
4. The use of Lajin benches and the proper way of using them greatly
enhances the healing effect. Moreover, Lajin is practiced several times a day
during the workshop, thus enhancing its effect.
Doing Lajin using chairs put together against a wall or a doorframe is only
a temporary substitute. In order to gain better healing effects, it is a must to do
Lajin on a proper Lajin bench. This is especially true for those with chronic or
critical illnesses. And for anyone using a Lajin bench, if the raised leg is not
strapped tightly against the pole or the lowered leg is not weighed down with
sandbags, the healing effect is also much discounted.
5. The positive atmosphere (dubbed as “Qi field”) created during the
workshop is unimaginable to those practicing PaidaLajin at home. Practicing
PaidaLajin in a large group creates a very encouraging resonance effect.
Laypersons, experienced doctors, and health specialists are treated equally at
the workshop. Peer pressure and mutual motivation drive participants to put in
genuine efforts for maximum effect. By witnessing improvements in fellow
participants, you are inspired to persevere with longer duration and higher
With many people practicing intensive PaidaLajin together, one can
experience and/or witness inspiring self-healing miracles every day. For
instance, a patient with leg pain could walk without crutches and even run; a
patient deaf for decades could hear sounds again; diabetic or hypertensive
patients gradually normalize their blood glucose or blood pressure levels
without the medication or insulin injections that have been part of their daily
life for years. All these facts prompt the dubious to change their mind.
Naturally, their healing effect will take a turn for the better.
6. Healing reactions are better comprehended and managed at a workshop.
Normally, the healing effects of PaidaLajin may first appear as healing
reactions; in addition to such discomforts as pain, numbness, soreness and
swelling sensation, old injuries and illnesses may surface or even worsen,
leading to rashes, insomnia, itchiness, nausea, vomiting, coughing, dizziness,
irregular heartbeat, chest tightness, and even loud crying.
If these reactions occur at home, people may have no idea how to cope
and stop PaidaLajin. They may even go to the hospital immediately. By
contrast, through learning and observation of healing reaction management in
the workshop, participants will come to appreciate that such reactions are signs
of good efficacy and recovery. And they learn to relieve healing reactions by
slapping on the inner elbows, Neiguan acupoint, etc. This will further boost
their confidence in self-healing with PaidaLajin.
7. The toxic side effects of drugs are greatly reduced during the workshop.
Doctors of Chinese and Western medicine know that medication has toxic side
effects. And there are even specific terms in Western medicine: drug-induced
and iatrogenic diseases, or new diseases as a result of medication, surgery,
chemotherapy, and other treatments. At our self-healing workshop, many
participants voluntarily reduce the dosage or stop medication, including their
daily medication for pains, insomnia, diabetes, heart disease, abnormal blood
pressure levels, etc. This reduces the risks of having drug-induced diseases.
Note: PaidaLajin is not a medical therapy. What is taught at the workshop
are simple methods for maintaining good health. The participants’ use of
medication is at their own discretion or according to doctor’s advice.
8. In addition to the usual self-help Paida, there are mutual Paida sessions.
It is difficult for the elderly and the gravely ill to slap themselves for a long
time. Moreover, some body parts such as the head, shoulders, armpits, back,
the back of the knees, and feet are difficult to reach and use heavy Paida, and it
would be more effective if another person helps to do Paida. Immersed in the
lively and high-spirited atmosphere of mutual Paida, participants are inspired
to be more caring and positive, thus enabling better physical and spiritual
interaction. This is in line with the philosophy of “nursing the Heart” and using
external measures to clear meridians and to self-heal.
9. Everyone at the workshop contributes to the positive energy field, and
an active learning environment. In this energy field, participants engage in
experiential learning more readily. Without experiencing it for themselves, the
self-healing philosophy will remain a theory only.
The mode of thinking and activities at a workshop is almost the exact
opposite of those at home: people tend to eat and drink a lot at home, they eat
less and fast at the workshop; people tend to eat much meat at home, they are
offered vegetarian diet at the workshop; many people who practice PaidaLajin
at home do it gently, they do it diligently, intensively, and for long sessions at
the workshop; people tend to avoid pain and discomforts in their daily life, they
voluntarily experience the pain of PaidaLajin at the workshop; many people
stay up late at night and get up late in the day, they sleep and get up early at the
workshop. Most importantly, when people get sick, they tend to rely on doctors
and medicine; at the workshop, they self-heal diseases by activating and
enhancing their innate self-healing power. In a word, the habits and state of
mind are totally changed at the workshop.
(Post-) workshop reports
PaidaLajin self-healing method helps maintain good health and heal
illnesses. Its focus should not be on healing diseases.
Are the self-healing effects at the workshop temporary or can they last
long? In the home environment, where people cannot practice PaidaLajin for
so long and at such an intensity, will the diseases rebound? After stopping
medication, will the health condition get better or worse? These are the most
frequently asked questions.
Why put aside everything to attend an enclosed workshop for seven days
or even longer? Because the goal is not only to heal the existing illnesses, but
also to change your mindset and habits. Otherwise, despite witnessing
PaidaLajin’s efficacy during a workshop, people often return to old mindset
and habits back home. Fortunately, the majority of people make genuine
lifestyle changes after attending the workshop.
Effective rates of PaidaLajin on patients with diabetes and
hypertension (2010)
The second 7-day PaidaLajin self-healing workshop in Beijing was held
November 17–23, 2010. Of the participants, 6 were diabetic, and 13 had
abnormal blood pressure levels. All of them voluntarily stopped medication and
insulin injections, and the effective rate of PaidaLajin was 100%; all of them
had improved their health conditions by the end of the workshop. One
participant’s blood pressure rose instead of falling. This was desirable because
he came to the workshop with low blood pressure, and the result of PaidaLajin
was to normalize it.
Statistics of the effect of PaidaLajin on diabetic patients
Improvements were seen in each of the six participants with high blood
glucose levels. At the beginning of the workshop, those who used to take
hypoglycemic agents voluntarily stopped medication and insulin injections.
During the workshop, participants did morning jogging, practiced PaidaLajin
for 4–5 hours a day, fasted for three days, and drank ginger and jujube tea with
brown sugar in it.
Blood Glucose Levels Before & After PaidaLajin
Statistics on the effect of PaidaLajin on hypertensive patients
Checkup results at the end of the workshop (on the morning of
November 23, 2010): Of the 13 participants with abnormal blood pressure levels, hypertension in 12 participants was lowered, and hypotension in one participant rose to normal.
Blood Pressure Levels Before & After PaidaLajin
Post-workshop survey report (2011)
In August 2011, we conducted post-workshop surveys (telephone
interviews with participants of previous workshops held in the Chinese
mainland) and the results are reported here.
1. Sample size: total number of interviewees
Of 418 participants, which included those who had attended the workshop
more than once, 285 agreed to participate in the survey. This represents 68% of
the participants. Of these interviewees, 97 (34%) were male and 188 (66%)
were female.
The remaining 133 participants were not successfully interviewed due to
one or several of the following reasons:
• Some overseas participants could not be reached by phone.
• Contact information given was ineffective.
• Calls were not answered.
2. Summary
(1) Continued PaidaLajin practice
Of the 285 participants successfully interviewed, 243 (85%) of them
continued PaidaLajin. The remaining 42 participants (15%) did not, due to one
or several of the following reasons:
• Too busy, lack of time
• Did not feel unwell
• Laziness
• Intolerant of pain
• Switched to other treatments
• Objection from family
• Insignificant effects
(2) Medication taken by those who continued PaidaLajin
Of those 243 who continued PaidaLajin, 226 of them (93%) stopped
medication altogether, while 17 (7%) continued to take medicine. The reasons
cited for continuing the medication are as follows:
• “I’m worried that my disease(s) cannot be healed with just
PaidaLajin” (cited by the elderly and those with critical diseases).
• “My doctor asked me to continue medication.”
• “PaidaLajin, combined with medication, can help better
improve my condition.
(3) Health condition of those who stopped medication and continued
Of those 226 who stopped taking medicine and continued PaidaLajin, 134
(59%) reported excellent health; 76 participants (34%) saw visible
improvements, while the remaining 16 (7%) reported to have maintained the
same health condition as when they were under medication, and that stopping
medication caused no adverse effects.
Those who enjoyed excellent health not only practiced PaidaLajin nearly
every day but also continued to jog; and the more often they practiced, the
greater improvements they made.
(4) Self-healing effect for different diseases
We further analyzed the survey data to look at three diseases that had
shown most prominent and measurable effects: sciatica (lower back and leg
pains), diabetes, and hypertension.
a. Sciatica
Ninety-three participants (33% of the 285 people interviewed) suffered
from sciatica, and 91 (98%) reported significant self-healing effects, and only
two (2%) reported inconsistent results.
b. Diabetes
Of the 14 diabetics (5% of the 285 people interviewed), 12 (86%) reported
significant self-healing effects, and only two (14%) cited inconsistent results.
c. Hypertension
Of the 34 participants with hypertension (12% of the 285 people
interviewed), 30 (88%) reported significant self-healing effects. Four
interviewees (12%) cited inconsistent results and inconclusive effect. (Note: All
four of them practiced PaidaLajin only occasionally, and intermittently took
medicine as well.)
A preliminary report on PaidaLajin clinical research workshop
By TAG-VHS Diabetes Research Centre, Chennai, India
The following is an excerpt of the report. To download the full report,
go to Classroom – Downloads at our English website
1. A unique clinical research workshop on the Chinese self-healing
method termed “PaidaLajin” promoted by Master Hongchi Xiao, was
conducted under continuous strict medical supervision and detailed
computerized/video graphed data recording at TAG VHS Diabetics Research
Centre, Chennai, India from 9th to 13th March 2015.
2. A total of 25 participants were registered for the 5-day program, a
bridge from the full course of 7 days advocated by Master Hongchi Xiao (due
to logistic reasons). He conducted this personally along with his assistants and
Indian colleague Mr. Parag Samel. The entire program started at 7 a.m. daily
and lasted for almost 10 to 11 hrs. daily with a short break for breakfast &
lunch. The entire program was given free of cost to all the participants. About
10 of them were in-patients, while the rest came as outpatients. All of them
were fully screened medically; their cases documented and after detailed
counseling sessions, their informed consent for the entire procedure including
photography, was obtained from all the participants. Five out of the 25
registered participants dropped out from the workshop due to compelling
personal reasons; we have the entire data of progress for the 20 persons who
completed the program successfully.
Conclusions & Take-Home Message
While this abridged PaidaLajin workshop done under near-perfect
conditions revealed that though it is not a Panacea for all illnesses, it could
nevertheless prove to be a veritable blessing to prevent illness and promote
good health, enthusiasm and energy to every individual practicing this
self-healing method diligently, with faith and trust in the WISDOM OF THE
FORCE (GOD!). The following are several take-home messages from the
1. Type 2 Diabetes responds very well to PaidaLajin therapy in the
holistic workshop setting. This is not surprising as it involves a very strict diet
regime, fasting, and control of mind and through shot/effective sessions of
medications. A dedicated and motivated ex-soldier normalized his established
diabetes without any of the medications he was taking previously during this
short span of five days and remains in excellent health more than a week after
leaving the workshop. This definitely raises hope for newly/recently (< 1 year)
detected Type 2 Diabetes to try out this regime for at least 3–6 months, and
there is promise that all cases of IGT and many cases of overt asymptomatic
Type 2 Diabetes could use this modality as the first choice with benefit.
2. Type 1 Diabetes (Juvenile Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) which
is the more severe, insulinopenic form, occurring in children and young
adolescents, also recorded improvement in their clinical condition over the
5-day period of the workshop; however during the healing crisis (healing
reactions) and fasting when their blood sugars went up, they needed medical
support in the form of calories, fluid & small doses of rapid acting insulin to
prevent ketoacidosis; but it was not alarming and all of them recovered and
completed the full course with renewed energy and needing approximately half
of their original requirement of insulin. A longer period of observation (6
months) is underway which may provide more answers.
3. Hypertension was not an issue at all during the entire duration for any
of those patients who were on varying doses of anti-hypertensive medication.
After 1 week of returning to home, only 1 out of 10 persons who were taking
medication required half of the original dose and even this needs review and
revision with continuation of therapy.
4. There were 4 persons with varying labels of coronary artery
disease/Ischemic heart disease; but none of them had any problem during the
strenuous workshop. It is too short a period to assess the impact of PaidaLajin
on heart disease. We need to study a much larger sample over a longer period to
assess the full benefits claimed for this condition.
5. A host of minor and chronic illnesses like knee pains (OA), hip pains
(OA), low back ache, periarthritis of shoulders, degenerative painful diseases
of the spine (spondylitis), disc bulges etc. were treated with ease and assurance
with remarkably high percentage of success (98%).
6. The true discovery and revaluation of PaidaLajin during this study was
its remarkable, almost dramatic improvement in cases of Parkinsonism,
facilitating reduction in one and complete withdrawal of anti-Parkinson’s drug
in the other case. This provides a definite silver lining to the millions of
patients around the world afflicted with many types of Parkinsonism and the
resultant drug-induced dyskinesias and other ADR. The mobility offered after
PaidaLajin was unparalleled and exciting to watch/demonstrate (video graphs).
Surely this workshop has shown that there is a hope and optimism for patients
with Parkinson’s disease. A systematic, large, and long–term study for about 3
years will, I believe, reveal all the benefits that might qualitatively improve
their lives.
7. The final take-home message of PaidaLajin workshop was indeed, that
it virtually doubled the ENERGY LEVELS of all the participants (100%), both
individually and as a “mass effect.” It gave optimism and hope to all the
persons involved with the idea of health taking precedence over disease,
self-healing taking lead over seeking medication, and fear of the
unknown/imaginary risks giving way to self-confidence in simple methods of
Clinical report of two Parkinson’s patients during and after
Indian workshop (2015)
By TAG-VHS Diabetes Research Centre, Chennai, India
1. ID: 3975 – (Marks: 5/10)
This 58 years old man with H/o. Parkinsonism under treatment came to
our center recently for initiation of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Energy
Therapy by using BM Pulser. He is a known case of T2DM – 8 years / HTN
– 5 years on medical management. His main complaints are rigidity left upper
limb ++, eye movement upward gaze present, downward gaze absent, and
tends to lean on the left side. He also had aphonia (barely audible voice). He is
on Tab. Syndopa plus 100/25 4 times a day. He completed the 5-day course.
His rigidity reduced significantly and blood sugar was well under control
without OHA. He could phonate audibly. His anti-Parkinsonism drug dosage
was reduced by 50% and anti-BP medicines were stopped for the time being.
He is following the PaidaLajin self-healing therapy at home, and feels
improvement in rigidity and sugars were also well controlled without OHA.
2. ID: 1653 – (Marks: 9/10)
This 73-year-old man is our TAG VHS DRC-registered patient for the last
2½ years. He is a known case of Parkinsonism - 7 years, on medical
management (Tab. Syndopa plus 125 mg 5 times a day) + Pulsed
Electromagnetic Field Energy Therapy by using BM Pulser. He showed
only slight improvement. Sometimes he was not able to walk, had slurred
speech on and off and was not able to turn quickly. He participated in the 5-day
clinical workshop. Every day he showed significant improvement. At the
end of 5 days, his speech was clear, he was able to walk without support,
with supple limbs and he exhibited all-round improvement in his physical
condition. This case was truly remarkable as the PaidaLajin therapy
facilitated drug withdrawal completely. To the best of our knowledge, in
medical literature, no other non-drug therapy has been known to facilitate
complete drug withdrawal for an established case of Parkinsonism of a
long duration!!
He is following PaidaLajin self-healing therapy at home, and feels
remarkable improvement in gait and walk.
The following are The Hindu report and pictures of improvement in a
Parkinson’s patient before and after Paida:
THE Hindu (paper version) – Slapping illness away
Before Paida, the patient could only take very small steps due to stiff legs.
Much better arm and leg movements after Paida
After being slapped on the inner elbows, he was able to make big strides and walk up the stairs without being supported.
As the Internet and smart wearable devices become increasingly popular,
it will be more and more convenient to obtain personal health data. In the
future, “big data” from more PaidaLajin doers will attest to the healing effects
of PaidaLajin. It will be a new era. I call it “the era of self-healing"
Chapter VI Testimonials (Click Here)
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